In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller (10 page)

BOOK: In the Middle of Love's Crime *BWWM Mystery Romance Thriller
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“Just let the situation go, Jamika. We’re all friends. We shouldn’t be arguing.” Kristen replied.

Taking a deep breath, Jamika couldn’t hold it back any longer. There was something on her chest, something that she had to get off and confront Simona about.

“A true friend wouldn’t cheat behind her best friend’s back with her fiancé.” Jamika responded.

Simona looked up from her magazine at Jamika. “I didn’t cheat with your man. I barely know him.”

Kristen placed a hand on Jamika’s arm, motioning for her to stop before she made matters worse. “Now is not the time or the place, Jamika.”

“No, I have to tell her, Kristen. I just have to.” Jamika said as she held both hands up while closing her eyes.

Simona leaned in. “What are you talking about?”

Jamika sighed. “When you went to cover a news story in Greenville, I sorta cheated with Ben when I came by to return your hair dryer.”

The three ladies were all quiet for a moment.

“Wait, what do you mean ‘sorta’ cheated with Ben? Either you did or you didn’t. You mean to tell me that you fucked him in my apartment while I was away?” Simona stammered.

Jamika shamefully looked down before responding. She wasn’t sure what else there was to say. Her best friend had just discovered that she was cheating with her fiance, There was always an attraction between Jamika and Ben, but it was one that was lustful. Simona never suspected it, until now.

“If you were cheating with him then why aren’t you dead like all the others?!!” Simona shouted.

“What the fuck is that suppose to mean?” Jamika folded her arms.

Simona rose from her seat, snatching her purse from the floor and nearly kicking the nail technician. The customers were all watching in curiosity at the two friends go back and forth, this was better than
Love and Hip Hop.

“Jamika, you cheat on your fiance at times but you didn’t have to cheat with mines! You’ll be sorry for this!” Simona yelled angrily.

“Simona, get back here.” Kristen called after her. “We need to talk this out!”

“Kristen, please stop trying to be a peace maker! Just let her go.” Jamika said. She was starting to feel the embarrassment over her. Somehow she just had to tell Simona the truth, it was eating her up inside. The deaths of the murdered women who Ben also dated were killing her conscience.

Simona paid the nail technician for the service and headed towards the exit. Before she left, she gave Jamika one last look. A look that was cold and unforgiving.  A look that wasn’t forgetful.
















Chapter 23

What was she going to do with all his stuff? All the belongings that were left behind. She thought of selling them outside just like Bernadette from the movie
Waiting the Exhale
, but she didn’t. Instead, she decided to pack up his things. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she unzipped the luggage, tossing things inside.

Simona’s phone was ringing. Was she in the mood for a conversation? No, but she needed to get her mind off things around her. She was going crazy.

Simona noticed it was an unrecognizable number and she was curious to find out who it could be.


.” The automatic operator said. “
You have a collect call from Richland County Sheriff’s Department, with a call from……”

Ben spoke his name sympathetically into the phone.

If you do not wish to accept this call, please hang up now to decline charges. If you wish to accept this call, press 1

Simona wasn’t sure if she should feel excited or upset to hear from Ben. She pressed the #1 as she positioned the phone to her ear.

“Hello, Ben.” She said, sitting at the dinner table, tapping her fingers along the wood.

Ben sighed. “Baby, I only have a few minutes to talk. I just want to say that I miss you, I’m sorry and I was afraid of getting married. It finally hit me that I was only doing it just to move in with you. If we got married then the military would give more money.”

Simona chuckled sarcastically. “So you were playing me all along, Ben? I can’t fathom that you were screwing three other women besides me.”

“Baby, let’s just get past that. My cheating was only due to my fear. We need to get past this. You have to forgive me.” He pleaded. “I am being charged for murders here.”

The sound of other inmates were loud in the phone’s background.

Simona was silent for a moment. “Ben, I don’t know what to say. I’m scared.”

“It sounds as if you don’t care about me anymore. You have to come by and see me. You just have to. A lawyer is coming by to see me in a few days and I have court very soon.” Ben said quickly.

1 minute remaining
.” The automatic operator interrupted.

Simona wanted to cry and she wanted to scream. How in the hell was he asking for her support? “I may come through this evening; depends on how I feel.”

Ben sighed with relief. “Simona, thanks. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you. It sucks here. I will always love-”

The automatic operator interrupted once again to end the call. The phone clicked off and Simona sat in silence. She didn’t know what she was going to do.

She looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall and realized that she was going to be late for work.

