MC: LaPonte (34 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

BOOK: MC: LaPonte
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I laugh. "I've done this
before, was part of my training. So how many did you

"Hit fuckin twelve but one
was yours. I don't know how you didn't hit mine moving fast on some
of those fuckers. Why did you stop and go back? You still had

"I was taught to never let
the gun empty; you never know what could happen. I leave enough
just in case."

"Let's do it again." He

I laugh and reach in my
bag for more balloons and string. "This time you blow them up. I'll
tie them."

"Fuckin Brother." He does
it and hits 14, I got 19. Not bad for one eye.

It's too fuckin cold. I
get my bike in the garage and get in the truck. Since I never met
with Jess yesterday I drive to the Bakery. Peg smiles when I walk
in. "Hi Peg can I get a big coffee." She makes it just how I like
it and tells me Jess is in the back without the flour this morning.
She has a meeting in thirty with the electric company about the
power we're generating. I smile and walk around leaving five on the
counter. Karen is at the work table with Mary, they look up as I
walk in. Mary smiles telling me Lily called her from school. "She
did?" She's in third grade.

"She told me the Little
Brothers are watching out for her. They stayed with her during
morning recess. Darren set it up with Chad and Brandon. I thought
it was cute at first. When I started thinking about it I think it's
a great idea. With someone always with or watching them they're a
whole lot safer." She smiles.

I smile. "They hashed out
the plan last night. I was amazed with the way they figured out how
to cover each other. It was a fuckin good plan too."

She laughs. "It's a good
plan, Lily told me just in case so I would know who she is with.
I'm glad they have Little Brothers to count on."

I nod and knock on Jess'
door. She looks up with a smile. "Hi my favorite

"Hi Jess, I know you have
a meeting. Do you have a couple of minutes to tell me what you're
looking for?"

"I have about five." It
takes her about five to tell me what she wants.

I grab some paper from the
roll and start drawing it out. Asking Mary what her table needs and
how big it needs to be, I get the drawing finished. I roll some
more paper out and draw another with shelving and rolling racks on
the side and the work table shifted over leaving room for Mary's
table at the side wall. I tape them to the wall letting Mary know
so Jess can look at them. She loves the one with the

Casper calls as I'm
leaving with a fresh coffee. Walking into Security I notice that
while it's not packed like yesterday it's busy. Casper's not in his
office so I go to Steve's with no luck. Turning around I decide
I'll go to the Brother who can see everything. Digs tells me
they're in the second floor meeting room. "Fuck, I need fuckin GPS
to find them." He laughs telling me it can be arraigned.

Walking in I'm not noticed
right away. Geek is talking to Ben, Steve and Casper. Bikes and two
trucks are moving up 95. There's a van behind them but no one knows
if it's with them. "Is it the one percenters?" They look at

"Transport driver thought
so. We won't be sure until Bob calls us back. He peeled from his
detail to double back and see." Geek tells me.

"How far out are they?" I
look at the time. Schools out in twenty minutes.

"Fifteen." Ben says. Fuck.
He answers his phone and nods to Steve.

Steve looks at Casper.
"Vests and weapons on everyone, open the safe room. Geek, get a
text to all Brothers." He looks at me. "Go with Casper get what you
need. You're on a bike up to the school; I'll have it waiting
outside by loading. Keep the kids in a room until Security gets to
you." The power goes out. "Fuck! Move people, the generators will
kick in on the MC buildings."

I run to the safe room
undressing enough to get the vest on, I look for my gun. So fuckin
happy I left this one here, I load it and I grab a holster and a
spare with extra clips. I'm running down to the loading area
stuffing clips in my pockets so I can grab them easy. Three bikes
are waiting when I hit the door. A military guy hands me a hat and
helmet. I jump on the bike and lay it out. Hitting Main Road I see
trucks and bikes everywhere. In front of me a biker with the rival
cut takes aim. Fuck I slow and pull my gun. He hits the ground, I
weave around and aim at the next, he goes down.

