Parting the Waters (188 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Oates, Stephen B.
Let the Trumpet Sound: The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr
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Peck, James.
Freedom Ride
. Simon and Schuster, 1962. Grove Press paperback, undated.

Phillips, Cabell.
The Truman Presidency
. Macmillan, 1966. Penguin, 1969.

Powers, Richard Gid.
Secrecy and Power: The Life of J. Edgar Hoover
. Free Press, 1987.

Quarles, Benjamin.
The Negro in the Making of American Life
. Macmillan, 1964; paperback, 1969.

Raines, Howell.
My Soul Is Rested
. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. Bantam, 1978.

Read, Florence Matilda.
The Story of Spelman College
. Princeton University Press, 1961.

Reddick, Lawrence D.
Crusader Without Violence: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr
. Harper & Brothers, 1959.

Reynolds, Barbara.
Jesse Jackson
. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1975.

Rolling Stone, the Editors of.
The Rolling Stone Rock Almanac
. Rolling Stone Press, 1973.

Ross, B. Joyce.
J. E. Spingarn and the Rise of the NAACP, 1911—1939
. Atheneum, 1972.

Rowan, Carl T.
Go South to Sorrow
. Random House, 1957.

Rowe, Gary Thomas, Jr.
My Undercover Years with the Ku Klux Klan
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Rustin, Bayard. “Montgomery Diary,”
, April 1956.

Down the Line: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin
. Quadrangle, 1971.

Scales, Junius, and Richard Nickson.
Cause at Heart: A Former Communist Remembers
. University of Georgia Press, 1987.

Scherer, Lester B.
Slavery and the Churches in Early America, 1619—1819
. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Erdman, 1975.

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House
. Houghton Mifflin, 1965. Fawcett, 1967.

Robert Kennedy and His Times
. Houghton Mifflin, 1978. Ballantine, 1979.

Shannon, David A.
The Decline of the American Communist Party
. Chatham, N.J.: The Chatham Bookseller, 1959.

Shaw, Arnold.
. Chilton, 1960.

Silver, James W.
Mississippi: The Closed Society
. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963.

Smith, Allene de Shazo.
Greenwood LeFlore and the Choctaw Indians
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Smith, Bob.
They Closed Their Schools: Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1951—64
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Smith, Esther. “The History of Ebenezer Baptist Church.” Unpublished paper, 1956.

Smith, Kenneth Lee, and Ira Zepp.
Search for the Beloved Community: The Thinking of Martin Luther King, Jr
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Stein, Jean, with George Plimpton.
American Journey: The Times of Robert Kennedy
. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970.

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Paul Tillich's Radical Social Thought
. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1980.

Sullivan, William, with Bill Brown.
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Aaron, Hank

Abbott, Robert


Abel, Rudolf

Abernathy, Juanita

Abernathy, Ralph D.

Albany Movement and

arrests and imprisonments of

attempts on life of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham riots and

Birmingham youth marches and

bombing of First Baptist Church and

bombing of home of

bombing of King's house and

bus segregation suit and

Davis's trial and

departure from First Baptist Church of

extramarital affairs of

Freedom Rides and

in Good Friday march

jealousy of

King-Jackson dispute and

King-Nixon meeting and

King's acquaintance with

King's arrests and

King's last Dexter service and

Lewis case and

libel suit against

March on Washington and

Marion King's beating and

Montgomery bus boycott and

move to Atlanta considered by

NBC elections and

1960 elections and

Parks's arrest and

Rustin and

sit-in movement and

Abram, Morris:

J. F. Kennedy campaign and

Abram, Morris (

King's imprisonment and

King's recommendation of

Abrams, Creighton

Abyssinian Baptist Church

Acheson, Dean

Acts of the Apostles

Adair, R. T.

Adams, Sherman

civil rights legislation and

King-Eisenhower meeting and


Fourth Constitutional Convention of

King's speech to

Africa, J. F. Kennedy's policy on

African-American Heritage Commission



Afro-American Newspapers


Agriculture Department, U.S.

“Ain't Gonna Let Chief Pritchett Turn Me Around,”

“Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around,”

Air Force, U.S.

Air France jetliner crash


bus segregation laws of

King's tax indictment in

NAACP banned in

State Board of Education of

Alabama, University of

integration of

student riots at

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR)

Birmingham campaign and

Alabama state capitol:

prayer march on

prayer service at

sit-in at

Alabama State College

football team of

King supporters fired at

NAACP leadership and

nicknames of

sit-in movement and

Albany, Ga.

