My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences (7 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #erotica, #thriller, #mafia, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #non consent, #italian mafia, #captives, #bondage domination

BOOK: My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences
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How may I help you, Don?” he
asked. He was twenty-five and had spiky black hair with red tips,
along with many body piercings, his nipple rings glinting under the
light. And his tattoos ... they covered his torso and arms, even
his thighs, the images a violent haze of color.

I want to
know how you’re fairing at
work,” I said.

Extremely well. The woman I was
fucking is ready for sale.”

s fantastic; Jagger usually takes a
month, not a few days.”

didn’t take any effort on my behalf,
she was already broken.”

I glanced at the other women. “Are they
also broken?”

It appears so. I was testing
each slave, weeding out the ones who are not ready.”

. Move the women who are ready to my
slaves’ cell.”

Where are your slaves

They will be moved to my room.
Now, continue; I’ll leave you to your work.”

I exited the room, heading back
up the s
taircase and down the one that lead to Camila and Rita’s
cell. I stopped in front of the guard, who was sleeping on the job.
I kicked the chair out from under him, sending him crashing to the
floor. He quickly scrambled to his feet, the man now fully awake
and looking terrified.

Mi dispiace
, Don,” he said.

I don’t want your empty
apologies; all I want is for you to do your job, which doesn’t
involve sleeping. We will discuss this further after your shift.
Come to my office once you’re done.”

The guard nodded, looking as though he was
going to piss himself. I refrained from sneering at him, his scared
look angering me, even more so since the man was my age, not some
kid just out of their teens.

Now, open the goddamn door,” I
said, “and if I catch you looking through the flap I will have your
eyes removed with an ice pick. Am I making myself

Nodding, he opened the door,
closing it behind me as I entered the cell. M
y gaze instantly went to Rita.
She was lying on the bed in all her naked glory. Lust rushed
through me, causing my cock to twitch. A pungent smell pulled my
attention away from her magnificent body. I looked down at Camila,
who was sitting on the chair by the door, the chain around her
waist keeping her in place. I wrinkled my nose, realizing she’d
pissed herself. “You disgusting,
,” I said.

straightened, her expression angry.
“I didn’t have a choice; you refused to release me.”

I should make you lick it

She blanched.

But I won’t.” I banged on the

The guard opened
. “Yes,

a couple buckets of water, and make
sure they’re freezing cold.”

He nodded and closed the door, the sound
of his footsteps receding.

Disgusted with Camila, I headed for Rita.
“You have been restrained longer, yet you haven’t pissed yourself.
Do you need to go?”

She nodded.

I stopped just outside of her
reach. “I will release you when the guard returns, and if you don’t
attack me, I will go gently on you and
Camila.” I stepped closer, running a
hand over her right breast. “Do you like that? And don’t lie; I
want no more lies between us.”

She brushed
my hand away. “I don’t like it;
it makes me uncomfortable.”

Because Camila is

No, because of you.”

Why are you embarrassed in
front of me?”

I don’t know.”

Maybe because I arouse

I suppose.”

I smiled. “You finally admit

She frowned. “You will continue to use
Camila against me, so I might as well get it over and done

It’s far from over,” I said,
very pleased with her words. “Now, I want you to let me fuck you

She dropped her gaze, not
answering me
. I moved my hand to her other breast, tweaking the nipple.
She gasped, her expression more aroused than annoyed.

no,” Camila called out.


I want to talk to you
about a deal.”

I glanced over my shoulder. She
at me with one of her determined looks, something I’d seen many
times during our relationship.

Keep quiet,
” I said, “or I will punish

This is for your benefit
as much as mine.”

I’m sure that’s a matter of
Returning my attention to Rita, I knelt down in front of her. “I’m
going to suck on your breasts now.”

Her eyes shot to
. Her
pupils were dilated, telling me she wanted it as badly as I did,
the woman’s body betraying her. I leaned forward and latched onto
one of her breasts with my mouth. Rita let out another breathless
gasp, this one heated with arousal. I could see her right hand
fluttering. She was probably contemplating hitting me, but instead
she latched onto my hair, gripping onto it forcefully.

This is more important
than sex,” Camila said.

Ignoring her, I dipped under my robe to
take a hold of my cock, Rita’s surprising compliance something I
was going to take full advantage of.

Just tell me one thing,” Camila
said, “then you can punish me all you like afterwards.”

Willing the woman to shut up, I
continued sucking
on Rita’s breast while stroking my cock.

Please, Frano,” Camila

Pissed off, I pulled away from Rita and
yelled at Camila: “What?!”

Did my father and brother
really die from heart attacks?”

father did,” I said, not caring that
she knew the truth, “but your brother was poisoned.”

Her hand
shot to her mouth, the pain in
her eyes clear.

I breathed
t, now
remorseful for being so snappy, her anguish hitting close to home.
“I’m sorry for your pain. Losing a brother is...”
. I paused, getting myself under control. “If it makes you
feel some sense of comfort I was told Lucky died quickly. My
sister-in-law tried to poison my brother, but your brother instead
took the drink. Again, I am sorry for the pain it has caused you.
Considering what I’ve done to you, that may seem strange, but I
truly mean it,”
and I did.
I hated her brother, but I understood her grief.

