MC: LaPonte (13 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

BOOK: MC: LaPonte
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Pres nods. "I can't figure
out how I don't know all this." He shakes his head. "I'd like to
schedule classes as well. I'm adding another house. I'll need you
to go through them and give us some insight on how to make it
comfortable for the clients that need them."

"Ben, you already provide
one of the best shelters we have. Danny put in all the bells and
whistles right down to using the garage as a safe play area. The
old ladies stocking and making meals is a bonus for me because I
don't have to coordinate that aspect. We could definitely use
another shelter. Too often we have to double up families in one
house. Holding classes isn't a problem for me either. I'll just
need a month in advance, you call Anita and she'll schedule you

"Again, I don't know how
I'm missing this information."

"You're good at your job
Ben. The club is growing; you're choosing wisely and trusting your
people to do their jobs. They're doing them well. I can tell you,
with two shelters and classes, you'll need a coordinator if you
want to keep the level of service so high."

Doc jumps in. "Kate today
that woman was terrified sitting in that corner and you calmed her
so easily and quickly. I want to help. I watched her hold your hand
and she found her strength. That was awesome to see. I want to do
that too."

"Women that have been
abused are going to shy away from men in general. Don't take
offense but you guys are not average sized guys. You were great
today Doc and so were you Ben, but it will be hard for a woman to
see you as a source of comfort. Working behind the scenes would
work better, like Len does. He provides a sense of security until
the women are comfortable seeing him. Only then will he interact."
She says gently but Doc has a determined look.

"I can be the coordinator
and treat the clients. I can do what Len does." He tells

This gets him her smile.
"That would be perfect. The trust these women have with men is
shattered. They need to see that all men are not out to hurt them
but we can't force it on them. Natalie is different; today she had
no choice but to trust men with her kids and herself. I can already
see she's going to be like Jess, if she can get away from her
husband. She has a strength that will carry her through, she'll
draw on that and it will grow, making her a formidable

I sit forward. "I know you
probably don't realize it, you saved that woman's life today. Her
husband left those boys because he had one thing on his mind.
Natalie wasn't going to make it back for them." I tell them, they
look shocked.

They look at Kate, she
nods her head. "That's the hardest part of my job, the ones I can't

Pres stands, "Steve will
be in touch for the training class. Doc will coordinate the next
house with you Danny. Kate, we're going make sure the clients that
make it to us will make it out stronger and do it safely. We won't
fail you or them again." He walks to the door and right out. Holy

I look at Doc, he's
smiling as he stands. "When he gets like this he never fails. He'll
fight until it's fixed and running right. I'll get in touch with
you both next week. We'll get wands over to your office right away
ensuring no more tracking devices ever make it through." He throws
chin and walks out.

I look at my beautiful K;
she turns to me and burst into tears. I pull her on my lap and just
hold her. What a fuckin crazy day. My girl lived through hell
today. I can't imagine the sense of helplessness she felt losing
Natalie. I rub her back and kiss her head.

Thinking back it did get
strange for a while there. Steve got a call and pulled Ben aside,
next thing I know, the boys are with me and Ben is flying up the
road while Steve is sliding a blue jacket and full faced blue
helmet on. Rob helped me and the boys clean up. Just as we finish
washing up and I see my little niece Elizabeth, Ben calls telling
me to take the boys to the ice cream shop and keep watch over two
other boys with Dave until he gets there.

The two little ones were
so scared; the older must be about four, he asks me if I'm a
pirate. Jessie tells him I'm a good pirate making Dave laugh.
Sitting at the table watching the boys play I notice how Jessie and
Little Ben get the other two to relax. Those boys are something
else. I hear before I see a Ducati coming down the road. The full
helmet shocks me. It's Steve. All I can think is, that bike is
almost a match to mine and when the fuck did he get that? Casper
shows telling us what happened and how Kate kept it together. When
he leaves I ask Dave about Steve and the Ducati. He tells me to
forget I saw it. Anybody else and I would have questioned it.
Because it was Steve I let it go. Jared shows then Ben shows with
Kate and the little guy’s mom who looks like she was hit by a bus.
Dave takes off without saying a word. Right then, I'm so proud of
my girl and my Brothers for saving this woman they don't even know.
I wish I ran security today but it felt good being there for the
boys. I hope they feel the good and not the bad part of losing her
in the first place.

Kate tightens her arm
around me getting me out of my head. I stand and carry her to the
bathroom putting her on the counter. I fill the tub adding some of
her bath shit and lift her to stand. She helps me get her undressed
and steps in. Telling her I'll be right back I get her a glass of
wine and some of her wheat crackers and cheese. I throw a handful
of grapes on top of the plate and bring it to her. When I put it on
the rack, she gives me a sad smile. I sit on the floor with my back
against the tub and keep her company. She doesn't say a word, after
a while she puts her hand on my shoulder. We both relax content in
the silence.


One month...

I watch my boy talking to
Jessie and Little Ben. He's turned into a good man. I'm so fuckin
proud of him. I look at my watch again.

"Dad, she'll be here.
Relax." He smiles.

"I know, but it's not like
her to be late." I just finish saying as Kate pulls in. Rich stands
and slaps my shoulder with a smile. He goes to help Kate telling me
to wait with the boys. Fuckin kids. I smile though and I'm so
fuckin happy I can without the pain.

Jessie asks me to look at
their sheds. "Is something wrong with them?" Fuck.

"No, we want a safe room
like our dads. We can put our stuff so it's not seen and it stays

I hold my face and laugh.
"I think we can do that. We can make a hidden door at the back and
give you a safe room."

He looks at Little Ben and
smiles. "Thanks Uncle Danny." Little Ben says. I ruffle their
heads. These two are too fuckin much. It makes me wonder about the
safe rooms their dads have. I did the work on the houses but didn't
build safe rooms.

