MC: LaPonte (38 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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"You need anything else
Brother?" The Prospect asks.

"No, I think we're good."
I check my gun and holster it walking out the door. "Do you need a

"I'm on a Security bike."
He tells me. A brother sees us coming and yells for our bikes.
"This is like a well-oiled machine. I didn't expect it to be so

"They're always full of
fuckin surprises. Pres sees the whole picture, he gets the behind
the scenes shit done and VP plans all the ops. They're an
unbelievable team." He nods at me. I know I got to say something
before we head out. "Inside I meant no offense. My brothers have
been with me since I was shot. They always keep my right. It's
second nature for them to pick up that slack for me."

"I took no offense; you
really are the best fuckin shot I've seen since Knight. I'll stay
on your right. Who's Digs?"

Thank fuck were off my
weakness. "He's surveillance; he'll let us know what's happening
through the Bluetooth." He looks at me funny. "Your helmet has
Bluetooth; we can talk to each other and Digs. It works better than
radios. He'll hook us up to other people and give directions to us
when we need it. Mostly he leaves me alone; all he's done is given
me a heads up when someone's closing on my six or the

"Fuckin Sweet! You have
the best fuckin equipment."

I laugh, "Wait til you see
your bike." Like magic the side door opens and our bikes are
brought out.

Jake laughs, "A fuckin MC
with spare fuckin Ducati's and Bluetooth helmets." He gets on the
bike and makes a round of the lot getting a feel for it. I watch as
he pulls his gun then his spare. I'm feeling better about

I put my helmet on and
throw my leg over. I think about my Beautiful K and the kids. I
know the Clubhouse is covered. I clear my mind going over the roads
we need to clear and where the supply truck will be.

"I'm plugged in LaPonte
and Jake. Casper's running the room, that's a heads up that he may
jump in. If he does, I'm still on. VP says he'll kill me in my
sleep if I leave my desk while you’re out." We crack up. "Not
fuckin funny, I think he was serious this time. I got a piss bottle
just in case." Jake stops the bike, he's bent over laughing. I pull
the helmet off to hold my fuckin face. Fuckin Digs. The lot is
filling up with the strike teams. VP comes out, his eyes find

I pull my hand down and
nod, putting my helmet back on. "You make me laugh again I'll
fuckin kill you in your sleep." I tell Digs.

"You two can't keep
threatening me; I'm a nervous fuckin wreck here." He does sound

"I'm kidding Digs, but
don't make me laugh. My eye is still messed up from the last fuckin
shootout." I tell him smiling.

"Sorry Brother." He says
calmer. Jake pulls to my side. "VP says keep both wheels on the
ground." He tells me.

"That last time I was
trying to get the fuck away from the grenade. It wasn’t
intentional." I tell him.

"You're out in five." He
says, he doesn't care.

I check my gun, adjust my
pockets, zip my coat and pull my lens down. "They even cleaned my
lens. Love the fuckin Brotherhood."

Jake laughs, "me too." I
put my fist out, he hits mine with a bump. I roll to the exit.
Pulling on the side of VP, Jake on my right.

"Last bikes rolling out
now." Casper says. Two minutes go by. "You're a go VP." We roll out



There is a lull in the
injured. "Kate, check the kids and get something to eat. The
Brothers just rolled to clear the blockades around the Security
building. We'll be getting more. Once a path is clear we'll get EMT
help for the night."

I nod and go find my kids.
I need to feed Devan. Nancy has him and Elizabeth. "Thank you
Nancy. I have a break for a few minutes. I'll feed him and pump for
another bottle. Doc is expecting another wave of injured, who knows
how long I'll be."

