In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (9 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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              Ben still tried to fight out the handcuffs, he was strong. He kept his eyes on Simona and Drew. The sight of seeing her old flame near her just made him outrageously indignant. Ben was surprised to even notice that Drew smirked at him. “It was him! He did it! He set me up! He is the murderer! He just thinks he can get away with it because he’s with the FBI!!!”

              Drew was shaking his head as he walked towards Ben. The two were face to face again. “You are the murderer of your mistresses. Everyone knows you committed these vicious crimes. Just look at the way your acting. You know it, I know it and the court will know it. You were also dating Emily Grant. I bet you didn’t know I knew about her either. She works with me at the FBI station. It’s a good thing we caught you in time or she would have had been killed next by you.” Drew smirked. “Hell, probably Simona would have been killed too. The sick, mental disorder you adapted from the army needs medical attention. You could snap on anyone.” Drew loosened up his necktie, giving it a little shake as he spoke. He felt he was big and bad and had the right to insult Ben.

The animosity and fury was causing him to get out of hand. That’s right, Ben was at a loss for words now. All he could do was just stare with an open mouth as Drew put his ass on blast about Emily.

Simona cried loudly at what she had just heard. There was another woman he cheated with. How could this be? Wasn’t one enough? She was in a deep sense of rage and a pit fall of hurt and pain. The police continued to read Ben his rights. He wasn’t able to speak anymore.

Detective O’Brian walked in eating a banana. He couldn’t believe all the steam his friend was letting out.

“Hey detective, did I catch you at a bad time?” he laughed jokingly. He took another bite into the banana and met his gaze at Simona. He nearly got chocked after he realized who she was. O’Brian wiped his hand on his pants to remove the banana residue before shaking Simona’s hand.

“Oh my! Pardon me, ma’am. I always see you on the morning news and it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Detective O’Brian.” He chewed, clearing his throat.

He gave Simona a tight handshake, but he could sense that she wasn’t in such a mood to be introduced.

“Nice to meet you, Detective O’Brian. Sorry we had to meet under these accommodations.” She said with a sniff.

Drew rubbed the fur under his chin and took a deep breath. “Looks like we got a hold of Myers. He was Simona’s fiancé and he’s being taken in for questioning until we can get a court date immediately.”

O’Brian shook his head, looking around the apartment as the other police cleared out. “Ms. Cox, I am sincerely sorry about all this happening. Really, I am.” He said sincerely.

Simona nodded and gave a weak smile. “Thanks. I’ll be fine. These things happen, but I wasn’t expecting it to have been my Ben. I had no idea that he would want to kill someone. Nonetheless, cheat on me.”

She turned her back away and started to cry.  Drew knew at this time she was vulnerable and was going to need all the support she could get. She was hurt, embarrassed, betrayed and afraid.

Drew motioned for O’Brian to leave them and O’Brian pat him on the shoulder upon leaving. As the door shut, Drew looked across at the woman he loved. The woman who never left inside of his heart. He walked over to hold her.

Chapter 20


Simona tugged tightly to the throw pillow as she sat on the sofa, she was crying excessively. Nothing could undo the pain that she felt. Drew felt sorry for her, but he also was trying to make sure he didn’t overstep his boundaries.

At this point he had to be careful and show that he cared for her. This tactic would win her over quickly, he knew it.

The sound of police sirens in the city disappeared in the distance. 

Drew was in the kitchen and decided to put on some coffee for the both of them. He remembered when they dated, how they would stay up late to have coffee and late conversation. It was one of the few things that used brought them close.

As the coffee was steaming, he opened the cabinets and found two beautiful, blue china tea cups. They were the teacups that his mother had gave Simona. Drew smiled without concealing his jubilation that she still kept them.

Drew filled the cups with coffee and slowly headed towards her on the couch, careful not to spill.

“Here. Drink some. It will perk you up.” He suggested, handing her the cup.

Simona sighed and waved the cup of coffee away. “No thanks, Drew. I’m not allowed to drink coffee.”

Drew was confused as he gently placed her cup of coffee down on the coffee table. “Why not? You always loved coffee. Did this guy converted you from being a coffee lover?” He teased.

Simona smiled, suddenly her smile faded. Her eyes became watery as she sniffled. She reached over for the box of Kleenex on the end table. “I can’t have coffee or caffeine because I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant with his child, which makes it hard, Drew.”

Drew felt the sadness inside of him and the crushing defeat. First, he had to take the news of her being engaged and then the news of her being pregnant. This was really tearing him up inside. No matter what, if he wanted to win her over he had to be cool and show his sincerity towards her. No arguments and no insults were to happen, no matter how hard it was to try not to.

“Simona, I don’t know if I should say congrats or sorry. I know it seems hard for it happening during this crucial moment for you.” He took a sip from his coffee. He realized the coffee was still too hot as it burnt his lip. “I know it makes you feel so many emotions. I mean, with him lying to you. Not to mention that he’s suspected of two murders. It’s a lot to take in, especially with a child on the way.”

Wiping her nose and patting the tissue softly around her reddened eyes, Simona’s words started to stutter. There was so much pain. “I just can’t believe Ben cheated on me. Not once, but more than once! I thought things were going so well with us. I just thought he was busy working.”

Drew moved in a little closer. “I understand, Simona.”

“You couldn’t possibly understand, Drew. Don’t forget that you had your turn of hurting me too.” She told him.

Wait a minute, now the tables were turning on him. He was supposed to be the good guy this time. “Simona, that was long ago. I may have hurt you from my actions before, but I never once cheated on you like that brainless G.I Joe you’re with.”

