Stepbrother Temptation: First Time

BOOK: Stepbrother Temptation: First Time
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Stepbrother Temptation:

First Time

Anita Lawless


Copyright © 2015 Anita Lawless

Published by Wild & Lawless Writers

All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be distributed, shared, resold, posted online, or reproduced in any electronic or hard copy form.

This ebook is a work of fiction. Any similarities between actual persons or events is entirely coincidental. This ebook contains adult content and is intended for a mature readership. All sexual scenarios depicted in this ebook occur between consenting adults over 18 years of age.

Cover art design by Wild & Lawless Writers.

The photo on the cover comes from a free images section of a photo stock site. It is used here under a royalty-free license. The writer, publisher, and cover designer claim no rights to the original photo. Photographer and model have no affiliation with the author, cover designer, or publisher, and use of this photo does not suggest in any way that the model or photographer endorse the author’s work.

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This ebook includes:

Stepbrother Temptation: First Time

Bonus Excerpt: Hard Rock Stepbrothers

Bonus Excerpt: Taboo Love

99 Cents Sales

About the Author

Also Available from the Wild & Lawless Writers


Stepbrother Temptation: First Time

Alex and I had been friends since grade eleven. I’d had a crush on him from the moment I first saw him, but he didn’t even know I was alive. He was the star athlete—captain of the basketball team. All the girls wanted him and he’d made his way through the entire cheerleading squad by the time we graduated. What would a tall, dark, and hunky jock like him want with me? I was the frumpy, brainy girl with too much junk in her trunk.

Plus I was terrified of most guys I had crushes on. They’d say, “Hi, Serena,” and all I could manage was a squeaky, “Hello,” in return.

We became friends because I tutored him in math. He had mild dyslexia and he’d reverse his numbers when factoring quadratic equations.

Alex wasn’t like a lot of jocks in our school. He was nice to everyone, even the geeky kids like me. He’d talk to anyone and didn’t believe in all that clique bullshit a lot of popular kids did. Another reason I had the major hots for him.

“You make it look so simple,” he’d tell me during our tutoring sessions, smiling that panty-melting smile. “I wish I had your brains, Serena.”

I’d get all flustered and hope I wasn’t blushing fire hydrant red. “You’re getting a lot better at factoring.” My voice would raise an octave as I told him this. “Practice makes perfect.”

“I’ll never be as smart as you.” Those powder blue eyes would bore into me. Was he undressing me with them? How I hoped.

“Everyone’s smart in their own way, Alex. Don’t put yourself down.”

Again that panty-melting smile would flash. Had I only been braver, I’d have begged him to tear off my clothes and take me right there, on my mom’s kitchen table.

Never in a million years did I think he’d become my stepbrother. But here it was, one year after graduation, and my mom was marrying Alex’s dad.

Fate has a warped sense of humor.

Mom informed me we’d be putting our little house up for sale and moving. She flashed me her diamond ring and squealed like a little girl. “Isn’t it gorgeous, sweetie?”

I gulped. “You’re getting married?”

Her head nodded like a bobble doll. “David asked me last night. I said yes, of course.”

My eyes were still glued to that massive diamond as I thought about Alex. “Of course.”

Alex’s dad, David Hemminger, owned a chain of grocery stores. He wasn’t a billionaire but he was definitely wealthy. All of Mom’s dreams had come true. She and David had met when she started working at one of his local stores. She’d quickly become the manager of EZ FOODS and David had taken notice. Before long, Mom was out every weekend with him.

“Do you mind making yourself something to eat tonight, sweetie?” she’d say as she got ready for another date.

“Not at all. Go have fun, Mom.”

I was happy to see her happy. Mom had struggled a lot as a single parent. She’d given up so much for me. I wanted her to enjoy life, and I was ecstatic she had a man in her life who pampered her.

But I didn’t expect him to become my stepfather so soon. Not that I minded my mom getting married, but living with Alex? That was going to be a huge test for my libido and nerves.

We got along great, since we had a lot in common. He loved the same video games as me, the same music, and the same movies. We’d become buddies and often hung out playing Call of Duty, when he wasn’t banging a cheerleader. But we’d never touched—not intimately. Sure, a hug here, some play wrestling there, but nothing more, much to my disappointment.

Guys like him didn’t want girls like me, though. Curvy girls who were too shy to go for what they wanted. Popular jocks went for the skinny, super-hot girls, and that was what Alex got.

I sighed, thinking of the torture it would be to listen to him bang another blonde hottie while I tried to sleep in my new bedroom.

Moving day arrived two weeks before the wedding. I was so nervous I nearly puked.

David and Alex came over with a U-HAUL trailer and loaded it up for me and Mom. My tongue practically hung out of my mouth as I watched Alex working with his dad. His tight white tank top clung to his rippling muscles. As the day wore on, it stuck to his sweat soaked skin and showed me everything. I closed my eyes and pictured licking his tiny pink nipples through that soft fabric. It almost made me moan out loud.

