MC: LaPonte (26 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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He cracks up, "he's a
fuckin neat freak. What did he think needs to be

I laugh with him feeling
so good talking about nothing to my boy who's a man. "Cleaner only
charged once, said there was nothing to do the second

"Fuckin Patches." We say
together with smiles.

Chapter Thirty

Five weeks...

I'm feeding Devan while
Danny does a last check on the doors and kids. They've been wired
all day. I'm so glad Patches and Petey had a long Little Brothers
party/meeting this afternoon. They got everything ready for
tomorrow and had a buffet dinner. This left me time to do the last
minute shopping that needed to be done. Danny has been awesome; a
group of guys went shopping with him earlier in the month to get
for all the boys. I know he hates shopping but he's been picking up
the slack and has done Christmas and food shopping for me. He even
collected presents from the Brothers and mailed the box, before the
deadline, to Rich who is in Kuwait for Christmas. He walks in with
his pj pants low on his waist. As soon as he looks at me and Devan
his dick move. I've been watching for at least a week now. Freakin
horny as hell. I take a sleepy Devan off my nipple; Danny takes him
for the 'dad baby burping bond'. At least that's what he calls it.
He won't even let Tiny burp him if he's here. I haven't told Danny
how many times Tiny has taken Devan to burp after I feed him. I
think it's sweet he wants to be part of his life, so I keep it to
myself. I think I've talked Nancy into having a baby. She didn't
think Tiny wanted kids but it seems pretty obvious he does now. I
told her it won't hurt to ask. We'll see.

"Littlest Brother is
asleep. What a fuckin day. I'm so glad it's over. How are you doing
baby? You looked pretty happy after your crazy shopping trip." He
lies down beside me.

"The stores were nuts. I'm
so glad you did so much of it for me, thank you." I kiss his lips.
"I got everything that was left on the list except all the
chocolate. I went with granola bars like we did with Rich. I did
get one chocolate Santa for Patches but I'll give it to him when
he's ready to go home." I smile at him.

"Was it dark?" He smiles
at my nod. "Very thoughtful, thank you my beautiful K."

"I'm hoping you're not too
tired tonight?" I watch for his reaction. I smile when his eyes

"You need some relief
baby?" He would too, but not this time.

"I was thinking more in
the 'we' line. I've given it a week and I'm not willing to wait

"Baby the doctor said six
weeks." He looks worried. Fuck, that's not the looks I wanted back
from him.

"Then give me the vibrator
and I'll tell you how it was when I'm done." I'm not giving up or

He looks shocked. I keep
the smile off my face and put my hand out. "Babe, I don't want to
hurt you. It could make you not want to have sex because all you'll
remember is the pain, sometimes that's months even after the six
weeks." He really is worried. Fuckin ex, putting that shit in his
head. I've found too many things he has strange reasons or
reactions to. This will not be one of them.

"I made you a promise that
I would be open and honest with you and you would not compare my
actions or reactions to the bitch troll. This is one of those times
you need to trust me. Whatever you're thinking is based on her. I'm
not her. Jess told me she had sex after the fourth week with no
problem. I waited an extra week. The only thing you need to be
concerned about is wearing a condom. I can easily get pregnant
right now because of crazy hormones. I am not having any more kids.
So you can suit up and trust me or hand me the vibrator because I'm
not waiting another day." I smile and put my hand out

I see he's weighing out
what I've said. "If you have pain you'll tell me right away?" He is
nervous. Fuckin bitch troll.

"When have I not been
honest with you? If I think it even
hurt I'll tell you." Not
in a million years.

"I'm sorry I doubted you,
old baggage." He smiles and I feel like a fraud. His mouth goes to
my nipples. When he sucks it sends shock waves to my

"Hole shit! That feels
freakin good." I slide my hand where I can reach on his body. I
know he likes when I touch him so I try for everywhere. His fingers
move slowly down my body. I let him take his time knowing he's
waiting for me to stop him. "Fuck, please don't stop." I move my
hips trying to get his finger in deeper. He growls and moves over
me. I use my feet to push his pj pants down.

