In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (4 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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Sometimes Ben would report for duty and not come back for days or weeks, without telling her anything. It was annoying and stressful as ever. Simona tried not to complain about it.

Simona couldn’t fall back to sleep. She sluggishly walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and squinted her eyes as the bright light stung her eyes. She reached for the jug of orange juice and poured herself a cup. The lid was off, which meant that Ben had been drinking from the lid. Yuck. This was the man she choose to be with though.

They were both opposites when it came to living together. Before they moved in, he was always the messy one. Ben’s apartment was always filled with junk. Laundry and trash surrounded his living room area and the trashcan was always overflowing with pizza boxes. There were times when Simona recalled pretending that she couldn’t smell the odor, she loved him too much to hurt his feelings.

Luckily, Simona kept their apartment orderly and neat. Her obsessive cleaning and cooking was what led him to pursue her as a wife.

Simona sat at the dinner table, sipping her orange juice. The semi-sweet and sour taste had awoken her senses.
When would all this disappearing leave? It’s time to finally put my foot down and confront him about it
she thought.

Scrolling her fingers through her cell phone until she reached his number in the contacts section, Simona decided to give him a call. Shit. It went straight to voicemail. He had his damn cell phone powered off or either it was dead.

Something was fishy. Simona decided to call again, this time it was ringing. Hmmm. How odd is that? That meant that he must have ignored her call the first time. That son of a bitch.

It rung about four times before going to voicemail. Simona gave a heavy sigh after the sound of the tone. “Ben, babe, where are you? Why do you always leave like this out of nowhere and come back as if it’s nothing? I know you explained that the army has you do these things, but this worries me. Give me a call back.”

She frowned worriedly and then slammed the cell phone on the table. “Aww shit!” she shouted. The screen cracked. This situation outraged her and the more it happened, the more it made her upset. Very upset.






  Chapter 7


Drew sat in the parking lot of WFTX News, watching Simona get out of her black PT Cruiser. She looked so beautiful and the sight of her sent chills racing through his body. He remembered how his hands felt wrapped around her little waist. She had a body like Nikki Minaj, only natural. He was crazy over Simona and she was so in love with him, well, she used to be.

The reason for them ending their relationship was due to Drew being an ass. He’d back out of things whenever they became too close. At that time, he was not prepared to stay in a serious relationship. Simona, on the other hand, was ready to get married.

He would become so uncomfortable whenever she would make remarks about her friends getting married. It annoyed him and he knew Simona was hinting to him that she wanted him to marry her. Nothing bothered him more than feeling pressured, that was when he decided to cut things off. This time around, seeing her happy with someone else made him want her...even more.

Drew looked over his shoulder in the backseat at the large bouquet of flowers. The beautiful scent of the orange roses mixed with yellow sunflowers filled the atmosphere. Drew would always drop by during his lunch break to surprise her with flowers when they were a couple, giving the other employees an eyeful.

He took a deep breath and a gasp of confidence as he got out his car and opened the back door to grab the large flowers. He was sure that everyone knew she was engaged to the wannabe G.I Joe, but he didn’t care.

As Drew entered the newsroom, a few of the employees recognized him and greeted him. He noticed Simona was having her makeup applied by the makeup artist, she hadn’t seen him.

When she opened her eyes after the smoky eyeshadow was applied to her upper lid, she thought she had seen a ghost before her. She placed her hand over her chest to catch her breath.

“ Goodness, it’s been ages since I’ve seen you.” She told him, choking on her words.

Drew walked over to her and gave her the bouquet of flowers after a warm embrace. She slowly took the flowers and asked the makeup artist to place them in some water.

“Why are you here? There has to be a reason.” Simona asked, confusingly.

“Look, I know you should be mad at me...You have every right to be.” Drew explained.

“Well, you leaving me was an embarrassing moment for me, Drew. You left without a word. I cried each night for a month. A month!” she shouted.

Drew shamefully looked around and nervously licked his lips. “I just wanted to apologize. I know I’m three years late but..I just don’t want any bad blood between us.”

Simona laughed bluntly as she looked him up and down. Somehow she felt powerful and that she had the upper hand this time around, the tables have turned. None one of it mattered now, however.

“Well, thanks for your thoughts of concern, detective. Surely, you have heard that I’m to be married soon.” Simona bragged, smoothing her hand over her hair to reveal the big, diamond rock sitting on her finger.

Drew felt a mental bullet going through his heart when he discovered that she was engaged. He tried his best to act excited for her, but the timid look on his face gave him away. “That’s great! I’m very happy for you. Congratulations! When is the wedding?” he asked.

Simona got up from her seat to smooth out the wrinkles on her pleated pencil skirt. She could not believe that out of all days, her ex decided to show up for a reunion.

“We are getting married in February, on Valentine’s Day.” She said. “What about you? Are you married yet?”

Laughing as he helped her to put on her black blazer, Drew knew that she was being sarcastic, it’s what he liked about her. “Very funny. No, not married yet. Although if I were married I’m sure my wife would think it’s against the rules to give my ex-girlfriend a bouquet of pretty flowers.” Drew winked.

What the hell? Is he flirting with me?
Simona thought as she pursed her lips and tried to remain content. She couldn’t deny that there was still attraction for him.

“Maybe you’re already going against the rules, Slater. Don’t forget that I’m to be a married woman.” She reminded him.

