Golden Change (21 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

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“They’ll only clash if you run into me,” he said dryly.

In the end, Kylie chose a short cream gown. The sheer fabric, which cupped her breasts, wasn’t as stiff as last night’s dress so her breasts weren’t sticking straight out. It still pushed them into having cleavage, but was way more comfortable. The torso was a stretchy tight-fitting sheer fabric that clung to right under her ass, and was a little lower in front since it went straight across rather than gathering at her pubic bone.

Again, they took two cars to the party. Since it was such a short drive they sat in the front seats, but Jacob did a pretty good job of playing with her nipples so they were tight buds when they got there.


* * * *


The Websters’ house looked huge from the outside. They were announced as they entered through the door. Victoria and Sylvia, whom she had met last night, were chatting at the front of what looked to be a large receiving line. Aiden and Silas, Sylvia’s husband, shook hands and greeted each other warmly. After the formal introductions, Sylvia introduced them to her daughter Amelia. Sylvia smiled at Jacob as she made the introduction and Amelia seemed to be more than pleased as well. “Amelia remembers you from last night,” Sylvia said. “I’m sure you met so many girls, but perhaps you would like to acquaint yourself with her later?” She hinted.

“Of course,” Jacob said politely.

Amelia’s long blonde hair was pinned up and she was wearing a similar gown to the ones the girls had worn last night for the coming-out celebration. She bowed her head and blushed.

Next in the receiving line were Walter and Betsy. Kylie’s stomach churned as Aiden shook Walter’s hand and asked about his bum knee.

“It’s getting better every day,” Walter said. “Of course I know Jacob, here! He’s been over once to visit Peter.” He shook Jacob’s hand vigorously.

Her grip had tightened on Aiden’s arm, waiting for a slight, but instead she heard Walter say, “Kylie, you look lovely tonight. You remember my wife Betsy, don’t you?” Walter was smiling warmly but Betsy looked like she was bored.

“Nice to see you again,” Betsy stated, though it was still obvious her statement was far from the truth.

“Nice to see you again too,” she stated against a lump in her throat.

She heard a clucking noise coming from Sylvia’s direction at the less-than-warm reception her daughter-in-law had given her.

Kylie breathed a sigh of relief when the receiving line was over. This party was less formal than last night’s lavish affair. It wasn’t a dinner, but light snacks and drinks were on a table.

Aiden had been stopped by a colleague as they entered the grotto area. She couldn’t eat past the lump in her throat, so she and Jacob only grabbed a glass of wine each. They had left the bustle of the party, which was starting to spill into the grotto courtyard.

Jacob had found a large, padded chair near a quiet pool. He pulled her onto his lap as he sat down. He gathered her into his embrace, murmuring loving words until she relaxed. He was petting her breasts with tender strokes over the fabric of her bodice.

A loud screech made them look up to see Jacob’s friend Randy pulling up a chair next to theirs. The screech was the sound of him pulling up his chair. Once settled, he and a lady who she assumed was his host wife sat down on his lap.

“This is Vivi,” he said as he introduced her to Jacob and Kylie. She exchanged hellos with Vivi.

“It’s great to see you, Kylie,” Randy continued.

“You too,” she said, giving him a smile. Really, when she thought about it, she was making friends. More and more people seemed accepting of her than she first realized. Vivi was smiling warmly and had asked where she had gotten her gown.

Vivi’s gown was a short sheer gown that hung from her body, cupping curves by showing no definition.

The all looked over as Dylan pulled over a chair to make their chairs a semicircle. He had a girl on his arm who appeared to be a girl who had newly come out, but when he introduced her as Marie, he said she had her come out the previous year. She sat next to Dylan. Her gown was opaque and hung to her knees.

Soon their semicircle included Matt and Lucas, who both came forward kissing her cheek before pulling chairs for themselves and two girls, Alice and Minnie, who had come out the other night. They were blushing as they sat in a chair together. Matt and Lucas sat on either side of them.

