In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (16 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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Simona had really cracked up this time. She was completely losing it and away from the person that she once was.

Drew’s expression was helpless, he needed to stop her evil ways. He wanted her to see that he really did care for her.

“Baby, I-”

Simona fired two shots to Drew’s arm, he cried in agony as he slid down the wall. The blood combined with the water on the floor from the shower.

Drew continued to scream with horrific pain. “Arrrrhhggh!!!”

She pointed the gun at his chest. “You really hurt my heart, Drew! Now you need to know how much it feels to have physical pain to the heart! It hurts just as much as a bullet!”

Simona’s brown cheeks were now red, filled with anger and hate.

Weakly staring up at the beautiful Simona, Drew couldn’t move. “If you are going to kill me, then do it. DO IT, DAMMIT!”

Surprisingly, Simona the pistol. “I..I can’t, Drew. I…I still love you.” She said in a trembling voice, one that was soft and unaware. “I love you. I ..I can’t do this.”

Drew was in shock, and as strange as it seemed, he still loved her too.

Before he could tell her that he loved her again, Simona rushed out the door. She stormed out in a flash.

“Simona!! Simona!!” Drew called for her, but she was already gone. She left the door opened behind her.

Slowly trying to stand up in the slippery bathroom, Drew couldn’t believe what had just happened. It was like a dream, almost like a horror movie. It happened so suddenly and confusingly.

Drew took a nearby washcloth to stop the blood from his wound; he still in pain as he walked out the bathroom.

He made it to his cellular phone that was sitting on the marble dresser in the bedroom. It took him a little while because of the pain, but he called up his chief at the FBI.

“It’s Drew...” he said breathlessly.

“We have a problem…….I’ve…been shot twice in the arm….No, O’Brian isn’t with me….I’m home..…..No…I found out who the mystery murderer is….”

Drew closed his eyes to fight the physical and mental pain. He took a deep breath before responding. “The murderer is Simona Cox, the news anchor.”

Saying those words were the hardest things for Drew to say. He still loved her.






Chapter 42

              Simona wore all black as she peeked through the bushes in the distance. She was viewing the Richland County Police Department. She was up to something, she had yet another plan. Ben was on her mind, she wanted to help him escape, but she knew she couldn’t just walk in there and ask for him. No, she couldn’t do that.

              She stepped softly on a few tree branches, the cold air stinging on her lips and her face. Simona tiptoed until she got closer. The police department didn’t seem so crowded, especially since it was nine o’ clock at night. Simona had to get inside, she just had to.

              There was a police car parked not too far. Luckily, no one else was around because she was about to do something crazy.

              Simona was completely someone else. The way she changed quickly was almost psychotic.

              She looked around the quiet parking lot and scanned the empty area. She walked a little closer to the police car and noticed a female officer was sitting in the car having a smoke.

Simona shook her head. “Bad cop.” She whispered to herself.

              Simona carried a little pouch on her hip, she looked like one of those undercover spies or someone from a James Bond movie. She was seriously looking to start some trouble and no one was going to get in her way.

              The cop coughed, taking the cigarette from her lips to rest her hands out the window of the car. She inhaled as she took another pull. The wrinkles on her face revealed that she smoked possibly every day, the grey strands peeked through her dyed brunette hair. She coughed again and took another pull.

              Simona crept up to the car window. In cold blood, she stabbed the cop in the neck with a knife. The cop held her neck; gasping and feeling the knife that went through it. She closed her eyes, dying quietly.

Simona had a crazy plan. She looked around the area again really quick. She opened the door as the dead cop fell out into the parking space. Simona shook her head. “Stupid old bitch.”

              Simona removed the cop’s uniform from her body.

She decided to put the uniform on, making it appear as though she was a cop. That way, she could walk through the police department without giving away too much attention. Simona checked her appearance in the side view mirror and pulled the hat down over her eyes. Perfect.

              Simona looked down at the cop’s dead body at her feet. The woman was laying in her bra and panties; her white body was white as cold death. Simona carelessly stepped over it and walked towards the police department entrance.

It was too dark outside for anyone to notice the body, they wouldn’t notice it until morning, possibly. Simona had more stuff to take care of and Ben was next on her list.












Chapter 43


Creeping by the police officers in the hallway, some of them didn’t seem to notice Simona in her police disguise. She walked slowly, careful not to attract any attention of apprehensiveness. The police department was slightly quiet. The phones were ringing as officers rushed through the doors.

Simona still remained content, she knew that the officers were probably headed over to Drew’s home. She had to act fast and do what she had to do.

              She walked down the hall, making a right turn until she saw where the jail cells were. A security guard was across from the cells in an office, he was alone and watching a portable television. Typical lazy ass, she thought as she watched him eat from the bag of potato chips.             

              Simona tiptoed to the office and opened the door, it squeaked behind her. A few inmates started whistling once they saw her, but they stopped whistling when they noticed she pulled out a pistol.

              The security officer nearly choked on his mouthful of chips when he saw Simona standing there, pointing the gun at him.

              He started to press the button to call for help, but she clicked the gun as a warning.

              “Touch that button and you’ll be a dead man.” She said as she kept her eyes on his.

              The old security guard gulped, his face red with fear. He raised both hands to surrender after it was clear to him that Simona wasn’t a real officer.

