In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (8 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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              She slid her hands down this back. The arch in his back was like a deep bridge. God was so amazing for creating and designing his body to be so damn amazing.

              Ben kissed her hand as he walked her towards the bedroom. The bed wasn’t made and Simona was embarrassed.

              “I’m sorry that the bed isn’t made. What kind of
am I? You should have to come home to witness this?” she replied worriedly. She just wanted everything to be perfect.

              Ben smiled as he pulled her body in. Her breast were rising through her blouse and it turned Ben on even more. The way she was apologetic and pouty made him eager to get inside of her. “Don’t worry about the bed. It’s not like we weren’t going to mess it up anyway.”

              He ripped her blouse like the rugged soldier he was. He took Simona by surprise as he hungrily inhaled into her full cleavage. He sniffed her smell. Her smell was very arousing, mixing with her natural smell. Ben kissed her breasts, reaching behind her back as he undid her bra. He noticed her breasts had grown fuller because of pregnancy hormones. They say that women are much hornier during pregnancy and this excited him.

              After Ben had ripped off her blouse and removed her bra, he watched her lying there on the bed like a trapped victim. He smirked seductively, creating chills to race through her body. He had the most gorgeous smile she had ever seen. Man, he couldn’t wait to have his way with her body. He could smell her wetness.

              Ben wrapped her legs around his waist as he dived into her wetness. His large manhood found its way to break through her walls. He rocked and shifted, pulled her into his pelvis and allowed every inch of him to enter her.

The two moved together to their own rhythm and created a sweet melody. Ben guided her body as he explored inside her carnival. He then took one of her legs and placed it over his shoulder. He marinated in her even deeper, closing his eyes.

              “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Simona begged, grabbing on to the headboard.

              Ben groaned as he took his rhythm up a notch. He bit his lower lip as he gave her that dangerous stare. The stare that came without any blinks. His blue eyes were like blue fire, stinging into hers as he rammed into her uncontrollably.

The love making was now intense and rough, too rough for a woman that was pregnant. Ben was making love to her as if she were another woman.








Chapter 18


Suddenly, Simona’s moans became painful screams, but Ben wasn’t paying any attention to it.

He clasped his hands tightly around her neck, groaning angrily over her moans. He senselessly rammed through her vaginal walls. Her wetness was becoming dry from his harsh thrusts. Ben made love to her in a raping manner, almost dangerous-like. This was a different side of him that Simona had never seen.

              “Ben!!! BEN!!! Baby!!! Please….stop!!…oww..stop!! It’s hurting!” Simona pleaded, fighting the pain that was once pleasure.

              Simona coughed as he choked her further into the mattress. He kept his dangerously, sexy eyes fixed on hers. Ben was turned on from trying to harm her. It was as though he was someone she no longer knew, he had become someone else.

              Ben released himself letting out a roar over her screams, screams he thought that came from her orgasm.

Simona cried as Ben rested on top of her. He breathed heavily, sounding like he just ran the longest marathon. Simona thought of her ex, Drew.

Drew was always gentle with her when they made love. Drew’s touch was different than Ben’s. Ben was dangerous and almost reckless. Perhaps the military had made him that way. Perhaps it was something else.

  Once Ben noticed her crying, he snapped back into reality.

              “Simona, baby! Are you okay?!!” he asked, looking down at her underneath him. Ben realized that she was struggling to sit up and he quickly moved over to the side of the bed. He wasn’t aware of his freakish strength. He had hurt her with intense soreness between her legs.

              “You got a little too carried away, Ben. I’m actually hurting. Remember I just found out I’m pregnant?” She said softly.

              How could he have been so reckless? Ben sat up in bed and covered his hand over his mouth. He couldn’t believe what he had just done. The army had created such a rage over him where he was trained to fight. He was a beast and trained to be tough, but being sexually torturous wasn’t expected. 

              “I’m..I’m so sorry, Simona! I was in another zone! I really didn’t know what came over me! Oh my God, babe! Are you okay? Should I take you to the emergency room? Shit!” Ben stood up as he paced back and forth in the bedroom. He ran his hand through his hair.

              Simona slowly wrapped her arms around her folded legs and took a deep breath. She was slightly sore between her legs, but she was easing from the tension. “I’m okay. It’s just I’ve never seen you this way. I’m okay now. Have a seat.” She patted the empty space beside her for him to sit down.

              Ben’s blood had rushed to his face, redness was his new complexion. He returned to his normal shade as Simona rubbed his back, the sweat was cold as it calmed him. He still continued to apologize. Simona noticed that he was shaking and it wasn’t like him.

              Simona knew that they needed to talk and have a discussion about the baby. They also needed to discuss plans for the wedding and most importantly, they needed to talk about their relationship.

              “So we’re actually having a baby? That’s GREAT news! I can’t believe it. What is the doctor saying? How far along are you?” Ben asked while stroking Simona’s hair. She nestled up under him, now feeling a little safer.

              “Well, Dr. Truluck tells me not to stress and that is exactly what I have been doing lately.” she said.

              Ben leaned back as he looked into her eyes, he was confused. “Stressed? Why are you stressed? What reason do you have to be stressed?”

              The tears started to twinkle in her eyes, she sniffed. “Ben, I don’t feel secure when you leave for work, taking extended days from communicating with me. I feel you’re not one hundred percent true with me. If I am to be your fiancé then you should let me know things. Why is it that hard to let me know you’ll be working late or away for days in the field? It worries me and it hurts so badly. All I want is to hear from you. My friends don’t have that problem with their men. Their men always notify them. I just don’t understand why you forget about me.”

