In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (11 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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“Hurry up, slow poke. You’re taking so long that my clothes are getting out of style.” Jamika stretched as she stood in front of her Chevy Impala.

She wore black spandex pants with a black-white striped jacket. Her hair was tied with a scarf and she was ready for the run. This time she would be better than before, better than when she ran with Simona.

“Stop rushing me, Jamika. I’m tying my shoe laces, safety first.” Kristen looked up at her as she tightened her laces.

Jamika chuckled. “Wow, I guess blondes actually are smart.”

“Whatever. You’re just trying to intimidate me incase I’m faster than you.” Kristen said as she dusted her sweats.

She did a few stretches and tossed her two braided pigtails over her shoulders.

“We’ll see who’s faster.” Jamika jogged in place, warming up her body and inhaling the autumn air. “Are you ready?”

Kristen looked ahead of the trail and took off before Jamika had chance to give a signal.

“No fair, you hooker!” Jamika gasped.

They both ran past the beautiful evergreen trees and by the empty playground. Kristen noticed that Jamika was stepping up her game and trying to get ahead. She laughed as she forced more speed to her legs.

Being a lover of nature, Kristen had to stop to take her phone out her back pocket. She didn’t care anymore if Jamika was about to run by her.

Kristen held the phone’s camera into a focused position and snapped a few photos of the scenery. What was even beautiful was seeing the mother duck walk with her of baby ducks in a row. She smiled as if she were greeting them. Kristen loved animals, she was a member of the Animal Society.

“Girl, what are you doing? Oh, so you’re a photographer all of a sudden?” Jamika asked, winded with short breath. She rested both her hands on her knees and breathed like she had the last bit of air in her body.

Kristen snapped the photos and took a selfie, the wind blew her blond bangs. She reviewed the photos excitedly and shared them on social media.

“You know I’m a sightseeing individual.” Kristen said.

Jamika nodded her head and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, girl, I know. Which explains why you and Simona get along the most. She loves all that nature-hippie crap.”

Kristen stretched her eyes at the sound of Simona’s name. “Speaking of Simona, have you had a chance to speak with her?”

“Umm no. I tried calling her and I went by her apartment, but I think she’s avoiding me. I don’t give a damn anymore. Pregnant people will change up on you in a heartbeat.” Jamika looked at her stopwatch. “We aced that mile in ten minutes and thirty seconds pronto. You cheated ahead of me so you ‘gets no’ recognition from me.”

Kristen laughed and placed an arm around Jamika’s shoulder as they walked back towards their cars. It was starting to get dark and the chilly temperature was dropping even more.

“Just give Simona a little time. You really crushed her at the wrong time, Mika. She’s going through a lot right now.” Kristen explained. “And she would have wiped us out in this run in less than five minutes, I am sure of that.”

“Yeah, I can understand. I don’t know what I was thinking. You know how I am always kidding around.” Jamika sighed, looking up at the clouds disappearing with the darkness.

“It’s okay. We all say silly things without thinking. Sometimes we don’t mean them.” Kristen told her.

There was some rustling in the trees, it sounded like footsteps. They had no idea that they were being watched. Usually the park lights would automatically come on at night, but the area was dark.

Jamika tugged on to her jacket. “Oooh, girl. I need to go use the restroom. All that running and drinking plenty of water afterwards is starting to pay off.”

Kristen looked concerned. “Do you need me to wait here or walk with you? The restroom area is further back towards the playground area.”

“Girl, stop being stubborn and just go sit in your car. It’s chilly out here. I’m going to jog to the restroom. Hell, I may even burn a few more calories.” Jamika reassured her.

Shrugging her shoulders and walking ahead, Kristen went towards the car. “Okay, hurry up. I’m ready to go home and have sex with my husband.”

Jamika laughed as she jogged back through the trail. The restroom was a cabin styled building, across from the River Stone Lake.

She stopped jogging when she heard what sounded like footsteps behind her. She saw the cold air from her breathing in the air. She looked over her shoulder, seeing darkness in the trail.

“Is that you, Kris?” she asked. “I guess you had to pee too, huh? You hypocrite.”


The footsteps got closer.

The tree branches and leaves crunched.

“Who’s there?” she asked again.

              Jamika gasped when she felt someone grab her by the arm. Their hold was stern, almost cutting off blood circulation from the grip.

              A rusty hammer was raised under the crescent moonlight. Jamika screamed as the hammer met her skull with a crushing blow. Her echo repeated loudly and dreadfully in the woods.

Jamika was killed.


Killed in cold blood.




Chapter 28


“She said that her friend went to use the restroom along the trail. Do you think this could be the same person that murdered Amanda Karpova and Amanda Stone?” asked Sheriff Foley. He was a round man with a thick mustache and a toupee that didn’t match his natural brown color.

              “I’m not sure.” Said another officer. “If this was the same killer that had anything to do with the Karpova case we’d have to find out if this victim had anything linked to Ben Myers. We know it’s not Ben Myers that’s for sure, he’s locked up behind bars.”

              Drew shut his car door behind him as he walked towards the murder scene at River Stone Park. Photographers stood around Jamika’s body taking photos. Officers and detectives were looking for clues.

              “What do we have here?” asked Drew anxiously, he rested both hands on his hips.

              “Take a look for yourself, Slater. Another killing.” said Detective O’Brian as he handed Drew the flashlight.

