MC: LaPonte (32 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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"Please Danny." She begs.
Fuck my dick jerks in her ass.

I stop teasing her and
slide it in. "The fuckin vibration makes my dick harder K. I need
hard and fast baby I'm not going fuckin make it." I pull out almost
all the way and slide my hand around to her lower stomach. She
moans when I hit the spot. Holding just under her tit with my other
hand I slam into her like a piston. My fuckin brain doesn't want to
stop. She cries out a fuck and I feel her come again. Fuck my balls
draw up and I know it won't be long. Sliding my hand down I catch
her clit and circle it while slamming into her ass. Fuckin hell, I
cuffed her hands. She can't help me. Slowing down I move my fingers
over her tit and gently pinch the nipple. She's mewling again I
roll my hips and she moans. I keep the pace and roll my hips until
she's pushing back. I start slamming her all over again feeling it
down my back and into my balls fuck. She screams and I moan out a
fuck. Thank fuckin Christ she went with me. I hold her up and get
the cuffs off her. Fuck. I'm sucking in air trying to remember what
to do for my Beautiful K. Sliding my hand down her body I pull the
vibrator and lean her back on me. "Fuck baby that felt so good,
thank you." She moans. I look down. "You're fuckin wiped K." I say
smiling. I lift her and shuffle on my knees until I can lay her
down right. Dealing with the rubber I clean her up dropping a kiss
on her lips. I get the cuffs off the bed and clean everything up,
she hasn't moved. Pulling the patch off, I'm smiling as I climb
into bed and she burrows over to me putting her face on my chest.
Fuckin K. "Love you baby, happy New Year." She moans.

Chapter Thirty Four

One week...

Kids are back in school
Ben got the adoption papers so we get the twins enrolled. Today is
their first day. Little Ben and Jessie meet us at the office with
Ben. He had to change contact information for Jessie. He put me and
Kate on the list. The twins are nervous, Darren and Little Ben hold
Ally's hand while Jessie and Victor hold Alex's. The receptionist
tells them they can go to class, Little Ben looks at Jessie. "We
need to see where their classroom is and they need to know where
ours is." Jessie tells her. She looks at me and Ben.

"It's a Brotherhood thing.
They need to watch out for each other." I tell her.

She looks at Ben. "This is
important." He turns so she can see his President patch. "They need
to know this in order to feel calm. The boys can be excused for
however long it takes for that to happen." He tells her in that
voice that dares her to challenge him. I smile watching her face
change with what she’s thinking.

The principal, Dave, comes
in nodding to us. He stops at the twins. "I don't know you two. Who
do you have here Darren?" He signs and says. Darren tells him his
new brother and sister. Ally and Alex sign their names for him. He
shakes their hands and looks at me. "More?" He smiles.

"Hopefully this will be
it. If Pres here stops dropping them at my door." I say low with a
smile. He laughs.

"Is there a problem?" He
looks at the receptionist.

"No, the boys are going to
show them where their classes are and then they’ll see the twin’s
classroom." Ben says.

Dave asks her for two
maps. "We can make them both a map on our way." The kids nod at him
and walk to the door. "Let their teachers know they'll be late." He
says walking out behind them.

"Do you need anything else
from me?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. I follow the kids. Ben
says he's at the Clubhouse with a slap to my back.

We make it around the
whole fuckin school and into the twin’s new class. I talk to the
teacher while the kids meet their new classmates. The boys haven't
let them go yet. I ask Ally to show her teacher her book so he will
know who is ok to pick them up. She shows him signing each person
for him. He asks if he can write the names down she signs ‘no’
pulling another book out for him. I laugh. They know the drill
better than I do. He gets them settled; me and Dave take the boys
to their rooms waving to each teacher. I thank him and get to

Doc said there's water
leaking at Kate's old house. I'm so fuckin glad the kid’s mom is
out of there. Doc shipped her back to Boston as quick as he could.
She signed the papers and left without ever seeing the twins.
Bitch. I put a new washer on the faucet and check the house.
Someone is expected today. I hate having to fix anything while it’s
occupied. Satisfied I head over to the Bakery. Jess wants me to
look at the oven and see if I can add a work table for Mary to
decorate on. Walking in I see Peg with Karen from the Women's
Center behind the counter. What the hell?

