In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (12 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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Drew parted her legs, taking them both over his shoulder. He kept his eyes fixed on hers, she bit her bottom lip as she watched him. Her white teeth lit up the dim lit bedroom as the city lights shone through the window.

              He reached across the bed to open the nightstand and received a sheepskin, lubricated condom. The sheepskin condoms were best because they felt completely unnoticeable.
Safety first.

              Simona sighed with a smile. “Mmmmm…oh. I’ve missed you, Drew.”

              Drew was gentle as he always was. His representation of sex to her was more like making love. Though with Ben, it felt like a back alley fuck to Simona.




Chapter 30

              As Drew allowed the tip of his large snake to crawl inside her, he made sure to ask if she was comfortable. She laughed at his concern and nodded.

              They had face to face contact, that way they could study each other’s facial expressions from the pleasure.

              Drew rotated and guided his hips as he shifted inside of her, finding his way through and breaking through her liquid walls. She was wetter than a puddle. Drew tried his best to hold back as he was strong minded.

              “Your’ good. It…so..good.” he trembled.

              Simona moaned, running handfuls through Drew’s thick hair. She pulled from his roots to guide him in deeper. She guided him deeper into her hole of desire. He was hitting the spot, causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head.

              “Yes! Yes! Yes! Ahhh!!” she begged.

              They were on the same rhythm; the same tempo as they created their wave of passion.

              Drew stopped himself. He rested his head down on her chest. Simona felt the cold sweat around the temples of his forehead as she rubbed his hair.

              “I’m trying to contain myself.” Drew explained breathlessly. “You’re so wet and so tight. It’s hard to fuck you.”

              Simona dipped her head back and laughed. “You have always been that way, Drew.”

              Drew was confused. He looked up to meet her eyes. “What’s so funny? I’d like to know too.”

              “You are always so worried about climaxing so soon.” She said, watching his lips.

              “Yeah, because I think it’s important for a woman to reach it before the man. That just means I’m not selfish.” He replied before kissing her neck.

              Simona loved that about him. Not too many men were as considerate of a woman’s needs. She knew men like Drew were sometimes hard to find. Drew made her want him even more.

              “Maybe I already climaxed.” She blushed as she gave him a guilty look. He thought she looked so cute when she made those pouty faces.

              “What? did?” he asked, shockingly.

              Simona slowly rolled him over as she climbed on top of him. “Yes. I already came all over you. Couldn’t you tell from how wet I was?”

              Drew was anxious at what she was about to do. From the looks of it, it seemed as though she was about to ride him. And she was.

              He rested back on the headboard, licking his lips. His mountainous pole stood hard, stretching up north.

              “Oh shit.” Drew said softly, massaging both of her fully erected breasts. He enjoyed massaging her full breasts as she leaped on top of his mountain.

              The smacking sound of her vaginal lips caused him to shiver as she placed herself on to him. She was so much tighter in the cowgirl position.

              Simona rolled her hips wildly and pumped up and down. The sound of the bed was loud, the headboard rocked.

              Drew roared and screamed, clasping on to her waist tightly.

Simona dipped her head back as she grazed him. Her large breasts flopped against her chest, she looked sexy as hell. Their complexions stood out together to create the perfect contrast.


“Arrgghh!! Too late! I’m so close! I’m cumming! Oh my God! You’re so good! You’re so good!” Drew shouted.

He was weak, weak from her vaginal muscles twisting and clenching around his stiff rod.

Simona laughed as she rubbed her hands over his white colored chest. She fell down on the pillow beside him, looking up at the ceiling.

“So now what?” she asked.

Drew couldn’t move, she completely drained him of all his energy. “Now we just cuddle, Simona. We cuddle and not worry about tomorrow.”

Simona moved in closer to his embrace. It had been so long since she embraced a man in the way Drew embraced her.

Sure, Ben hugged her too, but she always felt he was missing. Even when he was still there it would feel like he was missing. Simona captured the moment of feeling alive again. This time it was with an old love.
















Chapter 31

Last night’s love making was absolutely exceptional. Drew woke up smiling as the sunlight peered through the window. He glanced over at the beautiful Simona beside him and wished that he could only wake up to mornings like this forever.

Drew noticed that his cell phone had many missed calls and they were all from Captain Kaufman. He would return the call later, right now he had Simona on his mind. He looked at the curve of her body and the way her thick, dark hair was sprawled tousled across the pillow.

There was no way in hell they were going back to being separated from each other again. Drew wouldn’t let that happen.

Thoughts entered his mind, thoughts he never thought of before that seemed wrong.

He didn’t want Simona pregnant from Ben. He didn’t like the thought of it. It caused a boiling flame inside him, a bomb that was eager to explode. Her being pregnant from Ben meant that there would always be a piece of Ben in her life, one that would be there forever.

A small human being.

A human-being that wasn’t born yet. Drew had no remorse for what he had in his mind to do. He looked at Simona long and hard. He only thought of the future they could have together, one without any distractions.



“Now this is what I call real food.” Simona chewed her bacon and eggs gleefully. She scooped up the cheesy grits with her spoon, blowing on it before devouring. Drew had nicely prepared a large breakfast.

Drew was surprised as he took a bite into his own breakfast. “Wow, so you mean to tell me Mr. G.I Joe never cooked a meal for you?”

