MC: LaPonte (33 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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"We need her, she told him
too much fuckin information but if she left anything out we need to
know. I wasn't risking another fuckin thing in case she remembers
something else." I tell him.

"You're right Brother." He
says slapping my back. "Digs is making a list of all the shit she
told him. We'll work out priority then setup to clear what we can
off it."

I nod. "My kids are
guarded but what about Kate, Jess and Millie's?"

"Got security at Millie's
and guys in the backyard watching out for the women. We have seven
women in one area, it's going to make this a little easier to keep
it low profile but high security." Ben tells me. I let out the
breath I was holding.

"Thanks Pres.” I feel
myself relax. Aaron, Devan and Elizabeth are covered.

Digs comes in looking
around, I hit Ben's arm he calls him over. Digs hands him a file
and walks out. He gives each one of us a page. I look around and
see a small table with office supplies. I grab a highlighter, ruler
and pencil. Sitting at the table I hold the ruler under the first
line I read to the end and highlight the line. I move to the next
line it goes on to the third line so I underline both with the
pencil. I keep going until I have all the points separated so I can
read them.

Steve is watching me. He
asks for the page and hands it to a Prospect. "Get a color copy of
this." He looks at me, "Tiny is on his way." I nod.

"Is that what Jess does
for you on the spreadsheets?" Ben asks.

Seriously? With everything
Tracy told the fucker he wants to talk about dyslexia? "On a
spreadsheet it's harder to decipher the information, boxes go up
and down and information goes left to right. She colors them
different, I can't do the initial color coding but I can continue
it if she starts me off. I learned how to do written pages in
college, it's the only way I could get through

"Nice Brother."

"Tell me you're just
stalling here. I can't for the life of me figure why we're talking
fuckin dyslexia right now."

He laughs. "We're waiting
for Tiny, Casper and Rob. I could use the distraction."

"Sorry Pres. I'm a little
keyed up right now." I tell him looking around. I hate having my
blind side to the room. "I need to move." I tell him moving to the

Steve watches me then nods
when I relax. "Wrong side." He says. I nod.

The Prospect brings me my
page and hands Steve Tiny's. I read through it. My fuckin family is
in danger. I need to get to the range and see where I'm at with the
fuckin patch.

Finally everyone shows and
the officers decide the priorities. People are number one on the
list. We decide the priority of safes and safe rooms. Ben will deal
with his safe but will need help with the safe room. Bob, Jared and
Dave will move the Clubhouse safe room to the safe room in the
basement. Me, Casper and Steve are getting security upgrades.
Millie's will have constant security. Ben will go to the school
tomorrow and try to get security inside. Security cameras are going
up around the school now. Geek is trying to get any information he
can about how much the Rhode Island club knows and what they plan
to do with it.

With the priorities set he
gets security up to speed on the new jobs. Steve takes over with
them while we go to another meeting room where the Brothers are
gathered. He gets them up to speed and has them keeping an eye out.
He gets a couple of guys to help in the surveillance rooms here and
at the Clubhouse. Everyone is anxious; I can feel it running
through the room.

Once the meeting ends I
ask Tiny if he wants to go to the range with me. We head over and
shoot targets for an hour. I start with still then go to moving. I
surprise myself hitting where I wanted. I thought it would take a
while to be able to adjust. I tell Tiny I'm going to run the
reservation tomorrow. He wants to come along so we make a

Getting home I know I have
to tell Kate what's going on. Curt is on security for the night, I
show him the bonus room and get him set with some furniture from
the attic. He hooks up the laptop to watch the outside. I call a
Prospect to get the fridge in the garage stocked for the Security
guys and Brothers. Patches comes up and I get him up to speed with
what Ben told the Brothers at church and then about the risk to the
family. He's pissed. I leave him with Curt to calm down and go down
to dinner.

