My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #erotica, #thriller, #mafia, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #non consent, #italian mafia, #captives, #bondage domination

BOOK: My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences
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Marita A. Hansen

Like a television series,
My Masters’ Nightmare
is broken up into seasons and episodes. A new
episode will be published approximately every 3 weeks until a
season has ended. There will be fifteen episodes per




Recap of Episode
s 1-5




About the

Other Books by Marita A.




Masters’ Nightmare

1, Episode 6


Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 © Marita A. Hansen

design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

Photography by Nick Freund

and sourced from


rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means
whatsoever without the written permission of the author, nor
circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which
it is published. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this
author. For subsidiary rights inquiries email:
[email protected]

characters, names, places, and incidents in this book are either
the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously,
and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

I would like to say a big thank you to my beta reading

Jahayra Lopes

Carol Allen

Rosanna Albani

Heather Stigge

Andrea Braccio

Elaine Makri

Angelica Johnson

Your help is greatly

In Episodes 1-5

Rita Kovak
, an FBI agent, allows herself to be taken as a
sex slave by Jagger D’Angelo in an attempt to get to Frano
D’Angelo, the mafia Don who murdered her husband. But while in
captivity she discovers she has been lied to, finding out that her
husband is still very much alive and is in fact a spy.

Jagger D’Angelo
is fascinated with
Rita, the woman reminding him of his first love, someone who was
murdered by his abuser: Father Michael Donatelli, also known as
He sets out to master Rita, to make her fall in love with
him, but after his cousin betrays him, he becomes a slave himself,
Alberto having secretly lusted after Jagger for years.

Frano D’Angelo
is devastated to
find out that his brother, Alberto, has betrayed him in an attempt
to get Jagger. But he faces even more trouble, when the Donatelli
brothers force Rita to perform a humiliating sexual act upon him.
In anger, he attacks her, his actions leading to Rita taking out
her own revenge on him, leaving him vulnerable to the
desires. But at the
last second, Rita comes to his aid. Regardless, Frano is knocked
unconscious, losing his memory, while Rita is sent to the House of
Whores, where Jagger is now being held captive.

Bianca D’Angelo
had been in love
with Jagger ever since she met him, but is married to his cousin, a
cruel man who only married her to keep his sexuality a secret.
After she discovers that Alberto has raped Jagger, she sets out to
poison him, but instead accidentally kills one of the Donatelli
brothers, which leads to Alberto brutally beating her.

is told about what has happened. He
confronts his brother, threatening to kill him if he touches Jagger
again, telling Alberto to pack and leave the house immediately.
Frano then gathers a contingent of men to bring down the Donatelli,
first going to the House of Whores to get back his cousin and Rita.
But while there, he discovers they have escaped. When he returns
home, he finds Rita imprisoned in a slave cell and Jagger
brutalized and raped by Alberto. Grief stricken, he seeks out
Alberto and stabs him, killing both his brother and his own

Episode 6 “Consequences”

I’m your lover

Your captor

I am Frano

Your worst





I tapped away at my computer,
emailing the Arab that he would have his shipment of slaves by
Monday. He had paid ten millio
n for ten women and one eunuch. It was a cheaper
rate than usual, but one I was satisfied with, considering
didn’t have to train these slaves. All of the human cargo
had come from the House of Whores, a place I now owned, and I would
dare the Donatelli to say otherwise.

I pressed send, then pushed up
from my desk and headed out of my office, nodding at the burly
guard standing by my door. He was one of the many soldiers
protecting my house, a personal bodyguard given to me by my good
friend Pedro Landi. Ever since I had destroyed the Donatelli
household four days ago, I had stepped up security, making my home
into a fortress, one that was impenetrable.
Four of the top men from the
were still roaming free, and no doubt waiting for the
perfect opportunity to take revenge on me for what I had done. But
unlike the last time they had attacked me, I was ready, those
bastards now dead men walking.