“Well, pardon me, madam.” Drew laughed. “But if you have any information on the Natalia Karpova case, please do contact me at the police station.” He gave her his card as their hands brushed against each other.

“Yes, that is truly a sad crime that happened. And to think that her boyfriend was involved with another woman all along.” Simona said, shaking her head. “It’s ashamed what karma can do.” She looked off into space.

Drew noticed that Simona was deep in thought.
Karma? What did she mean by karma? How would she know if Natalia’s boyfriend was already involved with someone?

“Excuse me, but who was her boyfriend involved with? Was that information released?” Drew asked.

Simona gulped nervously and smiled quickly. “Oh, just rumors around the neighborhood.”

“I know you must be taking it hard that this occurred in your neighborhood..Tree Mellows Court.” Drew exclaimed.

Simona raised an eyebrow, giving him a curious look. “My neighborhood? How do you know where I stay?”

Dammit. Drew had let himself slip. He had did a people search on her to locate her address. She assumed that he was on stalker status.

“Oh, I..uh..just happened to see you walk out the apartment one night wearing all black. I assumed you were going out on a jog. I wouldn’t advise you to wear black for a jog, but you looked sexy by the way. Wherever you were going?”

“Where I go is none of your business, detective! Why were you in my neighborhood at night?” she asked, suddenly she snapped into a totally different person.

Mr. Gary pointed at his watch once he got Simona’s attention, it was time for her to go on the air.

“You forgot, I’m a detective. I have a right to scoop out places that appear…suspicious.” He said, turning on his feet to walk away. “Enjoy the flowers, Simona. It was nice to see you again.” He said sturdily and unsure.

Simona felt a chill of nerves as he said that. She folded her arms, watching him leave through the exit. She bit her nails and headed towards the news desk

He’s just doing his job
she thought.
It’s routine. He’s a detective
. She was right, especially since the crime did occur in her neighborhood, but why was she so nervous? She had no reason to be.


      Chapter 8


It had been a sudden encounter, one that she wasn’t expecting. Out of all this time, Drew walked back into her life and gave her a sincere apology. Simona stared at the flowers on her desk that morning.

Memories entered her mind of how Drew used to sneak into her apartment whenever she’d get off work. Drew was always full of surprises back then. He used to hide behind the door and grabbed her to steal a kiss. He was always so spontaneous and enjoyed making things fun with her.

The only things she couldn’t deal with was Drew’s arrogance and sensitivity to her jokes. On the other hand, Ben was the one that she could joke around with and he was the pouty one. The two were so different, but she couldn’t sum together which one made the happiest.

“Simona, you have a telephone call.” Said Michelle, WFTX’s office assistant.

Simona sighed, wondering if it was her mother on the other line. “I got it, Michelle. Thanks.”

Placing the phone to her ear and twirling around in her desk chair, Simona spoke into the phone. “Hello, Simona Cox here.”

“Simona, I know I came by for a visit not long ago, but…it was really nice to see you again.” Drew said.

Drew! It’s Drew on the other line
Man, he must have really been missing me a lot
she thought. She had to admit that she was impressed at him chasing her this time. She tried to play it cool and maintain a complexed attitude.

“Oh, hello Drew. Thanks again for the” she said.

Drew chuckled, feeling confident that she was pleased with the flowers. “You’re welcome. I remember how you’d like me sending flowers over to you. Does your fiancé’ do that kind of stuff too?”

Simona thought he was getting ahead of himself. “Drew, will you not insult my fiancé’ like that? It’s none of your business.”

“I take that as a no that he doesn’t.” he replied.

Simona sighed over the phone. “I have to go. I’m getting ready to go on the air.”

“I was wondering if you would like to help me solve this Natalia Karpova case…with you being a reporter and all, we could really be a team. The FBI crew is also trying to solve the Amanda Stone case.” He suggested, hoping that she would agree.

Groaning and feeling herself getting angry from the sound of his voice, Simona realized what he was up to all a sudden. “Now I see why you tried to butter me up with the flowers, Drew. You only want to use me to help you get a promotion by solving some case!”

“What? No! No, that’s not true, Simona. Let me explain, I just thought this could help with-”

“To hell with what you thought. Goodbye, Drew. You’re still the same.”

Simona slammed the phone on the receiver, feeling like she had let off a lot of steam. She was fed up with Ben disappearing from time to time and she was tired of being hurt constantly. She knew that Drew was all about games again and taking her for granted. She was tired of it, just tired of it.

She threw the flowers into the trashcan harshly, it was time for her to stop letting these things stress her out. After work, Simona decided that she would take a long jog around the neighborhood. She needed to inhale the fresh air, even if a murderer was on the loose. She didn’t seem to give a damn.

















      Chapter 9


“Detective Drew, attorney Hudson would like for you to give him a call regarding the Karpova case. He says that he would like for you to share as much information that you know with him.” Said Emily Grant, the red headed receptionist he had met just the other day. She stepped into Drew’s office, just as high spirited as she could be.

              Drew sat back in his seat, resting his hands behind his head with a sigh. “I will be going to interview some of the employees at the massage spa where Natalie Karpova worked. Tell him that I’ll call him then. I should gather some information. Finding this killer is a tough one.”

              Emily smiled. “Will do.” She said.

              The news was on and Simona was reporting about a shooting that took place in Spartanburg. Emily frowned at the television. “You would think that the world is a safe place.”

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