"He's a good boy. I gave
him some cereal about an hour and a half ago. It kept him happy."
She hands him to me. I go to the new rooms upstairs. Ben gave us
two rooms with a bathroom in the middle. I sit in the chair and
feed my little man. It feels good to do something normal. I'm glad
I can help but I missed my kids. I need to see them before I go
back to Doc's. While I burp my boy I set the pump and fill a
bottle. I'm getting pretty good at this. I chuckle to myself. I
wonder how Danny is doing. He would find this funny. Doc says it's
hard for them to call in because of what's happening. They can't
get distracted by little things when they're fighting for the big
ones. I lay Devan on the bed while I clean everything up and cover
the bottle. I change him into pj's and take him back to Nancy. I
hug my kids giving Ally an extra squeeze and bring the bottle to
the kitchen. Jess writes his name on it bags it and puts it in the
fridge. She hugs me thanking me for helping with the injured. After
telling me she'll be with the kids after dinner she pushes me out
the door with a sandwich in my hand. Standing against the wall I
scarf down the sandwich and get back to work, the injured are
trickling in.



"Nice fuckin shot Jake. I
like the twofer." Two guys fall out of the truck bed. He laughs.
"I'm running low." I tell him turning down the alley.

"You have one block left
Brothers. They moved another truck in. Pussies are hiding behind
it. Looks like twenty or so." Digs tells us. I wonder if he knows
Jake's not a Brother.

"We could have some fun
with this one. You up for a change?" I ask him as we're getting new

"What are you thinking?"
He asks taking off his helmet.

"Let's go behind them with
grenades then swing around to the front and catch whatever is

"I like it. Did Digs hear
that?" He ask putting his helmet back on.

"I got your six Jake. I
think it would be more effective with the extra vehicles and

"Thanks Digs. We're ready
to roll. I'm heading north so they'll be on my left." I tell

"I have clean up from
another section blocking you. The pussies are looking up the road
for you. Cleanup is going to circle the block to the front giving
them something to look at while you move in. You're clear Brother

I don't wasted time. We
race around the corner coming up on the opposite side lobbing
grenades. Four go in and we open up getting the fuck out of there.
Turning we hear the fuckin grenades sounding like a huge bomb. I
don't stop, we circle he block at a fast clip and aim at everyone
running out from the burning barricades. Cleanup is pulling up as
we make a second pass.

"Fuckin Beautiful
Brothers." Pres says. "I like you switching it up Brother. We have
a fire station in need of assistance. PD was hit; they need some
help holding the station."

"Which one Pres?" I

"The one you blew up the
truck in front of." Digs tells me.

"I’ve never been to that
station before. In the last month I've been there four fuckin
times. We're on our way." I hit 75 just as we come up to the truck.
"Can we get the truck out of here?"

"Wreckers on its way."
Pres tells me. I turn and pull to the side of the building in front
of the truck. Something's telling me I need to check it out. Jake
pulls up.

"What's up?"

"Something's not right. I
need to see what's in the truck."

"Pussies moved to the back
of the station on your approach Brother."

I move to the road walking
in line with the tires of the trailer. I climb up and walk the
strap brackets down the side to the back door. Poking my head out I
don't see anyone at the station. I jump into the trailer and laugh.
"Pres we got a present for you. I think I know how this war
started. Digs have the wrecker brought to Security. Make sure they
check it before they pull out."

"Roger that

I jump out and to the side
ducking back to the tire line. Fuckin shots are flying at

"In the building on the
side of the Station. Looks like a laundromat." Digs tells

"Thanks Brother." I run to
my bike switching clips in my guns. We roll out heading the
opposite way.

"VP, Zack and Bob are on
course to meet up with you on the main road. I'm hooking them in

"Brothers, we'll take them
from both sides. Bob has your sniper. I'm on east with Zack. Take
west LaPonte."

"Got it VP." I look toward
Jake. He nods. We come around the corner even with the other team
Bob pulls in front VP shoots into the laundromat as we pass by. Bob
is off his bike going into the building.

"Looks like something's on
the trailer, the camera has smoke stain on it but I saw

Me and Jake pass the front
of the Station while VP turns. Shots are flying everywhere. Fuck. I
aim on top of the trailer and shoot. "Thanks Digs." Jake

"Fuckin pussy is down".
Digs says. We round the station with guns ready. They're turned
toward VP. We pick them off from the back. We pass VP and Zack and
circle the building. No one’s moving. The firemen open a bay and
run for the guns.

