MC: LaPonte (31 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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I hear a commotion at the
door and look into the house. Jess and Steve are here with the
kids. Steve sees me and comes over. "You didn't call me?" He throws
at Ben.

"Brother, I didn't want to
drag Jess in the middle of this." Ben tells him.

"Ain't fuckin Jess. I lay
my fuckin shit out to you and you give me no judgment for the shit
I've done. I will give it back. Now; we goin to beat the fuck out
of him or what?" Steve's pissed. I crack up holding my fuckin face.
He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"That's what Danny asked."
Ben tells him. Steve gives me a smile and lifts his chin. "I don't
know what the fuck to do Brother. She's not answering her phone.
She denied getting in his truck the last fuckin time. I've got no
fuckin clue what to do. A fuckin explanation would be nice,
something to tell her son would be better."

"Fuck!" Steve

"I was going to leave
Jessie here and go over there. I keep trying to weigh out the
outcome. Do I even want to know why? I'm not sure it fuckin matters
at this point. She walked out on fuckin Christmas." He tells

"If you do nothing you're
guaranteed to get nothing from it. If you go there you have a
chance at getting the explanation." I tell him.

He looks at me as if
contemplating. "You're right Brother."

"You're not going alone.
Let me get some clothes on." I tell him.

"You have a whole fuckin
family that I just fucked up and made bigger...."

"You're not going alone.
You wait or I'll drag the whole fuckin family that you just made
bigger along with me following your ass to his house." I tell

Steve smiles, “We’ll
wait." I give him chin and run up the back stairs.

Coming down I see Kate in
the kitchen. "I need to go with Ben and Steve. It's important." She
kisses me and tells me to go. My beautiful K.

I go back to the patio and
ask Steve if he's driving. He smiles giving me a nod. In the truck
we head toward Providence. Ben asks him, "How did you

"Jess. Knew somethin was
off last night, called this mornin got no answer. She told me. I
pulled the cameras and watched her get in the same fuckin truck
last night." Steve tells him. "Had to pull gps to find where the
fuck you were." I smile, he was worried enough to track him

"I thought she was just
pissed because I asked her to take the twins yesterday. She
wouldn't talk to me. I had no fuckin clue." Ben says his voice
sounds deflated.

"You might as well give it
up Ben. You'll drive yourself fuckin nuts trying to guess. With my
ex it wasn't about what I did or didn't do, it was about what she
wanted. She didn't want me. It was that fuckin simple." I tell

"De fuckin cheated on
you?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, found out the week
I left her. Beat the fuck out of what I thought was good

"Fuck Brother. Was a
fuckin psycho anyways." Steve says making Ben laugh.

"No she was just a bitch.
My fuckin supposed friend was the doctor that gave her the excuses
and pills." I tell him.

"I would have beat the
fuck out of him too." Ben says.

"Got arrested, Paul bailed
me out. He said it was justified. Kept him from pressing charges by
threatening his license being involved with a patient and

"Fuck. I had no fuckin
clue." Steve says.

He pulls into a driveway
behind a blue truck. He knew right where to go. We all get out. I
follow them to the door. Ben knocks and the door is opened right
away. "I need to talk to Tracy."

He looks at us and backs
away. Steve makes me smile. "Pussy."

Tracy comes to the door
rolling her eyes. "You needed back up?" She's pissed.

"No, they didn't want me
to get arrested for beating the fuck out of him. Now that I'm on
his doorstep it's hard to deny that your here. We need to talk.
When we're done I'll get back in the truck and drive away." He
tells her more calm that I would be. She gets her coat and walks
out. Me and Steve move to let her pass. They walk across the
street, Ben leans on an empty building.

Steve looks at me, "How’d
he make your family bigger?"

"Twins mother doesn't want
them back. The kids told us she didn't want them because they're
retarded. They never had a Christmas, didn't have toys all because
they're retarded. Fuckin bitch of a mother drilled it into their
heads." My new little twins. So sweet being treated so

"Fuckin hell. Cute kids.
You goin to be ok with them?" He asks.

