MC: LaPonte (36 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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"No." I make my way to the
garage keying in the code and putting my thumb on the panel. Rob
follows me out. "Let Patches know I had to leave." The wall slides.
"I go to the gun safe and pull a holster and two guns. I pull my
sneakers and pants off and slide into some cargos filling the
pockets with clips. I pull my boots, a long sleeved t-shirt, my
vest, and the holster clipping the gun in. Pulling the tarp off the
Ducati I grab my jacket. Rob pushes the bike to the front of the
garage. I put my jacket and helmet on. I hit the panel and climb
on. I nod to Rob and start the bike up. Tiny pokes his head out
giving me a thumbs up. I make it to Security before Steve. Taking
the steps two at a time I push through the door running to the
surveillance room.

"Anything yet Digs?" I ask
pulling off my helmet. He looks twice.

"They're doing ok. Got
four bikes following. You got Bluetooth?"

"Yeah. Hook me up with you
and Steve." I tell him walking out. I hear Steve coming down the
road. I make it out as he's pulling in. Security bikes are coming
from the back of the building. I throw my leg over and pull my
helmet on. Digs is telling Steve I'm hooked into them. I nod and
follow him out. He's a fuckin maniac on the bike. We're doing 85
going down Main Road. Four bikes are waiting at the ramp, that's
six with us. We fly by them. "Talk to me Digs." Steve

"Casper just got in; I was
telling him what's happening." Digs tells him.

"I'm on Knight. You got
twenty miles to make. The old ladies are doing fine. Bikes are just
following right now. If they move it will be to force an exit, they
have nowhere to go right now. You need to make that twenty fast."
Casper says. Steve lays it out. I stay to his left doing

"We got a state trooper up
ahead. Digs is calling in." Fuck. We slow to 110. "Go Knight." We
push it back up to 125. "Security was just picked up. They're
heading to Doc." Thank fuck, they're alive. We ride for what seems
like forever. "Take the next exit and follow it around to the on
ramp." Casper tells us.

I see Jess' suv and the
bikers up ahead traveling toward us. We exit and loop around.
Fuckin Steve whips around against the light and almost gets hit.
"Ain't no fuckin use to them dead Brother." I tell him.

"Give them thirty seconds
Knight. You need to be behind them. I unzip my jacket and roll with
the light. When I hit the ramp I pull my gun and pull up so Steve's
on my right. Jess passes us Steve keeps steady.

As soon as the one
percenters pass he speeds up. "Security is behind us, have Jess
speed up to 70." He tells Casper. The suv speeds up. "Security,
slow it down."

"They got it Knight.
You're coming to a curve, no view from behind." Casper says.
"Trucks pulling up behind you."

"Give us room. They ain't
pullin this shit ever-a-fuckin-gain." Steve tells him.

I smile. "Fuckin

"Fuck!" Casper says. "Pres
they're takin them down."

"Shut the fuck up Casper."
He looks behind us. "Don't want them forgettin this Danny. Let them
slide then we'll put them down." He looks at me, I nod. "Tell Jess
to speed up now!"

The fuckin morons just
notice they're alone on the fuckin highway. One moves to the left
with a gun aimed at the suv. I hit his back tire and he slides left
laying it down on himself. Steve laughs. He hits a tire on the
right. "Fuck, hit the other side of the fuckin tire!"

He fuckin laughs. "Just
keepin you on your toes Brother." I swerve around the screaming one

"Fuckin VP."

"Not use to a partner
Brother." He hits the right when I hit the left. They fall to the
sides sliding. "Like splittin butter with a hot knife." He says. I

"If you’re done fuckin
playing around, the truck's got the first two. Pushed the bikes
down the hill. They're fuckin pissed, there's blood

"Won't be doing this again
will they?" Steve says. "Tell Jess to slow down." She does. I put
my gun back in the holster and zip up my jacket. "As soon as the
trucks movin again get security out of there."