"Danny, Karen is our new
worker. She came highly recommended." She smiles at me. I must have
the wrong look on my face so I adjust it to a smile. Fuckin Peg
says so much with so little.

"Hi Karen, good to see you
again." I say hoping for the look Peg wants. She nods with a smile.
I look at Peg. "Jess needs to see me." She tells me to go on

I open the door and laugh.
Jess is blowing through a cloud of flour. Holding my face I grab my
phone and take a picture before it all settles. She smiles at me
with flour covering her, I get another picture. Patches comes in
pulling empty racks. He sees Jess and laughs. "I bought you a box
cutter and scissors for Christmas, did you already lose

She cracks up and points
to the side of the table where they're hanging from hooks not two
feet away from her. "No, I thought I could just open it. The
freakin thing just exploded." I can't help but laugh.

Peg comes in and walks
right back out. "Guess she saw enough." A Prospect comes in looking
around. Patches tells him where the broom is and gets him cleaning
up while he scrapes flour into a clean bucket. "I can come back
Jess why don't you get cleaned up. I'll see you this afternoon."
She nods with a smile. I watch her step back and shake like a dog.
I hold on and laugh walking out the door.

I have some time so I go
to Nancy's shop. "Danny, good to see you.”

"I just got Kate new

She nods, "You should get
her a chain. She's been pierced for a while now she'll love it."
She tells me pointing to all the chains. This is just what I was

I see one with the pale
pink jewel hanging from the center. My dick twitches. Fuck. I pull
it and walk to the counter hiding my dicks reaction like I'm
sixteen. She puts the box in a bag and hands it to me. I thank her
and walk out with a smile. Kate will love this.

I'm walking back to my
truck when my phone goes off. "Get to the fire house on the west
side, Second St." Steve hangs up. Fuck! I fly across town and pull
in while Ben is beating the fuck out of Tracy's guy. The firemen
are surrounding them. I push my way through. They nod to me and
make room. I hear bikes on their way. Ben really is beating the
fuck out of this guy. I don't know how the fucker is standing. I
look around Casper and Tiny push through. The firemen make more
room. What the fuck. Ben lands an upper cut lifting the guy in the
air and he drops to the ground. The firemen trade money laughing. I
go to Ben putting my hand on his shoulder, he swings and I duck.
"Fuck Brother it's me."

He focuses his eyes on me.
"Sorry Brother thought it was his friends."

I look around at the
firemen watching us. "I'd say none of them are here."

A guy I know but can't
place his name comes up with a towel; the only mark on Ben is a
split lip. The guy on the grounds face looks like hamburger.
"Fuckin prick has been spouting off for too fuckin long. He's out
of here now. You did us a favor. Thanks man. Sorry about your old
lady. You need to know he planned it trying to decide whose woman
he'd pick." The fuckin Brothers surround the guy on the ground

"She's willing to leave
her kid on Christmas he can have her. Why's he got it out for the
club?" Ben asks not even breathing heavy. Fuckin Pres.

"He's in with the one
percenters out of Rhode Island. Pisses him off you make money and
are workin clean. Not sure what your old lady knows but the fucker
was looking for information." He tells Ben he'd be happy to tell
him all he knows but they got shit to do. They agree to meet later
at R&R.

I look around; Tracy is
standing to the side with tears running down her face. I walk over
to her. She steps back. "I know you heard. You willing to put your
kid and friends in danger because you won't own up to a fuckin
mistake? They're worth more than your pride at this point." I tell

She stops and looks at me.
"I'll tell you everything, I can't go back though. He may have been
wrong but my decision to leave is the same." She watches for my
reaction. Fuckin bitch.

