MC: LaPonte (37 page)

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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"Prospect will have them
for you in the lot." Ben tells me. Coming to the gate Brothers and
Prospects are waiting with rifles and guns at their sides. Dave
flies through.

I slow, lift the front
tire and spin back facing out. Jumping off I walk to the side of
the gate and drop my dead clips. Prospects come running one to me
another to Steve giving us more clips. Steve laughs and hands me
two grenades. "Fuckin cops stay hidden today; we'll give them a
glimpse of how it went down." I smile dropping them in my knee
pocket I throw my leg over, slam the clip into my spare and put the
rest of the clips in my side pockets. "Go Brother, I'm on your
right. Run the balloon sequence. Use your speed to keep them

"Got it VP." I ride one
wheel down the hill.

"Fuckin show off." He

When I touch my front
wheel down and lean into the turn I swerve just missing a fuckin
cop car. “Holy Fuck! Cops finally show, they're on the way to the
Club Pres.”

“Brothers you have thirty
minutes then come in to Security. PD is on lockdown. I have half
the fuckin force here. Beau and crew are on their way. Guns are
dropping at the Fire Stations. PD and Hammer are going to work out
of them. Thirty minutes. I can’t stay on with you. I still got
fuckin Brothers trying to transport old ladies and kids. I’m out.”
Pres says.

“Holy Fuck! Martial Law.
Digs, get Bob to partner up with LaPonte. I’m heading to the
backyard. LaPonte make a loop from the west side then to

“Bob’s switching out
helmets, he’s there in seven. They're trying to block anyone
getting in or out of Security.” Digs tells us. Fuck.

“My stop, good luck
Brother.” I say as I turn to the west. The cross roads are fuckin
blocked. Some cars and trucks are empty. I hit whatever I see
aiming for me. I’m almost to the Fire Station Pres beat the fuck
out of the one percenter when a tractor trailer pulls across the
road. I head straight at it, lift up the front to turn sideways and
pull a grenade. I slow almost to idle I move parallel to the
trailer and drop the grenade on the deck at the fifth wheel.
Slamming the gas I give it too much and pull the wheel off the
ground. Steadying and relaxing into it I get control and get the
fuck away from the truck. It sounds like a fuckin bomb went off; a
mushroom cloud goes up around it. Holy Fuck I almost wiped

“Nice LaPonte. You got
company coming from the right. I spin around and head back to the
truck. The whole fuckin cab is engulfed in flames. Going around I
see firemen out watching. I pull to the outside of their lot
pointing them to go inside. I park my bike and yell to them I’m MC
pulling both guns, I flip my lens and aim for the front of the
truck. They were gunning for me, fuckin guns at the ready as
they're coming around. I pick them off on rapid fire.

“How many

“You got them. Bob is
coming up he’s on with you.” He tells me.

I run to Alan pulling my
helmet off. I change clips as I’m talking. “Martial Law, PD is
locked down. Pull the bikes into a bay, keep the doors down and
locked. Brothers from MC will be here from the north and PD will be
using the Stations. Be ready. Our cut or PD. The Club will be
dropping guns soon.” I run back to my bike hearing Bob coming up on

“We can defend the
stations, can we use the guns?” I turn around and stop.

“Fuckin martial law. Do
what you have to. Pick up the guns you find too. Don’t let them go
back to the outlaws.” I see him nod and take off putting my helmet
on. I follow Bob down Main. It’s a fuckin war zone. We pick off
what we see. “Seems too easy.” I say.

“Yeah.” He

“LaPonte, get toward the
Security Building they’ve got all roads in blocked. Clear the
fuckin blockades from the outside. Cleanup will work from the
inside out.” Casper says.