"It's taking a minute
because the fuckin guys slid doing seventy." Casper says. He's

"Four fuckin bikers take
down two of your fuckin Brothers then surround and follow your
fuckin old lady and kid, you tell me to ask them to please pull
over. That's how I'll fuckin handle it. When it's my old lady, I'm
makin sure before they breathe their last they feel the worst
fuckin pain I can give them from the back of a fuckin bike. I don't
clear my actions through you. Your job is to relay information and
clear my fuckin path." Fuck he's pissed.

"You're right, sorry VP."
Casper says.

"Brother, your woman is
fine, calm and appreciating you for clearing her a safe path." Ben
sounds worried.

"Pres, it's good for the
first fuckin time, I didn't go red. Been clear the whole fuckin
time. Did what we needed to and are traveling the speed limit back.
Took all of seven fuckin minutes. I hear another fuckin word about
blood I'm goin red. Clean up is in a fuckin truck. Tell them to
hose it the fuck down. They can't hack it, got two more that are
waitin for the fuckin chance to hose down blood."

Ben is fuckin laughing.
"What the fuck happened with fuckin blood Brother?" He's still

"Play the audio back."
Steve tells him.

I sit back and enjoy the
ride. I can't see my girl and kids but I know they're safe in the
suv I'm following.

"Nice ride, when'd you get

"Had it a couple years
now. Keep it hidden in the safe room. Nice change from the low
rider." I tell him.

"You order the pizza?" He
asks me.

I crack up. "No VP, I got
sidetracked before I placed the order. Maybe Tiny or Rob ordered
for us." I'm still chuckling.

"Digs you on?" He asks. I
crack up again. Apparently he's hungry.

"I'm here

"Find out if Tiny ordered
the pizzas." He tells him.

"My fuckin face is killing
me from laughing." I tell him.

"Stop fuckin

"Fuck! Bikes going under
the overpass at the next on ramp. We're not done." Dig’s

"Digs get Pres back on."
Steve says.

"Brother. I see seven just
making the turn. Security, split then slow down. VP I'm slowing
Jess down to exit. Move closer before she turns, then go through
them once she's on the exit." Ben tells us.

"Yeah Pres tell her no
lights. Have two follow her down and wait for us." He

"She's got it. They're all
on the ramp."

"Now Brother." We speed
up. The last two bikes take aim. I rapid fire and turn back to the

"I'm dropping back so I
can get on your left." I tell him he nods. "They got a fuckin
chain. Seriously?" I shoot the two holding chain. VP laughs.
"That's just fuckin wrong. I'm over this VP." We swerve around the

"Start on the tires." He
tells me. Slowing down I hit the tire and watch him slide. VP hits
the last two. "Didn't take long." We slow and turn around going
back to the exit Jess got off on. "Security let it go. Clean up,
pass them the fuck by."

Jess is in a parking lot
of a pizza place. I put my hand under the helmet but I can't hold
my eye from there. I'm trying not to laugh.

"Tell her to follow me,
I'm in blue today." Steve says pulling out. I follow with security
on my right I nod to him. A Security bike is on Jess' left. "We'll
stay back roads. Keep it clear Digs."

"Brother, I don't think
you're done. Nothing's showing but it doesn't feel right." Ben

"Same thoughts here Pres."
Steve says as shots are fired from behind us.

"Fuck, on a fuckin busy
road?" I say forgetting the Bluetooth. Return fire and a crash
behind sends a fuckin chill up my spine.

"Security cleared your
back LaPonte." Pres tells me. I hear the bikes coming from the
right. "On your right, they're coming fast. Security, block the
intersection so she can pass through." Bikes move in front of us
stopping traffic. I shoot going through the

Horns and yelling don't
stop Jess, she barrels on. "Good girl sis." I'm proud of my little

"Bikes are behind closing
in, you got four." Dig’s tells me. Fuck.

"Security move with the
suv. VP, get her clear." I slow and turn heading back. I'm aimed
and ready when a bike comes at me from the side.

VP takes him out I hit the
one in front of me. "Fuckin crazy ass motherfuckers. Innocents all
over the fuckin place." I hit the guy on the left. He hits a car
going in the other direction. Fuck!

