Parting the Waters (197 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Morgan, Charles

Morgan, Juliette

Morris Brown College

Morrow, E. Frederick

background of

King-Eisenhower meeting and

1960 elections and

Morrow, Hugh

Morse, Samuel F. B.

Morsell, John

Morton, Thruston B.


Johns compared with

King compared with

Malcolm X on

Pritchard on

Moses, Robert

arrests and imprisonments of

Atlanta University student movement and

background of

beating of

federal suit filed by

firebombing of Turnbow's home and

on Freedom Vote

House testimony of

Justice Department picket led by

Lee's murder and

loyalty investigations of

March on Washington and

Mississippi food relief and

Negro congressional campaigns managed by

Nonviolent High classes of

reputation of

SNCC activities of

SNCC speeches of

trial of

voter registration work of

Mothers' March

“Motivos de Son” (Roldan)

Moton, R. R.

Motown Records

Mountbatten, Lady

Mountbatten, Lord Louis

Mountbatten, Pamela

Mount Lebanon Baptist Church

Mount Moriah Baptist Church

Mount Olive Baptist Church

burning of

Mathews's raid at

Mount Zion Baptist Church

Mass meetings at

“Mud Is Basic” (Johns)

Muelder, Walter

Muhammad, Elijah

Murphy, Rosemary

Murray, George

Murrow, Edward R.

Muste, A. J.

Farmer and

Lawson and

Montgomery bus boycott and

Rustin and

SNCC activities of

“My Country 'Tis of Thee,”

Myrdal, Gunnar


Nabrit, James


Namath, Joe

Napoleon I, Emperor of France

Narain, Jayaprakash

Nashville, Tenn., SNCC Southwide conference in

Nashville Christian Leadership Council

Nashville sit-in movement

Freedom Rides and

humiliations of

mass protest march of

movie theater picketing and


Nassar, Gamal Abdel


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Alabama ban against

Albany Movement and

in Amite County

antagonism toward King at

Atlanta conventions of

Birmingham campaign and

case and

bus segregation suits and

Chicago convention of

civil rights legislation and

creation of

criticism of

Crusade for Citizenship and

Detroit rally and

Du Bois's break with

Farmer and

freedom riders and

on indictment against Du Bois

Jackson movement and

King active in

King's addresses to

King's allies in

King's Prayer Pilgrimage and

King's tax indictment and

Lawson's criticisms of

Legal Defense Fund of

Lewis case and

McComb mass arrests and

March on Washington and

Meredith case and

Monroe lynchings and

Montgomery bus boycott and

Montgomery leadership of

Montgomery segregation rallies and

NBC compared with

1960 elections and

political party alignment of

R. R. Moton High School strike and

SCLC and

sit-in movement and

testing ICC desegregation rule and

University of Alabama riots and

voter registration and

Youth Councils of

National Baptist Convention (NBC)

King's plans for

presidential elections of

schism in

Sunday School Board of

Sunday School Congress of

National Broadcasting Co. (NBC)

National Civil War Commission

National Council of Attorneys

National Council of Churches

Department of Youth Work in

National Council of Negro Women

National Governors Conference

National Guard:

of Alabama

of Georgia

of Mississippi

National Insurance Association (NIA)

King's address to

National Maritime Union (NMU)

National Press Club

King's address to

National Selective Service System

National Student Association (NSA)

Native Son

Navy, U.S.

Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia


Negro, A Beast, The

Negro, A Menace to American Civilization, The


adoption of nonviolence by

alleged Communist associations of

at Boston University

college enrollment of

country dives frequented by

at Crozer Theological Seminary

debate over term

East Side vs. West Side

economic reprisals against

growing anger among

at Hamilton College

identity paradox of

Negroes (

image and economic status of

jobs open to

King on

King's use of term

matriarchal tendencies in

ministry attractive to

post-World War II attitudes toward

renewed hegemony of whites over

right to religion acquired by

Rockefellers' gifts for education of

temporary inferiority of

unemployment among

voting preferences of

West Indian immigrants vs.

World War I migration of

Negro Leaders Conference on Nonviolent Integration

Negro Ministerial Association

Negro Newspaper Association

Negro spirituals

Nehru, Jawaharlal

King's visit to India and

Nelson, William Stuart

Nesbitt, R. D.

Johns and

King recruited by

King's negotiations with

King's perjury trial and

King's resignation from Dexter and

“Never, No Never,”

New American Library


New Deal

New England Conservatory of Music

Newfoundland, demonstrations in

New Frontier

Newman, Paul

March on Washington and

Newman, Roy

New Orleans, La.,
decision rally in

New Pilgrim Baptist Church

mass meeting at

Newport News rally


Newton, Frank

New York, N.Y., marches against segregated housing and employment in

New York City Council

New York Giants

New York

New York

New York State Civil War Centennial Commission

New York State Council of Churches

New York Times

devotion to civil rights movement of

libel suits against

New York Times Magazine

New York University Business School

New York Yankees

Ngo Dinh Diem

Nichols, R. R.

Nicklaus, Jack

Niebuhr, Reinhold

on Birmingham church bombings

iconoclasm of

on J. F. Kennedy

King influenced by

theology of

on use of nonviolence

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nigeria, independence celebrated by

“Ninety-nine and a Half Won't Do,”

Nixon, E. D.:

arrest of

background of

bombing of home of

Bryant compared with

Colvin case and

King's relationship with

MIA administration and

MIA resignation of

Montgomery bus boycott and

NAACP leadership and

Parks's arrest and

Rustin and

Smith's arrest and

Nixon, Richard M.

civil rights legislation and

King's imprisonment and

King's meetings with

presidential campaigns of

Nkrumah, Kwame


“No Color Line in Heaven,”

No Comment” Nixon Versus a Candidate with a Heart, Senator Kennedy


in Africa

basing mass movement on

biblical origins of

endorsements of

of freedom riders

of Gandhi

institutes on

King's speeches on

Lawson on

of McComb movement

in Montgomery bus boycott

Niebuhr vs. Baldwin on

in school desegregation campaigns

voter registration and

workshops on

see also

Nonviolent High

Norman, Memphis

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Carolina, demonstrations in

North Carolina A&T

North Carolina Republican Party

Northern Pacific Railroad

Notre Dame University

nuclear weapons testing:

temporary suspension of


nullification doctrines



Oak Tree, Operation

Oberlin College

Oberlin Seminary

Obote, Milton

O'Boyle, Patrick

O'Brien, Lawrence:

civil rights legislation and

in Kennedy campaign

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

on Negro militancy

O'Dell, Jack

Birmingham campaign and

Communist background of

FBI investigation of

King's firing of

in Levison's direct-mail operation

SCLC Birmingham convention and

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