“On it Casper.” We race
picking off here and there then see the fuckin blockades he was
talking about. “What the fuck? How many fuckin clubs are

“Too fuckin many.” Bob
says. We shoot until were almost empty I turn in an alley. Pull the
grenade, switch my clips and wait for Bob. “Ready Brother? Casper
have cleanup work the roads after we hit them.” We go back around
catching them by surprise. I lob the grenade under a truck as we
pass by then lay it out. Holy fuck, the next intersection is
blocked too. We repeat going back two blocks to make sure the first
one is clear. Bob hits the stragglers. There’s fuckin bodies every
fuckin where. There’s less gunfire from the second. We hit them
again and race down the alley. We repeat going the three

“Casper I’m running low on
clips. I have one more go round. Two intersections are clear.” I
tell him.

“Make the round and come
in. You got our way open and clear Brothers. Nice fuckin work.
Brothers are waiting for you; they’ll top the bikes off and move
them out of sight. Clean up is clearing the roads you opened now.”
We make our way to Security. Brothers cheer when we walk through
the doors. I look at Bob pulling my helmet off. No one ever cheered
in the middle of a war for me before. It’s fuckin weird. A prospect
has a table up; he calls us over taking our guns. He puts them and
the empty clips in a bin with our name telling us he’ll take care
of them while we meet. Fuckin nice. He takes our helmets

I look at Bob, he looks
surprised. “Fuckin sweet.” I nod walking into the meeting

Fuckin cops, Brothers and
Security are buzzing around. Surveillance is flipping through a
slideshow on the big screen. Fuckin hell, it
a war zone. I notice the PD
doesn’t show. Pres calls us to him. “Fuckin nice work Brothers. We
need to coordinate these fuckin people. VP is due in ten. There’s
drinks and food in the next room. Get it now. It’s going be a long
fuckin night.” We nod and make our way to food.



The kids are having fun
playing pool and watching movies. Tiny and Patches are going to the
houses to get clothes, diapers and bottles for us. Police are here
making the Brothers nervous. They're being kept in the common room
and meeting room. I heard they're waiting on instructions. Sam and
Jess are cooking. Mary is helping get the old ladies settled. Nancy
is helping me with the kids. Len took care of the shelter houses
making sure everyone had food and stayed in. Luckily they aren’t on
main roads. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it, we are
at war with God only knows who. I am so proud of Danny and Steve.
It was like watching a movie; I saw something I’ve never seen in
Danny today. Besides the Ducati and shooting every friggin thing he
aimed at. He was relentless in protecting us. He didn’t quit even
when it looked like impossible odds. Another reason to love my

“I need to get Elizabeth
changed. Do you want me to send someone in?” Nancy asks.

I smile at her she’s so
sweet. “No I’m fine, thanks.” Darren is signing to Alex. He is so
good at keeping everyone calm. Little Ben is cheering for Ally. She
hit a ball in. I laugh. Lily and the other Little Brothers are so
good with the kids. In the middle of this chaos I’m smiling. It
feels weird to be happy when people are dying outside the

Jess comes in pushing a
cart. “I have snacks for Little Brothers.” The kids move toward her
no one pushing or shoving. I laugh. It's unreal how they act.
“Funny bunch of kids we have here.”

“I was just thinking that.
Nancy took Elizabeth to change her.” Answering her question when I
see her looking around.

The teenagers come in.
Dave's daughter Christine comes to me, "We'll watch the little guys
and keep them busy. Doc needs help and asked for you." I look at
Jess. I don't know what to do here; I've never had kids before and
certainly not in a lockdown.

"Go if Doc's asking for
help he needs it. We've got this. I'll keep checking on them." I
nod and make my way through the common room to Doc's

He's got Brothers lining
one wall. A Prospect is getting him supplies while he's working on
a guy on the table. "Kate can you get the wounds clean for me. We
need to move like an assembly line. There mostly cleaning and
bandaging. Some will need stitches." I nod. The Prospect gives me
gloves and pushes a cart to the first Brother. I don't know all
their names. I've taken a fair amount of first aid so I'm familiar
with cleaning wounds, when I'm on the fourth, Petey comes in and
gets supplies to start stitching guys up. I'm proud of him but no
one is talking so I just keep working. As the guys clear out more
show up. I tell the Prospect I need more supplies. He refills my
cart in between helping Doc.