Jacob continued to pet her breasts as he talked with the others in the group. They mostly talked amongst themselves but tried valiantly to engage the two new girls into conversation. The two girls mostly giggled and blushed. The girl who was sitting with Dylan seemed somewhat more mature than the other girls.

Jacob seemed in no hurry to bring things along. He seemed content to pet Kylie’s breasts, only occasionally giving her nipples a little pinch. Randy, on the other hand, had his hand on Vivi’s sex and was petting her clit. The young girls looked transfixed as he opened her folds and stuck a finger deep in her channel. Vivi gave a low moan. She had reached up and was playing with her own nipples as she sat on his knee with her pussy wide open.

She began to squirm as Randy rubbed her clit faster with the finger of one hand and three fingers inside her with his other hand. She shuddered into a quiet climax. She got up and knelt between his thighs and, opening the button that held his pants together, pulled back the fabric to expose Randy’s cock and balls. His cock jumped forward as she released it. She stroked him slowly.

Kylie peeked over at the others. They were all staring at Randy and Vivi. The two new girls were riveted. They had actually sat up in their seat higher to get a better look. They looked at each other and smiled. The older girl was watching too, but trying to act nonchalant about it.

Vivi straddled his thighs as she sank onto his cock. They both groaned. She set the pace, offering her nipples to his mouth as she rose and fell on his straining cock. She bounced on his cock until they both cried out their climax. After resting a moment she lifted herself up, pulling free of his cock and letting his golden cum drain out onto his now-flaccid dick.

She left her breasts exposed, as she bid them all a good night. She walked off, saying she was going to find her husband.

Kylie watched the girls squirm as she saw they were still staring at Randy’s flaccid cock. He seemed to be in no hurry to close the flap of his pants. Aiden had come up behind them and turned her head up so she could see him. Jacob looked up as well.

“I’m going to have to do some business tonight,” he explained with an apologetic smile. “I’m going to be able to use Silas’s office, though, so I won’t be far.”

“I’ll look after Kylie for you, sir,” Jacob promised. She heard one of the girls sigh at his earnest declaration.

Aiden leaned down and kissed Jacob, then kissed her. Kylie opened her mouth, kissing him deeply. He pushed her gown off her breasts, fondling her as he kissed her before pulling back. “Don’t leave without me. Call me if you need me,” Aiden told Jacob.

The boys’ conversation resumed. It sounded like the revolt going on on Germain was becoming serious. The Germains had contacted the Zehavians and said they had a high-value prisoner they wanted to use as collateral in a peace agreement.

Jacob was still petting her breasts with one hand, while the other was rubbing her back. Remembering the instructions Victoria had given her, she moved her legs to straddle his thigh, her back still resting on his chest.

“Are you chilly?” he asked her.

“Not yet,” Kylie replied.

She closed her eyes, relaxing in the safety of Jacob’s arms. Jacob had moved one of his hands to rest on the top of her pussy. Eventually he used his to fingers to open her pussy lips so she splayed open her thighs for him. Heat from her pussy was cooled by the air. She opened her eyes slightly and saw Dylan had coaxed the girl he was sitting with to sit on his lap and the two other girls were still in their own seats, but eyes were glued on her.

Dylan’s fingers were circling the girl’s nipples, bringing them to hard peaks.

Kylie squirmed a little uncontrollably when she realized Jacob was only going to be petting her outer lips, neglecting her inner lips and clit.

The boys continued to talk, so she let the conversation flow around her. Kylie looked over at the two girls and instead of focusing on the two boys next to them, they had turned in slightly so their breasts were touching. Lucas and Matt were trying to get their attention by siting back, letting their hard cocks press against their pants. Dylan’s hands had slipped the fabric of the girl’s dress down, fondling her naked breasts.

Kylie almost groaned in pleasure when she felt Jacob cover her pussy with his whole hand and his other arm covered her breasts. Her eyes flew open when she realized something wasn’t right. She was shocked to see Cheryl standing next to Dylan’s chair. Jacob was trying to cover her sex and nipples.

