In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (7 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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Drew shook his head, tapping his fingers anxiously along the steering wheel.
The son of a bitch is a two-timing military sleaze ball
he thought.
I’ll get him away from Simona, even if it’s the last thing I do.

Images of Simona and Ben having sex flashed through his mind. He couldn’t help but to imagine if Drew pleased her better than him.

He clenched his fist tighter as the jealousy formed in his system. He clenched his fingernails so deep into his palms that they were starting to bleed. He couldn’t wait to get Ben behind bars. He couldn’t wait to capture Simona’s heart again and have her all to himself. He just had to wait for the perfect timing. That’s all. The perfect timing.



Drew noticed that Emily and Ben had used Emily’s car while on their date. This was excellent for him to get started and do his dirty work. Drew had it in mind to frame Ben, he wanted to make it look like Ben was the killer

This would increase the chances for Ben being found guilty and get behind bars. He needed more evidence to point towards Ben regarding the Amanda Stone murder.

True evidence was discovered of Ben being with Natalia Karpova before her death. Technically, he needed the same amount of evidence for Ben to be convicted for Amanda Stone as well.

Drew knew that Ben’s car had to still be parked at Emily’s house. He wasn’ sure where Emily lived, but he looked her up using an address search online with his phone. Emily lived a few minutes from the restaurant that they were at. Shit. Drew realized that he had to act fast or get caught for what he was about to do.

Drew drove to Emily’s place, being sure to park his car away in the distance before getting out. He spotted Ben’s car in the driveway. It had to have been Ben’s car because there was a US army license plate on the bumper. Drew approached the car and looked around the quiet neighborhood. It was a silent night, almost as quiet as a mouse. He needed evidence and he needed evidence fast.

Drew tiptoed closer and looked through the window of Ben’s car. He was about to open the door, but first he needed to hide his own evidence. It was a good thing he had latex gloves in his jacket pocket. He quickly slid those on and checked to see if the car door was locked.

Perfect. It was open.

The car light came on inside and Drew quietly searched through the car for what he could find. Condoms, bubble gum, a pocket knife, a dog tag…there was nothing. Drew was about to give up, until he thought of an idea. It would be risky, but it had to be done.










Chapter 15


A few minutes later, Drew found himself at a bar on the street corner. He needed to see Carmen. Carmen was one of the most talented waitresses in Columbia. She used to be a prostitute, but she gave up a year ago.

Drew was about to arrest her for prostitution until he discovered that she was prostituting to raise money for her mother’s cancer finances. Unlike any other cop, Drew decided not to arrest the young girl at that time. Instead, he helped with her mother’s medical bill so that Carmen could end prostituting.

Carmen later worked as a waitress with the help of Drew. Since then, she told Drew that if he ever needed anything that she would help him in any that she could. Well, this was the time that Drew desperately needed her help.

Drew quickly walked into the bar to find Carmen washing down the tables, he grabbed her arm.

“Detective Slater, long time no see. What brings a fine looking guy like you here?” she asked with a smile.

She looked a whole lot better than she did when she was prostituting. The worried lines were now invisible on her young face and her chestnut, brown hair was sleeked back into a ponytail

“Remember when you told me if I needed you to do a favor to let you know?”

Carmen nodded her head and placed a hand on her hip. “Yeah, what’s  up?”

“Well, I’m going to have to take you up on that favor. There is a guy roaming around that we believe killed two women, Amanda Stone and Natalia Karpova.” Drew explained.

Carmen raised her eyebrows, the names were familiar. “Yes, I have heard of that tragic story on the news. That’s sad and it’s ashamed that the killer hasn’t been caught.”

“Yeah, but we know who the guy is, we just need more evidence to arrest him and we haven’t found any.” Drew stated.

Carmen was quiet for a moment. “Okay, what would you want me to do? How can I help?” she asked curiously.

Drew scratched his head as he blew his breath deeply. “You may want to sit down for this.”

They both sat down at the far end of the restaurant by the window.

Carmen cleared her throat. “Continue what you were saying, Drew?”

“Okay, so we know who the guy is that killed the two women, he dated them both.” He said. “But it’s just we don’t have as much evidence yet.”

Carmen frowned and shook her head. “The son of a bitch deserves to be locked up in a place where he’ll never see the sun shining ever again.” She was angered. “You know, I’ve seen this in a movie once. I’ve seen where the killer ended up getting away because the cops didn’t have enough evidence.”

Drew was glad that he was getting Carmen warmed up, she was starting to feel pity and anger. “Yeah, see, that’s why we need to have this guy put away before he kills someone else.”

“So what can I do, Drew? Tell me.” She said eagerly, placing the unlit cigarette to her lips before lighting it.

“You remember when you said that you were good at doing voice impersonations, right?” Drew asked.

Carmen became excited as she laughed. “Of course! I’m actually taking up acting lessons” she said as she cleared her throat to impersonate a voice. “Check this out, ‘
Happy Birthday, Mr. Presiden
t.’ Can you guess whose voice that is?”

Drew laughed a little. “Marilyn Monroe?”

Carmen clapped her hands. “Good job! You’ve got that one! Yes, I can impersonate almost any one.”

“Ummm that’s why I need to talk to you, Carmen. I need you to do a voice impersonation and record it on this tape recorder here.” Drew said as he placed the tape recorder on the table.

Carmen seemed confused. “Ummm okay. Who do I have to impersonate?”