Someone pulls up on my
right; I turn my head and gun at the same time seeing Casper. A
bike is coming out the cross road on Casper's side. I lean forward
and shoot. Casper jumps and looks over at me. Relaxing my gun hand
I speed up and turn for the school. Casper stays on my right.
Fuckin bikes are heading away from the school Casper takes out the
first bike. I hit the next and speed up. The third is shooting
every fuckin where. I aim and hit him passing as he slides across
the road. Someone's shooting behind me but I don't stop to

I see the school and aim
the bike for it laying it flat out. Pulling to the front I jump off
running for the door. Alarms are going off, the halls are fuckin
dark and pandemonium. Teachers are moving kids to the

A Little Brother runs to
me yelling. I pull him into a room. "Jessie, Darren and the twins
got put in a green van, Little Ben climbed in with them. He said to
wait for a Big Brother and tell." Fuck!

"Good Job little Brother.
Get to the gym. Cover the rest of the Little Brothers." He runs, I
call Steve giving him the information. Running against the kids I
get back to the bike. Casper is reading his phone. "Looking for a
green van."

"They're headed for Pres'
house." Casper tells me. I get on the bike and fly down the road.
Fuckin one percenters are covering the road. I run like I'm hitting
balloons. I have no fuckin clue if my aim is right. Casper is
keeping me clear on the right.

We make the turn and a
truck is across the road. They open fire, fuck. I turn into an
alley and lay it out until I get to the end turning I stop behind a
building and reload. Casper comes up behind me. He reloads and
checks his phone. I look at mine. Little Ben texts me they are
safe. I show Casper and call Steve. "Little Ben texted they're
safe. Where the fuck are they?"

"Geek shows Pres' house.
We can't get through. The generator is on, cameras show the van but
we didn't see the kids. There are three bikes with them. Clear the
way, I got two bikes a truck and Tiny headed your way."

I tell Casper and turn
around. Keeping my spare gun in my hand I lay it out again. Coming
around the corner we turn right for the truck shooting like it’s a
fuckin video game. We hit everything in our way. Bikes are coming
up on us from the back Casper yells at me to keep going. I switch
guns then lay it out.

Fuckin Pres lives on an
island looking peninsula. I drop the bike at the tree line and run
down the property line to the back. Crossing over I get to the side
of the garage. The van and two bikes are here. I can hear bikes and
gun shots in the distance. Poking my head around I pull back and
take a breath. Gun ready I step out and shoot. Ducking behind Pres'
old truck I wait. They'll be out fuckin quick now. My whole body is
firing on adrenaline I breathe deep. Letting it out I hear
footsteps moving fast coming toward the driveway from the front.
When the guy pulls his gun I move causing him to look back as his
hand raises I shoot. I hear the guys in the house. I turn toward
the door and feel the bullet hit my arm. I raise and shoot. The
bikes are moving closer. Fuck. There still one here and a bike.
Shooting at the drive draws my attention when I look I hear the
house door close and I duck. Fuck. I run to the side of the house
and wait. The guy is yelling for his VP. No one answers. I know as
soon as I move the fuckin guy is going to tag me. Bikes are moving
on the driveway. I hear the van door and step out aiming for the
tires. I get the two front and see Casper closing in on the back.
I'm hit in the back and fall forward my breath whooshes out, my
face hits the cement. Fuck. I fuckin knew it. Casper is still
shooting. Someone falls behind me. I try pulling in breath, getting
on my knees my fuckin back feels like a solid piece of wood. I
can't seem to bend or bow it. I can't get up and can't go back

Bob pulls me up. "You ok
Brother?" I nod trying to move my back to stop the pain. "Geek said
that was the last here. He's not finding the kids though. The safe
room hasn't been opened. They show here on the GPS." He looks

Safe room. Fuckin smart
kids. "I know where they are." I walk to Jessie's shed holding my
arm that's burning like hell and stepping gently so my back doesn't
give out. Pulling the roll door my fucking back radiates pain. I
can see enough to pull the block on the right. The wall opens and
my fuckin kids, Little Ben and Jessie are there with smiles. I fall
on my knees and thank them while hugging them all together. "You
did perfect. Thank you for keeping your heads and staying

Casper comes up and stands
with Bob. Jessie looks at him, "I knew the safe room would come in
handy. Little Ben untied us and when they got out he opened the
door quiet for us. Darren helped with the twins, they were so
scared so he gave them strong to get them safe."

