Parting the Waters (189 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Benson, Ezra Taft

Bergen, Polly

Bergman, Walter

Beria, Lavrenty

Berlin blockade

Berlin Wall

Bernhard, Berl

Birmingham campaign and

Civil Rights Commission report on Mississippi and

Bernstein, Leonard

Berry, Abner

Best Sermons

Bethel Baptist Church

bombing of

Bethune, Mary McLeod

Bevel, Diane Nash

arrests and imprisonments of

background of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Freedom Rides and

Freedom Walk of

Moore's murder and

Negro congressional campaigns managed by

sit-in movement and

voter registration and

Bevel, James

Albany Movement and

background of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Birmingham youth marches and

eccentricity of

Freedom Rides and

imprisonment of

McComb movement and

Moore's murder and

Negro congressional campaigns managed by

physical attacks on King and

in SCLC-SNCC mediation

sit-in movement and

voter registration and

Walker's feuds with

yarmulke worn by

“Beverly Hillbillies, The,”

Beverly Hills, Calif., reception for King in

Bhave, Vinoba

Bhoodan movement

Bigelow, Albert

Billingslea (barber)

Billingsley, Orzell

Bill of Rights

Billups, Charles

Birdsong, Colonel

Birmingham, Ala.:

Blaik-Royall Mission to

bombings and riots in

boycotts in

bus desegregation movement in

Chamber of Commerce of

civic reform movement in

Council of Ministers of

desegregation of public schools in

Freedom Rides in

SCLC convention in

Senior Citizens Committee of

sit-in protests in

special elections in

transit strike in

Birmingham, Dave

Birmingham Barons

Birmingham campaign

Birmingham campaign (

Albany Movement compared with

criticisms of

delays in

demands of

extremist reaction to

finances of

fund-raising for, SCLC and

Good Friday march in

impact of Moore's murder on

Jackson movement and

King's book on

King's defense of

march on city hall by

march on city jail by

March on Washington and

mass meetings of

mass protest march proposed by

music of

national phase of

negotiations and

Northern supporters of

planning of

rabbis in support of

recruitment for

repercussions of

settlement accepted by

sit-in protests of

state injunction against

student members of

training volunteers for

truces negotiated by

for voter registration

Birmingham jail:

children marchers imprisoned in

King imprisoned in

marches on

Birmingham Manifesto


Post Herald

Birmingham Southern College


Birmingham youth marches

attack dogs used against

fire hoses used against

moratoriums on

plotting strategy for

stores picketed by

Birth of a Nation, The

Black, Hugo

Black Codes

Black Muslims


Blackwell, Randolph

Blaelock, Daryl

Blaik, Earl:

Birmingham church bombings and

Birmingham mission of

Blake, Eugene Carson:

civil rights legislation and

March on Washington and

Blake, J. P.

Blanton, Sankey

Blayton, Jesse

“Blest Be the Tie That Binds,”

Block, Sam

arrests and imprisonments of

shooting attack on

voter registration work of

“Blowin' in the Wind,”

Blue Springs Baptist Church

Blumberg, Albert “Doc,”


B'nai B'rith

Boggs, Hale

Bond, Julian

Booker, Simeon

Booker T. Washington High School

Boothe, Charles Octavius

Borden, Cecil

Border Patrol, U.S.

Freedom Rides and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Borders, William Holmes

Atlanta student march and

King's prison release negotiations and

Monroe lynchings and

1960 elections and

Boston University

King's application to

King's decision to study at

King's enrollment at

School of Theology of

Bosworth, Edward Increase

Boutwell, Albert

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Birmingham public school desegregation and

Birmingham youth marches and

Blaik-Royall mission and

press on

Bowles, Chester:

King's imprisonment and

1960 electons and

Boxer Rebellion

Boyd, H. C.

Boynton, Amelia


Boyte, Harry

Braden, Anne

Braden, Carl

Bradlee, Ben

Brandeis University

Brando, Marlon

March on Washington and

Branton, Wiley

Greenwood voter registration and

King criticized by

Mississippi food relief crisis and

Ponder's arrest and

Brawley, Dr.

Bricklayers Union

Bridges, Lloyd

Brightman, Edgar S.

Brinkley, David

Bristol, James

Britt, Travis:

beating of

voter registration work of

Britt's, sit-in protests at

Bronner Brothers Fall Beauty Clinic

Brooklyn Dodgers

Brooks, Dr.

Brooks, Jim

Brooks, Paul

Freedom Walk of

Moore's murder and

Broomfield, Justice

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Brown, Alfreda

Brown, Edmund G.

Brown, James

Brown, Mamie

Brownell, Herbert

civil rights legislation and

Little Rock crisis and

Browning, Robert

Brown University

Board of Education of Topeka

Atlanta student march and

Communist derision toward

Eisenhower and

Kilpatrick on

noncompliance with

R. Kennedy's agreement with

seventh anniversary rally for

Brumfield, Judge

Brussels World's Fair

Bryan, Orrie

Bryant, C. C.:

arrest of

background of

voter registration and

Buber, Martin

Buchanan, Scott


Buddhist crisis

Budenz, Louis

Bull Run, second battle of

Bunche, Ralph

Bundy, McGeorge

Bureau of Narcotics

Bureau of Prisons

Bureau of the Budget

Burke, Edmund

Burke, Katherine

Burke, Solomon

Businessmen for Kennedy and Johnson

Business Week

bus segregation

federal lawsuits against

ICC rule on

Supreme Court on

see also
Freedom Rides, freedom riders

Butler, Jerry

Butler, Mack Sim

Butler, Paul

Buttrick, George

Byrd, Harry

Byron, George Gordon, Lord


Cahill, Thomas

Calhoun, John C.

Cambridge, Md., Negroes arrested in

Campbell, D. C. “Cull,”

Campbell, Judith

Campbell, Will

Camus, Albert

Canton, Miss., CORE project in

Caplan, Mortimer

Capone, Al

Carawan, Candie

Carawan, Guy

Carey, Gordon

Freedom Rides and

testing ICC desegregation rule and

Carmichael, Stokely

in Freedom Ride project

imprisonment of

Carnegie Hall:

civil rights fund-raiser at

Mississippi relief fund-raiser at

tribute to King at

Carpenter, C. C. Jones

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” to

Carrawy Methodist Hospital

Carroll, Charles

Carroll, Diahann

Carter, Eugene

Carter, James J.

Carter, Jimmy

Castle, Doris

in Freedom Ride project

Caston, Billy Jack

Moses's legal complaint against

voter registration and

Caston, Sheriff

Castro, Fidel

Bay of Pigs invasion and

CIA assassination plot against

plots to overthrow

Soviet military aid to

Cavanagh, Jerome

Caverno, Joe


Central High School, integration of

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Bay of Pigs invasion and

Castro assassination planned by

U-2 crisis and

Chad Mitchell Trio

Chalmers, Alan Knight

Chamberlain, Neville

Chandler, Gladstone

Chappell, Fred B.

Charles, Ray

Charleston hotel segregation

Charlie's Snack Bar, demonstrations against

Chase Manhattan

Chatmon, Tom:

Albany voter registration and

background of

indictment of

testing ICC desegregation rule and

Chattin, C. C.

Checker, Chubby

Cheek, Marion:

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