MC: LaPonte (16 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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Steve laughs. Ben yells,
“What the fuck is going on now?” Throwing his hands up in the air
and Steve is hysterical again. Yep, Chicken Little. Holy

I make it to the door and
get the fuck out of there.



I don’t get why he didn’t
just say he needed bandages. Seeing that picture freaked me the
hell out. I’m a little embarrassed that I yelled at the Prospects.
I get through my class, get the shopping done and have dinner on
the stove when he comes in. I got six boxes of fifty pads so he
won’t run out anytime soon.

“Good day after my freak
out?” I ask a little embarrassed.

He walks to me, bends and
kisses my lips. “Yeah, got a lot of shit done today. I’m sorry
about the picture making you freak out.” He moves over to the sink
getting a glass of water and some Tylenol from the

“Too much laughing

He looks at me, “Yeah, it
was one of those days where everything that happened was fucking
hysterical. I hope I don’t have another one until this eye is
fuckin healed.”

“Anything I can do to
help?” I ask instead of pointing out he won’t heal unless he takes
care of it.

He looks at me odd. “No, I
got this.”

It dawns on me he's never
asked me for anything. “I feel useless sometimes.” He gives me
another look. “Whenever I need anything you jump right in and take
care of whatever it is. When you need something you never say a
word. I want to be your partner not just the woman you take care

He watches me, his eyebrow
is drawn down. “I never had anyone to ask before.” He looks like
he’s thinking. I wait him out. “I want you to be my partner in
everything. I don’t think I know how to do that though.”

“Now that you’re aware of
it, maybe you can try with little things. If there is a food or
drink you like, you could tell me, so I get it. I know you don’t
like shopping. I can do that if you take care of the trash. I hate
lifting the lids on the barrels it’s yucky and stinks sometimes.” I
tell him. He smiles.

“Ok. I don’t mind doing
the laundry but I hate fucking ironing.” He looks like he’s getting
into this. “I like doing the dishes with you though. Can we leave

I smile, “Absolutely. I’ll
put a pad on the fridge, when you want something or we’re running
out of something write it down for me.” I’m thinking he’ll never
run out of pads that way.

“So I’m on trash and
laundry. You’ll iron and shop?” He asks like he doesn’t believe

I laugh, “Yes. The
cleaning service does everything else that has to do with the
house. We can work on other things as you notice them. Just try and
remember, I want to help you like you help me.” I’ll still do
laundry with him but I don’t have to tell him.

He holds his face and
laughs. “I like this. Thank you.” He kisses my head.

“Go take care of your
patch while I get dinner on the table.” I pat his back. He’s only
in there for a minute and I hear him swearing, I run to the
bathroom. He’s sitting on the edge of the tub doubled over holding
his face with two hands. The cabinet door is open. “What

He doesn’t look up but
takes a breath, “Three hundred? Fuckin Hell!”

I get one of his pain
pills and some water. Tylenol just isn’t going to cut it for him
today. After he takes it I tell him to hold his face, I wait until
he does. “I didn’t want you run out.” He doubles over again. I
leave him and go set the table.” I smile, I can see where that's
kind of funny.

Chapter Twenty

One week…

I’m in the yard jogging to
catch up to Pres. “Pres, there was tags on the side of the high
school and a house in the village.”

“Fuck. Why didn’t the
school call me? When did they go up?” He asks as he continues into
the club.

“They called me. I took
pictures and got Tiny to send Prospects to paint over them. Far as
the school could tell, they showed up Saturday night. The house I’m
not sure, the neighbors aren’t talking.” We walk into his

“Get Digs looking for info
on the house. I’ll have Geek look through Police reports.” He tells
me as he sits down.

“Got the information right
here from Digs.” I pull it out of the file. “I asked him for the
police reports too but he was busy. He said he would get back to

He smiles, “You make
Monday morning a little easier. Thanks Brother. I need a secretary
to keep all this shit in order. It’s starting to get to

“Keith works in an office.
He asked about club work at church yesterday. I think Geek got his

He stands, “I need some
time to see what else came up over the weekend. I need to talk to
you sometime today. I’ll get in touch when I’m headed to the
Bakery. If you can meet me there it would make my life

“I can.” I tell him. I get
to my truck deciding to go to the other side of town and get the
inspections done on the two houses the Brothers want to buy. I’ll
go to the shelter house when I’m back on this side of

Rob calls while I’m
heading back to the shelter house. I pull over to answer. “Yeah

“I’m at R&R. Your
friend is here asking for you.”

“What friend?” I don’t
hang there so I don’t know who would ask for me.

“Harris. Detective, asking
questions about the Brothers.” He says.

“I don’t know a Harris,
Rob.” I can’t place the name.

“Guy that had a date with
Kate a while back.” He says sounding aggravated.

“I’ll be there in ten.” I
hang up and call Steve.

“Harris asked for me to
meet him at R&R. I told Rob I’d be there in ten. Can Digs watch
us there?”

“Yeah. Stay away from the
back booth. He’ll record. Wait til I’m in the lot.” He hangs

What the fuck does this
guy want with me? I get to the bar just as Steve gets out of his
truck. I park alongside him at the back of the building.

I follow him to the back
door. Rob opens up for us. We all throw chin. “Where’s he at?”
Steve asks.

“Side booth, I got a
Prospect reading the paper in the back. He won’t leave it until I
go get him.”

Steve nods at him. Turning
to me he says, “Don’t know what this is about, he has no reason to
know your name. I’ll watch from the office. Audio picks up
everything. Talk normal. Go through the front door.” I nod and go
around to the front door.