"Slow down baby, let me
get a rubber." He leans to the nightstand. Yes! He's not stopping.
He puts it on the bed and moves lower. Fuck. He puts his mouth on

"Fuck! Oh my God! I'm
there." I cry out. He moves his tongue faster hitting my nub just
right. Fuck I yell out his name. I try to catch my breath, he's
smiling up at me. "Fuck that was too good. Please don't stop." I
beg him hearing the hoarseness in my voice.

He gets off the bed and
tells me to lean against the edge, feet on the floor, stomach on
the bed. I think I'm liking this. I do as he tells me. "I hate
hiding your tits from my view but I won't last seeing your face and
tits, based on your orgasm, I really want to last." I giggle; guess
he's not afraid anymore. He puts the condom on and checks to see if
I'm wet, Jeesh, I just came, it felt like I was opening a flood
gate. "Fuck baby, you're dripping." His voice is thick. He slides
in slow, I moan the whole way. "Fuck, you feel good baby. I love
hearing you enjoy it." He starts moving, he's gentle at first. I
growl and hear him chuckle but he moves faster and rolls his hips
each time he's all the way in.

"Fuck, Danny I'm putting
my hand on my stomach." He stops. "Please don't stop. I want to
hold that place you do, when you roll your hips it will send those
sparks flying."

"You're not hurting?" Fuck
nervous again.

"Fuck no, I want to feel
better, you can put your hand there, I don't care but I want those
sparks." He chuckles again.

"Go ahead baby, chase your
sparks, I don't want to hurt your stomach with my big paws." He
says with no trace of nervous. YES! I slide my hand down trying to
find the exact spot he does. I tell him to go. Fuck he does. "Fuck
baby, always surprising me. I love that you’re not afraid to take
what you want." He holds my hips still and pumps into

"Right there, don't go
slower or faster, right there." I beg him. He keeps moving at that
pace, I get my hand right, put pressure on my stomach and scream
his name. I hear his moaned fuck but nothing else. Holy

"Baby you're still
squeezing me so fuckin hard I know you're not dead but are you ok?"
His hoarse voice is hard to understand because of his heavy

I'm wiped but I turn my
face as far back as I can and smile. I haven't even opened my eyes.
I moan and he laughs.

He pulls out still
chuckling. "You're wiped aren't you my beautiful K?" I moan again
and nod. He kisses my cheek, “let me get you cleaned up." I nod and
stay put, as if it were a choice. He cleans me and lays me back on
the bed.

"Thank you that was mind
blowing." I say, still with my eyes closed. I roll into him. "No
more waiting, it's too good to wait." He laughs at me and kisses my



Holy fuck, she's right it
was fuckin mind blowing and too good to wait. My fuckin ex messed
with my head when I was too young to know any better. I'm so fuckin
thankful Kate gave me a shot after I fucked up so bad. I need to
stop bringing my ex into our lives. I know it pisses her off. I
don't need the reminder of how fuckin stupid I was and she doesn't
deserve to be doubted when she's never given me a reason to doubt
her and it’s always over stupid shit.

I'm going to talk to the
counselor when I bring the boys after Christmas. I'm not sure how
to throw all the shit De spouted out, maybe the counselor can help.
It shouldn’t be clouding my life with Kate.

I'm not fuckin this up. My
beautiful wife and six boys are worth a little embarrassment. I
pull the patch off dropping it on the nightstand and switch off the
light. Kate burrows into me; I fall asleep with a smile. My
Beautiful K.

Chapter Thirty One


Nancy, Natalie and Mary
take the boys shopping. They got the manager to open an hour early
so they could get the Santa presents for the low income kids in
town. They ordered a bunch of stuff that the Prospects will take
over to the Community Center for the seniors to organize and get
ready for delivery. Kelly is organizing food baskets with some of
the other old ladies. Anita and Devon are organizing the shelters
Christmas presents. Everyone does their jobs like they've been
doing it for years. They make me smile. Luckily the club did the
secret Santa. The kids have so much stuff already. One more present
each is about all my house can hold right now.