I quickly crossed the dining-room floor,
not wanting to look at the spot where I had lost my soul. The
bloodstained rug by the main staircase was now gone, only the
painful memory remaining. My chest tightened at the thought of my
brother, of what his actions had forced me to do. I could still see
Alberto’s eyes staring at me in shock after I’d pulled my knife
from his stomach. Although killing him had been justified, it still
hurt beyond description. I may not have had a choice—no, I did. I
had killed him for what he’d done to our cousin. He’d raped and
brutalized Jagger, leaving him a ghost of his former

I kept on walking, clenching and
unclenching my hands to stop from lashing out at the first person I
saw. The guard by the front door straightened, no doubt sensing my
agitation. He was another Landi soldier, a big battle-scarred man
who would probably let me strike him, but I wasn’t about to lose
control in front of anyone, let alone a man who was sent to protect

The soldier gave me a curt bow,
a sign of respect for my new position as the head Don. The other
families on the island had pledged their support and loyalty to me,
giving me the role that Don Donatelli had once

I descended the west wing’s
basement staircase, indicating to the guard standing in front of
the cells to
open one of the doors.
He unlocked
and pulled it open, closing it abruptly upon my entry.
Unlike the other
slave cells, this one only housed two women—my own personal slaves:
one I wanted to hurt, the other I wanted to love.

The two naked women were
sitting on the coverless bed, loo
king like they had been talking. They were
probably working out how they could escape me. Both of them were
tough, not easy bitches to break, but I would do it, because I was
their master.

I smiled at them, not because I
was happy, no, I would never be happy again
. Instead, I did it to make them
uneasy, the anticipation of what I could do to them high. My eyes
fell over their breasts, my favorite part of a female’s body. Both
of them had exquisite tits, although Camila’s were more voluptuous.
My ex’s breasts were massive monsters, which I used to enjoy
smothering my cock with. Still, I preferred the FBI agent’s
succulent breasts, but it wasn’t just her body that I wanted. I
wanted her heart and soul, the woman bewitching me. I hadn’t wanted
someone this much since Sophia Salvi. And like Sophia, Rita lusted
after me, although begrudgingly. The stubborn
refused to admit it, even
though her actions spoke louder than all her words of

Camila yelled at me, pulling my
attention away from Rita.
The wildcat sprang off the bed and charged,
extending her claws to get a good swipe at me. The
was vicious, a testament to the Donatelli
, but where she was strong in mind, she was weak in body.
Her hourglass figure was made to be fucked, not to fight, and that
backside of hers had far too much junk in the trunk to kick
anyone’s ass, let alone mine.

pushed her aside, getting my neck
scratched in the process. She lost her footing, falling backwards
onto her large ass.

I pointed at her. “Stay

She went to get up.

I said, stay down!” I yelled,
glaring at her threateningly.

She scrambled backwards, now looking
scared. Rita shouted at me, the FBI agent capturing my attention.
Unlike Camila, she was in chains, her fighting skills deadly. She
was all tight muscle, a beautiful specimen of womanhood. I could
even see a faint outline of a six-pack while her legs were so
fucking hard. I wanted them wrapped around my waist, squeezing me
until I almost snapped in two.

You didn’t have to hurt her!”
Rita shouted, looking like she wanted to rip the chains out of the
wall and wrap them around my neck.

Only her ego is hurt.”
I headed for Rita,
stopping just outside of her reach. The woman’s chains snapped as
she tried to hit me. I cocked my head to the side, my gaze again
running over her body. “Though, she will be punished for attacking
me, as you will be too.”

glared back, those maple-colored eyes
furious. “I didn’t attack you.”

You tried to, and
ou’re also
speaking without my consent. You’re not allowed to do anything
without it.”

She stared at me as though she couldn’t
believe what I had said. It was probably because I had allowed her
to talk without constraint before, but everything was different
now. I was different.

She continued to remain silent, just her
angry breathing filling the room, making it feel

,” I said, pleased with this one
small step. “You’re a quick learner.”

I’m not being quiet
because of what you said,” she spat.

Pity. I
t would be nice to have one
in this place,” I said, calling her a bitch. “And by the
way, those are the last words you are to utter to me, unless of
course, I tell you to speak. And if you speak out of turn, I

Like hell!” she shouted,
yanking on the chains around her wrists and ankles.

I stepp
ed forward and slapped her across the
face, making her holler. She lashed out again, missing as I stepped
back, once again just outside of her reach. I smiled to annoy her,
which seemed to be working, the woman now enraged.

Camila made a noise, suggesting
she was getting up
. I turned and went to her as she pushed to her feet. Her
cheeks were red, her blue eyes just as angry as Rita’s, but it
didn’t have the same affect on me, because I had long ago bored of
the woman.

I will kill you, Frano
D’Angelo,” Camila spat. “I promise you that.”

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