"Yeah, Patches doesn't
want us to hire someone to help take care of them so he took the
job. Said he doesn't want a flaky nanny treating his little
brothers bad." I smile.

"Little Ben says Patches
treats them good. Kate good with this?"

"Yeah, she doesn't want
them going into care and their father killed the only family they
had. She didn't want to give them back after she heard about

"Me either." He surprises
me. The door opens the guy looks out then closes it. "Pussy." We
wait in comfortable silence. "Should’ve got coffee." He says. I

Tracy comes back to the
house. We walk back to Ben at the truck. We get in and Steve looks
at him. "I need a fuckin coffee." He drives to Dunkin ordering our

"She'll call next week to
visit Jessie." Ben says. "It's like your ex Danny, she just doesn't
want me. That simple."

"Wish that simple was
painless Brother." I tell him. Fuck. She'll call next week? I
thought I knew her. How the fuck can a mom leave her kid at
Christmas and say she'll call next fuckin week?

Steve looks over at him,
"Fucked up. What’d you tell Jessie?"

"Wasn't like I could hide
it. It's fuckin Christmas. I told him I didn't know, she didn't
come home and wouldn't answer her phone. He knows though. I don't
know how but he didn't question anything and he's too fuckin smart
not to ask questions." Ben runs his hands through his

"Yeah. You need us to take
him or need Little Ben to stay, just say. Danny will say the same.
Fuck, could leave an extra kid at his house for weeks he wouldn't
even know." Steve says cracking us up.

"Seriously Ben anytime you
need some time he's welcome, him and Little Ben are never a
problem. I already love them like they're my own, even got their
fuckin beds." He laughs again.

"Thanks Brothers. I can't
think right now but I know it will happen."

We pull in and see Tiny's
truck. "I guess Christmas dinner is here today." I say. "It's good,
we have to take two fuckin vehicles to fit everyone." They laugh at
me. "Time for car shopping." I smile.

"Get a fuckin bus, Ben
keeps giving fuckin kids you need it." Steve says.

"Brother I really didn't
expect their mother to refuse to take them back. Doc can't stand
the woman. Wants to offer assisted suicide." Ben says.

I crack up. "Might not be
a bad idea. Can we get the same adoption time with this one?" I
ask. "Fuck it's getting to be like ordering fuckin lunch." They

Steve hits Ben's arm.
"See, won't notice extras."

"I'll get the lawyer and
judge to get this through. With the holidays it may take a little
longer. Doc just called me this morning." He looks at

"Good enough. Might as
well see what the crew is up to." I walk into a circus. Everyone is
smiling so I smile.

I was right, dinner is at
my house. Aside from Tracy and the sadness in Ben's eyes, we have a
good day. Tiny loves the twins. Nancy seems happy doting on
Elizabeth and Devan. I ask Tiny when he's having his own kids. He
shrugs. Holy fuck, he always says never. I smile at Nancy. She saw
it too.

Rich calls on my new iPad.
Everyone passes him around. Jessie and Little Ben introduce him to
Alex and Ally. Rich starts whooping and jumping around on camera.
He's yelling for Kate. When she gets the iPad he laughs, "I got my
sister Kate. You're the best mother ever! Thank you. I'm going to
try and get home soon. I need to explain protectin to my new
sister. This is the best fuckin present! Thank you!" Kate cries. I
hold her and chat with my oldest very happy son. I pass him to
Steve. He walks to the patio and talks to my boy.

Everyone is gone; kids are
in bed Devan is asleep for at least the next couple of hours and my
beautiful Kate’s sitting against me watching the lights on the
tree. "It's been another fuckin day of running the emotional
gambit. How are you holding up baby?"

