MC: LaPonte (10 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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He looks down, "We're
waiting for Ben."

It seems like forever when
Tracy comes to the door. Rob moves out of the way for her to enter.
She squats down in front of me. "Kate, Danny was hit in the
crossfire; an ambulance is bringing him to the hospital. Ben is
with him. I'm going to drive you. Steve is bringing Jess." She
talks so gently I know it's bad. Danny would have come and got

I think my heart stopped.
I can't breathe. I put my head down and see my tears falling on the
floor. "Please tell me he'll be ok." I beg her.

"I want to tell you that
Kate but I don't know. I just got here. Let's get to the hospital
and find out ok?" She puts her hand out for me.

I sit up and look at Rob.
"Where was he shot?"

He looks down. "I don't
know exactly where. His head went back, I saw blood on his

I stand up and let Tracy
pull me out. I don't remember getting to the hospital. Ben tells me
he's in surgery; he was shot in the face. I sit in the waiting
room, it feels like days go by. People come and go but I don’t
really pay attention to them. I do notice a couple of cops sit down
for a while then leave. Everyone is trying to feed me, I can't eat,
I don't want a drink. I just sit and wait. I refuse to think about
the damage until I know for sure. I look at the window, it dark,
I've been here forever. I’m finally right where I want to be and
Danny is shot in the face. I push it out of my head, no negative
thoughts I keep telling myself. Finally, a doctor comes to us.

I stand and walk to him.
Jess holds my hand. "Yes."

"The bullet hit the bone
in his cheek. It shattered, the fragments severing muscles, part of
his optic nerve and his eye badly. We reconstructed his cheek bone
with a plate. With today's technology we're able to reconstruct his
features very close to before the bullet damage. His jaw bone was
intact; we were able to connect the plate above it. He was very
lucky the way the bullet passed through, the damage was contained
to the cheek and eye. We have a specialist coming to assess the eye
damage. I'm sorry I can't give you more information on that. It's
not my specialty. He's in recovery right now. He made me promise to
tell you he's fine and even with one eye you'll still be his
beautiful K." He smiles at me.

A sob comes out. "Thank
you." He's alive and going to be fine. Through all he said that's
all I can grasp. Jess grips my hand and laughs.

"I'll have a nurse come
get you when he's moved to his room." He leaves and everyone starts
talking at once.

I look at Jess. "He's ok.
He's going to be ok."

She smiles. "Yeah Kate,
he's going to be ok." I hug her and laugh.

Tracy hugs us from behind.
"He's ok." She whispers.

When they let me go I take
a deep breath. Ben puts his hand on my shoulder. "Kate, I have to
leave, I'll be back later. I have a Prospect that I need to
coordinate care for. I'm glad he's ok. He's a strong man, not much
would keep him down." He hugs me.

"Thank you

"You should put the
Prospect in with Patches. He's getting a little stir crazy." Jess
tells him.

He gives her a thoughtful
look. "I think that would work well, thanks little mama." He's gone
a second later.


Two weeks...

Fuck. I feel like a hammer
is pounding the right side of my face from the inside. I slide out
from under K, grab some Tylenol from the kitchen and bring a glass
of water out to the porch. Sitting up helps, I feel the pressure
lessen after a minute of sitting on the swing. What a fuckin mess,
fuckin dirty cops. I was released from the hospital after three
days. Pres waited for Kate to leave for work to come and talk to
me. Steve 'dealt with' the cop that shot me. I didn't ask any
questions. I'm not sure I want to know how he dealt with him in a
fuckin jail. I'm learning he is seriously scary. The guy that shot
me was aiming for the other cops, I just got caught in the cross
fire. Thank God I moved back when I saw the gun move or I would be
dead right now.

When Pres asked if I
needed anything I made him laugh with needing a ride. He took me to
the jewelry store to get a ring for Kate. They didn't have what I
was looking for so the jeweler had to make it. It took a week, but
I finally got it, the pink diamond is a perfect match to her
jewels. I'm so glad Jess handles my money. I didn't have to scrimp
and save like with my ex. I sigh, her demanding the ring she
wanted, way more than I could afford, should have given me a clue
that it wasn't right. I’m so glad Kate is her opposite.