“You daydreaming when you should be working, Serena?” he teased.

My eyes fluttered open and heat crept up the back of my neck. “Ahh…no…yes…kinda.” I bit my lip to stop the words tumbling from my mouth.

That killer smile stretched across his face. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from my face and I almost died right there. A maddening tingle spread between my legs. I wanted him to satisfy that itch.

“Must’ve been something naughty. Your ears are bright red.”

I couldn’t answer that. My throat closed off and I had to look away. I was afraid the lust in my gaze would give me away.

He chuckled then went to grab another box. Good. I could breathe again.

David owned a luxurious home in what my Granny Porter used to call Snobsville, meaning only the rich in our small town could live there. His house was a two story rancher with big white columns out front. Its exterior was part brick, part white siding. Just thinking about living there gave me goose bumps for more than one reason. Mom and I had lived in a tiny eight hundred square foot home for all of my life. Granny Porter had willed it to us, and when she’d still been alive, she and I had shared a bedroom. For the first time ever, I’d have my very own room. A luxury I’d never dreamed of before.

I’d picked it out a couple days ago, when Mom brought me over to see the place for the first time. Sure, I’d been there before when I tutored Alex, but I’d never been in every room of the house. The bedroom I picked out was bigger than the kitchen in our old place. My jaw dropped as Mom showed me through the lavish great room, amazing kitchen with real oak cabinets, and the opulent main bathroom with Jacuzzi tub. I even had my own bathroom in my bedroom!

And, of course, I picked the bedroom right next to Alex’s. What can I say? I’m a masochist, obviously. Secretly I dreamed of catching sneak peeks of him in his underwear. Just the thought made my sex throb and I nearly swooned. I squeezed my legs together as Alex carried a box up the stairs for me, but that didn’t help alleviate the tension down below.

“Where do you want this one?”

I watched his muscles strain under the weight of the heavy box. God, I’d never been so jealous of cardboard.

Shaking my head, I scattered my erotic daze. “Over by the nightstand,” I croaked.

As he went to set it down, the carton tumbled from his grip and the contents scattered over the floor. My bright pink body wand hit the base of the nightstand with a loud thump.

Pleasedon’tlethimseeit! Pleasedon’tlethimseeit! Pleasedon’t—

Alex’s eyes glued to the vibrator and my face blazed hotter than a thousand suns.

He bent to pick it up. That sexy grin spread wide, crinkling the skin at the corners of his eyes.

“Wellll…” He held up the sex toy and pinned me with those baby blues. “Never pegged you for the type, sis.”

“I’m not your sister.” Lurching forward, I snatched the wand from his hand. “What, you thought I was a prude?”

He wore a sheepish expression. “Yeah. Kinda.”

“Geez, thanks, Alex. Some friend you are.”

“Sorry.” He held up his hands in mock surrender, his gaze still focused on my vibrator. “You’ve got your nose buried in a book all the time, and you don’t get out much. Figured—”

“What?” I seethed. “That a girl like me would never have a sex drive?”

“No, no, not that.” His gentle voice smoothed my embarrassment. “I’m sorry. Nice to discover there’s more to you than that good girl routine you put on.”

His fingers closed around my shoulder and the heat seemed to melt my bones. I became hyper aware of his touch, and the fact I still held a bright pink vibrator. I almost forgot to breathe.

Pulling away from him, I dashed toward my nightstand and shoved the wand in the only drawer. My hands shook and my heart thudded so loudly it threatened to give me a headache.

“There’s a lot more to me than you know.” The words tumbled from my lips before I could stop them.

“Is that right?” White teeth flashed. He looked every inch the big bad wolf as he sauntered toward me. “Now we’ll be living together, I’ll work on discovering your secrets.”

His lips inched closer. Closer. Hot breath that smelled of cinnamon fanned my cheeks. His cologne—just a hint of scent that reminded me of the sea—teased my nostrils. My pussy flinched as his strong, wide palms slid up my arms and cupped my shoulders. He drew me nearer and my eyelids fluttered closed as his mouth softly brushed over mine.

“Kids,” my mother called, interrupting us at the worst time. “What do you want for dinner?”

Alex stepped back from me and I blinked rapidly as Mom appeared in the doorway. Why couldn’t she have waited five more minutes? Damn it!

“Ummm…ahhhh…pizza?” I shook my head, hoping to clear the last of this horned up daze from my mind.

“Fried chicken and potato salad,” Alex said.

He looked unfazed by our recent near kiss, and I hated him for it. Of course, he kissed at least a dozen girls a week, so why should I matter? He was just playing with me and I knew that.

David appeared beside Mom. “Flip a coin.” He grinned. “Heads or tails.”

“Heads,” I called out as he flipped a quarter into the air then caught it on the back of his hand.

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