,” she sobbed. “I’m just grateful it
wasn’t you.”

The sound of the guard entering caught my
attention. I rose to my feet. “Clean her,” I said, pointing to
Camila. I now regretted asking for the ice cold water, her grief
affecting me. I wouldn’t punish her for speaking without
permission; she didn’t deserve it in this instance.

The guard poured the water over her lower
half. She shot up out of the chair, the cold making her shriek. She
wrapped her arms around herself and started moving on the

The guard picked up the next

No, stop,” I said,
“That’s enough, let her be.”

The guard nodded, placing the bucket on
the floor.

I walked over to
him, extending my
hand. “Give me the key to unlock Rita’s chains.”

fished in his pocket, then handed it
to me.

I glanced
at Camila, wanting to make a
concession. “Get some towels,” I said to the guard. “Dry her, then
tie her to the bed so she can have a rest. Just make sure you don’t
take any liberties or you will be punished.”

Understood, Don.” The guard
left the room to fetch the towels, closing the door behind

Camila sat back down on the
, her
waist chain jingling. Her eyes were filled with tears, making her
appear vulnerable, not something I’d seen often. Even when I’d left
her she hadn’t cried ... well, not in front of me, which was
probably because she had been too busy attacking me, the woman

The door opened, the guard
returning with the towels.
Taking one, I walked over to Rita and leaned close
to her ear. “I’m going to unlock you so you can relieve yourself,
but be assured the guard is armed and won’t hesitate to shoot if
you attack me.” I pulled away. “I will also allow you to have a
bath. Shall I assume that you won’t cause any trouble?”

nodded her acceptance.

” I unlocked her chains and handed
her the towel, then stepped back, curious to see what she would do.
She pushed off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I waited
a few moments before following her inside. She was kneeling by the
bathtub, filling it. The memory of what I’d done to her in there
came flooding back. I wanted to do it again, making her come
against my hand, but I wouldn’t, because I had other

With a flushed
face, Rita pushed
to her feet, probably also remembering. “You said I was allowed a

I know.”

Keeping her eyes
focused on me, she
leaned over and turned off the tap. “You have a thing for baths,
don’t you?”

I do, and you weren’t given
permission to

She went still, the worried look on her
face almost comical.

Don’t worry,” I said, “I won’t
punish you or Camila; I actually want to talk to you.”

breathed out, appearing

I indicated to the bath. “Looks like it’s
ready. You can get in now.”

She climbed in,
keeping her eyes on
me. I took the bar of soap from the sink and knelt beside the tub,
holding it out for her. She stared at it as though it could hurt

ake it,” I said.

She took
the soap out of my hand, the
rise and fall of her breasts showing her nervousness. She pushed
the soap under the water, aiming for her pussy.

Don’t move,” I said, making her
freeze. “You are to only clean where I tell you.” My eyes fell on
her tits. “Place the soap on your right nipple.”

did as she was told, being
surprisingly compliant. There was no frown, no gritting of teeth,
it was as though she was a willing participant. I didn’t understand
the sudden change in her personality or why she was looking at me
with unbridled lust. Oh, I knew she lusted after me, but she
usually tried to conceal it. I wondered whether it had something to
do with the Donatelli. The thought worried me, making me wonder
whether she had been broken.

Did the Donatelli hurt you?”
“Did they abuse you in any way?”

No. Though, I fought with
Matteo, but I kicked the loser’s ass.”

I let out a laugh, the
startling me. “I would’ve given anything to have seen

She smiled, the expression
reminding me of Sophia’s smiles. My heart beat sped up, causing me
to forget my initial intentions. Her eyes lowered down my body
seductively, the woman biting her lip, looking like she wanted to
devour me. She reached out and took a hold of my belt, loosening
it, causing my robe to come apart, revealing my cock to her. She
licked her lips, instantly making me aware of what the
was doing. She was
changing tact, trying to seduce me.

Lean back and start moving the
soap on your nipple,” I said, wanting to regain the upper

did as I ordered, though a bit
clumsily, getting her areola as well.

touch the nipple, nothing else,” I

obeyed, but closed her eyes, not
something I wanted. Instead, I hungered for her to look at me, to
be aware of how much I desired her and for her to act on it. I’d
made the mistake of forcing her to have sex before, the role of
slave trainer foreign to me. I may have watched the trainers on the
rare occasion, but I didn’t usually partake in the training, and
that one time I had allowed Alberto to rape Honey was an attempt be
like my father, to continue his tradition, but instead it had blown
up in my face. It was one of the many things that had led to
Alberto’s sickness. I had allowed him to think of people as
objects, which in this business they were—yet another reason why I
wanted out of it. My brother died because of our lifestyle, and I
was going to stop it from fucking the rest of my family’s lives up.
In a year or two, I wanted to be completely finished with the
business. That was it, I’d had enough.

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