In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (14 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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A disgusted Drew covered his mouth as he wanted to vomit, but contained it.

Her eyes. Dammit. Why did he have to look at Emily’s eyes? Her eyes had been pushed so far back into her head, the blood left a trail of tears.

There was a sudden a feeling of fear that came over Drew. One that he never usually feels because he was always the bold hero.

The ambulance rushed to the scene after the photos of the crime were taken. The officers were instructing everyone to go back inside and to continue with what they were doing. Some of the people wouldn’t move, they were in shock.

Drew looked around the area and tried to spot Simona, but she wasn’t anywhere around. Maybe she had to go into work early or maybe she was on her regular morning jog.

Drew walked over to an area away from all the commotion, he gave Simona a call. He placed the phone to his ear as he waited.

It rung five times, no answer.

He walked upstairs of the apartment building to knock on her door. He waited a few more seconds, no answer there.

No one was home. Where could she be?

    Chapter 36


  Columbia News and Courier

October 31, 2014      by Steven Arnolds

An innocent young woman, Emily Grant, has been found brutally murdered Tuesday morning at 6:30am. The body was discovered in the trunk of her 2014 Honda Civic overnight. The victim was said to have been involved with Fort Claxton lieutenant, Benjamin Myers.

Myers is being held in custody for the possible murders of Natalia Karpova and Amanda Grant.

Victims Jamika Williams and Emily Grant have then been murdered similar after his arrest. It has been discovered that all four women mysteriously dated Benjamin Myers.

All fingers have pointed towards Myers; it is regarding around him. Attorneys John Johnson and Howard Hall have been arguing about the time frames of the death of the women. This is a clue that has been mind boggling within the community.

There was no reason as to why these women have been murdered. Officials are now believing that Benjamin Myers wasn’t the actual killer. It has been also assumed that Benjamin Myers may have murdered Natalia Karpova and Amanda Mason, but it doesn’t reason for the deaths of the other two women.

“If Myers was the killer, it’s impossible for him to have killed new victims while he’s being held in custody. Something isn’t adding up. He may be able to tell us something in court. We believe it’s someone he knows that is out there” coroner Jim Moon reported.

However, there is still a murderer on the loose performing similar deaths within the city of Columbia. Sheriff Anthony Temple is urging everyone to remain safe, lock their homes and to not be alone at night. Benjamin will appear in court November 1
, 2014.


Drew felt a headache coming over him as he crumbled up the morning paper, tossing it into the trash. He was upset and confused over a lot of things. There was a real killer out there; which means that Ben will probably be a free man if he is found innocent in court.

Drew bit down on his fist at the thought of Simona and Ben reuniting, especially with that baby on the way. This would make things change between Drew and Simona if Ben was back around.

What if the baby would bring Simona and Ben closer? What if she forgave him? Drew closed his eyes and groaned from the thought of it.

Images flashed before him as he thought of Simona and Ben walking in the park with their new baby, taking family photos together.

Drew, just focus on the case. Their relationship has nothing to do with the case. You are letting this affect you mentally.

The pep talk from his conscience wasn’t good enough. If only that baby growing inside Simona wasn’t real then he wouldn’t feel so threatened.

Drew had to do something. He had to think of something.

His office phone was ringing and he totally snapped from his thoughts.

Drew cleared his throat before answering.

“Hello, this is detective Drew Slater.”

“Hey, sweetie. How are you?” it Simona.

“Hey babe. I’m better now I’m hearing your voice.” He said.

Simona smiled. “Aww. I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve been so busy. I heard about another killing near my apartment building. This is very sad, it’s also very scary. I’m hoping that I’m not next.” Simona explained, the tone in her voice became tense.

Drew was relieved to hear her voice, it was all he wanted to hear. Her contacting him and referring to him as sweetie had gave him hope.

“Yes, we are investigating the case further. It has to be someone that lives in the apartment area or someone else that was involved with Ben.” Drew said as he doodled along the memo pad on his desk.

Simona was silent for a moment.

“Simona, are you there?” Drew asked.

“Yes, I’m here.” She said nervously, “So they think that it’s someone else? They think it could be another one of his slutty girlfriends, huh?”

Drew got up to close his office door and walked over to the window, he kept the phone to his ear. From the sound of her voice, it was easily noticed that Simona was annoyed. She went from seeming flirty, sympathetic, and afraid and then to seeming annoyed. It was as if she had multiple personalities.

Simona continued to rant about Ben’s whereabouts while they were together and guessing that the killer could be someone he dated.

“Simona, you need to calm down. You don’t need to add stress on your baby.” Drew suggested, even though he didn’t mean the last part. He actually wanted stress to cause her to lose the baby.

Simona sighed into the phone. “I guess you’re right. Ben is now history to me. Nobody deserves a second chance from him. It would be too embarrassing if I were ever back with him. It’s a lot of pain to take in.” she argued. “He deserves what he is getting. There should be a death penalty raised!!!”

Wow. Drew wasn’t expecting so much animosity from her. He was relieved that she felt completely over Ben, but her actions were indifferent. Drew knew he needed to change the subject to something more positive.

“Hey, what do you say I prepare dinner reservations for us tonight at Angelo’s?  Perhaps you can consider coming over to my place for a nightcap?” Drew suggested romantically.