"Get her back on the
highway Security." VP says, his voice sounding flat. Fuck no more
playing around. I follow him turning and race back to Jess around
the corner.

A fuckin truck is stopped
in the road. I shoot around Jess on the left. Security is already
on it. Two go down. Fuckin guy stands in the bed with a rifle on
Jess. We both hit him, his shot goes wide. "Thank Fuck!"

"You're clear from behind
two Security are following at a half a mile back. Brothers are on
their way, the first will be at the ramp in three minutes." It’s
going to be a long fuckin three minutes.

"Roger that." VP says.
He's lost in the commando mode I've heard about. "Brother only two
left turns until the ramp, stay with her. Security, clear a path.”
The bikes race to the intersections one at each stopping traffic so
we can pass.

We pass and they take the
ramp. Two Brothers are waiting. Thank fuck. "Brothers are at the
last two ramps waiting VP." Ben says.

Luke and Brad pull in
behind us. I hear the screech of tires and a crash behind me. Jess
speeds up. Me and VP follow. "Brothers down. Security, clear that
fuckin truck. Brothers are coming from behind. They have no
communication." Brothers move up with us. Jess is doing 85. "Fuckin
shots at the next exit. She's going to blow by it. Brothers got you
covered." Holy Fuck he's right it's like the fuckin OK Corral on
the ramp.

"Something on the
overpass?" I ask VP.

"Fuck, slow her the fuck
down!" He yells. I sign for them to slow behind me. She slows
causing Brothers to swerve.

Steve speeds up and aims.
I follow, I'm aimed waiting. "Now Brother." We shoot but not soon
enough. He gets a shot off. I slow and turn back to the suv seeing
it go out of control. She hits the guardrail hard enough that the
suv's back tires lift off the ground. "FUCK!" Everyone yells. We
race back. Brothers are pulling doors open.

"They're ok." Pres tells
us. I jump off and take a crying Ally from Jared. "You're
surrounded by Security and Brothers. I need you on in case of more

"Got it Pres. I say
hitting the button on helmet so the lens lifts." I walk to Kate.
She's pulling Devan out. Tiny's got Alex. "Where's

"Got her Brother." VP

"Dave is on his way with a
vehicle. Kids are up at the club. The kids good

"Yeah." We say

"Thank Christ. I didn't
hear any crying." I can hear relief in his voice.

Ally looks at me, "Daddy
you came." The Brothers laugh.

"I did beautiful. Always
take care of my girls." I tell her hugging Kate and touching my
boys head.

I look for Alex and trade
with Tiny. "I knew you'd come." He says with that thick throaty
sound he has.

I touch his head.
"Always." Jess comes around the truck VP has Elizabeth. I hug Jess
and touch Elizabeth's head. "Glad you're all safe."

"Brothers suburban’s
coming up on you." I freeze looking at VP. We pull our guns and
spin around to look. "It's ours. Have the brothers move seats so we
can get them out of here fast." I take a deep breath and put the
gun in my holster then tell Tiny while VP is bitching at Pres for
giving him a heart attack. Tiny gets the seats out and has the
Brothers waiting. Security lets the truck through. Everyone is
packed in, Dave is driving, "salvage is two minutes out, they got
the Brothers bikes and they’ll pick up the suv." I nod throwing my
leg over and flipping the lens down. I change clips and check my
spare. I wonder where the fuckin the cops are. We should have seen
something by now. Something's not right.

VP checks his guns and
nods to me. We follow Dave with Security pulling in front of us.
Brothers are behind. The three miles to the exit goes quick. Coming
off the ramp Security in front of us is fuckin shooting again. I'm
aiming before I even get to the bottom of the fuckin

Dave turns the other way
with half Security and half the Brothers following. "Fuckin Sunday
drivers are turning and blocking roads. Stay with the fuckin suv.
Clear them a path to the club."

I spin the fuck around and
gun it around Dave hitting everything aiming at me. I switch guns
at a long block and start again. Every fuckin cross road is firing
at us. Again, where are the fuckin cops? We hit the hill up to the
Club. I change to my last fuckin clip. I'm fuckin pissed. "I need
more clips."

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