Parting the Waters (192 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Freedom Walks and

Greene's shooting protested by

Greenwood voter registration and

imprisonment of

on inviting King to Albany

King criticized by

Lewis's March on Washington speech and

March on Washington and

media recognition of

Moore's murder and

SNCC speech of

Forsythe, John

Fort Benning

Fort Campbell

Fort Sumter, battle of

Fosdick, Harry Emerson

King influenced by

on Montgomery bus boycott

pro-communist sermons of

“Four Dimensions of a Complete Life The” (McCall)

Foxx, Redd


Franciosa, Tony

Franco, Francisco

Frankel, Max

Franklin, Aretha

Franklin, C. L.

conventions organized by

Detroit rally for King and

Franklin, John Hope

Frazier, Luther

Free, James


Bevel on

J. F. Kennedy on

King on

King vs. J. F. Kennedy on

Freedom Corps

Freedom Ride Coordinating Committee

Freedom Rides, freedom riders

to Albany

in Anniston

in Ardmore

arrest and imprisonment of

in Birmingham

courage of

emblem of


Farmer's participation in

fund-raising for

in Jackson

King's encouragement for

King's interpretation of

King's reluctance to participate in

to McComb

manhunts for

mass meetings for

in Montgomery

Nashville student participation in

public opinion on

rebirth of

recruitment of

in Rock Hill

Rock Hill jail-in and

selection of

state injunctions against

testing ICC desegregate rule and

training of

voter registration and

Freedom Schools

Freedom Villages

Freedom Vote

Freedom Walks


Free India Committee

Freeman, Douglas Southall


Friend, Ed


Friendship Baptist Church of Americus

Friendship Baptist Church of Atlanta

Friendship Baptist Church of Harlem

Friendship Junior College

From Slavery to Freedom

Fulbright, William

Fulton County jail

Funtown, closing of

F. W. Woolworth's

sit-in protests at


Gable, Clark

Gadsden, Ala., protest marches in

Gadsden, Walter

Gagarin, Yuri

Gaither, Tom:

in Freedom Ride project

imprisonment of

Gallion, MacDonald

Gallup polls:

on Freedom Rides

on presidential contenders

Gammon Theological Seminary

Gandhi, Indira

Gandhi, Mohandas

assassination of

capacity for internal criticism of

King compared with

Montgomery bus boycott and

nonviolent army of

nonviolent movement of

Rustin and

Tolstoy's influence on

Gandhi Memorial Trust


of freedom riders

King's interest in

King's modification of

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” and

Gandhi Society for Human Rights

fund-raisers of

voter registration and

Gardner, B. C.:

King's Albany imprisonment and

suit against Albany Movement filed by

Gardner, Edwin

Garner, James

Garroway, Dave

Garvey, Marcus

Gaston, A. G.

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Birmingham youth marches and

King's Birmingham imprisonment and

Gaston Motel, bombing of

Gates, John

Gates, Lillian

Gayle, W. A. “Tacky”:

on bombing of Graetz's house

bombing of King's house and

bus segregation suit and

Montgomery bus boycott and

General Education Board

Gentile, Thomas

George Washington Carver Park

Georgia, University of

court-ordered integration of

R. Kennedy's civil rights speech at

Georgia Democratic Party

Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Republican Party


Du Bois's death in

independence celebrated by

Giancana, Sam “Momo,”

Gifford Lectures

Gillfield Baptist Church

“Give Us the Ballot” (King)

Glenn, John

“Glory to His Name,”

Gober, Bertha

Albany Freedom Rides and

arrest of


definitions of

evil and

Tillich on

Wieman on

“Go Down Moses,”

God's Trombones

Goldberg, Arthur

Golden Rule

Goldwater, Barry

1960 elections and

political emergence of

Gone With the Wind

Good Friday march

Gordon, Joe

Gore, Albert

gospel music

Grace, Daddy

Graetz, Robert

bombings of home of

bus segregation suit and

Montgomery bus boycott and

Graham, Billy

King advised by

Graham, Henry V.

Graham, Philip

Grand Ol' Opry

Granger, Lester

Eisenhower's meeting with

Grant, Cary

Grant, Charlie

Grant, E. James

Grant, Ulysses S.

Grant, Ulysses S., III

Grass Roots Leadership Conference

Gray, Fred

arrest of

bus segregation suit and

Colvin case and

Davis's trial and

draft deferment of

and King's arrests and imprisonments

King's tax indictment and

Lewis case and

Montgomery bus boycott and

New York Times
libel case and

Gray, Fred (

Parks's arrest and

Parks's conviction appealed by

Gray, James

Albany Movement criticized by

background of

Kennedys criticized by

King's imprisonments and

Gray, William, Jr.

Gray, William A.

Great Awakening

Great Britain:

Ghana granted independence by

King's visit to

Nigeria granted independence by

Green, Prince, shooting of

Greene, Dewey, Sr., shooting attack on


Greensboro College

Greensboro sit-in

Greenwood, Miss.

arsonist attacks on SNCC office in

police attacks in

shootings in

suspension of food relief in

voter registration in

Greenwood jail

Gregg, Richard

Gregory, Dick

Birmingham campaign and

in Birmingham youth march

in Greenwood voter registration marches

Grier, Mamie

Griffin, Francis

Griffin, Marvin

Griswold, Erwin

Grooms, Hobart

Guevara, Che

Guihard, Paul

Gulf Oil

Gunther Air Force Base

Guthman, Ed

Birmingham riots and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Negro militancy and

Guyot, Lawrence, arrest and beating of


Haggerty, James

Hailey, Foster

Hale, Lloyd D.

Hall, Blanton

Hall, Grover, Jr.

background of

on Freedom Rides

mass indictments denounced by

Montgomery bus boycott and

New York Times
libel case and

Hall, Gus

Hall, Robert

Halleck, Charles

“Hallelujah Chorus,”

Ham, curse of

Hamer, Fannie Lou

arrest and beating of

Hamilton, William

and Birmingham riots and bombings

Hamilton College

Handy, W. T., Jr.

Hanes, Arthur

Hank Ballard and the Midnighters

Hannah, John

Civil Rights Commission report on Mississippi and

Greenwood voter registration and

Hansberry, Lorraine

Hansen, William:

Freedom Walk of

prison beating of

Hanson, Clarence B.

Harding, Vincent

Harding, Warren G.

Hardy, John:

arrest and imprisonment of

pistol-whipping of

state trial of

voter registration work of

Harlem, N. Y., Communist International Show trials in

Harlem Hospital

Harlem Renaissance

Harmann, Sue

Harper & Brothers

Harriman, W. Averell

Harrington, Michael

Harris, Don

Harris, Herbert

Harris, Jesse

Harris, Louis

Harris, McCree

Harris, Richard

Harris, Rutha

Hartsfield, William

and King's arrest and imprisonment

Harvard University

Moses's studies at

1933 Freshman Dance of

Hastie, William Henry

Hatcher, Andrew

Haughton, G. R.

Hawkins, Donis

Hayden, Casey

Hayden, Tom

in Albany Freedom Ride

Hayes, Curtis

arrest of

voter registration and

Hayes, Roland

Haywood County, Tenn., voting rights violations in

Hearst newspapers

“Heed Their Rising Voices,”

Hegel, G. W. F.

Height, Dorothy

Heilbron, Jerome

Albany Movement and

Baker County case and

Hemingway, Ernest

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