My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences (9 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #erotica, #thriller, #mafia, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #non consent, #italian mafia, #captives, #bondage domination

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Will I get control of those as
well?” I said, not believing her.

Only if you marry

You have got to be
fucking with

Just hear me out. The
old-fashioned chauvinists will never accept me as the head of
, which means you as my husband will be the one who takes
over. They will accept you, and through you I will get a

I reaped havoc upon your

And I shall clean it up, but
first you must get my sisters back from the Santini scum. Give the
bastards ten women from the House of Whores to pacify them. Then, I
will get you Matteo, Christo, and the
, while I convince Nino and the other men
to accept the peace treaty—unless they want to be banished from the

Nino attacked me.”

Which doesn’t warrant you
killing him, so do we have an agreement?”

You have thought this out
thoroughly, haven’t you?”

I have. Now, give me your


Camila breathed out. “Including

I nodded
, not liking the upset
expression on Rita’s face, her behavior today confusing. “Though, I
will keep Rita as my mistress.”

No, o
nly as a slave.”

What difference does
t make to
you? I will still be fucking her.”

A mistress receives more
liberties and comfort.”

Why deny her those

She’s an FBI agent. You
should’ve killed her as soon as you found out.”

Maybe, but I still want

She is a risk. I don’t like

I like fucking this one,
reminds me of an old lover.”

Are y
ou purposely trying to anger me?”
Camila snapped. “Don’t forget I’m still holding a gun to your

I can take it off you if I

. “You
were always arrogant, but I like that about you.” She started
fondling my cock again. “Plus, you are rather talented in certain

I reached my hand around to her
pussy, making her stiffen. “I am, and if you want to have a
of me
you will concede to my demands.” I pushed my finger inside of
Camila, making her gasp. “Do you want a piece of me?”


Then remove the gun from my
head and stop the jealousy,” I said, removing my finger from

looked over at Rita. “Okay, but I can
assure you, you won’t want her for much longer. You may anger me,
Frano, you may cause me to walk through Hell, but we are great
together.” She removed the gun from my head and held it out for me
to take.

I took it
. “You can have the room next
to mine, while Rita will sleep in my bed.”

No. I’ll sleep in your bed
while she sleeps down here.”

I’m not negotiating

Frano, you need to give
and not always take.”

I’m not going to let you
pussy whip me like you tried to do the last time.” I looked down at
the dead guard. “And you need to pay for his death.”

Tell the S
antini, Matteo did it; say he
tried to attack you.”

I gave her a stiff nod.

Now. Take me to your

You’re not listening to

be so coy? We’ve already had

Because this is a marriage of
convenience, not love, and I prefer Rita in my bed.”

Camila’s jaw clenched. “I will
agree on one condition
. She can stay there until the marriage, but
afterwards, I will be the only one sleeping next to

You can have someone else
relieve you, you don’t need me.”

Relieve me? That sounds like
going to the toilet, not making love.”

Fucking then.”

I want you to fuck me, so

I exhaled loudly, frustrated with the
woman’s persistence, because no matter what, she wasn’t getting
into my bed. “Okay,” I lied, knowing that once we were married she
would learn quickly who was holding the reins and the whip. “When
do you want to marry?”

I will need to arrange
a lot before it can
happen. First, you have to get my sisters back and release the
women and children. I’ll calm them down before the men are
released. It won’t be instantaneous, but unlike the men, they will
listen to me, and right now the women outnumber the men. Once
that’s done, the men will do as they’re told. Also, I will contact
my brother’s children as well as arrange the wedding, which will be
a wedding to end all weddings. It has to show the other families
that we’re now royalty. It will be a spectacle, cementing our

How long do you need to do all
of this?”

A month.”

That’s not enough time. Three
months seems more reasonable.”

No, one month is all I require,
and we need to marry before any of my
causes trouble. Once you’re my
husband, you will be safer.”

Then so be

I opened the door, finding the Landi
soldier now joined by three others, all of them armed and looking
very dangerous. “The situation has been contained,” I said to the
battle-scarred Landi in charge.” I indicated to Camila. “Take her
to the room next to mine. She’s now my fiancée, which means there
will be no inappropriate touching. However, she is not permitted to
roam the house freely. Until our wedding, a guard will shadow

I’m not a child who needs
to be followed around,” Camila snapped.

No, you’re a Donatelli
who needs to be watched closely.”

