MC: LaPonte (24 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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Ben finally opens his
mouth, "Brothers, old ladies, social workers, friends, as you can
see they are all fine. Jess will set a list at the Bakery if
anything is needed. I'm glad you showed your support and concern,
it is appreciated more than you know. We need to get them out of
here and let the hospital staff relax. VP scared the shit out of
these poor people." Everyone looks at Steve and gives nervous
chuckles. He looks pissed at the Detective. "You can call to visit
once everything settles down. Thank you for this." He lifts his

Anita comes over to me.
"Baby you take the rest of the day off. You're a mess. Call me if
you need anything. I’m so glad you’re ok." I nod.

"I won't hug you. I have
Danny's blood all over me." She kisses my cheek and walks out the
door. Everyone but Jess, Tiny, Patches and Ben leave.

Ben sits the walking
wounded in the empty chairs. Harris looks at my hand in Danny's.
There's that sneer again. Steve pokes him and growls, "focus." I
crack up. Harris asks another question and Steve looks at Ben.
"Ain't talkin to fuckin Barney Fife anymore. They want answers;
they can send a real fuckin cop." He walks away. Danny and Doc
crack up. Harris doesn’t know what to do.

Ben nods and pulls his
phone. He walks to the door talking. Two minutes goes by and he
comes back nodding at us. "Let's get home before the boys. They
don't need to see all this fuckin blood." We all get up and turn
toward the door. Harris is sputtering then answers his phone. Ben
looks back and smiles at Doc.

Patches drives me and
Danny home. He told us how scared he was, we're his only family. I
put my hand on his arm. I know how that feels and tell him. He asks
if he can still take the boys, he'll pick them up from daycare and
school, he'll call Natalie to let her know. Danny tells him it's
fine, they need time with one of their Brothers. He smiles walking

We just get changed when
Ben and Steve knock on the door. Holy crap, I need this some time
away from people. "Brother, I know you don't need us here right
now, but we need to ask you something." I sit. I don't think I can
handle bad news right now. "You know the guy was the boy's father.
He signed his parental rights away at the police station today.
Judge signed it and everything. He'll be charged with the murder of
their mom, child abuse, child endangerment, and attempted murder
for Doc, you and a cop the stupid bastard pulled his empty gun on."
My mouth falls open. I have no idea what to say. Danny nods. "You
can legally adopt them as of today. If this is what you want, we
have a lawyer and judge ready and waiting to sign the papers. You
don't need to do anything but say yes. It's just a matter of
paperwork." I look at Danny. He turns so he can see me. "We'll
still help, we've claimed them as ours, that won't go away." He
finishes as we're looking at each other.

"We're not turning away
help Pres, we would adopt them without it. I don't know how it
would work without the Brotherhood, but we would still adopt them.
So, yes we want to adopt them. They need us, we can't let them down
too." He squeezes my hand. I have tears in my eyes.

The guys stand so I do
too. Ben hugs me and then Steve does. They both hug Danny. A real
hug, not the man thing. "I'll have your paperwork tomorrow. Geek
will get the social security cards and all the other paperwork
you'll need." Ben tells Danny. "Tracy has a sleepover planned for
tonight, it will give you some time to rest after all that shit
today. Patches will bring the boys to us after their dinner." We
thank them as they leave.

"Holy shit. They'll be
ours. Holy shit!" I cry again. Danny laughs and holds me pulling me
to the couch.

"A year ago I was trying
to figure out how to get you back. Today I have a beautiful wife,
four sons, one on the way, Patches and Brothers that drop
everything to help us out in every fuckin way possible. It just
doesn't get better than this. Thank you for the second chance
baby." I laugh and bury my face in his neck.



