Parting the Waters (191 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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establishment of

finances of

First Baptist Church contrasted with

Johns's tenure at

King hired by

King recruited by

King's acquittal celebrated at

King's arrest and

King's Ghana visit and

King's India visit and

King's last official service at

King's recommendations for

King's resignation from

King's tenure at

King's trial sermon at

Montgomery bus boycott and

new members discouraged by

relations between deacons and pastors

Dexter Echo

Dialectical Society

Diary of Anne Frank, The

Dickens, Charles

Diem, Ngo Dinh

Dien Bien Phu

Dietrich, Paul

Diggs, Charles

Dillard University

DiMaggio, Joe

Dirksen, Everett



in defense industries

in FBI hiring

in federal bureaucracy

in Justice Department hiring

Divine, Father

Diwakar, R. R.


Dixon, Thomas

DNA, discovery of

Doar, John

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham riots and

civil rights cases tried by

Dallas County case and

Evers's funeral attended by

firebombing of Turnbow's home and

Freedom Rides and

Haywood County case and

Lee's murder and

McComb mass arrests and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

precedent and

Selma suits filed by

voter registration and

Winona suits and

Dobbs, John Wesley

“Dr. King Enters Hagiology of Methodist Church” (Hall)

Dolan, Joe

Donizetti, Gaetano

Dooto Records

Dorchester, Ga.

Birmingham campaign planning in

citizenship training classes in

Dorrough, Mayor

Dorsey, Thomas A.

Double-P Day

Douglas, Helen Gahagan

Douglas, William O.

Douglass, Frederick

Jones attacked by

Downs, Earl

Dred Scott

Drew, Deenie

Drew, John

Dreyfus, Alfred


Du Bois, W. E. B.

Atlanta University dismissal of

Communist Party application of

in creation of NAACP

criminal indictments against

death of

on King's trial

NAACP break of

on Negro identity paradox

on Negro preachers

talented tenth strategy of

U.N. petitioned by

Duckett, Al

Duffy, La Vern

Duke University

Dulles, Allen

Dulles, John Foster

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence

Dunbar, Leslie

Du Pont family

Durant, Will

Durante, Jimmy

Durden, Judge

Durham sit-in

Durr, Clifford

background of

bus segregation suit and

Colvin case and

Montgomery bus boycott and

Parks's arrest and

Durr, Virginia

Montgomery bus boycott and

Parks's arrest and

Dylan, Bob


Eastland, James

Ole Miss riots and

segregation rallies addressed by

Ebenezer Baptist Church

expansion of

M. L. King, Jr.'s income from

M. L. King, Jr.'s preaching at

M. L. King, Sr.'s tenure at

1960 elections and

Williams's tenure at


Ecuador, Levison's vacation in

Edgecombe, Johnny

Edinburgh University, Divinity School at

education, King on

Egypt, Israelite exodus from

Eichmann, Adolph, trial of

Einstein, Albert

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

decision and

civil rights legislation of

J. F. Kennedy compared with

J. F. Kennedy's civil rights legislation and

judicial appointments of

King's appeals to

King's imprisonment and

King's meeting with

King's Prayer Pilgrimage and

in Little Rock crisis

Montgomery bus boycott and

Negro voters and

1960 elections and

reelection of

reelection campaign of

Sharpeville massacre and

Sputnik and

U-2 crisis and

elections and campaigns:

of National Baptist Convention

of 1940

of 1948

of 1952

of 1956

of 1958

of 1960

of 1964

of 1968

Eliot, T. S.

Elizabeth II, Queen of England

Ella Mae (maid's daughter)

Ellington, Duke

Elliott, J. Robert

Albany Movement injunction issued by

Albany Nine case and

injunction hearings held by

Terrell County church burnings and

Ellis, Robert

Ellis, Talbot

Ellison, Ralph

Emancipation Day

Emancipation Proclamation

centennial of

Emory University

Enslin, M. Scott

politics of

“Equality Now” (King)

Erie Baptist Church


Eskridge, Chauncey

devotion to King of

in King-Graham negotiations

King's finances analyzed by

NBC elections and

1960 elections and

Petersburg mission of

Eugenius IV, Pope

Evans, Courtney

Evans, G. V.

“Eve of Nonviolent Revolution?” (Lawson)

Evers, Medgar

assassination of

burial of

Dylan's ballad on

funds set up in memory of

funeral of

Greenwood voter registration and

Jackson movement and

Meredith case and

Evers, Van Dyke


God and

King on



Faith, Percy

Farmer, James

arrest and imprisonment of

Birmingham campaign and

CORE appointment of

Freedom Ride project and

March on Washington and

Moore's murder and

Plaquemine march led by

voter registration and

Faubus, Orval E.

Faulkner, Murry

Fauntroy, Walter

Birmingham campaign and

civil rights legislation and

Detroit rally and

Fayette County, Tenn., voting rights violations in

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Albany Movement and

Americus case and

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Birmingham riots and

campaign to discredit King by

operations of

Communist infiltration of SCLC alleged by

Communist influence on Negroes alleged by

Communist Party informants of

discriminatory hiring practices of

Doar's characterization of

firebombing of Turnbow's home and

Freedom Rides and

Haywood County case and

Intelligence Division of

J. F. Kennedy-Arvad affair investigated by

J. F. Kennedy-Rometsch affair and

Clarence Jones investigated by

King assigned enemy status by

King investigated by

King's Birmingham imprisonment and

and King's book on Birmingham

King's criticisms of

King's personal life revealed to

Lee's murder investigated by

Levison investigated by

March on Washington and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Monroe lynchings and

Moore's murder and

on Moses's beating

O'Dell investigated by

Parker's lynching investigated by

physical assault on King and

picketing of Smith's grocery stores and

Ponder's arrest and

proposed prosecution of Levison and

on Randolph's Youth Marches

Rustin investigated by

SCLC investigations of

Shady Grove firebombing and

Terrell County church burnings and

Travis shooting and

Valachi's testimony and

Ware case investigated by

wiretap prosecutions of

voter registration and

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Federated Women's Clubs

Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)

Fentress, Simmons

Fields, Uriah J.

MIA charged with corruption by

Figaro, Le


Finley, Elliott

First African Baptist Church of Savannah, Ga.

First Baptist Church of Chattanooga

King passed over by

First Baptist Church of Clarksdale

First Baptist Church (Colored) of Montgomery

Abernathy's departure from

bombing of

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church contrasted with

establishment of

exoduses from

freedom rider mass meeting at

as preacher's church

rioter attacks on

First Baptist Church (white) of Montgomery

First Baptist Church of Nashville

First Congregational Church

First Family, The

First Presbyterian Church

Fisk Chapel

Fiske (college dean)

Fisk University

Religious Emphasis Week of

Fitzgerald, Ella

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,”

Fitzgerald, Zelda

Flemming, Karl

Folkways Records

Folsom, James “Kissin' Jim,”

Folsom, Marion

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

Forman, James

in Albany Freedom Ride

background of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham youth marches and

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