"Ok. I ain't a fuckin
marriage counselor. I just want to keep my family and friends safe.
Let's get some coffee and you can tell me what he knows." I’m
trying to think of where we can go that has video. "The R&R is
empty at this time; we can sit without anyone bothering

She nods. “I’ll meet you
there. Tell them if anyone else shows I'm walking."

I nod, thank

I walk back to my truck;
the Brothers have the guy at Tiny's truck. I keep going. Casper
walks with me. "Call Rob have him block the back booth, I'm meeting
Tracy there to find out what she told the fucker. If anyone else
shows she's walking out. Get Digs to record and try and keep them
the fuck away. Let Patches know I'm not going to make it for the
kids." I slide in my truck and follow her out. Casper is on his
phone before I turn out of the lot.

Walking in R&R I
smile. Rob took the table out of the back booth. It's upside down
on the floor with a screwdriver on it. Tracy sits in the middle
along the side wall. Rob comes out looking like he's surprised.
"Can we get two coffees?" He nods and goes back behind the counter.
"So what does the one percenter know?"

"Wait until Rob gets our
coffee, I don't want to stop once I get started." She says in her
normal voice. I'm glad she didn't jump to bitch.

"Fair enough." I try to
keep my voice light. Rob comes over with a tray of coffee, cream
and sugar. "Can you leave the tray?" He nods and goes back to the

"He knows Jessie isn't
mine. I didn't tell him the details. He knows the towns on
surveillance. The runs Ben is going on, that Steve is head of
security and ex-military. The building's the MC owns and the gangs
that were taken out. The money Ben makes and how much he has in his
portfolio. That Jess is a money whiz and how much you're worth. I'm
sorry; I saw your paperwork on Jess desk. He knows about Casper and
Geek's money too but Jess has been working your money longer,
there's a huge difference. How much the Bakery makes and what bank
I deposit in. He met me there one day." She stops as if thinking.
Holy fuck Jessie and Jess are going to have to be watched. "The
drug money that everyone spent in the yard and the Women's Center
sheltering. The safe and safe room at the house and the money Ben
keeps in it. I took half, he knows that too. I told him about the
Clubhouse safe and the safe room there. The Salvage yard and the
security there. All the women and what they do. He asked about your
kids. When he asked, I didn't give him any more information than I
had already told him. He knows we went to sign classes and you have
two other boys. I told him about the twins and that Steve shot the
SWAT guy. This morning he asked me where you, Casper, Steve and
Geek worked from. I didn't tell him. I cleared my stuff out of his
house and was going to the station to tell him I was out. It's a
good thing Ben never gave me details. I see how that works out
better for everyone now. I'm sorry if I put anyone in danger. I
didn't realize what he was doing until this morning and then at the
station when his boss was telling Ben."

Holy fuck. "That's a lot
of fuckin information. Thanks for telling me. Can you call if you
remember anything else?" I ask, again trying to keep my voice

"I'd rather not but if I
put your family in danger it's the least I can do." She says

"I have Jessie this
afternoon; do you want me to give him a message?" I ask stalling

"No, he was always Ben and
Little Ben's. Now he's yours too. He was never really mine. I'll
call him again on Friday." She says with no emotion.

"I have no fuckin idea
what to say to that. You're his mother. He loves you."

"Maybe, but he's never
needed me." She says turning and walking away.

Holy fuck! I look at the
ceiling. Then back at her. She walks out without looking back. Rob
comes out from the back. "Steve says to get to

"Thanks for doing this on
short notice Rob. I couldn't think quick enough to go anywhere

"This worked out perfect.
You did good Brother. You need to get to Security. A Prospect is on
his way here. Your kids are guarded and Patches is with them. The
women are covered." He tells me as he rights the table.

"Thanks Brother." I throw
over my shoulder as I'm walking out.

Security is a fucking
madhouse. Casper sees me and points me to a meeting room. Steve,
Ben, Geek and Doc are in a corner talking and Military Security
guys are sitting around the table. Steve sees me and tells the
others. Ben calls me over. "I'm glad you caught her and kept your
head Brother. I don't think I could have sat there without fuckin
hitting her."

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