Golden Change

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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Golden Change

Kylie Duncan has had difficulty adjusting to living on a sexually permissive planet with her husband Aiden, but her hardest challenge is yet to come. Aiden found love in the most unexpected place when he broke his planet's traditions and married a woman from Earth.

When he informs her that he wants them to host a young man to live with them, for what he calls a “golden change,” she doesn’t hesitate. When she learns the young man will change physically resulting from their sexual relationship with him she is shocked.

Jacob Hayden finds the couple intriguing and is surprised when he realizes that he is falling in love with Kylie and Aiden.

On this strange planet, will Kylie open herself to the possibility of loving more than one man, will Aiden allow his heart to be open to another person, and will Jacob find that the love he feels for them will overcome his societies prejudice?

Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

73,938 words








Lynn B. Davidson










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IMPRINT: Ménage and More




Copyright © 2014 by Lynn B. Davidson

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-577-4


First E-book Publication: April 2014


Cover design by Harris Channing

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Golden Change
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This book is dedicated to my loving and supportive husband. Even though our lives will never be mistaken for a romance novel, you will always be the hero of my heart.

Table of Contents




Copyright © 2014






Chapter 1


Kylie looked at her naked reflection. Nervous flutters ran through her stomach. She put her hand on her abdomen, trying to quell her anxiety. Taking a deep breath, she took an objective look at herself. Normally she didn’t worry too much about her appearance, but tonight she was attending a formal event.

She liked her hair, copper-colored, straight, falling long past her shoulders. She had pale ivory skin that was unfortunately covered with freckles. Her body was toned from exercise, only slightly curvy with high, pert breasts.

She leaned into the mirror to take a closer look at her face. If there was any one thing she could change about her image it would be to get rid of her freckles.

Giving a large sigh, she started selecting small strands of hair, winding them up in hot curlers. When her hair was set, she looked over her selection of scented lotions. She liked the lotions with slight citrus scent best, but since tonight was a formal occasion she chose the floral scent instead.

She squirted a dollop into her hand. She smoothed the cream on her feet, up her legs, relishing the smooth feel of no hair or stubble, especially when she applied lotion to her smooth pussy lips. Her legs and pussy were bare, thanks to a special implement Aiden had used on her the night before they were married. Her legs and pussy were as bare as the day her hair was removed, which was over a year ago.

Applying lotion was a task Aiden performed almost every evening. Tonight, though, she wanted the time to think as she prepared.

The formal occasion they were attending was being held at the convention center. In attendance would be some of the city’s most important citizens. She had interacted a few times with this high-society group, but didn’t feel at all comfortable around them.

She wanted to look her best. No matter what she did though, there would be those to whom she would never be acceptable due to her earthly heritage.

The purpose of the event was to introduce young men to couples who would host them for a year during their internship. Kylie was nervous these young men might not want to live with a host family that included an earthling.

Aiden had been a senior officer in the military in the Space Division. He was respected by those he served as well as those who served him. He retired from active service after arriving to his home. His current job was a military advisor and diplomat.

All of the men at this party were hoping to get into the diplomacy field, or hoping to continue on into the Military Space Academy. They came from all over the planet wanting to get into an internship in this city, where the Embassy and Space Academy were located. They also hoped to find host couples who would have good connections.

When she was finished with her lotion, she looked over her meager supply of cosmetics. She hadn’t found a concealer on the planet, but admitted to herself that Aiden wouldn’t have liked her to wear it anyway. For as much as she hated her freckles, he loved them. He didn’t want makeup hiding her freckles or her blushes. She used a little touch of neutral-colored eye shadow and blush.

Testing her hair, she pulled a curler out to find her hair was dry and a perfect spiral. She unwound each strand as she pulled out her curlers. She bent over to hang her head down, clamping a diamond circlet around her hair. When she stood up, all of her curls were in the center of the circlet cascading down.

When she was finished, she padded into her walk-in closet to select a gown. She pulled off the hook her most formal gown. Careful not to disturb her hair, she pulled the gown over her head, smoothing the dress over her body. She turned to look in the full-length mirror.

She was always so surprised to see herself wear the gowns traditional to the women on this planet. The bodice of her dress was made of stretchy white transparent fabric. It cupped her breasts, giving her some support. The support only enhanced her cleavage, lifting and squishing her breasts together. The transparent fabric did nothing to hide the dusky pink color of her nipples.

Under the bodice, lace fabric flowed down to the floor. The front of the dress was split up the middle almost to the apex of her legs

When she had first come to live on the planet, she had been unprepared for the sexuality displayed by its people. Coming from what she found out was a conservative earth hadn’t helped. Nor had the ordeal she had suffered as a slave when she was taken from earth. She was slated to go to a planet called Germain and serve in the mines. Aiden’s security ship had conquered the slave ship and rescued her from slavery, and most likely a premature death.

Their entire courtship had been on his ship. The crew had been all male, so she had no basis for understanding his culture. She had been ignorant of the clothing he thought normal. With an all-male ship, there hadn’t been any female garments on board. She had worn his shirts with a belt around them for her clothing. Aiden was so much taller than she was, the shirts made a passable dress.

When he brought her to his house, he surprised her with boxes of fancy negligees. She was surprised when she found out they weren’t negligees at all, but the regular clothes women wore here. When she asked where the panties were, his response was a smile. The only time she wore panties was when she was having her courses or was playing sports.

She was also surprised by his clothing, or lack thereof, after they landed. The pants he did wear when not in uniform were just as revealing as the dresses she wore. He also walked around naked a good portion of the time.

His pants were made of white fabric, similar to the bodice of her gowns. The fabric was slightly less transparent than her gowns, but had the same elastic quality. The pants molded tight to his body. She could see every ridge of his cock, the shape of his balls and the crack of his ass.

Aiden’s crew pants were tight, and she could tell when he was aroused, but these pants left nothing to the imagination. She had teased him they were his “here’s my penis” pants when she had first seen them.

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