"Listen up Brothers, PD,
Baxter's and Brothers from the north." He waits for silence. "I
need EMT's up at the Club and here in Security. If you have EMT's
in town we will escort them where they need to be. See Casper after
the meeting." Casper raises his hand. "Martial Law is in effect,
the PD Chief is cooperating with the MC to get the outlaws out of
town. We found an effective way to make that happen please watch
the screen; this was done in a span of ten minutes." The screen
shows me and Bob working to clear the blockades. The cleanup crew
works right behind us. We didn't see that. It's funny seeing us
moving on the screen. "Working methodically and in tandem with
cleanup we can clear our roads before this starts hitting
civilians. We'll section off areas and work in teams. As you can
see we need people that can ride and shoot. We need people to
distribute ammo to the teams and we need armed cleanup crews.
Hammer has wreckers twenty minutes out. They will be towing the
vehicles. Bikes are being stored wherever we find a locked door.
Arms were distributed to the Fire Stations so you're never far from
a reload. PD has officers making their way to the Fire Stations.
Everyone needs a flag so we know who the fuck the friendlies are.
The Prospects will distribute arm bands as you leave. If you don't
take a band your life is in danger. I can guarantee you everyone
doesn't have the training the guys on the screen had. Are there any

The Chief stands, "Where
are the bodies going, we can't handle all this and who's going to
clean up this mess, they're using grenades!"

VP steps up. "Any
questions about the teams?" No one answers. "See me for strike
teams in my office three doors down on the left. You need to be
High or Military Security to be on a strike team. See Casper for
cleanup and EMT's in the surveillance room across the hall. See Rob
for supply distribution teams in the room next door on the right.
All other questions see Pres and Beau."

Me and Bob make our way to
VP's office. "I thought that was you Danny." I turn around
surprised to see Jake and Zack. "It's a slow day at Baxter's." Jake

"Good to see you Jake,
Zack. This is my Brother Bob. He's my other half today."

Bob laughs. "I feel like
half. He didn't miss one fuckin shot. I'm getting a fuckin

I punch his arm. "Fuck you
Bob, we're a good team."

"You are, you cleared
thirty fuckin guys in ten minutes. Please tell me they're giving
out grenades to the teams?" Zack says smiling.

I laugh, “I hope so. If
not we're running to the club for more. Prospect gave them as a
joke. My last reload."

VP makes it through the
people waiting to see him. He spreads the map in his hand on the
desk. "Need to split you two up. You’re the best shots we have and
we're running out of daylight." Fuck.

"VP, I need to be with
someone that knows I can't see the right. That's the only way we
work so effectively, everyone I'm teamed with knows that." I tell

He looks at me; I can see
he's thinking. Jake steps up. "I'll work with Danny. I can keep his
right clear. He does the fuckin rest anyway."

VP looks at him. "He's my
fuckin Brother Jake."

"I got that

VP looks at his map and
circles our area. Fuckin hell. I'm with a new partner and we have
the biggest inroads. I take a breath. "Jake is trained; he'll have
your back. You need to get the eye thing out of your fuckin head.
If my ego would allow it, I’d tell you you’re the best fuckin shot
we got. My ego says ‘no’ so you ain’t getting that from me." Every
fuckin Brother laughs. I hold my fuckin face trying to

When I look up he’s
smiling, he throws me chin. I give it back. "Got it VP."

"We go out together, hit
them all at once. You're supply truck will be here." He circles
behind a building in the middle of our area. "You got Digs for your
eyes. Do just what you did before. Good luck Brother."

"Thanks VP." I turn and
make my way out with Jake following. I go to the table to get my
guns and new clips. The Prospect yells in the room behind him for
my bin and asks for Jakes name. Our bins are brought out. "You
cleaned my fuckin guns. Sweet! I need grenades." I tell him putting
the arm band on and stuffing clips in my thigh pockets. He yells
back and a box of grenades comes out. "Like a fuckin McDonalds. Can
you make sure our supply truck has these?" Jake laughs. The
Prospect nods. I stuff them into my lower pockets.

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