I've been waiting to ask.
Knowing how close to dying I came, I feel an urgency to make her
mine. She's been so calm and hasn't changed the way she treats me,
but I'm not sure once all the bandages come off if she'll feel the
same. The scar on my face is horrific even to me.

The door pulls me out of
my head. "Couldn't sleep?" She asks, sleep making her voice

My fuckin dick jumps.
"Just waiting out Tylenol." I put my hand out and sit her on my
lap. "Why are you up?"

"I guess I missed you even
in sleep." She says planting a kiss on my lips. "I think my brain
doesn't want to miss a minute of us." She smiles. Her eyes are
bright, the moon lighting her face. Beautiful K.

"I was just sitting here
thinking about that." I guess I have my answer. She lays her head
on my shoulder. I give her a few minutes of quiet then slide her on
the seat. "I'll be right back." I'm not wasting another fuckin
minute. I get the ring and slide it on my little finger so I don't
drop it. When I get to the porch I lift her up and sit down feeling
the pressure in my face. Fuck, I moan and need a minute to let it
clear. She puts her head back on my shoulder.

"It's a pretty night." She
says softly as if any louder will wipe it away.

"K, how will you feel if I
have to wear the patch for the rest of my life?"

She moves so I can see her
face. She's fuckin smiling. "I'm sorry you have to wear it, but it
kind of turns me on. I think you look sexy with it, like a modern
day pirate. Does it bother you?"

"I can't change what is,
it doesn't bother me in the way you're thinking. I know the scar
and patch aren't going anywhere anytime soon. My dyslexia is making
relearning things harder. That's the extent of my concern. We
haven't talked about it. I just wanted to know how you felt if the
patch was a forever thing."

"I love you with and
without the patch. I've loved you for years. The patch hasn't
changed how I feel." She kisses my lips.

She loved me even after
the way I treated her with the whores. "Fuckin beautiful K. I love
that about you. I love everything about you." I put my hand on her
cheek stroking her bottom lip with my thumb.

"We can go back to bed and
you can show me again." She smiles wiggling her

I laugh holding my face,
"baby we can, but I have a question first. After everything I put
you through, the selfish bastard that I was, you still love me. A
guy doesn't get that every day. It took me time to realize and
appreciate you for who you are. I love you Kate, I don't want to
wait anymore. I want to make you mine in every sense, as soon as
possible. I'm looking for forever baby. Will you marry me?" I turn
her hand over and put the ring in her palm.

She looks at the ring and
cries. Fuck! I hold my breath feeling light headed. She finally
looks up. "Yes. This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I
love you for always thinking about what I would like."

"Holy shit, thank you." I
let my breath out and take a deep breath. She laughs. I kiss her
lips. "You had me scared for a second there."

"I don't know why? If I
didn't keep you around who would play with my jewels? You’ve got
job security." She smiles with tears on her face as I slide the
ring on her finger. How do women do that?

"Fuckin beautiful K, I'm
glad you have your reasons for keeping me. My dick is hard enough
to pound nails. Let's go to bed so I can get started on my new

She laughs and kisses my
cheek. "How much does a piercing inspector get paid? I may need
Jess to shift some stock for me, this could get expensive over
fifty years."

Fuckin Kate. I put my hand
on the bandage and laugh. "We can work it out in trade."

She stands, "ok." Pulling
me to my feet she grabs my dick. "Yep, hard enough to pound




I pull his t off as he
sits against the headboard. He's so fucking sexy, I take him in.
I'm marrying him. Holy Crap! I’ve dreamed of marrying him for most
of my life. I feel so lucky right at this moment. Now I want to get
lucky. I climb on the bed. "You're a very sexy inspector. I really
like this position; it makes me feel like I'm holding a sexy pirate
captive." I reach for his dick. The left side of his face smiles
for me. I bend and take his head in my mouth loving his hissed
'fuck'. I suck hard going down.