She sits up and looks at
me. "The best and worst happened today. It's like being on a roller
coaster. I'm so happy about the twins like my heart is going to
burst with it. Rich's reaction threw me. I didn't think he'd be so
excited. He called me the best mom just like the little guys and
Patches. It was a huge high." She smiles that big fuckin smile for

"It's all that love you
have babe. Everyone feels it. I feel the same way they do; you
needed a family to share that with. I'm not even a little nervous
about the kids. I'm not sure if something's broke in me or I'm just
too happy to think about what all this is going to mean in work,
time and sacrificing."

"I think we may need to do
the group counseling thing again just for us all to be on the same
page." She looks like I might need convincing.

"I had planned on talking
to the counselor when I take the boys but going together is a good
idea too. I don't want the boys to feel like they come in second
because we have kids that will need a little more attention." I
hope that eases her mind.

It does if the big smile
is anything to go by. "You are the best husband. Thank you for
another awesome day."

"What are the worst?" I
want to fix this so next time it doesn't touch her.

"The kid’s mom not wanting
them and Tracy. I thought I knew her. I'm not sure how to feel with
her leaving on Christmas. That's the fuckin worst thing any parent
can do. Jessie will never see Christmas the same, it will always be
the day his mother left. She never called him." She has tears

"I wanted to know so I can
fix it. I can't fix either one of those baby. I wish I could.
Jessie seems to be handling it but I saw his sadness today, same as
Ben. I think we should keep showing them our love. Let them know
how important they are. Tracy is going to call next week for a
visit with Jessie. Maybe it will help him." I say this but I'm
still fuckin pissed it's a phone call in a week when she walked the
fuck out on Christmas.

"See this is what’s the
worst. She walked out in Christmas and will call him next fuckin
week? How is she the Tracy that's my friend?" She's pissed

"I don't know beautiful K,
I just don't know. I asked Jessie how he was holding up. Tracy told
him he wasn’t hers. He said she’s broke on the inside and sometimes
you have to wait for people to fix themselves before your strong
can help them. He’s wise beyond his years. Handling it the best way
he knows how." Not knowing what else to do I hug her. We sit quiet
for a while watching the lights.

"Patches helped get some
of the kids presents upstairs and the tree is still full." She
says. I can hear the smile.

"I was thinking about that
today. We have a bonus room over the garage. I thought I could
refinish it into a playroom. I'll give everyone a section along the
walls and put benches at the dormers. Like little reading alcoves.
That will help free up some space for them. I need to get Alex a
platform built and do something for Ally. They are so nonspecific
with not getting anything; I might need some help with

"We planned on watching
movies tomorrow with Little Ben and Jessie. I'm sure she'll find
something that excites her." She tells me.

"I have church tomorrow
with Patches. Do you want me to find you some help?" Fuck I should
have thought about it sooner.

She snorts, "No we'll be
fine I have Jessie and Little Ben. They know how to keep everyone
calm. Darren is following them have you noticed. He jumps right in
when something is wrong." She yawns.

I smile my girls is tired.
"I'm so proud of him. I've noticed too. Let’s go to bed

I shut the tree off and
carry my Beautiful K while she carries the three

Chapter Thirty Three

One week...

"Don't you dare stop." She
moans out. I fuckin smile. She's ready; I move my tongue faster and
get her there. With my name on her lips she screams. Fuck my dick
jerks as if it wasn't already fuckin hard enough. I stop moving my
tongue when she moans again. Climbing up I suck her nipple, with
the straight studs in its different but she feels it the same.
"Beautiful K, still getting milk, it’s fuckin wild with the studs
in." I lean to the drawer and pull a rubber, lube and a vibrator
out with the cuffs she got me for Christmas. She moans with that
dazed look. Fuck my dick likes that. I flip her over, cuff her to
the headboard and slide the vibrator around her big nipples; her
mewling tells me she likes that. "Let me hear you baby, I love
hearing you enjoy it.” I slide in and she cries out 'please don't
stop.' "Fuck, wasn't even thinking it. Fuck, your tight ass feels
so fuckin good." I bury myself in her and slide the vibrator
around. I can feel your pussy clenching baby. You want this in

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