Freedom Ride to

ICC desegregation rule and

King's avoidance of

Negro leaders of

riots in

SRC study on

voter registration in

Albany Freedom Singers


“Albany Manifesto,”

Albany Movement

Albany Freedom Ride and

Birmingham campaign compared with

civil suit against

criticisms of

decline of

federal indictments against

federal injunctions against

first anniversary of

founding of

fund-raising for

ICC desegregation rule and

King invited to Albany by

King's address to

King's appraisal of

leadership crises of

marches of

mass meetings of

riots opposed by

settlement negotiations of

Sherrod's dedication to

Smith's grocery stores picketed by

Ware case and

Albany Nine

Albany State College

arrest of students from

students suspended from

Albert, Carl

Alice Café

Allen, Ivan, Jr.

Allen, Leroy

Allen, Louis:

Lee's murder witnessed by

murder of

Allen, Luella

All-India Cattle Auction

Allison, Officer

Alpha Phi Alpha

Amaker, Norman


American Baptist Theological Seminary

American Book and Bible House

American Friends Service Committee

American Jewish Committee

American Jewish Congress (AJC)

American Legion

American Nazi Party

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)

American University, J. F. Kennedy's address at

Americus, Ga.:

anti-segregation demonstrations in

sedition arrests in

voter registration in

Amite County, Miss.

voter registration in

Amite County jail


Ancient Near Eastern Texts

Anderson, Dr.

Anderson, Marian

Anderson, Norma

Anderson, William G.

in Albany Movement marches

Albany Movement mass meetings and

arrests and imprisonment of

background of

Elliott's injunction and

indictments of

King invited to work with Albany Movement by

King's release from prison and

King's trial and

Marion King's beating and

“Meet the Press” appearance of

unstable mental condition of

Anniston, Ala., Freedom Rides in

Anniston Hospital

“Answer to a Perplexing Question, The” (King)

Antietam, battle of

Antioch College



“Appeal for Human Rights, An,”

Arbouin, Alfred Charles Livingston

Ardmore, Tenn., freedom riders in


Arkansas, University of

Arlington Cemetery, Evers buried at

arms race

Army, U.S.

Birmingham riots and

Freedom Rides and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Quartermaster Corps of

segregation in

Arosemena, Carlos

Arvad, Inga

Ashby, Nathan

Associated Press (AP)


Athens, Ga.

Atlanta, Ga.:

Belafonte's concerts in

boycott negotiations in

Chamber of Commerce of

King's return to

Metropolitan Opera Tour in

NAACP conventions in

Negro leadership in

Negro pop music concerts in

Negro unemployment in

opening of
Gone With the Wind

Rockefeller's impact on Negroes of

segregation laws of

SNCC meetings in

student march in

Atlanta Baptist Ministers' Union

Atlanta Cabana Motel


Daily World

Atlanta Female Baptist Seminary



Atlanta Life Insurance Company

Atlanta Municipal Auditorium

Atlanta Penitentiary

Atlanta race riot (1906)

Atlanta University

Du Bois's departure from

student movement at

Atlanta University Laboratory School


Atlantic Monthly

Aubrey, Edwin

Auden, W. H.

Augustine, Saint

Niebuhr's embracing of

theology of

Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome

“Autobiography of Suffering” (King)

auto industry, Reuther's integration plan for

Azbell, Joe


Bach, Johann Sebastian

Baez, Joan

Bailey, Sheriff

Baker, Bobby

Baker, Ella

Albany Movement and

Birmingham Campaign and

Clark's citizenship-school program and

Freedom Rides and

King characterized by

Moses and

Rock Hill jail-in and

sit-in movement and

SNCC recruiting and

voter registration and

Walker and

Baker, Josephine

Baker County, Ga.

violence in

voting rights violations in

Baker County jail, freedom riders

imprisoned in


Baldrige, Letitia

Baldwin, James:

Birmingham church bombings and

March on Washington and

R. Kennedy's meeting with

Baltimore, Md.

Bancroft, Harding

Baptist Home Mission Society

Baptist Ministers' Alliance

Baptist World Alliance

Barbee, William

Barbour, J. Pious

Barnett, Ross

allegations against Kennedys by

contempt judgment against

Freedom Rides and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Moore's letter to

Ole Miss riots and

Barry, Marion

in McComb movement

Barth, Karl

Bartle, H. Roe

Barton, Bruce

Baseball Hall of Fame

Basie, Count

Bates, Daisy

Baton Rouge, bus boycott

“Battle Hymn of the Republic, The,”

Baylor, Mrs. Elgin

Bay of Pigs invasion

ransomed prisoners of

Beasley, Mrs.

Beasley, William


Belafonte, Harry

Albany Movement and

on allegations against Levison

Atlanta concerts of

Birmingham campaign and

Freedom Rides and

King's imprisonments and

King's meetings with

King's tax problems and

Levison's relationship with

McComb mass arrests and

March on Washington and

1960 elections and

R. Kennedy's meeting with

SNCC and

voter registration and

Belafonte, Julie

Bell Street Baptist Church, bombing of

Belmont, Alan

Bennett, Fred

Bennett, Tony

Bennett, Walter

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