"Fuck that's good baby."
His hand holds my hair away from my face so he can watch. I've
noticed he loves to watch everything. He's a very visual guy. I
move my body over so he can see. "Fuck K that feels so fuckin good.
I love your mouth on me, seeing you swallowing me down. I don't
want to come in your mouth baby, I need to see you." I lift up
releasing him with a pop. He moans again.

I straddle his lap, he
holds himself so I can slide down. Fuck, we both moan. I just sit
with my back arched so he can play with my nipples. Jess was right
they are like a pleasure button, it connects right to my pussy and
sends shivers down my spine making me moan. I reach up and help him
holding the tit his mouth isn't on. His fingers feather and message
around the jewel making my pussy throb.

"Beautiful K if you don't
move we're both going to come from me touching your nipples. I'm
going to get thrown out of the man club if that happens again." I
snort then moan when he pinches one.

"I was hoping you felt
good enough to slide in my ass. We haven't done that since you've
been out of the hospital." I'm a little unsure about what he can do
without pain.

"Fuck Kate, I didn't know
you liked it that much. You're such a fuckin surprise sometimes."
He lifts me off him and sits me back down. "Let me finish my job, I
won't last if you come with me in you." He goes back to my nipples.
Holy Crap! My body clenches as he squeezes one tit while sucking
hard on the other. I cry out and grab on, holding it out for him.
His hand moves over mine making me message like he does, he sucks
hard flipping the jewel. I scream and fall against him. He slides
his hands up to my face. "You're so fuckin sexy when you come, just
watching brings me to the edge. I have to do multiplication tables
to last."

I think I laugh. He kisses
my lips. I can't wait until his tongue can go in my mouth again. I
slide off his lap and reach for the drawer grabbing a condom and
lube. He won't go in without one, saying it’s too messy for me. He
kneels on the bed and faces the headboard, turning me around, he
puts my hands on the top and pulls my ass toward him. "Did you
forget the vibrator K, or you don't want it?"

"I'm still kind of fuzzy
here." I tell him, he reaches for it, turns it on and slides it up
my body and over my nipples. "Fuck." I moan, and my whole body
shivers. He moves it down sliding it into my pussy. Once he's lubed
he slides in steady but slow. I moan the whole way. "Fuck that
feels good." He slowly fills me making the vibrator feel tight in

"Fuck K. I'm going to move
fast baby."

He holds my hips and
starts pumping. I moan. He puts one hand low on my stomach, when he
puts pressure the vibrator sends sparks shooting through me. I
start to shake. "Fuck, harder, please harder." I beg him. He moves
faster pounding into me one hand wraps around my waist pulling me
into him the other on my nipple playing with the jewel. My body
explodes. Holy fuck!

I hear him groan out a
‘fuck’ then he falls on my back with a hand on the wall. He doesn't
move his arm from around my waist, thank God. I would’ve face
planted on the headboard. When he catches his breath he slides his
hand to my pussy pulling the vibrator out and shutting it off. "You
keep making it better. Every fucking time it’s better. Thank you my
beautiful K." He kisses my back.

I moan back at him. I feel
his chest rumble and know he's laughing with his jaw clenched. He
pulls out and cleans us up. I fix his pillows so his head is high
and wait for him to lie down so I can lie on his chest. "I love you
Danny. Thank you for another awesome day." I kiss his chest while
he holds me tight. I'm asleep in minutes.


One month…

I finally make it to
church. Tiny and Petey picked up my truck last week. I didn’t even
notice it was gone. They installed bigger mirrors with bubbles on
the top. I’m getting around in the backyard. I haven’t gone to the
city yet. I still get caught off guard with the blind spots. I
figure if I drive enough, the new mirrors will be normal to me. I
haven’t even looked at my bike. A Prospect opens the gate and waves
me in. I pull in to a front spot. I’m wondering if they left it
open for me. Not for the first time, I wonder about belonging to a
club if I can't re-learn to ride my bike. I shake it off and pocket
my keys.

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