The managers and producers told her not to come in to work because she was going through a devastating time. Simona didn’t care, she wanted to go anyway. She didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her just because her fiancé cheated on her and possibly was a murderer.

Simona got dressed, grabbed her jacket and walked out the apartment. A few neighbors peeked from their doors to see her leave, some spoke and some showed concern.

As she made it outside, she noticed a mother was pushing her baby in a stroller and smiling. The autumn leaves were a dark orange, falling to the brown grass. If only Simona could change her negative thoughts to positive thoughts, perhaps she could get through this rough patch.













Chapter 24

WFTX news was prepared to share many news stories and Simona decided to work behind the scenes.

She organized the order of stories that were to be reported first and gave them to the young news anchor that was freshly hired. Simona also lectured the college intern students. She gave them a walkthrough of the news room and responsibilities.

Mr. Gary was impressed at how Simona was working well, especially since she had been through a tough week. He walked over to her and pat her on the shoulder.

“I would like to acknowledge you on how impressed I am.” Mr. Gary said.

Simona was confused. “Come again?”

“You have been through a nightmare this week and somehow you’re good at concealing it while getting work done. I know you’re a loyal employee here, Simona.” Replied Mr. Gary.

              “It’s not really that easy, Mr. Gary.” She said. “Being pregnant, knowing that my fiancé could have been the killer, him being in jail and also realizing that he had an affair. It takes a lot to hold back these emotions and maintaining my normal life.” She explained while taking a seat. She was out of breath from so little movement.

              Mr. Gary nodded his head, he couldn’t say that he understood exactly how she felt, but he knew exactly where she was coming from. He couldn’t imagine what astonishment Simona must have felt. The poor thing.

              “Simona, I know I’ve told you this a hundred times before, but I would like for you to take the rest of the day off.” He suggested.

              “But I-”

              “No, don’t make an excuse for yourself, young lady. I am ordering you to take the rest of the day off.” Mr. Gary demanded with a concerning smile.

              Simona folded her arms. “Well, I know I can’t argue with the boss.”

              “See you in a few days. I’ll still allow full payment for you coming in today…out of sincerity.” He replied, walking her to the exit as she gathered her belongings.

              “Mr. Gary, I really appreciate it. Thanks, so much.” She said.

              “Don’t thank me. Just take things easily. Just take care of you and that bun you have growing in the oven.” He pointed at her stomach.

              Simona looked down at her growing stomach and laughed. “You’re right, Mr. Gary. See you soon.”



              Driving home and taking Interstate 95, Simona was distracted. She was under the stop light and above her was the bulletin for a sale going on at Burlington Coat Factory. Simona bit her lip as she tried to decide if she should consider retail therapy or go straight home.

Once the light was on green, she made a left turn..which was the way home. Shopping wasn’t needed in a time like this. She wondered if Ben had a threesome with Natalia and Amanda. She wondered if her best friend Jamika rode him better than she did. Or if Emily was more attractive than she was.

Ugghh, Simona clenched her hands around the steering wheel with anger as she thought of it all.

              “WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY!?” she shouted loudly as she hit her hand on the steering wheel, causing the horn to honk.

              A driver ahead of her was startled as they switched to the other lane.

Simona was allowing the thoughts of Ben cheating to bring her down deeper and into a shallow pit.

She immediately parked her car to the side of the road near a ditch, away from the traffic. Simona needed to be alone. She needed to be away from the world. All she wanted to do was cry it out until it left her system. And she did. 










Chapter 25


The South Carolina State Fair had made its way into town and everyone was preparing to attend the big event. Drew could see the Ferris wheel and the exotic rides from his office window. He always wanted to take Simona to the State Fair, but they had broken up before they had the chance to do so.

Drew walked over to his desk, took a sip from his coffee and took a seat.

Later, He would head over to question Ben regarding the Natalia Karpova case. Drew couldn’t wait to see Ben crucified in court once the lawyer nailed him.

All the fingers pointed at Ben being the murderer. Drew smiled as he thought of finally starting over and being with Simona again, having Ben behind bars for good.

His office door was open and he witnessed Emily walking by briskly. She appeared to be upset and sadistic; it was written all over her face. Drew decided to catch up with her and see what was on her mind. He assumed the reason for Emily’s actions was about Ben. She must have discovered about him possibly being involved with murder and also being an engaged man.

“Emily, are you okay?” he asked, touching her shoulder.

Surprisingly, she shoved his hand away from him harshly. Her baggy eyes were blood shot red, revealing that she had been crying all night. The look in her eyes showed that she would mentally transform to a bitter woman. She would become one of those women who were tired of being lied to. She would be the type of women that constantly blamed men for all being the same.