I wouldn’t risk sabotaging our
agreement, Frano; it’s in my best interests to make this

This is not up for
negotiation,” I said, moving to the side, “so go before I change my

She glanced
t Rita, who
was still sitting on the bed. With a smile, she stepped up to me
and grabbed my face. She pushed onto tip-toes and kissed me hard,
then pulled away, leaving with the battle-scarred soldier. The
other two soldiers walked over to the dead guard and picked the man
up, carrying him out of the cell.

Will you really marry her?”
Rita said
pushing off the bed.

, it’s an alliance, and a wise one at that. If anything, I
should’ve accepted her marriage proposal last year. All of this
might not have happened if I had thought with my head and not my

Then why do you want me in your
bed when you have her?”

I desire you, not Camila,” I
said, walking towards her, “and you never answered my question in
the bathroom. Why would you say I was your heart, your soul, your

She sat back down
on the bed.
“Because it’s the truth.”

But, you hate
me. I’m a criminal,
someone you want in prison.”

Not anymore.”

hy’s that?”

Because ... I want

Just like that?
I don’t think so,
you’re tricking me.” I stepped aside, pointing at the opened door.
“Choose between me and leaving, and I will guarantee it won’t be

Then you’ll be

I shook my head.
going against everything I know about you. What happened between
the Donatelli attack and now? Because you’re acting

I remembered...” she
paused, taking a deep breath, “I remember that I loved you once
upon a time.”

I stared at her, totally taken
aback. “You have
got to be kidding?”

She shook her head.

Are you crazy?”

She breathed out. “Maybe, but you must
know why.”

Well, I don’t.”

She stood up and held her arms out
wide. “Look at me.”

I am.”

No, truly look at me, and tell
me who I am.”

I shook my head, knowing what she was
getting at. “You’re not Sophia.”

Really? Because you must’ve
wondered why I look so much like her, and why the chemistry between
us is so powerful?”

You can’t be
Sophia, she’s dead;
her brother was a witness.”

My brother is handicapped and
half blind.”

I sucked in a breath, her words

She stepped closer, her hands going to my
chest. “Yes, Frano, I am Sophia, and you’re my lover, not

I shook my head, still unable to believe
that Sophia was standing before me, the situation

Why don’t you believe
me?” she asked.

Because Sophia was a gentle
girl; she wouldn’t have violently taken me like you

I’m no longer that girl you
knew, the seven years having changed me for the worst.”

I still don’t believe you.
You’re FBI; you’re tricking me somehow.”

I may be FBI, but I’m not
tricking you, and you know it.”

it’s true, then why are you so
different?” I stepped away from her. “You only resemble Sophia in
appearance, nothing else.”

I lost my memory after I was
attacked. I went wild for a while, did things that weren’t about
me, but more about what was done to me. I just couldn’t remember
what that was until a few days ago.”

sounds absurd, and not to mention
convenient, so stop playing with my mind, because you are

Then allow me to prove


You told me you loved me when
we first made love.”

An easy

You also said you would
do anything for me. Do you know what my answer to that

I remained silent.

I asked you to marry
” She
took a hold of my hand. “You told me you would, but instead you
left me,” she said, dropping my hand. “Why did you leave

I didn’t lea
ve you, you were taken from
me,” I said, still in disbelief she was Sophia, my mind not fully
accepting it, although her words were true.

What do you

My father said he would have
Sophia, I mean you killed if I didn’t marry the person I was
betrothed to. I had no choice, because he didn’t make empty
threats, so I did what he said, yet he still ordered your

No, the
tried to kill me.”

That was the rumor, but it was
never proven. Your brother wasn’t a reliable witness.”

was there, it happened to
so I damn well know who did it, and why are you here if you thought
it was your father?!”

I breathed out, understanding her anger
towards me. “He said he didn’t do it.”

But you’re giving me the
impression you didn’t believe him.”

What does it matter

It does to me! The
raped and tried to
murder me, and you forgave the man who you thought ordered

That’s not possible, the
wouldn’t have raped
you, he’s gay and not to mention he despises women.”

Well, he did!”

It’s still not

Stop questioning me! I remember
his eyes, his face,” she shuddered, “an
d the way he called me his little

He did lie to
,” I said,
upset with both myself and my father. Even though I had suspected
he’d ordered the hit, I had still hoped I was wrong.

Who lied

My father. You were attacked
because of me, not Jagger.”

What are you talking

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