Iscariot: A Novel of Judas

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Authors: Tosca Lee

Tags: #FICTION / Historical

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Praise for Iscariot

"Written in a voice that is original, animated, and refreshing, Tosca Lee has forged a poignant tale of Judas, a character we only thought we knew.

History and emotion entangle into an entertaining nugget, each page like a tasty treat."

--Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of The King's Deception

"Iscariot is one of those rare novels that makes you go deep and come out both crying and cheering at once. If you think you know Jesus or Judas, think again. Through meticulous detail and powerful prose, Tosca Lee brings the world a story that will reshape the hearts and minds of many. An absolute must-read."

--Ted Dekker, New York Times bestselling author

"Tosca Lee refuses to let biblical stories turn into stale tales without any current meaning. As she did so brilliantly with Demon and Havah, she brings familiar characters to life in wholly new ways. In Iscariot, we identify all too easily with Judas' struggles, hopes, and frustrations. It is rich in research and powerful in the telling. I couldn't read this book and simply point the finger without first coming to grips with the human frailties in my own heart and mind."

--Eric Wilson, New York Times bestselling author

"A work that devours you with its first words. Lee's skills as a researcher and wordsmith have illuminated Judas in a light never seen before. Gone is the simple one-dimensional character who acts as a foil in the crucifixion narrative. In Iscariot we have an extraordinary man whose dreams, hopes, and fears drive him to the precipice of his life. Brilliant writing."

--Dr. Joe Cathey, professor of Old Testament at Dallas Baptist University iv

"Iscariot is a ride through history and the nature of betrayal and friendship.

Surprising characterization, a rich tapestry of setting, and a compelling plot make this an insightful read. Once again, Tosca Lee's storytelling and intelligence shines through her fiction."

--Mary DeMuth, author of The Muir House

"Reading Lee's Iscariot is like seeing the unknowns in the New Testament filled with 'what might have been.' The familiar gains new significance as seen through the eyes of the disciples, especially that one whose motives still baffle two thousand years later. Iscariot is rich and wonderfully told, with a haunting message that resonates: What would I have done?"

--Tracy L. Higley, author of Garden of Madness

"Tosca Lee's Iscariot gives you the most plausibly motivated Judas you'll ever see in a novel. This is not a slavering, caricatured, eager-to-be-evil Judas that you can kick in the face as you walk by. This Judas could have been you, or me."

--Randy Ingermanson, Christy Award-winning author of Transgression

"Tosca Lee's take on the most notorious figure in history is at once highly imaginative and deeply moving. Weaving historical detail, human drama, and spiritual insight, Iscariot will hold you all the way to its shattering conclusion."

--James Scott Bell, bestselling author of One More Lie v

"Thinking through what Jesus' suffering meant and how his ministry could disappoint or perplex is at the heart of Tosca Lee's book, Iscariot. What you get is entertaining fiction that is rooted in the story of Judas and Jesus. It will cause you to reflect and rethink what you know. It is a well-done and solid piece of fiction."

--Darrell L. Bock, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

"Few writers are able to fully engage the imagination on such a visceral level. Fewer still can take on a character laden with heavy preconceived notions and fully change the reader's mind. Tosca Lee stands head and shoulders above crowds of writers and, with a deft hand and a passionate spirit, grants us a beautiful glimpse into an age-old story in a completely new way. Don't miss this book. This journey will peel away the layers of all you know and leave you open, longing, and overwhelmed with God's incredible love for us."

-- Lori Twitchell, FictionAddict

"Tosca Lee is a magnificent storyteller. She has the heart of a poet, the mind of the scholar, and the imagination of a novelist. The three have melded here in harmony to produce a thought-provoking, comfort-disrupting, and heart-rattling tale of history's most famous betrayer. But beyond that, Iscariot also forces readers to look at Jesus in a new light and consider whether or not they have truly understood the message of the kingdom. Iscariot is one of those books that will not soon, if ever, leave your mind."

-- Josh Olds, Life Is Story


"A startlingly dark and breathtaking novel. Iscariot is both visionary in scope and historically accurate down to the most minute detail--which is an astonishing feat. This is epic, masterful storytelling from one of the most gifted novelists writing today."

-- Steven James, bestselling author of Placebo

"Have you ever been lucky enough to snag a backstage pass, that special ticket that grants you an exclusive peek into the life of a famous person?

This book is your backstage pass to one of the most reviled figures in the history of Christianity. Most Christians have been taught that Judas = evil.

We've branded his name. In her compelling page-turner Iscariot, Tosca Lee asks "what if?" What if Judas was actually a little more like you and me?

What if his story was not as black and white as we've been told? What if, like us, family history, youthful idealism, and unintended consequences conspired to make him appear to be something he wasn't? What if you could see yourself in Judas?"

--Jim Henderson, author of Jim and Casper Go to Church and The Resignation of Eve

"In Iscariot, New York Times bestselling novelist Tosca Lee takes readers into the heart and mind of Judas, the man whose very name is synonymous with traitor. What led this man to betray Jesus? Seen in the light of his expectations and the culture of his day, Judas' motives take on new clarity.