Drew then took his cellular phone and pulled up a youtube video of Amanda Stone. Amanda had a lot of YouTube videos uploaded before she was killed. It appeared that she was some makeup guru who enjoyed giving tutorials.

Drew played one of the videos so that Carmen could hear her voice. “I need you to do her voice impersonation for me and record it here on this tape.”

Carmen looked at Drew as if he were crazy. “I can do her voice. She has a New York accent. That’s easy. What would I have to say?” she asked.

The manager was sweeping around the door, a few customers were beginning to leave the bar.

Drew paused before replying. “I just need you to pretend to be Amanda’s voice. Pretend that you are leaving a voicemail message on his phone and asking him to not be mad at you from earlier. Make it seem as if Amanda left a voicemail to make up with Ben. Say that she forgave him for beating up on her earlier.”

Carmen was quiet. “I’m not sure about this, Drew.”

Drew looked around and then placed a one hundred dollar bill on the table. Carmen wasted no time in collecting the money.

“So should I sound threatened?” she asked.

Drew gave her a wicked grin. “Make it seem like he’s a monster and that she’s tired of him threatening her. That should be enough to have him arrested.”











Chapter 16


There was still no sign of Ben, even after a week. Simona called the army base, but she was told that they were prohibited from giving out personal information on a soldier’s whereabouts. She had explained to them that she was his fiancé’ but a fiancé wasn’t as good enough.

Simona had invited Kristen over for some tea late one evening. The two friends sat on the couch in front of the coffee table with legs crossed. Kristen held the china saucer up to her chin as she lifted the cup up to her lips. It was green tea, simply because it was healthy for Simona to drink.

“So are you prepared to tell him? I think he’ll be excited. Not to mention, it may be for a good cause. Perhaps he won’t work so much.” Kristen winked her green eyes.

“Not totally true. You know how strict the military is. They won’t give a damn if we are expecting a baby. They’ll still overwork him. I thought things would change after our engagement, but yet he still disappears on and off. It hurts me to feel neglected. Of course, I can’t argue with him because he’s so nice and generous when he’s here.”

Simona placed her hand over her chest as she referred to herself. “If I confront him and complain then I’ll seem like the bad guy instead of him.” She then sipped the tea, allowing it to savor on her taste buds. Some of the tea spilled on her white satin blouse. She wiped it with a nearby napkin after letting out a curse.

“You are a nervous wreck. Take a deep breath. This is just something that you and Ben have to sort out together. It has nothing to do with him working, but more of him alerting you so that you will know what to expect. You deserve to be at ease about him. He shouldn’t just randomly disappear. Are you sure he’s not in a special operations program with the army? They are very secretive.” Kristen replied.

Kristen was concerned and worried as well. She couldn’t imagine what it must be like to be in Simona’s situation.

Stirring her tea with the stirrer and tilting her head to the side, Simona shrugged. She felt lifeless and without Ben around as much anymore, it was hard for her to conceal her pain. “He won’t tell me too much about his job in the army. He just says he’s a lieutenant in training and has to study foreign languages. He says they will keep him busy the majority of the time and train in the fields. Maybe he doesn’t want me to worry. Maybe his job is dangerous.”

“And this is someone you’re engaged to? Simona, not trying to discourage you, but are you sure you really know who you’re about to marry? Perhaps you both should put things on hold until you’re comfortable with this and until he’s more open.” Kristen assured her.

“It’s too late to put anything on hold. I have a baby growing inside of me.” Simona said tearfully, wiping her eyes.

“We’re having….a baby?” asked a familiar voice.

Both Simona and Kristen looked over their shoulder and at their surprise, Ben was standing at the door in his uniform. As soon as his camouflage duffel hit the floor, Simona ran to him with open arms. She wrapped her arms around him as if her life depended on it.

Kristen eased up, sliding her hands under her bottom to smooth out her skirt. She cleared her throat as she walked towards the open door. “I’ll just leave you two alone. You both have a lot of talking to do. Simona, don’t forget to call me.”

Simona waved Kristen off as her lips locked with Ben’s. It was the moment she was waiting to capture for what seemed like forever. At that moment, nothing didn’t seem to exist. All she cared about was being with her soldier and not wanting him to disappear again.














Chapter 17


Ben cupped Simona’s face with his masculine hands as he kissed her plump lips and caressed her soft hair. His heavy breathing showed that he missed her, the gentle touch he gave her was romantic as it was hungry. His blond hair was neatly combed, it wasn’t as ruffled as she thought it would be.

              “Baby…Where have you-” Simona interrupted their kisses as she tried to get answers.

              Ben placed a finger over Simona’s lips as he walked her backwards into the wall, he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her in closer to him. He kissed her neck passionately as she raked her hands through his blond hair. Simona felt his hard chest through his uniform jacket as she bit her lips. Her man was rock solid, she guess she couldn’t complain about his field training. She had to admit, the army was doing a good job with molding his body. He was in perfect shape.

              Helping her to remove his jacket, Ben kept his blue eyes on hers without sharing a blink. His eyes were so sexy that they appeared dangerous.

              Simona gasped as she felt his muscular pecks and biceps.

              “Did you miss this while I was away?” Ben pinned her against the wall. His breathing in her ear caused seductive moans to escape from her lips.

              “Yes…I did. I’ve missed you so much.” Simona found herself lost in his deep kisses.

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