I make chicken Alfredo
with broccoli for my beautiful K while she's in the tub. She's had
a rough day. I'm so fuckin relieved her and the baby are fine. I
can't believe someone would put a hand on her. I wanted to kill
him; it's a good thing Steve was there. I hear Kate's feet
pattering toward me. I'm just draining the noodles when she comes
into the kitchen. "Good timing." I turn to look at her, fuck, I put
the strainer back in the sink. Grabbing the pan I put cold water in
it, drop the noodles in and shut off the sauce. "I'm not taking
chances of the fire alarm going off and you laughing as I come. My
man card has taken too many hits. They may revoke it if that
happens again." She laughs. I walk over and lift her putting her
ass on the counter. Opening her robe I see she has nothing under
it. I bend to her nipple and feather my tongue around her jewel.
Fuck my dick jerks. She doesn't have to do a fuckin thing to get me
hard. "I love you my beautiful wife." I move to the nipple she's
holding for me. With my boy growing in her, her tits have grown
giving me more to play with. I love putting my mouth on her. She
moans for me. My hand slides into her folds, fuck she wet making my
dick jerk again. Her hands are sliding under my shirt. I love her
fuckin hands on me. I unzip and drop my pants down pulling her to
the edge. "Fuck baby." I kiss my baby then put my mouth on her
nipple again sucking hard. She leans back as I slide in moving
slow, all the way in then all the way out, keeping my mouth on her
nipples. She holds my head to her and moans as her pussy squeezes
me. Fuck, she cries out, her body shivers and her pussy clenches
down. Fuck that's good. Standing straight I start moving faster
watching my dick slide in and out. She's still squeezing my dick
causing my balls to draw up. Her eyes are dazed, she's so fuckin
sexy with my boy in her belly. I slam in bending to suck her
nipple, she's going to go off again. Pumping her hard I hold her
hips slamming into her until we both cry out a 'fuck'. I hold
myself up trying to catch my breath. "I love you beautiful K. I
love seeing my boy growing in you. So fuckin sexy." I drop a kiss
on her and pull out. She moans making me smile. She's wiped. I
clean her up and sit her in a chair. Getting the dinner I made
earlier warmed up I feed my girl with a smile on my face. She still
hasn't said anything.

Chapter Twenty

Three weeks...

"This party is huge, I'm
so glad they decided to have it here at the club. These people
would not fit in our house." I tell Nancy.

"They came out of the
woodwork for this one. I think some of these guys are from up
north. They stopped on their way home and someone invited them to
stay." Tracy says. I thought they looked familiar.

"Have you seen the boys
since you got here?" I ask them.

"Yeah Patches was
organizing the kids for rides in the back. Mary did a great job
with the shirts." Jess says.

"What's with the shirts? I
didn't see them." Natalie says.

"Every kid’s got an MC
jersey with their last name on the back. She didn't miss anyone.
The kids love them." I tell them.

"I think Penny, the young
woman from the shelter, is going to open a t-shirt shop. That's
where Mary got them from. They've become good friends." Jess tells

"That girl is too young to
have been in that shelter. She's so sweet." Anita says with feeling
in her voice. Everyone nods.

"Kate, how is it going
with the boys?" Natalie asks.

"It has been awesome. We
have so much help, life is so good right now. We're all happy and
healthy. I used to dream about a house full of kids but the reality
is so much better. I hope I can keep up once the baby gets here." I
tell them with happy tears in my eyes.

"You'll do fine, you're
like superwoman. We don't plan on deserting you either. You’ll
still have help." Jess tells me. I smile at them.

We all get up, sirens are
at the gate. Oh crap. Ben, Steve and Tiny go to the gate. Casper
tells everyone to continue with the party. "Don't pay them any
attention. We've got nothing to worry about, just relax and have
fun." We sit back down.

I look over at the gate
Ben is laughing with Geek. The agent doesn't look happy. Ben let's
them in, they go right in the clubhouse.



Shit what is this all
about? I remember one agent from the truck. It took them fuckin
long enough to get their warrant. Pres is laughing with Geek. I
guess it's going to be easy.