"You know you shouldn't
tell people about the safe rooms right?" I look at both of

"We don't. You're family;
our dads say you're a good man. We can talk to you about anything
especially if it's bad or scary. That means we can talk to you
about good stuff too." Jessie tells me. Fuckin kids. Fuck that
makes me feel good. People trust me again.

"You're right. You're
growing up so fast, I forget you're little men and ask stupid

"It's ok." Little Ben says
making me laugh again.

Kate finds me with my hand
on my face and smiles. I move to her and bend to give her a kiss.
I'm struck again that I can do this with no pressure on my face.
Life's getting easier.

"Rich is taking us out to
dinner. He tried for the Wharf but I shut that down quick. He's
talking to Steve right now." She says with the devil in her smile.
I hold on to my face and crack up.

"No inspections at
dinner?" I get a laugh out of her.

"Kate, dad, Steve put me
on with Ben, Tracy has Natalie to babysit for them. They can come

Kate smiles big.

"Who the hell is Natalie?"
He asks.

"Our new friend. She came
out of the shelter and decided she was safe here, so she stayed." I
tell him. Still so fuckin proud of my K.

"Bet the Brothers are
going to enjoy the good women they find themselves surrounded
with." He laughs. Something I've thought about. I see Jared with
Natalie's boys at the playground, he looks at peace

Kate draws my attention
back to her. "I wanted to give you this before tomorrow." She hands
me a box. "Rich helped me with the art." I look at him then

Opening it I see three
patches. One black silk, one the same blue fire design from my bike
and one bomber jacket brown leather. I hold my face and laugh
almost dropping the box. When it tips I see one underneath and
laugh harder. It's a picture of what my eye was. Kate holds the box
for me so I can pull one out. I turn around so the boys don't see
the sunken socket and switch the patches. When I turn back they
look shocked.

Kate laughs. "It matches
your skin color and blends in."

Little Ben climbs on the
table and touches my face. "She got you back for tomorrow. But I
like the ones that make you stronger. Sometimes you have to show
them cause everyone can’t see the strong you yet." He slides his
finger along the scar; he's being so gentle, like he likes

Jessie climbs up touching
the patch. "Dad says people's scars shows their strength. Sometimes
the scars are hidden like Uncle Steve and Aunt Jess, sometimes
they're like yours, you can see some of em." He puts his hand on my
cheek where Ben's just was. "We like the ones that don't hide your
strong Uncle Danny. Sometimes it's good to see people's strong.
Then we learn to be strong for other people." I look at them fuckin

"Thank you little
Brothers. I like those too." I say hearing the emotion in my

"Fuck, are they for real?"
Rich says astonished.

Kate laughs. "You said it
perfect my favorite little men. Would you like to come to

They look at each other
then turn to Kate. As usual Jessie talks. "If Ms. Natalie is
watching Elizabeth, we need to watch over her and the boys. We can
have dinner when Ms. Millie or our moms watch Elizabeth. Would that
be ok?" She smiles hugging them. Rich cracks up.

"That sounds perfect
little men." I tell them. They jump down and head

"They really are little
men. Unfuckinbelievable." Rich says in awe of them.

"All I do when I'm around
them is shake my head with that same look on my face. Fuckin kids."
I put my arm on his shoulder. "Especially the big one." He

We have a great time at
dinner. Rich cracks us up with the stuff he's done with his team.
It feels good to see my boy as a man, living his life well and

Kate tells Steve he's been
a good big brother to her and asks him to walk with her tomorrow.
He is clearly stunned then gives her the biggest fuckin smile.
"It'd be an honor." Kate, Tracy and Jess smile, then laugh.

When we're finished with
dinner Steve looks at Ben. Just like the boys, Ben looks at Kate
and does the talking. "Natalie's husband surfaced at a crack house
in Connecticut, he was picked up in a drug bust. She’s relieved and
ecstatic. She won't have to worry about him showing up

"Thank God, I thought the
guy on the Ducati killed him. He was flat out in the middle of the
highway when Casper left, then we never heard from him." Kate says
on a sigh.

I look at Steve, then Ben.
Ben laughs, "nope, apparently he spent the last month in the crack
house recuperating and getting hooked." He looks

Rich looks at Steve and
lifts his chin. I hold my face and look down. Jess asks Kate
something about tomorrow. While Kate is talking I look up and catch
Jess giving Steve a wink. Ben laughs and I hold my fuckin face
again. My fuckin Brothers and sister.


What a day! I'm so happy;
I can't believe I'm finally Mrs. LaPonte. Jess had a t shirt made
that says 'FINALLY Kate's sister’; she put it on as soon as we hit
the reception. She is crazy, but I love her. Everyone is having a
great time. It's a little chilly but no one seems to notice. Must
be the liquor.

Danny dances me around the
floor until I beg him for a break. He knows how to dance really
well. He even knows the line dances which surprises the hell out of
me when I see him dance with Millie. We stand with everyone and
watch Steve and Jess waltzing, they are so beautiful together. They
surprise the shelter workers. Steve is a scary dude until he's
holding Jess, then he melts. When they finish Ben and Tracy dance,
they are just as beautiful and leave my coworkers mouths hanging
open. I crack up at their reactions. Patches dances with me then
Rich asks me to dance, as he spins me around the floor I ask, "Do
they hold classes at the club? How the hell do you all know how to
dance so well?" I see Jared and Dave pass by us.

He throws his head back
and laughs, “I'd love to see Sam jitter bugging with his mohawk. My
dad took classes with me when I was in middle school. He said the
guys that danced were the ones holding the girls, while all the
other guys were dreaming of holding them as they held up a wall. At
thirteen I was all for dance class. I don't know where Ben and
Steve learned."

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