“Does it look like I’m okay?” she asked hastily. “You knew all along that the son of a bitch was married and not once did you tell me a damn thing!”

Drew felt the confusion and the trauma from her tone. There was a raging fire that burned inside her heart and it was tearing her up inside.

Emily was beyond infuriated. She was boiling with hot anger.

“Emily, I figured it wasn’t any of my business. I thought you would think I was lying just to get with you if I told you.” Drew explained, walking behind her. He had no idea where she was heading but she seemed to be going towards the parking lot.

“Just save it, Drew.” Emily closed her eyes and threw her hands up in the air, shaking her head. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe that I had to find out this way. You have no idea this has hurt me, how embarrassed I am. Rumor also has it that she’s pregnant! Fuckin pregnant!”

Drew wanted to explain to Emily that he felt her pain, and that he knew her disappointment, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t the soft type to explain his sensitive concerns with acquaintances.

“Emily, calm down. Just go take a break and come back in to work.” Drew suggested.

Emily made it to her car and got in.

“Just leave me alone! I’m going to do something crazy!!” she yelled, shutting her car door.

Whatever she was about to do didn’t sound too good. Drew had no idea what she was capable of, but she was acting like a lunatic.

Emily put her car in reverse as she backed out the parking lot, her wheels squealing on the concreate. She was driving away like a bat from hell.

Thinking of the smartest thing to do, Drew got in his car and took off behind her. He kept thinking of the last words she said; that she was going to do something crazy. Was she a psycho?
















Chapter 26


Emily’s destination was at the Richland County Police Department, it was where Ben was being held in custody.

She parked her car crooked in the parking space, she wasted no time getting out as she savagely slammed the door behind her. Drew rushed behind her, grabbing her arm as she walked up the steps.

“Don’t start anything you’ll regret, Emily. I understand that you’re upset about this.” Drew said.

“Get off me!” she shouted at him.

She stormed through the door of the police department and caused a lot of stares her way.

Emily was headed towards the area where they kept the inmates, but as she was scanning around, she noticed that Ben was sitting in the visitation area. Her heart nearly dropped like a bomb at what she had seen. Simona and Ben were holding each other’s hand. They were smiling and reconciling with each other.              

Emily barged in, shouting and crying. Drew had to hold her back, but she was very strong for a woman. Her red hair was flying around like a wild woman.

Simona jumped from her seat, holding her stomach. “Hey what’s your problem?!!”

“Emily, calm down! Don’t behave this way!” Ben shouted.

Drew was holding Emily back, she tried to kick her way out until he finally restrained her.

“Ben Myers! You’re a liar and a cheat! You son of a bitch! You never told me you had the fuckin bitch pregnant!” Emily yelled, panting heavily.

“Let’s just go, Emily. It’s not worth it.” Drew told her.

Ben stood shamefully, covering his face. “Oh my God! What have I done?” he cried.

“You have nothing to do with this, Emily. This is my fiancé and I’ll stand by his side.” Simona surprisingly said.

Drew felt the jealousy inside of him as he listened to Simona defend Ben.
Was she stupid? She would still consider being with this loser
, he thought. It sure seemed fishy.

“Maybe Emily is the murderer all along. Just look at her crazy behavior.” Simona stared Emily up and down, shaking her head. “You even look like a mental case.”

“You bitch!” Emily snapped at Simona.

She was escorted out by two officers, still shouting and screaming.

Drew knew that he didn’t need to be around both Simona and Ben during their visitation time, but his eyes met Simona’s.

She could read his mind. She could see that he was shocked by her defending Ben. It was a sudden change when just the other night she was crying about the pain Ben caused her.

Drew walked out with redness on his face. He didn’t look back, but he knew he had to take matters into his own hands.










Chapter 27

Jamika gave Simona a call, but there was no answer. She knew that she had hurt Simona’s feelings by revealing that she slept with Ben a few times in the past. It was definitely a low blow. Truthfully, Jamika just wanted to apologize and blame it on the PMS

Jamika left a voicemail and ended the call. This was the longest the two hadn’t communicated with each other.

They usually would jog at Finlay Park together, making fun of one another. Simona would dash off, leaving Jamika in the dust to catch up behind her.

This time Jamika had talked Kristen into running with her at River Stone Park. It was a park not far from Arcadia Lake and there was a bridge just over the trail. Kristen wasn’t really a runner like Jamika and Simona, but she was always willing to try new things and challenge herself.

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