Simona rolled her eyes. “Yes, he
to cook, but only when I told him that you would cook for me. He actually sucked at it. He couldn’t cook pancakes if his life depended on it.”

“Man, that’s a cold thing to say.” Drew gulped down his orange juice, his Adam’s apple moved up and down. Simona had a fetish for men with a large Adam’s apple.

“Maybe you’re just blessed to cook because you’re originally from the south. We southerners are great cooks.” Simona said, rubbing his arm.

Drew felt the electricity racing through him from her soft touch. “Hey, if it wasn’t for you then I’d never be able to make the best green bean casserole. I came out winning first place at the Amateur Chefs of Columbia Cook-off last year.”

Enthralled, Simona covered her mouth with her napkin before speaking, her eyes grew. “Oh my Gosh! You placed first place at the cook off? That’s great! You go, boy!”

Drew laughed from her gesture. She was always such a character. “I don’t know about all that.” He chewed his food slowly, cutting the sausage into a little piece then sopped it with the grits. “So, there is a question of concern I have to ask you, Simona.”

Simona cleared her throat and continued to devour her meal. “Sure. Ask away.”

“So why is it that the other day you were taking up for Ben and standing by his side when Emily confronted him? I could have sworn you hated him from so much that has happened. And now you’re here…with me? I’m completely lost, Simona.” Drew explained as he rested his face in his hand. “Aren’t you distraught over the death of your friend Jamika as well?”

Hitting her spoon down loudly against the plate, Simona’s personality flipped. It was as if she was another person.

“You weren’t interrogating me like this last night while you were screwing my brains out, Drew!”

“What? Simona, calm down! What are you talking about? I’m just curious about where your thoughts are?” Drew walked over to her, kneeling beside her at the chair.

Drew rubbed her shoulders. He tried his best to calm her down because she was sobbing uncontrollably. He felt so stupid for upsetting her.

“I’m sorry, Simona.” He said.

“It’s okay.” She replied in a softer tone. “It’s just a lot to explain. I’ve been through a lot, you know. I still have feelings for you that never died. I was so hurt from the death of Jamika and how she betrayed me by cheating with Ben. The crucial aspect is that I am pregnant from a man I thought I knew. I feel so crushed and there is so much inside of me.” Simona wiped her nose with the back of her hand, Drew gave her a Kleenex.

“It’s okay, Simona. I wasn’t trying to interrogate you in that way. I was only trying to find out where we stand with each other. I’m confused. I have never gotten over you after all these years.” Drew looked up into her eyes, locking them into his.

She smiled. “You were never over me? Really?”

He nodded his head and laughed. “No, I still carry a photo of us in my wallet.” Drew pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. He showed her the photo they took together at Walt Disney World. “See. That’s us.”

Simona gasped as she placed her hand over her chest. “Oh, Drew! I remember that day just like it was yesterday. We loved amusement parks.”

Drew laughed and reached to hold her hand. “I actually was uh..going to propose to you that day.”

Suddenly, Simona’s smile disappeared as a tear fell from her face. She looked into his eyes and cupped his face in the palm of her hands. She kissed him, long and soft.

He held to her waist and ran his hand through her thick, natural hair. He loved the way a black woman’s hair texture felt.

“I..I don’t know what to say to that, Drew.”

“Don’t say anything. Let’s just enjoy the moment.” He said. “Speaking of enjoying the moment, let’s go to the South Carolina State fair. You need to take your mind off the negativity that’s around you.”

Simona’s eyes widened, there was a twinkle of excitement as she sat in her seat. “Wow, the fair is in town? Wait, what will people think when they see me out and about? They will think I’m being unsympathetic. Don’t forget that I can’t get on any of those crazy amusement park rides. I’m pregnant, remember?” She said as she rubbed her stomach.

Drew smiled as he walked to the dishwasher to put his plate inside. “Don’t worry about others. It’s none of their business. We won’t get on any rides. We can just walk around and you can watch me win stuffed animals for you. How does that sound?”

Simona folded her arms and laughed. “You always have a way of making me feel safe, Drew.”

“Hey, it’s my job. I’m a detective.” He winked. “So did you enjoy your meal?” he asked as he picked up her plate to place it inside the dishwasher as well.

She closed her eyes and licked her lips. “It was EXCEPTIONAL! Loved every last bit of it.”

“That’s great! I’m glad you did.” He said proudly. “Now let’s go check out that State Fair.”

Simona rose from her seat as she placed both arms around his neck and kissed him, standing on tippy toes. “It feels just like old times.”

Drew returned her kiss, savoring the taste of the morning breakfast on her.

The little things about her made him feel complete and whole again. She was what he was missing in his life, but he looked down and at what was growing in her stomach.

He felt the stinging inside his heart and the anger boiled within him. Drew knew that some things could be prevented from happening, especially before it’s too late.


Chapter 32


Joyful screams came from the adventurous rides, so many people were having the time of their lives.

Kids ran all over the place, laughing as their parents tried to capture them. Teenage couples walked together holding hands before boarding the Ferris wheel and other exotic rides. The hot new music played on the stereo systems, filling the huge lot as it pumped up all the guests with excitement.

Simona snuggled up to Drew’s arm as they walked and talked, they were sharing a few laughs and catching up with each other. Simona laughed loudly at Drew’s sarcastic remarks.

“Do you remember how your mother would constantly call my phone whenever I’d take you out on a date?” He asked as he gripped her hand.

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