I don't want them to see
guys on the ground out there and I don't know who still has guns. I
hear the Brothers out there working. I hug them again. "Thank you
Little Brothers. You all did a fuckin fine job of looking out for
each other and staying safe." When I can let them go I look at Bob
and Casper. I put my hands out, they pull me up from under my arms.
Ally signs I need to see Doc. I laugh. I ruffle Little Ben's hair
thanking him again. The little fucker throws me chin. Casper and
Bob crack up.

Tiny comes over and says
we can get them to the truck he'll take them to Security. "Fuckin
nice safe room Jessie. I didn't know this was here."

Jessie smiles, "You
weren't supposed to. Only Little Ben and Uncle Danny knew. If
everyone knew we wouldn't have been safe." He looks at me and
throws chin, were all fuckin laughing. I pick up Ally and hug her
tight. My knees buckle and Casper grabs her carrying her in front
of me. Tiny gets Alex. Darren, Jessie and Little Ben walk in front
of us to Tiny's truck.

"You want me in front of
you or behind?" I ask him.

"Steve's got the front
covered. Take the back." He tells me sliding in.

I nod sitting on the
tailgate. "I need a ride to the bike." He drives out the driveway
and I feel every fuckin bump. I know I wouldn’t have been able to
walk it. The Brothers cleared it. Thank Fuck! He stops at the tree
line. I slide my spare in my pocket and climb on the bike. With my
back screaming I follow them out. Two Military escort us to

Ben and Steve come out and
hug their boys telling them what a great job they did. I get my
kids and follow everyone in, barely lifting my feet on the stairs.
Patches has the other kids from the school in a meeting room, he
comes running to us, falls to his knees and hugs all of them.
Jessie and Little Ben throw chin. Ben and Steve smile. I watch and
Darren throws chin to Little Ben. I crack up. "Badass Little
Brothers." Everyone laughs. Patches carries Ally and ushers the
kids into the meeting room so their brothers can see they're

Ben looks at me. "Doc is
two doors down, get your arm checked and get that vest off. You're
fuckin back must be killing you Brother."

I nod and head toward Doc.
"Can someone tell me about Kate and Millie's?"

"All safe Brother." Tiny
says walking behind me. I pull my guns and the extra clips handing
them to Tiny he nods. He'll take care of them.

Doc helps me get my coat,
holster and shirt off. He pulls the Velcro on the vest and my
fuckin back is screaming in protest. "Fuck." Tiny holds my coat so
I can see the fuckin hole going through it. "Shit, I need a new
coat. If Kate sees that she'll fuckin rip me a new one." They
fuckin laugh like it’s a joke.

"I need to get your shirt
off. It's going to hurt." Doc says. I nod and clench my jaw as I
raise my arms. Fuck he's right. He looks at my arm and

"I didn't even feel the
shoulder." I tell him.

"I need to get the bullet
out." I nod. "Let me check the rest, I'll come back to that." He
looks at the graze, my back, and then takes my patch off. "The cold
must affect the skin around your eye. When you fell you cut your
face right above your scar." He cleans my face up and cuts new
gauze for my eye. "Nothing to worry about but I want to see it
tomorrow." I nod. My face still feels frozen but my fuckin back is
killing me sitting like this. He finishes with my face and stitches
up my arm.

"I can't sit any more Doc.
It's killing my fuckin back." I tell him before he starts digging
in my shoulder. He looks around, I'm surprised to see Tiny is still
here. "I'm good Tiny." He nods. I don't know why he's still here.
Doc tells me to sit in the upholstered chair. He rolled a blanket
for my back. I sit and put my arm up on the arm of the chair.
"Better and I can see the room." He nods.

He digs in my fuckin arm
likes he's digging for fuckin gold. My jaw is clenched so tight I
feel it on the whole right side of my fuckin face. I swear it's
going to explode if he doesn't quit soon. Tiny hands me a glass, I
sniff it's Jack, I throw it back.

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