Jessie and Little Ben are
with us tonight. Ben comes in and has dinner then tells everyone we
need to have Little Brothers church. Kate holds my hand under the
table and listens to the security precautions Ben's laid out for
the kids. He tells them about the safe places where people can see
them with cameras and how to signal the camera so security knows
they need help. He gives all the boys watches and Ally a necklace
telling them we can always find them if they wear them. Patches
helps the boys put the watches on. Kate helps Ally with the
necklace. He gives me a Patriots charm to put on Devan's shoe. I
slide it on the lace. I'm barely holding my anger in at my kids
being forced to wear fuckin tracking devices because Tracy didn't
feel fuckin needed.

Ben takes me Patches and
Kate out to the patio while the kids play in the living room. He
looks at me, "Brother keep it in check. I know this isn't optimal
but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"I just put a tracking
device on a fuckin two month old. Don't talk to me about fuckin
optimal right now." I spit the words out. Kate takes my

Ben puts his hand on my
shoulder, "I know Brother. I don't mean for it to sound
patronizing. Right now we don't know what the other Club knows.
This really is precautionary. I should have given you that
information before you left church today but I forgot until Digs
handed me the package. My priority was and is keeping the kids
safe. I know if you had the time to process it beforehand you
wouldn't be pissed right now. It was my mistake Danny. It won't
happen again."

I nod and try to relax. "I
know Pres. It's just not something I have ever thought would
happen. I meant no disrespect." He gives me chin.

"I met with the Alan, the
fireman, at R&R. He didn't add much to what we already had but
said to watch Jess, Jessie and Darren. No threat was made but he
overheard a conversation that they were mentioned. This was about a
week ago." I nod. Fuck!

"I need to talk to Jessie,
Little Ben and Darren about Security and what to do if they find
themselves needing help. Are you good to sit in for that?" He

"Yeah. Kate doesn't know
what's going on yet." I look at Patches. "Can you stay so I can
explain it to her?"

"Anything Brother."
Patches says.

I take a breath and let it
out. "Ok Pres." He nods and asks Patches to get the boys for us.
Kate goes to start baths.

"Tiny tells me your aim
hasn't been affected by the patch." He says.

"Surprised the fuck out of
me. We're going tomorrow to see if I can still ride and shoot
straight. Not sure how that will turn out but I'm relieved knowing
I can still shoot straight." I think he's stalling

"Tiny said its more than
shooting straight. You hit the moving target every fuckin time, not
one wasted bullet." He smiles.

"Yeah." I don't know what
else to say. Patches comes in with the three boys. He sits them
down and Ben talks to them about the security details and to get
themselves and their Little Brothers to a safe place if they're
scared or in need. He asks them phone numbers for him, Steve, me,
Tiny and Patches. They know all of them. He gives each one a phone
and an extra for Lily. Little Ben will get Lily's to her. Telling
them how to turn them on he has them set them to vibrate and the
list of contacts to call for help. He makes sure Darren can work
the text, telling him Geek set it up so it’s ready for him to use.
Jessie asks about Aaron, Elizabeth and Devan. He's relieved knowing
Security will be at Millie's. Little Ben tells us he'll watch out
for the boys and Ally with the other Little Brothers. He asks if
all the kids are needing the extra security. What a fuckin smart
kid. Ben tells him our families and Casper's kids. They all nod.
"We'll make sure the other Little Brothers know at school tomorrow,
we can stay in the gym for recess." Jessie tells him.

Little Ben looks at Darren
and signs. "Ally and Alex don't have recess or lunch with us. Chad,
Lily and Lee have recess with them, I'll talk to them tomorrow
morning. You can stay with them for lunch if you get your reading
done early again. You have to do it until the Big Brothers tell us
it's safe. Can you do that?" I'm watching this kid keep the others
covered in Little Brothers. I look at Ben whose smiling at

Darren signs, 'I can easy.
I'll read in the morning when they do the board work. I'll have
lunch with them."

