Parting the Waters (198 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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voter registration work of


O'Donnell, Kenneth

civil rights legislation and

King's meetings with Kennedys and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

“Oh, Freedom,”

“Oh Lord, Stand By Me,”

Oklahoma, University of

Ole Miss,
Mississippi, University of

Oliver, Benny

Olivet Baptist Church

Omega Psi Phi

King's address to

101st Airborne Division

One man/one vote campaign

“Onward Christian Soldiers,”

Orange Bowl, J. F. Kennedy's pledge at

Orangeburg march

Orrick, William

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Owen, Bob

Owens, Jesse


Pacem in Terris


Niebuhr on

of Rustin

of Tolstoy

see also

Page, Marion S.


Palfi, Marion

Palmer, Arnold


Parables of Jesus, The

Parchman Penitentiary, freedom riders imprisoned in

Park Avenue Baptist Church

Parker, Henry

Parker, Mack Charles, lynching of

Parker, Theodore

Parks, Frank

Montgomery bus boycott and

Parks, Raymond

Parks, Rosa

arrest of

background of

conviction appealed by

Montgomery bus boycott and

Patterson, Floyd

Patterson, John

Freedom Rides and

King's chastisement of

King's tax indictment and

libel suit of

martial law declared by

1960 elections and

sit-in movement and

Patton, Robert M.

Paul, Saint

“Paul's Letter to the American Christians” (King)

Paxton, Ben F.

Peace Corps

peace movement

Peacock, Willie, shooting attack on

Peale, Norman Vincent

Pearl Street A.M.E. Church

Peck, Jim:

in Freedom Ride project

surgery performed on

Peck & Peck

Peden, W. C.

Defense Department, U.S.

People-to-People tours

Perkins, Joseph

Person, Charles


“Personalism of J. M. E. McTaggart Under Criticism, The” (King)

Persons, Wilton

Peter, Paul and Mary

Peter, Saint

Peters, Edith

Petersburg, Va., Eskridge's mission to

Pettus, Dr.

Phifer, J. S.

Philbrick, Herbert

Phillips, Little Ester


Pike County, Miss., voter registration in

Pike County jail

Pilcher, John L.

Pilgrimage of Prayer

King's speech at

preparations for

Pilgrim Life Insurance Company

Pitts, Lucius H.

Pittsburgh, University of


Pitzitz, Louis

Plaquemine Parish, La., demonstrations in



Poinsette family

Poitier, Sidney

Polaris submarines

Pollard, Mother

Ponce de Leon ball park

Ponder, Annell

arrest and beating of

Popper, Hermine

Porter, John

Birmingham campaign and

Portugal, African colonialism of

Posey, Dorothy

Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.

civil rights legislation and

divorce of

income tax evasion charges against

King-Eisenhower meeting and

King's March on Washington speech and

libel suit against

on Negro militancy

1960 elections and

purging of Rustin and

Powers, Francis Gary


“Precious Lord, Take My Hand,”

Presbyterian Church, schisms in

President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity

President's Committee on Government Contracts


Albany Movement covered by

Albany riot and

and Birmingham bombings and riots

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham youth marches and

bombing of King's house covered by

bus segregation suit and

and Civil Rights Commission report on Mississippi

on civil rights legislation

Davis's trial covered by

on Detroit rally

FBI-inspired articles in

Freedom Rides covered by

on Freedom Villages

Freedom Walks covered by

Jackson movement covered by

King-Eisenhower meeting and

King-Nixon meeting and

King's arrests and imprisonments covered by

King's Prayer Pilgrimage covered by

on King's return to Atlanta

King's tax indictment and

King's visit to India covered by

on “Letter from Birmingham Jail,”

on Lincoln's Birthday White House reception

Little Rock crisis covered by

McComb mass arrests and

March on Washington and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Montgomery bus boycott and

NBC elections covered by

1960 elections and

O'Dell's Communist ties alleged by

Ole Miss riots and

physical attacks on King and

profiles of King in

on Profumo case

on Rockefeller's divorce

Rometsch scandal and

sit-in protests covered by

on Valachi's testimony

on voter registration

Press Trust of India

Prettiest Baby Contest

Price (John's grandfather)

Price, Kitty

Prince Edward County, Va., school desegregation case in

Princeton University

Prinz, Joachim

Pritchard, James B.

Pritchett, Laurie

Albany Freedom Rides and

Albany Movement marches and

Pritchett, Laurie (

Albany Movement negotiations and

Albany riots and

Birmingham campaign and

on C. S. King's beating

M. L. King, Jr.'s imprisonments and

on Negro brick throwing

Sherrod's alleged beating and

on Slater King's beating

testing ICC desegregation rule and

Profumo, John


Project C,
Birmingham campaign

Protestant Church, schisms in

Prussion, Karl

Psalms, Book of

Puckett, Virgil

Pullman Company

“Purpose of Education, The” (King)



Quill, Michael

Quinn, Anthony


Rabb, Maxwell

Rabbit in the Bushes

Rabinowitz, Joni

Rabinowitz, Victor



J. F. Kennedy's condemnation of

J. F. Kennedy's political appointments and

King's education and

quiet persuasion policy in dealing with

Socialist position on

Radio Riverside

Railway Express Company

Raisin in the Sun, A

Raleigh sit-in

“Ramifications of Goedel's Theorem,”

Randolph, A. Philip

civil rights legislation and

Eisenhower's meeting with

Lewis's March on Washington speech and

Lincoln's Birthday reception and

March on Washington and

1960 elections and

Prayer Pilgrimage and

Rustin and

school integration work of

Youth Marches organized by


Rao, Vincent

Rauh, Joseph

Rauschenbusch, Walter

Ray, Sandy

Read, Florence Matilda

Reagan, Ronald

Reagon, Cordell

Albany Freedom Ride and

at Albany Movement mass meetings

arrest of

background of

King criticized by

in test of ICC desegregation rule

voter registration activities of

“Recommendations to the Dexter Avenue Church for the Fiscal Year 1954—1955” (King)


Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar

India visited by

Reed, Jimmy

Reese, Carlton

Reese, Jeanatta


Reidsville state prison:

King imprisoned at

King's release from

King's transfer to


King skeptical about

linkage of politics and

as personal

role of public persuasion in

synthesis of intellect and

Republican National Convention

Republican Party:

Birmingham campaign and

civil rights legislation proposed by

civil rights plank of

Kennedy's civil rights program and


Negro support for

racial policy unity of

Reston, James

Reuther, Walter

civil rights legislation and

Detroit rally and

Lewis's March on Washington speech and

“Rev. King Is Boycott Boss, The” (Johnson)

Reynolds, Isaac

Reynolds, Libby Holman

Ribicoff, Abraham

Rich, Marvin

Rich, Richard

Richardson, Gloria

Richmond, Va.:

New Year's Day march in

SCLC convention in

News Leader


segregation policy of

sit-in at

“Right On, Jesus Christ,”

Riklis, Meshulam

Ritter, Norman

Riverdale Motor Inn

Riverside Church

construction of

March on Washington and

Robertson, Carole

Robeson, Paul

Robinson, Bernice

Robinson, Cleveland

Robinson, Jackie

Birmingham campaign and

1960 elections and

Robinson, Jo Ann

Montgomery bus boycott and

Parks's arrest and

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