“Isn’t this cozy?” She sneered as she took in Randy’s exposed cock, Jacob valiantly trying to cover her body, the two girls rubbing themselves together, and Dylan with his hands covering the girl’s breasts.

They all straightened a little uncomfortably, though they were doing nothing wrong. Cheryl had a glass of wine in her hand and flung back her head as she gulped the rest down.

“I was going to see if you needed me, Dylan, but I guess you’ve got someone new now,” she said disdainfully.

Kylie could see Dylan whisper “it’s okay” in Marie’s ear, but she looked ready to bolt. Alice and Minnie excused themselves quickly, saying their mothers were probably looking for them.

Mason had come up next to Cheryl, looking extremely uncomfortable. “Hello all,” he said to the group. The boys all said good evening, but her jaw was tightly shut.

“I’m glad to see you enjoying yourselves,” he continued. “I was coming to tell Cheryl we need to go home.”

“Why?” Cheryl asked belligerently. She had snagged another glass of wine from a passing waiter, throwing that one back, too.

“I, uh…” Mason said, obviously trying to think of a good excuse. “I was thinking you might enjoy…” He paused again.

She swayed a little on her feet, seemingly oblivious to the crowd that was gathering. Soon they were also joined by Sylvia and Silas, who looked disgusted, though they stayed silent.

“I thought you looked a little peaked,” Mason said, obviously changing ideas. “I thought an early bed tonight and a spa day tomorrow…” he finished.

She looked at Mason, her eyes going in and out of focus. “I do need a spa day,” she stated.

He held out his hand to her. She took it, seemingly forgetting why she had come over in this direction.

The boys all stood, including Jacob, smoothing Kylie’s dress as he did. Kylie fixed her top as she shared a commiserating look with Marie. Jacob still had her hand in his. Marie left as soon as she was standing. Jacob was the first to say, “I’m sorry, Dylan.”

Aiden had finished his business and had wandered over to see it all. He looked at where Cheryl and Mason were leaving and offered Dylan a spare bedroom.

“That’d be great,” he said.

It was a solemn ride home, Aiden and Kylie in the front and Jacob and Dylan in back. She showed Dylan into one of their guest suites. She opened the bottom drawer of the dresser, pulling out pillows out and throwing them on the bed.

Dylan and Jacob were standing in the door, Dylan looking defeated. “I hope everything in the room is okay. We’ve never used this room before,” she informed him.

Dylan shrugged. Kylie walked over and enveloped him in a hug. “You can stay as long as you want,” she informed him. He placed a kiss on her head. She stepped back and Jacob wrapped her into his arms.

They left Dylan in his room and joined Aiden in their room.

He was lying on the bed with his pants still on. “What’s up?” Jacob asked him.

“I’m not sure. We’ve been in more communication with Germain in the past few weeks than we have in the past year. They’ve been hinting they have a hostage who is a royal prisoner.” He sat back up. “We can’t figure out why they would say something like that. It’s unlikely they do. Either someone is pretending to be royal, or we’ve got a royal out there unaccounted for.”

“Could it be an old man, one who fought when they invaded?” Jacob asked.

“Maybe,” Aiden admitted. “He would be a really old man, though, and why would they want to trade him now when they would have had him for fifty-plus years?” He had gotten up and started getting undressed.

“I may have to go to the palace,” Aiden said.

“Oh, do you have to?” Kylie couldn’t keep the pleading out of her voice.

“I don’t want to, but they need me. I am one of the only active-duty diplomats who also has the security clearance to look into this.” He turned to Jacob.

“Do you need me to come as well?” Jacob asked.

“No, I’ll need you to look after Kylie,” he said. She had walked over and flopped onto the bed next to him. It would be the first time they would be apart for any length of time since they had met.

“I’ll be home on weekends, though.” Aiden pulled her head towards his to kiss.

“Okay,” she said, putting on her brave face, though it was probably wasn’t very convincing.

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