Pres calls for his
officers. I look for Kate, she smiles and waves letting me know she
heard. I love my beautiful K. She's so easy. I jog over to Pres and

Listen Brothers, they have
a warrant for the warehouse, the clubhouse not including out
buildings and Security. I need you to be at one of those locations
just watching they don't break shit and leave us vulnerable. We all
nod." He doesn't look worried.

"Whatever you need Pres."
I tell him, the Brothers agree.

"Casper take Rob and Geek
to the warehouse. VP, Danny and Tiny to Security. Doc, will stay
here, with the families. We might need a patch job." We all

Steve takes us over to
Security where agents are waiting. Two follow us. As soon as he
opens the door they swarm the building. I can't help my smile.
There are people working inside. If we were going to hide
something, they would have already done it.

A group goes to the
basement door. Steve laughs. They have old information. The two
agents follow us to the surveillance office. Steve goes to an empty
desk and flips the computer on bringing the building up. He watches
the agents looking through the building. Turning to me, "get to the
evidence room. Not sure they'll find it without being led. They'll
need the bill of sales." I nod and walk out. An agent

I'm so glad they moved the
guns and ammo once the room was finished. I unlock the gate and
walk to the safe, opening it I grab the file and keys out. The guns
are in locked cases against the walls. Everything has a bill of
sale in the order it's displayed. The ammo is under the displays
with paper the same way. I hand it to the agent. He rolls his eyes.
"Knew this was a fuckin waste of time." More agents swarm the room
as if I was holding a gun on him. "Relax. They willingly gave
paperwork. You won't find anything here." He hands the file to
another agent and walks out. Harris walks in with a shit eating

"Funny seeing you here
Barney." I smile at him. He loses his smile and helps the guy with
the file check weapons against the bill of sales. I wait at the
gate door, after a half hour the agent that followed us comes back,
looking in he shakes his head.

"Anything?" He

Harris looks over pissed.
"There's a box of ammo not on the list."

"All the time and money we
spent on this and you found a fucking box of ammo?" He looks like
he wants to beat the fuck out of him. "There's nothing at the other
locations. All those deliveries you logged came to nothing. Clear
out." The agents move out of the room, the last guy hands me the
paperwork and keys. I put them back in the safe and lock the

Harris is waiting. "I know
your hiding guns and there's got to be drugs hidden too. We'll find
them. I know your VP is an assassin; I’ve got a file on him. I’ll
be watching." The agent looks back shaking his head.

"We don't run drugs. We
keep drugs out of the whole fuckin town. You think we're secretly
dealing the shit? If our VP is an assassin I’d be worried he didn’t
come after me if I were you. Barney even for you that's some lame
ass police work. You checked our paperwork yourself, I'm pretty
sure a box of ammo isn't a federal offense. Especially since it can
be bought at fuckin Walmart."

"I'm going to find them."
The stupid stubborn ass cop says.

"Tell you what Barney, you
find all the shit you're imagining we have, I'm pretty sure you're
friends here will let you take all the credit. I'm willing to bet
the next time you call; they won't be picking up the fuckin phone."
I tell him with a smile. The agent laughs.

"Why do you keep calling
him Barney?" He asks me. He's my new friend now.

"Barney Fife is what our
VP calls him, from Andy Griffith show, it fit so well it stuck.
This is just a bigger fuck up than usual. I just adopted three
boys, deliveries was for them, getting their room and shit ready
for them. He usually keeps it small so his fuck up is merely
entertainment for us and the cops that work with him. Friend of
mine works with him, he thinks he should be IA on a sitcom." I tell
him watching Harris' face turn red. He is pissed. I laugh. We go
back down, the agents are walking out. Harris follows

I hear someone yelling and
follow. Pres and VP are with the chief. I stand behind them as the
chief dresses down Harris in front of every fuckin body. He's
pissed he didn't follow the chain of command and brought disgrace
down on his department. He apologizes to Pres for ruining the
family day. He looks at me and congratulates me on the adoptions,
thanking me for stepping up for the three boys and offering help if
I ever need it.

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