Simona liked the sound of that, she smiled over the phone. “Mmm that sounds tempting. I’ll be there, just have to finish researching a few news stories to cover for next week.”

“Perfect.” Drew said profoundly before clicking off the phone. Things would go well and he would make sure it would happen. He was sure of that.
















Chapter 37

It had been a while since Simona spoke with Kristen, the two had kept their distance because so much publicity was targeting towards Ben. None the less, Simona felt betrayed that Kristen kept it a secret that Jamika was seeing Ben.

Kristen hadn’t want anything to do with the situation, the whole ordeal of the murders gave her a scare. Everyone that had anything to do with Ben ended up getting killed and she wanted to stay away as much as she possibly could.

Simona shopped at the Columbiana Mall for a sexy, little number to wear for her date with Drew. She ignored the stares she was receiving from people, instead she walked with her head held high.

It seemed that the people in Columbia were anxious and eager for the drama. Simona heard their whispers as she skimmed through the clothes rack. Her hands trembled as she gave the cashier her credit card. She found a silk, black dress with the V-neck. Simona couldn’t wait for Drew to see her in it.

“Aren’t you going to be cold in this revealing dress?” asked the petite Hispanic cashier. Her features showed that she had African American features as well. She popped her bubble gum loudly and stared Simona up and down.

Simona’s pregnancy hormones made her wanted to give the cashier a piece of her mind, but she ignored. She snatched the shopping bag and credit card upon walking through the store’s exit. She heard the slight laughter behind her. T
he nerve of some people
, she thought.




              Simona could feel the heat in her cheeks as she smiled at Drew across the table of Angelo’s Italian Bistro. She felt as if she was falling in love with him all over again, the feelings she had for Ben were completely dissolving. Electricity ran through her as she met Drew’s gaze.

              “You are still so funny!!” Simona laughed.

              Their laughter filled the quiet Italian restaurant, it was such a beautiful place. Italian art filled the walls, the dim lit lights shone from the chandeliers and soothing music played in the background.

              Drew was telling Simona a story about his summer fishing. He had caught a cat fish that bit him on the finger. Simona found the story to be the most hilarious story she had ever heard.

              “Hey, maybe he wanted to eat me before I ate him.” He laughed, raising his glass of pinot grigio to his lips.

              “You see, fish have a mind of their own too. I haven’t really gone fishing since I was-”

              “Since you were dating me?” Drew asked, meeting her eyes with his.

              The candle that sat between them on the table made their eyes sparkle as they stared at each other. Drew’s blue eyes were like magic, piercing through Simona’s mocha colored eyes.

              “Yes, that would be correct. I wasn’t really able to do those type of things with Ben. He wasn’t that much into nature.” Simona replied.

              The waitress finally brought over their meals. The garlic bread sat in a basket, the smell was arousing and it was freshly baked.

              “This looks so good.” Simona said, licking her lips and ready to devour the meal.

              The waitress smiled pleasantly as she placed the plate of lasagna al forna in front of Drew. A chicken Caesar salad was prepared for Simona.

              “Enjoy.” The waitress said.

              “Wow, I remember how much you loved Italian food.” Drew took the napkin and placed it on his lap.

He was still such a proper eater; it was something that Simona admired about him. He was down to earth and a proper guy all in one.

              “Yes, for a black woman I prefer Italian food over soul food any day.” She said as she crunched into her salad, savoring the taste.

              Drew consumed his hot meal, he hadn’t ate anything pretty much all day because he was excited about seeing Simona again. He wanted to ask her about Ben’s court trial that was to be coming up very soon. He wanted to see if Simona was still against Ben, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment.

              “There’s some ranch dressing on your cheeks there.” Drew reached across the table to wipe the excess dressing from her soft cheeks.

              The intensity between them was growing, Simona felt the hot flames burning between her thighs. Drew felt his nature rise as she licked her lips, he noticed the erection of her large nipples coming to life through her V-neck dress.

              “Thank you, Drew. You’re such a caretaker.” She smiled.

              Drew shook his head. “I have to look after you. You know, because you’re a sloppy eater.” He winked.

              Simona laughed. “Still have jokes, huh?”

              They both enjoyed their beautiful dinner in the amazing atmosphere of one of Columbia’s first class restaurants. Drew couldn’t wait to take Simona back to his place to have his way with her.



Chapter 38

Their bodies clasped together as they entered Drew’s home. They laughed through hungry kisses as they stumbled through boxes and case files that were on the floor.

              “Mmmmm.” Simona moaned, rummaging her fingers through Drew’s hair. She loved his hair, it was so thick and caused her toes to curl as he kissed her so deeply.

              Drew removed his jacket, tossed it on the couch as he lifted Simona’s dress.

              “That dress has been driving me crazy all night.” He said, eyeing her seductively.

              “Mmmmmm…” Simona laughed.

              Drew couldn’t wait to melt inside her. Suddenly, he remembered the plot. He remembered the plan.

              “Hey, I would like for you to surprise me. You know, like you used to do before we would have sex. Do you remember?” he asked as he wrapped his hands around her waist. Her stomach was growing with Ben’s baby inside and it was angering him so much within.

              “Oh, you mean to come down the stairs butt naked and give you a lap dance on the couch?” Simona asked, remembering the way they used to foreplay. Their game used to be her pretending to be a hired stripper.

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