              The yellow barricade tape was around the area of Jamika’s dead body.

People were gathered around as officers and paramedics demanded that everyone keep back from the scene.

              “Seems like someone is trying to give us a scare for Halloween. Three deaths of women within one month.” Detective O’Brian replied, taking a puff from his cigar. “Is it a trick or a treat?”

              “This isn’t the time for games, O’Brian. The woman that was murdered was Simona’s best friend, Jamika.” Drew shot at him. “I don’t remember her last name, but I remember her during the time Simona and I dated.”

              The sarcastic smile on O’Brian’s face quickly disappeared into a serious expression. He was embarrassed and had no idea the victim was a friend of Simona’s.

              “Drew, I’m sorry. I…I had no idea.” He said.

              Drew cut him off and stopped him by signaling his hand. “O’Neal, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

              “I overheard her friend Kristen mentioning that Jamika used to be involved with Benjamin Myers too. Is that true?” O’Brian asked curiously.

              Drew didn’t seem surprised. “I have no idea.”

              “That killer is still out there. Probably is a hitman that Benjamin Myers has or some crazy, ex-girlfriend of his.” Said O’Brian

              Kristen was crying loudly in the background as she was being questioned by a few of the officers. Drew took a double look as he noticed Simona making her way through the crowd to embrace Kristen.

The two women cried into each other’s arms over their best friend. Jamika who was now no longer with them.













Chapter 29


Drew was flabbergasted as he opened the door of his home to see Simona standing there in a trench coat.

Her dark eyes were mysterious, but seemed to be filled with tears and lust. Confusingly, she wanted him. She wanted to rip his clothes off and have her way with him. He wiped his sleepy eyes, he thought it was a vision.

              He checked his watch. It was 4:13am. “Simona.” He yawned, fighting to open his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

              Without wasting any time, Simona stepped inside and dropped her trench coat. There before him stood her perfectly nude body. He wasn’t too awaken before, but he sure was now. It revealed through his pajama pants that he was alert.

Simona licked her lips as she noticed the shape of Drew’s stiff erection, she stepped in closer to him. She stepped so close that he felt her hard nipples rubbing solidly against his chest.

              “Sshh..don’t speak. Don’t say a word.” She said softly.

              Drew smelled the sweet cinnamon scent of her breath. She always had sweet breath. Everything about her was sweet. Her breath, her fragrance and even her feminine
, lady flower
always smelled sweet.

              What was Simona’s reason for being here? She really had some explaining to do because from the reaction Drew seen of her defending Ben, he could have been fooled. The thought of her explaining wasn’t important though.

One touch of her full lips suckling along with his lips magically erased his concerns. He would be a fool to pass this up, a damn fool.

              Simona allowed her tongue to dance and paint with his, he followed her lead. Drew grabbed handfuls of her thick, juicy ass, pulling her in with his breath.

              There was so much built up sexual energy within them waiting to be released.

              Was Simona willing to seduce him because of her pain? Because of what she was going through?
Hell no,
Drew thought.
I sure hope not. That would make me a rebound

              Drew had to force himself to stop allowing his conscience to question things. Just enjoy the moment.

              Simona wrapped both arms around his neck. She moaned, running her hands through his thick, dark hair.

              “Mmm, Drew. Do you remember how you would sext with me while we were both at work? The way you would turn me on so much was amazing. Then after work, you would come over to my place to screw me like there was no tomorrow.” she said, smiling through their kisses. Her voice was weak and desperate.

              “Mmm hmmm. Yes. I remember. God! Your pussy smells amazing, Simona.” Drew said.

He couldn’t hold it any longer, but he was trying to be a gentleman. He wasn’t selfish. He cared about pleasing her first before his own needs. It was always like that with Drew.

              Simona moan as he carried her naked body, carrying her around his waist. She rolled against his erection. Drew smacked her ass, giving it a shake.

              “I have missed you, Mona. God, have I missed you.”

              “I have missed you too, Drew.” She cried.

              At that moment, he didn’t give a damn. He didn’t give a damn about her being pregnant, he didn’t give a damn about Ben and he sure as hell didn’t give a damn about figuring out the murder case.

No, at that moment it was all about him and Simona. They had some unfinished business to take care of with each other. Their story was never finished, it was just beginning.

              Drew couldn’t believe this was happening. He finally had the woman of his dreams back in his life again.

              He continued to kiss her softly, slowing down his hungry pace. Moans escaped from her lungs as he licked the sensitive areas of her earlobes. Her heart skipped not one, but two beats.

Drew made his way down her neck and cupped one and then two of her large breasts. He slipped them inside his warm mouth. The way her breasts were sitting firmly was enough to make him want to orgasm with just a few glances. She had some gorgeous breasts.

“Your tits are awesome as fuck.” Drew sucked.

              Suckling and nibbling her breasts, he caught the aroma brewing from her wild flower. It increased his sexual desire for her as used his two fingers to slip inside her dewiness.

              Drew was breathless as he watched her mocha brown eyes meeting his blue eyed gaze. Simona still had feelings for him that were deep. How could she forget him after all those years? It was too hard to forget him, even while she was with another man. She concealed her feelings for Drew as a way to move on.

              Their bodies were entwined as they explored each other. They had no problem warming up the satin comforter on the king sized bed.

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