Parting the Waters (190 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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C. B. King's beating investigated by

Ware case and

Chennault, Claire

Chicago, Ill.

King's reception in

NAACP convention in

Chicago, University of

Chicago Civic Opera Building

Chicago Crusade


Chicago Merchandise Mart

Chicago Opera


Chicago Urban League


Childs, Jack

Childs, Morris

China, People's Republic of

Chivers, Walter

Christianborg Castle

Christian Century


Gandhi Society and

Rauschenbusch on

Christianity and Crisis

Christianity and the Social Crisis


centrality of

King's criticisms of

King's irritation with

Negro politics and

slavery and

Churchill, Sir Winston

Church of England

Church of St. Mary

Citizens Bank

Citizens Club

Citizens for Kennedy

Citizens Trust Company

City College of New York

Civil Defense

Civil Rights Act (1957)

Haywood County case and

jury trial amendment to

Section (a) of

Section (b) of

Title III of

Civil Rights Act (1960)

Civil Rights Commission

report on Mississippi by

civil rights movement:

alleged Communist manipulation of

craziness seen in

devotion of
New York Times

gospel music popularized by

liberal philanthropy and

NBC elections and

1930s labor movement compared with

1960 elections and

organized labor and

significance of name changes in

Walker's evaluation of

Civil Service Commission

Civil War

centennial celebrations of

Civil War Centennial Commission

Claflin College

Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan, The

Clark, Kenneth

Clark, Ramsey

Clark, Septima:

Abernathy scolded by

citizenship classes of

criminal conviction of

physical attacks on King and

sit-in movement and

Clark College

Classification Sermons

Clayton, Claude

Clement, Rufus

Cleveland, Ohio, King welcomed in

Clift, Montgomery

Cobo Hall


Coffin, William Sloane, Jr.

Cole, Nat “King,”

Coleman, James P.

Collins, Addie Mae

Collins, Lucretia

Collins, Sarah

Collins Funeral Home


Columbia University

Colvin, Claudette

arrest of

bus segregation suit and

conviction and sentence of

Come September

Commerce Department, U.S.

Committee to Defend Martin Luther King

Committee to Support South African Resistance

Communist International

show trials of

Communist Manifesto, The
(Marx and Engels)

Communist Party, U.S.

collapse of

Du Bois's application to

FBI infiltration of

Harlem nightclubs run by

integration opposed by

Levison's alleged membership in

mass defections from

O'Dell's alleged ties with

persecution of

Randolph criticized by

Randolph's Youth Marches and

Rustin's membership in

Communists, communism

alleged freedom rider association with

Hoover's obsession with

Communists, communism (

J. F. Kennedy on

King allegedly sympathetic toward

King's rejection of

March on Washington involvement of

Negroes allegedly influenced by

1960 elections and

racial equality practiced by

SCLC allegedly infiltrated by


U.S. campaigns against

“Conciliation with the American Colonies” (Burke)

Concord Baptist Church

Congo, riots in

Congress, U.S.

Eisenhower's civil rights program and

Kennedy's addresses to

Kennedy's civil rights program and

Kennedy's voting rights bill and

March on Washington and

Negro campaigns for

Republican civil rights package and

Truman's civil rights program and

see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

Congressional Record

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Birmingham campaign and

Canton project of

Farmer's appointment in

financial contributions to

Freedom Ride project of

Freedom Walks and

March on Washington and

Moore's murder and

National Action Council of

national recognition achieved by

in test of ICC desegregation rule

voter registration and

Conley, Reverend

Connor, Eugene “Bull,”

Bethel Baptist Church bombing and

Birmingham boycotts and

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham riots and

Birmingham youth marches and

Freedom Rides and

Good Friday march and

image problems of

King's imprisonment and

political challenges to authority of

replacement of

SCLC Birmingham convention and

Constitution, U.S.

First Amendment to

Fifth Amendment to

Fourteenth Amendment to

Fifteenth Amendment to

Cook, Eugene

Cook, Samuel

Cook, Tom

Cooke, Alastair

Coolidge, Calvin

Cooper, Gary

Cooper, Gordon


Cory Methodist Church

Cotton, Dorothy

Birmingham campaign and

on People-to-People tours

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)

founding of

Covington and Burling

Cowling, E. L.

Cox, Courtland

Cox, Harold

Cox, Harvey

Craft, Edd


Crenshaw, Jack:

Colvin case and

Montgomery bus boycott and


Criterion Club

Crosby, Bing

Cross, John

Cross, Susan

Crozer Theological Seminary

classical liberalism of

King's enrollment at

practice preaching courses at

racial harmony at

Cruit, George

Crusade for Citizenship

Crusader Without Violence



communism in

Soviet military shipments to

Cuban missile crisis

Current, Gloster B.

Jackson movement and

Currier, Stephen

Curry, Izola Ware

Cushing, Richard Cardinal


Daily Worker

Daily World

Daley, Richard

Kennedy campaign and

NAACP addressed by

on Negro militancy

Dallas County, Ala.

voting rights violations in

Dallas County Voters League

Danville, Va.

racial violence in

Dartmouth College

Daves, Joan

David, King of Israel

Davis, Ben

Communist party background of

Davis, Edward “Big Two”:

Abernathy's life threatened by

background of

trial of

Davis, George W.

Davis, Jefferson

Davis, Sammy, Jr.

SCLC fund-raiser of

at White House reception

Davis, Vivian McCoy

Dawson, Curtis

Dawson, William

De, S. K.

“Death of Evil” (King)

Declaration of Independence

Dee, Ruby

Defense Department, U.S.

Bay of Pigs invasion and

Birmingham riots and

FBI investigation of King and

Freedom Rides and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

defense industries, racial discrimination in

defense policy:

of J. F. Kennedy

1960 elections and

de Gaulle, Charles

De Kalb County, Ga., King's traffic case in

De Kalb County jail, King's transfer from

Delaney, Hubert T.

DeLee, Stuart

Dellinger, Dave

DeLoach, Cartha “Deke,”

King dismissed as liar by

on King's criticisms of FBI

proposed prosecution of Levison and

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

Democratic National Conference on Constitutional Rights

Democratic National Convention:

King's testimony before

in 1940 elections

in 1956 elections

in 1960 elections

SNCC delegates to

Democratic Party:

Birmingham campaign and

civil rights plank of

Kennedy's civil rights program and

Negro support for

racial policy split in

Dennis, David

Jackson movement and

Dennis, Eugene

Dennis, President

Dent, A. W.


Depression (

Negro unemployment in

racial trials of

Descartes, René

Detroit, Mich.:

leadership schism in

rally for King in

Dewey, John

Dewey, Thomas

DeWolf, L. Harold

King's Ph.D. dissertation and

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

Abernathy on

bombing of King's house and

bombing of parsonage of

as deacon's church

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