Being caught off guard, Simona noticed that she was laughing at Drew’s remark. A soft laugh grew into a bigger laugh, and the two of them were laughing together.

“A brainless G.I Joe? I have never heard of that one before.” She laughed. “Drew, you always had such a sense of humor. Thanks, I needed that.”

“Anytime, Simona.” Drew rose from his seat and stretched, he was exhausted. “Well, I should be heading home. Is there anything I can do for you? You really should take it easy and get some rest.”

Standing beside him and looking closely into his dark, blue eyes, Simona smiled slowly at Drew. She had never seen this thoughtful side to him.

The reason for their break up was mainly because of his lack of emotion. He was a detective; he was used to not showing pity and to be taken seriously.

“I’ll probably just curl up with a book until I fall asleep tonight. I’ll just…take it one day at a time. I’m trying to get over this.” Simona rubbed his back and walked him towards the door. “Thanks again, Drew.”

Drew wanted to confess to her that he was still in love with her, but he had to go with the timing. He stood in front of the doorway and smiled. “Goodnight, Simona.”

Simona slowly closed her door and leaned against it. She hugged herself, feeling the emptiness.



The man she was engaged to had broken her heart big time; while the man who walked out of her life in the past was stepping back in.






Chapter 21


The smell of cigarettes filled the air over thick perfume and cologne, the soft jazz played over the chattering customers in Woody’s Bar and Grill. Though it was a little after midnight, Drew didn’t actually go home. He sat at the bar, gulping down a tequila shot and took a long pull from his Cuban cigar.

He couldn’t go home, he knew that if he were to go home then thoughts of Simona would stir up. Thoughts of his feelings for her and memories that haunted him of them when they were together.

The most grueling thought that bothered him was knowing that she was pregnant from that scumbag fiancé. The bartender refilled Drew’s glass without asking if he needed it. Since Drew was with the law, it was always served as on the house for him.

Drew groaned with a sigh, running his hand through his sweaty hair. He took another long swig from his drink. He wasn’t a regular smoker, but whenever he had a lot on his mind he would smoke to release the tension.

He wish that Simona hadn’t gotten pregnant from Ben. Things were going well now that Ben was behind bars and he wanted him to stay there.

This issue with her having a baby only would make it hard for them to start over. Drew could tell that Simona still had something buried deep down for him after all these years too.

Why the hell did a baby have to be growing inside of her?
If only a part of Ben wouldn’t be in the picture!
  Drew slammed his hand down on the bar counter and stormed out the door. His thoughts were getting the best of him and taking over.

Drew got in his car and drove away with anger down the highway, rage was in his eyes. He was speeding past the limit, not giving a care. He decided to park his car in the parking lot of Simona’s apartment and watch her window. Her light was still on at the top of the building. Drew rubbed his chin as he cooked up a plan.














Chapter 22

“So he was cheating on you the entire time? I knew it! The son of a bitch!” Jamika said as she checked out her newly French manicured nails.

“Yes, he was cheating on me and also cheating on me with two other woman. I overheard Drew bring it up to him during the arrest. Apparently, the third one is not dead.” Simona rested her head back. The Korean woman placed Simona’s feet in the small tub.

Simona, Kristen and Jamika all decided to get their manicures and pedicures one evening. Simona had to tell them the news of what was taking place in her life. They were all astonished that Ben could have something to do with the two murdered women he was cheating with.

“That is so disgusting. It’s disgusting that he would cheat on you with so many women at the same time. How much of a pig can a guy be?” Kristen took a sip from her bottled water, closing her eyes as she enjoyed her feet massage.

“A male slut sounds more like what he was. Simona, maybe you should get yourself checked out.” Jamika teased.

Simona shot her an unappreciative look.

“Jamika, this isn’t the time for games.” Said Kristen.

“I’m serious! You don’t know anything about the women he was with. Oh, and you’re pregnant too. Mmm mmm. Definitely get yourself checked out, girl.” Replied Jamika, sarcastically.

Simona rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the lecture, Mika.”

“Just keepin it real.” She said.

“So do you know anything about the other woman?” Kristen asked. “A little to the left there…aww.” She was really enjoying her massage. It was very much needed after giving a tour of new houses all day.

Simona shook her head and rubbed her stomach. She was starting to feel the roundness of her stomach. “No, I don’t know much about her except that her name is ‘Emily’. It seems as though Drew knows her.”

“Hmmm well, I’d find out about her and question her on some things. You need to know how much Ben was lying to you. What if they were plotting to kill you? Oh my God! That would be scary as shit!” Jamika shrieked.

“Girl, you watch too much of those Lifetime movies. Stop being such a drama queen.” Simona sucked her teeth.

Kristen cleared her throat, positioning herself in her seat to look Simona in the eyes. “You have to think about it, Simona. I mean, what if this Emily chick is the killer? What if she killed those other women and was in it with Ben for the long run? He was being secretive with you and you had no idea he was cheating with those women. Maybe you were next.” Kristen added.

Simona thought her friends were getting ahead of themselves. She didn’t need any more stress on her than what she already had.

“Can we just…take a break from this discussion?! Please!” Simona shouted.

Kristen and Jamika saw a different side to Simona. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones taking over.

“Sure…sure.” Kristen slowly said. “It’s okay, Simona. We’re sorry.”

Jamika chuckled softly. “Girl, you need to calm down. It doesn’t make any sense for you to get that kind of attitude with us. We are just looking out for you.”

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