"They're faster than the
fuckin cleanup crew." Zack laughs.

I stop by Alan. "You ok in
there? Pres said your PD's are down."

"They can't hit the side
of a fuckin barn. We counted 17; you took them down in a minute and
a half. Take the PD, send me a Brother or two." Jake cracks up. VP
is laughing in my head.

"Tell him a Brother's on
his way." VP tells me.

"VP says a Brother's on
his way." I tell him.

"Thanks man. They put
someone in that trailer, looked hurt." He tells me.

I smile, "It's a present
for Pres.” I start up and look for Jake, he's waiting on

We roll back to Security
while the wrecker hooks up the truck. I can't wait for this.
Pulling in the lot people are everywhere. Security is making rounds
up and down the roads. I pull to the back and hand my bike to a
Brother from up north. I check my guns, dump my pockets and helmet
then walk into the meeting room. A fuckin cheer goes up. Fuckin
weird shit. I watch the surveillance feed. The wrecker is a couple
of blocks away.

I walk to the front. "Pres
you need to come out to the lot. You might want to bring the Chief
with you." I say with a smile. He nods and starts walking, Beau and
the Chief follow. I get a gun before I walk out. VP is waiting out
front. The wrecker stops on the road and everyone walks toward it.
VP jumps up into the trailer. We hear him laugh. "What did you go
and do this time Barney." I crack up.

Barney is hanging off the
trailer painted yellow, hands cuffed and buck naked. Everyone is
laughing except the Chief. "There's a flash drive hanging around
his neck." VP hands it to Pres. "Prospects put him in a holding
cell." He lets Barney go just before the Prospects get there.
"Oops, sorry Barney." He jumps down and walks away making everyone
laugh. I have to hold my fuckin face. I follow VP.

"You ok Danny?" Zack asks
as he and Jake come up beside me.

"My fuckin face feels like
it's going to explode. It hasn't healed from last time, laughing
does that sometimes."

"You got blood around your
patch." He tells me. Fuck.

"Thanks. I'll clean it up.
VP has stuff in his office for me. I'll meet you in there when I'm
done." I tell them going to his office. I get water and the first
aid kit and clean myself up. When I get into the room Barney is on
the big screen talking to a group of outlaws. What the fuck? He's
talking about giving them free reign over the drugs and money we
store. This fuckin guy and his drugs.

I stand by Zack and Jake.
"Fuckin Barney." Jake says. We watch him tell the best time to hit
the PD and he'll watch for Jess to leave town letting them know
where they can pick her up. Fuckin hell! VP looks at the Chief like
he wants to kill him. Pres cuts it off and turns around. Fuck he's

"You hired this fucker,
kept him on with all his fuckin screw ups, put my fuckin family in
mortal danger. We lost a fuckin Brother today! The whole fuckin
town was seized by at least four chapters because of Barney fuckin
Fife? You'll not only take the bodies and deal with them you'll be
getting a fuckin bill for all the fuckin time and ammo we used to
fix your fuckin fuck up!"

"Half the guns and ammo
isn't even legal!" The Chief yells back. There's a collective in
drawn breath. Pres launches himself at the Chief and has him up
against the wall. Holy fuck he can move.

"Every fuckin gun and box
of ammo was checked on the last fuckin fuck up Barney had. Don't
think you can fuck with me after this colossal mistake on your
part. I'll bring this video to the fuckin news and have your fuckin
job myself. The one thing that everyone knows about us is we don't
deal in fuckin drugs! People are fuckin fighting to get into this
town because of it. You clean up the fuckin town, process the
fuckin bodies and pay us back for the fuckin hit we took because of
you! Maybe then I can keep my fuckin VP from killing you in your
fuckin sleep for putting his fuckin old lady in danger and losing
us a Brother!" He lets him go and steps back. Taking a breath he
visibly calms. "Are we in agreement here?" He says quietly. Not a
fuckin person moves.

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