What did Jesus look like to a man who desperately sought a messiah? The answer might surprise you. Edgy, inspirational, this story is stark in its honesty. One cannot look into the heart of a traitor without coming away praying that we will learn from his choices."

--Jill Eileen Smith, bestselling author of the Wives of King David series vii

"What kind of man would do what Judas Iscariot did? Tosca Lee takes us straight into the scarred heart and haunted soul of the infamous betrayer, giving him a literary voice that echoes with the horrible weight of his solitary decision. Utterly compelling."

--Susan Meissner, award-winning author of The Shape of Mercy

"This book is intended for anyone who has asked themselves the question,

'Why did Judas do it? How could he have been so close to the Savior for so long, and then turn against him?' Tosca Lee's novel is both insightful and extremely well crafted. The historical details bring the time of Jesus to life in a remarkable fashion."

--Davis Bunn, bestselling author of Hidden in Dreams

"Tosca Lee's Iscariot is a beautiful example of what literary excellence should be. With perfect prose, the story sweeps us back into the days of walking with Jesus, and changes the reader by the end of the book. This is one book that shouldn't be missed!"

--Robin Caroll, author of the Justice Seekers series

"It's a rare author that I will read everything they write. Tosca Lee is one of them. With Iscariot she has cemented my view that there are few better novelists currently among us. Iscariot will rocket you into the vastness of who Jesus was. His compassion, his fierceness, his love--all through the eyes of a man few have seen through before. Brilliant. Poignant. Heart-wrenching.

Read it now."

--James L. Rubart, bestselling author of Soul's Gate


"No one gets inside the heads and minds of historical figures as intimately and convincingly as Tosca Lee does. In Iscariot, she tackles her most challenging enigma: Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Jesus. Through brilliant writing, deep research, and sincere compassion, she spins a tale of twisting emotions, conflicting loyalties, and heart-aching humanity. This mesmerizing story will have you rethinking the Biblical account you thought you knew--

and your own attitudes about what it means to love, truly love. In a word, Iscariot is unforgettable!"

--Robert Liparulo, author of The 13th Tribe, The Judgment Stone, and Comes a Horseman

"Tosca Lee's brilliant storytelling is addictive. Iscariot brings a thrilling new perspective to Judas and the most infamous act of betrayal in history. The question, 'What would you have done?' haunts, convicts, and challenges us throughout this masterful tale."

--Ken Coleman, talk radio host of The Ken Coleman Show and author of One Question

"Tosca Lee continues to mature and deepen as a master storyteller. Iscariot is the best example of this to date. I can hardly wait for what is coming!"

--William P. Young, New York Times bestselling author of The Shack

"Iscariot is at turns heart wrenching and triumphant. Weaving painstaking research and beautiful prose, Tosca Lee tells a story that will make you question everything you thought you knew about the man who betrayed Jesus with a kiss--and about yourself."

--Nicole Baart, author of Far From Here and Sleeping in Eden Thank you for purchasing this Howard eBook.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46
Author's Note


About Tosca Lee

For my parents.


A dog chokes by the side of the road in Capernaum. He is rabid and manged. He is foul and unloved.

He is more worthy to live than I.

If only I had never left Jerusalem as a child. If only Herod had never died. If only I had never laid eyes on the gaunt man by the side of the Jordan.

The Nazarene.

They will say that I betrayed him, that I reduced his price to thirty silver shekels. That I turned against my master.

They do not know me.

They will not ask themselves if they might have done the same. To even think it is to court the possibility that we may not be so different. It takes away the right to condemn, the comfort in saying, "At least I am not like him!"

My master taught a parable about that, once.

But if they do not know me, neither did they know him. And so the truth goes with me to the abyss.

Judas. It was once a good name, a strong name, the name of our 2

people: Judah. It is the dwelling place of the Temple, which is the dwelling place of the Lord.

I cannot see the Temple from here in the valley, the marble and gold of her face, or the smoke of her altar, dying at the end of the day. There is only the smolder of trash, the bulging of my eyes . . .

The cut of the noose.

The sun is setting. Sound has left my ears, but I can feel the wind rushing through the valley and past me like a stolen breath, east toward the wilderness as though borne on cloven hooves.

There. The dark light.

And now I am afraid. Because I know that in Sheol no one praises God but ruminates forever on what might have been.

The dark light again. Someone is coming. It is a boy.

It is me.


I was six years old the day we fled Jerusalem, and Caesar Augustus was emperor.

I had known nothing but Jerusalem all my life. It was the home of the Temple and navel of the world. Even infected with Roman soldiers and Herod's stadium, God's house was in Jerusalem, and no good man of Israel ever wanted to leave it.

And so I was stunned the day my father, a devout man, announced that we were leaving.

Especially now. Just that morning Father had come bursting into the house with the news that Herod, our king, was dead. I had thought it the happiest day of my life, if only because I had never seen Father so jubilant. He sang that day, one of the hymns of David, as my mother clapped her hands and my older brother Joshua and I went shouting and dancing into the street. We weren't the only ones. Soon all Jerusalem would erupt with joy.

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