"We have to get a partner
to walk with them too. Lee can walk with you Darren he's next door
to you. Chad and Lily are in the same class. Me and Little Ben can
get Victor. Alex and Ally's teacher walks them out but he doesn't
pay attention to them. We need someone to walk with them." Jessie
signs to them. I'm fuckin amazed.

"I can get to them fast,
I'm closest. You have to tell Lee he don't sign good. I'll go out
the side door, their class is around the corner. We'll walk behind
them. Meet us with their teacher and we can all go out together."
Darren tells them. They nod to each other and look at

"We can keep us all with
partners. If anything happens our partners will be able to tell
someone." Jessie tells us while signing. So fuckin proud of these
boys and their ability to think this through and keep everyone
partnered up.

Ben laughs. "Nice planning
Little Brothers. I think your plan will work. Make sure you get to
the other Little Brothers in the morning and get the phone to Lily.
Do you need to be early for that to happen?"

"No, the Little Brothers
sit together for breakfast. We'll make sure everyone knows to watch
out for us and Lily. We have some good Brothers at our school they
won't let us down." Little Ben tells him.

I laugh. "I'm proud of you
boys. You're going to make awesome Big Brother's when you get
older." They smile and fist bump each other.

I look at Ben and Patches.
We're all smiling. Ben takes Jessie and Little Ben home, Patches
helps finish up showers for Victor and Darren. He keeps the boys
busy in their room while I talk to Kate.

"Why the hell would she
tell some guy how much money you have? I don't think I've ever had
a conversation with anyone but Jess about money and that's only
because she handles it for me. She's never told me anything about
anyone else's money. Old ladies make a point to keep gossip out of
our lives. We purposely don't tear each other down with shit like
that. This is what happens when you do! Fuckin Tracy. I'm so pissed
at her right now." She yells as she throws her shoe at the closet.
I don't think I've ever seen her so mad.

"Babe." I move behind her
and hold on. "I was sitting across from her and wanted to hit her.
I've had more time to go over it and calm down. The important thing
is making sure the women and kids are safe. Security is in the
bonus room, our house is surrounded by cameras. The boys came up
with a plan to have the Little Brothers cover them at lunch, recess
and walking out. Ben has Security in all the buildings our women
are at. If we stay aware and have patience with security we'll keep
everyone safe. Hopefully Geek will have some information soon." She
relaxes against me. I kiss her neck.

"I know you're right. I
think I'm just mad that she was my friend for so long but we never
gossiped, why would she do this now? I just don't understand why
she's acting like this." She says as she turns in my

"I don't know baby. Are
you going to be ok with a shadow for a while?"

She snorts making me
smile. "I'll be fine. I'm not taking any chances; I have my kids to
get home to every night."

"So easy, love you my
Beautiful K." I kiss her lips and walk her downstairs where Patches
has Devan on his shoulder while he reads a book to kids. Darren is
signing to the twins.

Kate snaps a picture with
her Phone. "They're worth the security." She smiles at me.
Beautiful K.

Chapter Thirty Five

Tiny laughs at me as I
blow the balloons up and climb the trees to tie them on. I don't
care. I keep moving and putting out balloons. I tie two at every
stop making twenty stops. I ride back to the main road and park
waiting for Tiny. When he gets to me I explain it. "You're red, I'm
blue. You start at thirty increase speed by five miles each balloon
you pass. When you get to fifty you decrease by five and then go
back up. You only hit the red balloons. Got it?"

"Yeah I got it. Red
balloons and watch the fuckin speed. You go first, I never played
this game." He looks at me like it’s a challenge. The guy can shoot
and he's got a loaded weapon. I'm going first. I nod and start. I
miss one and hit the rest. I stop at ten turn around and go back
two to reload. I continue on and hit all but one. I hear Tiny
shooting so I sit and wait. He comes up with a smile. "You hit all
but fuckin two. I thought for sure you'd miss at least half. Fuckin
nice aim Brother."

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