Rob is walking through
with a case of beer. “Danny, Detective Harris is waiting on the
side.” He jerks his head toward the guy.

“Thanks Rob.” I walk over
still wondering what the fuck this is about. There’s no one on this
side but the Prospect two booths away in the back corner. “You
looking for me?”

“Danny LaPonte?” The guy
says. He makes no move to shake my hand, stand or even

“Yeah, never met you
before so I’m wondering why you know my name and I don’t know
yours.” I definitely don’t like this guy.

“Peter told me you help
the PD and the MC get information back and forth.” He’s not being
straight with me. His eyes are his tell, not good for a

“Peter would be wrong.” I
slide in the booth. Hating that my blind side is toward

the open room.

He sits back, “Why would a
cop lie? You’re telling me you don’t share information back and

“Yeah. That’s what I’m
telling you. As for cops lying, I’m thinking that’s why I don’t
know you. You have one of the, 'dirty cops that got caught',

He’s not moving but his
eyes are getting hard. “Peter said you gave him addresses and names
of houses and people selling drugs. Is that a lie too?”


“That would be sharing
information.” He says like I’m ten.


“You just said you don’t
do that.” He smiles like he caught me in a lie.

“I shared pusher’s names
and houses. Keeping the town clean is a priority for the club. Not
a fuckin thing is, or was, said about the club. So there is no back
and forth. I got shit to do and no fuckin time to waste on an
asswipe thinking I’m in second grade. Why don’t you stop fuckin
around and tell me what the fuck you want.”

He puts his hands up. “I
was told you willingly go between the club and the PD. I’m just
trying to figure out what it is you provide.”

“Again, I got no time for
your fuckin interrogation technique games. Tell me why the fuck you
wanted to see me or I’m fuckin walking.”

“I’ve been gathering
information. I want to share that with your club. In return I’d
like some information from you.”

“Never gave Peter
information about the club.”

“Not about the club just
two of its members.” He says leaning closer.

I lean closer too but talk
in a regular voice. “Got a couple of guys I wouldn’t mind getting
rid of, what two?”

“Peter said you’d make a
good President for the club.” He throws out with a

“What two?” I say again.
He wants info on Pres?

“The VP and President.
Peter said you might help me. You could move up to President,
you’re well liked in the club and by the PD.”

“Let me get this straight.
You walked into a bar owned by the club. Asked for a club member
and are offering me information in exchange for me giving you
information about the club’s highest officers. You’ll what, pave
the way for me to become President, because you like me and want to
be my friend?”

Steve comes up to the
booth pulling a chair. I didn’t notice him on my fuckin blindside.
I turn on the seat so I can see him better. “Brother. You got here
just in time. My new friend has some questions about you. Now he
can ask you."

Steve nods.

I look at Harris. “You can
ask anything you want in front of my brother-in-law, VP and good
friend, Steve Knight. I have to tell you though; I am not feeling
very safe with our new officers in the PD. Pretty shoddy police
work from you so far.”

Steve laughs. I look at
him hoping he’s not going to start that fuckin shit again. Harris
looks from me to him and back. “The VP is your brother-in-law?”
He’s looking a little shocked.

“You forgot good friend.
It was; my brother-in-law, VP and good friend. Did you lose that
little book you guys always carry?”

Steve looks right at him.
“Why the fuck you here and what the fuck do you want?” Harris
doesn’t say a fuckin word. Steve stands up and puts the chair back.
He turns back, arms across his chest, “Get the fuck

Harris gets up and walks
right past Peter sitting at the bar. Peter gives me a chin lift.
Fucking guy. Steve moves to my left side. “See what this is about.”
He walks through to the back.

I walk up to the bar.
“Peter thanks for the heads up.”

He nods. “Guy should be
working IA on a TV sitcom.”

Fuck. I hold my face and
laugh. “What’s his deal?”

“Says he’s got information
on the Pres and VP. Hasn’t shown anyone dick. Unofficial – Chief
says to be helpful in a way that doesn’t fuck with the MC. I was
being helpful.” He gets up and reaches to throw money.

I stop him. “On me.” I
throw a twenty. “Thanks Peter.” He nods and walks out. Rob gives me
back my twenty and tells me VP is in the back with Pres. I head
that way. “Pres, VP, did you get what Peter said?” VP looks at

“We did, thanks Brother.
You did good with the asswipe, thanks.” He heard.

“If I’m done here, I need
to check the lumber delivery at shelter house.” I want to ask about
a Security but it doesn’t seem like it’s the right time. If they
didn’t want me before they probably don’t want me with one eye

They look at each other;
Ben turns to me, “Go ahead Brother. Steve has the information and
will deal with the tags, let me know if you find anymore." I nod.
"I’ll be at the Bakery when you finish.” I lift my chin walking out
the back. I don't want to know about the tags and Steve dealing
with them. If I’m not part of it I should just keep out of

I check the delivery and
make sure the Brothers are ready to start outside tomorrow. The
surveillance team is set for inside. Thank fuck. Kate is pushing to
get this one open. They've had to turn people away. I walk into the
Bakery and my stomach starts making feed me noises. Peg gets me a
coffee and slice of meat pie. I let her know I’m waiting for Ben.
He’s meeting with Jess right now. I tell her I can wait and make
calls to the Brothers for the houses I inspected. They’re both
happy, the price should drop with the inspection report. I promise
to fax it over later today.

With a minute to think, I
wonder where my beautiful K is today. I walk outside and call her
so I don’t have to wonder. “Hi honey. Perfect timing, I have a few
minutes. How is your day?” She's happy to hear from me.

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