              Suddenly, Ben pushed Simona away from leaning on his shoulder. “Is that what all of this is about? You’re wanting me to be on house arrest! You want to give me permission before I do anything? You know how hard I work and how hard I fight for my country! I train so much that I barely have time for myself and I miss so much sleep because of studying!” he shouted.

              Simona slipped her nightgown over her head and leaped up from the bed. She immediately walked over to him, she tried to hug him. Once again, Ben pushed her away.

              “Baby, please, calm down. I’m not trying to give you permission. It’s not anything like that.” She explained, her voice tense. “I only want to know whenever you have to be away for so long. Is that so hard to ask? It’s normal in any relationship. It helps with trust.”

That’s when there was a loud bang on the door that startled both Simona and Ben. Simona gasped as she placed a shivering hand over her mouth. Who could it have been? Was it the killer?

              “Open up! It’s Detective Slater of the FBI and the Richland County Police Department!! WE HAVE A WARRANT FOR THE ARREST OF BENJAMIN MYERS!”

              Simona felt her heart sinking down to the pit of her stomach. Could this nightmare get any worse?












Chapter 19


Simona gave Ben a heartfelt look before opening the door. She felt the rush of wind from Drew as he stormed inside their apartment. Drew held his gun firmly, observing Ben seriously.

              “What’s going on here?” Ben asked ferociously. His PTSD was going to make him snap any minute now.

              About nine or ten police followed Drew inside, they had their guns aimed upward as they started to search and walk around the apartment.

              “Drew, you are taking this too far just because I declined helping you solve the case of those girls!” Simona gave Drew a disgusted look, folding her arms and quenching her eyes.

              Ben was shocked. “Do you know this guy, Simona? You were going to help him work on a case?”

              “Baby, I can explain. He’s my ex-boyfriend.” Simona stated.

              Drew said nothing as he walked towards Ben to search him, patting him all over and in his pockets. No weapons.

              “Wait! I’ve seen this guy a few times snooping around at my job. So he being your ex-boyfriend explains why he’s trying to frame me.” Ben said cruelly, keeping his eyes fixed with anger on Drew.

He then looked at Simona with hurt in his eyes. “And you would probably have cheated on me with him, huh?”

              “Yesterday, you were on base? Well where were you when you left base, Ben? You surely didn’t come home to me.” Simona shot back.

              Ben was silent and couldn’t find the right words to help himself.

              Drew knew that this was the right time. It was the right moment to reveal Ben in front of Simona. He pulled out a photo from his back pocket of Natalia Karpova and Ben. It was the one that was printed out from the receptionist at the massage spa.

              “Lieutenant Myers, there is no need to question your fiancé on if she was doing her dirty work. It reveals here that you were involved with Ms. Karpova. You were with her before she was murdered. Seems like you were the one doing the dirty work.” Drew said in a serious tone. He was wondering how Ben was going to talk his way out of this.

              Simona gasped, feeling as though she was stabbed in the back. The feeling of betrayal overcame her.

“Recently, we found out that you were with Amanda Stone before she died as well.” Drew added.

Ben frowned. “Wait, you have no proof of me and Amanda.”

“Oh yeah?” Drew had the tape recorder with him and replayed it. It was the one he had set up of Carmen impersonating Amanda
. “Ben, please answer your phone!! I’m so sorry fo not answering the phone when you called me! I’m so sorry for wearing the tight clothes to work! You broke my heart when you punched me in the face and tried to run me over in the parking lot! I didn’t want my mom to see the bruises you left on my back when you beat me with the belt! I was so afraid of you, but I love you! I love you so much
I can’t believe you would hurt me!!! I still love you because I’m a fool for you! I’m here at the lake waiting for you. You said you would come but you aren’t here…oh, wait.. I think I see your car pulling up.”

Drew clicked off the tape recorder and waited for Ben’s excuse.

“OH MY GOD! THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN!!!” Ben shouted.

“It sure sounds like it did! There’s evidence that you were with her before she got killed at the lake. Evidence also proves that you were causing domestic violence with her!” Drew shot back.

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Simona yelled, pushing Ben harshly.

It took no time for the tears to fall from her eyes. She immediately slapped him with all her force. His face was red and his eyes tearful.

              “So this fuckin explains why you were always so busy and disappearing on and off, Ben! You were screwing with two bitches and killed them before they blew your cover! While we are engaged!!! WHILE WE ARE ENGAGED!” Simona paced back and forth, covering her hands over her face from the humiliation.

              Ben walked over to comfort her as the police tried to arrest him.

              “Simona, sweetheart. It meant nothing. I didn’t do ANYTHING! I only love-” Ben’s voice was soft, he was humiliated that he had hurt Simona. She wasn’t supposed to find out. No. Not like this.

              “Lieutenant Myers, you’ll be taken in to custody for questioning.” Drew said to him, coldly. He almost wanted to smirk, but he knew he had to do his job and support Simona. “Guys, take Lieutenant Myers to the station and place him in a holding cell.”

              As the police began to arrest Ben, he was trying to break through to get near Simona.

              “Simona, you don’t think I killed them, do you?” Ben’s voice grew stronger. “YOU DON’T THINK I KILLED THOSE TWO WOMEN, DO YOU?!! I’M NOT A MURDERER! GET OFF ME! YOU HAVE THE WRONG GUY!”

              “You have the right to remain silent when questioned. Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law….” The police began to say as he roughly handcuffed Ben.

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