Len comes in looking
worried. "What's up Len?"

He sits down hard. "South
Boston call, high security waiting for mom to be released from the
hospital. No one is willing to take her. They’ve called up into New
Hampshire and down into Rhode Island. Husband is Boston SWAT. Eight
year old twins, one boy, one girl. If mom's not released today the
kids are going into care. Battered Women's up there won't shelter
her over night because of the husband." Fuck.

"Call Doc. Get mom and
kids here any way you can. If she needs ambulance transport, get
Doc on it right away. We’ll need any and all info on the husband."
He nods moving quickly. I call Anita and tell her what's going on.
She promises to finish up and head over.

I check the roster of
shelters and families. My old house is open. I call Digs. "Digs its
Kate, did the cameras and Plexiglas go into my old

"Yeah they're up, been up
since after Natalie." He sounds distracted.

"I'm pulling a South
Boston client. No one is willing to take her. Husband is SWAT. I
need your attention on this Digs. It's not just another high
security client, it's volatile. Christmas, no family around to beat
and highly skilled training, a know in the department and plenty of
guns. This is as real as it gets." I say in a no nonsense way that
grabs his attention.

"Sorry Kate. I got it. Doc
hasn't called yet, I didn't know." He says. I know I have his full
attention now.

"He's arranging for them
to get here. They'll need at least one vehicle change. I'll get
Anita on supplying clothes for the change. There will be eight year
old twins, one girl one boy. Mom hasn't been discharged from the
hospital yet." Doc comes walking in on his phone. "Doc just got
here I'll have him call you back." I hang up without waiting for an
answer. I wait until Doc finishes.

He looks at me as he
slides the phone off. "Baxter is flying her down here. Their
chopper just touched down on the hospital roof. No one’s name is on
the order and no one’s allowed on the roof with them. They had a
doctor just finishing up a meeting at their lab so he'll ride with
her." He blows a breath out.

"I have Digs working on
transport. My old house is empty. We need friggin names for the
houses." I get a smile out of him. "Anita is on her way

Len comes in with the
husband’s info. “I sent you what I have via email. This is what I
just got from the hospital security.” He hands me a page. “Police
are already questioning the nurses. Husband is at large. Crisis
worker was assaulted at the hospital. He may know where she’s

Doc nods. "How do you feel
about this one?" I know exactly what he's saying. I hand him the
info. Logging on I send what I have to Ben at Baxter’s, Digs and

I look over to him. "Like
sheltering her isn't the only thing we need to do for her. I'm
anxious Doc. It's Christmas Eve. We have tons of shit going on and
people are going to be distracted. The last thing I want to do is
bring trouble to our door on a day like today. For some reason I
think she needs to be here. Besides the fact that no one else will
take her." That sounds whiny. Fuck. I look down and take a breath.
"I got a bad feeling." I say looking at him.

"Baxter's do too. Beau is
giving me two from their international security. The client is
going to land at Baxter's compound; they'll transport them west to
be picked up in Lakeland.

I relay the info to Digs
and hang up as Anita comes in. Before she even opens her mouth I
put my hand up. "Call Tracy or Nancy, 8 year old twins. One boy one
girl, you can get specific later. Right now basic, they're in a
chopper from the hospital, probably don't have much if anything
with them. They're meeting with a vehicle to switch in Lakeland. I
don't want to use anyone outside of the MC, you, me or Len. We need
someone moving quickly. Talk with Digs." She nods walking

Doc moves back to my desk.
“Patches is putting together basics for the switch, he'll be
picking them up with one from Military Security. Baxter’s Security
is on their way here." He tells me. I go tell Anita. She nods while
dialing another number. I head back to Doc.

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