Parting the Waters (200 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Smith, John Lewis, Jr.

Smith, Kelly Miller

Smith, Kenneth Lee “Snuffy,”

Smith, Lillian

Smith, Mary Louise

Smith, Nelson “Fireball,”

Smith, R. L. T.

Smith, Roland

Smith, Ruby Doris

in Freedom Ride project

voter registration and

Smith, Stephen

Smith Act

Smyer, Sidney:

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham riots and

Connor's authority opposed by

Freedom Rides and

Shuttlesworth's negotiations with

Smyth, Walter

Social Gospel movement

communism and

King's forsaking of

Niebuhr's attacks on



Solomon, King of Israel

Sorensen, Ted

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham riots and

civil rights legislation and

Kennedy campaign and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Ole Miss riots and

soul music

South Africa, Republic of

U.S. denunciation of

U.S. sanctions against

South Carolina State University

Southern Association

Southern Baptist Church

Southern Baptist Convention

Southern Baptist Seminary

Southern Christian Leadership

Conference (SCLC)

Albany Movement and

alleged Communist infiltration of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham convention of

Clark's citizenship school transferred to

CORE and

Crusade for Citizenship of

FBI investigation of

finances of

founding of

Freedom Rides and

Jackson movement and

King-Jackson conflict and

King's dedication to

King's imprisonment and

King's salary from

libel suit against

March on Washington and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Moses and


NBC and

1960 elections and

O'Dell's alleged Communist ties and

public relations campaign of

Richmond convention of

Rustin purged by

Shreveport death threats and

sit-in movement and

SNCC and

staff leadership confusion of

voter registration work of

Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF)

Southern Manifesto

Southern Presbyterian Church

Southern Regional Council (SRC)

Albany study of

South Grand Terrace

South Wales, University of

Soviet Union

in arms race

Birmingham movement and

Constitution of

Cuban military shipments of

Hungarian revolt against

Levison's alleged espionage for

Profumo case and

racial attitudes of

Sputnik launched by

test-ban treaty sought with

U-2 crisis and

Sparkman, John

Spellman, Francis Cardinal

Spelman, Lucy

Spelman College

Alberta King's enrollment at

decision and

dedication of Sisters Chapel at

Rockefeller's address at

sit-in movement and

Spingarn, Arthur

Spingarn, Joel

Spinoza, Baruch

Spivak, Lawrence


Stalin, Joseph

Standard Oil

“Stand By Me,”

Stanford University

“Star-Spangled Banner, The,”

State Department, U.S.

“Steal Away to Jesus,”

Steele, C. K.

Steinbeck, John

Stembridge, Jane

SNCC activities of

Steele, C. K.

Stephens, Pat

Steptoe, E. W., voter registration and

Stern Fund

Stevenson, Adlai

1960 elections and

Stewart, Jimmy

Stokes, Andrew J.

Storey, Robert

Story of Philosophy

Strength to Love

Stride Toward Freedom

Struggle for Freedom in the South

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Albany Movement and

in Americus

Atlanta meetings of

Atlanta student movement and

and Birmingham bombings and riots

Birmingham campaign and

Communists in

formation of

Freedom Ride projects and

Freedom Vote project of

Freedom Walks and

fund-raisers of

King's relations with

Lewis's March on Washington speech and

McComb mass arrests and

McComb student strike and

March on Washington and

Moore's murder and

Moses's power in

Mount Moriah conference of

Move on Mississippi program of

mythology of


Nashville conference of

One man/one vote campaign of

recruiting drives of

Rock Hill jail-in and

SCLC and

in test of ICC desegregation rule

voter registration and

Ware case and

Washington, D. C. conference of

Wilkins's criticism of

Student Voice

Stuyvesant High School

Suez crisis

Sugar Bowl

Sugarman, Jewel

Sullivan, Ed

Sullivan, Herschelle

Sullivan, L. B.

Freedom Rides and

libel suit filed by

Sullivan, Terry

Sullivan, William

FBI investigation of King and

on March on Washington

SCLC investigation and

New York Times

Sumter County, Ga.

Sumter County jail

King's imprisonment in

Sunflower County, Miss.

Supersonic Attractions

Supreme Court, Ala.

Supreme Court, U.S.

bus desegregation rulings of

FBI bugs outlawed by

J. F. Kennedy's appointments to

school desegregation decisions of

precedent of

Shuttlesworth's appeal to

libel case reviewed by

voting rights decisions of

see also Brown
Board of Education of Topeka

Surprise Package Sermons

Swomley, John

Symington, Stuart

Systematic Theology


Taconic Foundation

Tallahassee, Fla.:

bus boycott in

demonstrations against segregated movie theaters in

Tallahatchie River

Tall Paul

Talmadge, Eugene

Talmadge, Herman

Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, Gardner

CORE appointments by

Kennedy campaign and

King-Jackson conflict and

in NBC elections

voter registration and

on Young

Taylor, Maxwell


Teller, Edward


Tennessee State University

Terrell County, Ga.:

church burnings in

voter registration in

Terrell County jail, freedom riders imprisoned in

thalidomide drug scandal

“Theme from
A Summer Place


of Augustine

classical liberalism in

liberal vs. fundamentalist

of Niebuhr




“They have a zeal, but not according

to knowledge,” King's sermon on

Third Kiokee Baptist Church

“This Little Light of Mine,”

Thomas, Albert

Thomas, Dylan

Thomas, George

Thomas, Henry:

in Freedom Ride project

imprisonment of

Thomas, Norman

Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Thompson, Allen:

Jackson movement and

J. F. Kennedy's negotiations with

Negro policeman sworn in by

Thoreau, Henry David

Thousand Days, A

“Three Dimensions of a Complete Life, The” (King)

Three Points in the Palm of a Hand

Thurgood Church

Thurman, Howard

Johns compared with

Thurmond, Strom

Tic-Toc Restaurant sit-in

Till, Emmett

Evers compared with

lynching of

Tilley, John

Tillich, Paul

King's Ph.D. dissertation on

Moses on



Tindley, C. A.


Tolson, Clyde

Tolstoy, Leo

Tolstoy Farm

Torrance, Calif.

“To Secure These Rights,”

Tougaloo College

Toynbee, Arnold

“Tragic Cost of Birmingham, The” (Scott)

Trammell, Theodore


“Transfigured Moments” (Johns)

Travis, Brenda

Travis, Jimmy

shooting of

Treasury, U.S.

Treasury Department, U.S., Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of

Trenholm, H. Councill

sit-in movement and

Trich Quan Duc

Trinity Lutheran Church

Trout, Nelson

Troy State College, Lewis's suit to enroll in

Truman, Harry S.

anti-lynching legislation of

Dewey defeated by

Monroe lynchings and

NAACP convention addressed by

segregation in armed forces ended by

Truth, Sojourner

Turnbow, Hartman, firebombing of home of

Turner Air Force base

Tuskegee Institute

Tuttle, Elbert

Twentieth Century-Fox Records

Twenty-Third Psalm

Twin Sermons

Tyler, Harold:

civil rights law enforcement and

Haywood County case and

Tylertown, Miss., voter registration in



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