              “Now, take that key and release Benjamin Myers from his cell. Do it NOW! HURRY! MOVE!” She demanded as she moved the gun around. “Everyone else, don’t make a sound or I’ll blow all of you up at a time!”

              Ben finally recognized Simona disguised as a police officer. He had no idea what was going on, but he was ready to find out.

              “Simona?” he said, looking at her and at the approaching security guard. “What’s going on?”

              Simona led the security guard to the cell with the gun to his back, she kept looking over her shoulder anxiously. “Hurry, get him out!” she shouted.

              The security guard was scared shitless as he did as he was told. His nervous hands rattled with the keys to open the jail cell to release Ben.

              Ben stood there confused.

              “HURRY UP, BEN!” Simona pulled him from the jail cell. She quickly threw the security guard inside and grabbed Ben’s hand as they ran.

              “YOU’RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!!” shouted the old security guard. The other inmates were cheering on for Ben’s escape as they watched.

              “Simona, what the hell is going on? Why are you releasing me? I know its Halloween, but why are you dressed as a cop?” Ben asked confused as they ran through the parking lot from exit.

              Simona looked behind her, they weren’t being followed, but she knew the word would get out.

              “No time to explain now! Hurry! This way!” she demanded.

              They made it to the police car near the body of the dead female police officer. Ben almost shouted from the sight of the dead body, but Simona shushed him before he did.

              “Quiet. Do you want us to get caught? You’ll be in more trouble than you are now. Get inside the car.” Simona opened the car door and rushed inside.

              Ben looked unsure, but he got inside the passenger seat. He wasn’t feeling so well. Something didn’t feel right.

              Simona backed out the parking lot and drove away from the premises of the police department.

              They rode in silence through the highway, driving by some of Columbia’s beautifully styled homes. A few trick or treaters were still roaming the streets into the darkness. Some appeared to be teenagers that had taken their siblings with them.

              Ben looked over at Simona as she drove, she kept her eyes fixed on the road without blinking. She was in deep thoughts, almost too deep. For a moment Ben thought that Simona was in a trance.

              “Where are we going, Simona? I need to know what the hell is going on.” Ben asked.

              They were now on the outskirts of Columbia, approaching a woodsy area. Wherever she was taking him, she sure knew where they going.

              “I love you, Ben. That’s why I had to get you out there. I didn’t want them to lock you away after the trial tomorrow.” Simona said with tear-filled eyes.

              Ben reached his hand to touch her leg. He felt touched at how much she loved him. He felt a sense of guilt over him as he realized that she would risk getting him out of jail in the most dangerous way.

She wasn’t worried about her reputation or the fact that she could get behind bars for planning his escape.

              “Simona, I love you too. But, babe, you didn’t have to do this. You didn’t have to sneak me out of jail. It’s too much to risk. My trial is tomorrow and my lawyer says there is a chance that I will walk away free. They know I’m not the murderer.” Ben explained. “It’s someone else.”

              He was hoping she’d be excited after hearing that his lawyer was going to help him, but she didn’t seem to care.

              Simona paused before replying, studying the dirt road they were driving on. “I know.”

              Ben searched her face for an expression. “You…you know?”

              “Yes, I know you’re not the killer!” She shouted

              Ben wasn’t sure what else to say. It seemed as if she knew something that he didn’t. He remained silent through the continued ride.

He turned around to look through the back window, they weren’t being followed. Simona’s new personality was scaring him. He glanced at her again and focused on the road. Simona was completely someone else.



Chapter 44

              “This cabin belonged to Lewis Mills. I’m sure you have heard of that name.” Simona told Ben as they got out the car.

              An owl flew out the tree from the sound of their car doors being shut. It was dark as hell, the crickets and the crunching of leaves were the only noises heard. They were at an area in the woods of a vacant log cabin.

              Ben looked around the darkness as he followed her. The chilly air caused him to hold tightly to his body. It was nothing he wasn’t used to, especially after having to train with the army in the snow a few times.

Why was Simona bringing him here? He thought he would have been better off in the jail cell until his trial.

              “Wait…was Lewis Mills the serial killer that murdered his wife and women he had an affair with? They called him the ‘Jack the Ripper of Columbia’, right?” Ben asked.

              Simona’s brown eyes glowed in the night. “Yes, I had to research a news story about him once.  I’ve always been fascinated with his story. We’re at the cabin where he hid some of the bodies before they were discovered.” Simona said excitedly.

              Ben gave her a strange look as he listened. He had never seen this side to her.

The moonlight appeared from behind the clouds, shining through the trees and on her dark face.

              “Ummm okay, babe. Why are we here? Maybe it’s best if we just drive back to the police station. I’m afraid it will make me look bad in court tomorrow. You’re probably going to get in a whole lot of trouble.” Ben replied.

              Simona walked into the cabin and reached for the lantern to light nearby. Luckily, she had a lighter in her back pocket. She turned the lantern on and there was light that brought the little cabin to life.

              Ben looked around the deserted cabin. Books were all around, a dusty rug was beside the fireplace and a dusty coffee table. The small couch looked like it contained dust mites, roaches ran out of nowhere. Ben suddenly felt uncomfortable as he rubbed his shoulders.

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