Golden Change (18 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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Kylie had to remember not to genuflect when entering the pew. She was surprised at how plain the temple was as she looked around in curiosity. Instead of ornate mosaics, stained glass windows, or even gold sconces, everything was plain white. The ceiling was high and there were skylights and high windows on the wall, but no color. The pews were solid wood, with no carvings or inlaid wood.

There were no scriptures in the back of the pew in front and no songbooks. Kylie hadn’t really researched the Zehavian religion. There was some kind of altar at the front, though, and chairs set to the side like where a choir would sit.

The only things that could be considered even slightly ornamental were the organ pipes.

People in general were quiet in the temple, so she didn’t feel the pressure to make conversation. Kylie saw some of Jacob’s friends as they found their seats. They winked at her if they caught her eye. She smiled back.

Soon the entire crowd hushed into complete silence as a priest came forward onto the stage. He was wearing white robes with a purple sash around his waist. He gave a simple welcome before nodding to an attendant to open a door that came from the side of the temple. The crowd stood as one. Kylie tried to look to see what was happening, but couldn’t see around the tall Zehavians in front of her. When she sat down, though, she saw that about fifteen people wearing purple and gold were now seated at the front of the temple. At first, she thought they might be the choir until her sense returned and she realized this must be the royal family.

After the organ had started playing, Kylie noticed people were turning their heads back up the aisle. She did so, too, and saw a multitude of young girls in white dresses coming up the aisle two astride. They each had a long veil covering their face. The veil was so long it fell to brush the floor as they walked.

The girls were announced one by one and as they came forward, the priest said some kind of blessing on them, then lifted their veils. The girls would then give the priest a bow, walk across to the royal family and bow deep to them, then walk to the front of the crowd and bow to them. After, they walked off to the side of the stage and filed into the first two pews.

It is like any typical graduation, Kylie thought. There were two girls who spoke about their dreams and ambitions, a musical quartette played a short piece, and the organ played while the girls all sung their class song. The priest had some words of encouragement and admonition for them. Kylie tuned out most of it and daydreamed instead. Years in church on earth had taught her how to tune out what was going on and find solace in her dream world. All in all, it was one of the shorter graduations she had gone to.

The priest announced them as women. The girls filed out of the temple past the crowd. Kylie watched as they processed past them. Their gowns were slightly opaque now that they no longer had a veil over them. The color of their nipples and pubic hair were slightly visible under the draped gowns. Many of them looked twice at Jacob as they passed by.

The crowd dispersed from the front first so the families could be with their girls. Some had waves for Victoria and some of the men greeted Aiden as they passed by. Kylie was grateful when it was their turn to stand and exit. When she stood, her dress had ridden up slightly. She turned a pleading eye to Aiden. He cupped her waist, running his hands down, pulling her torso and hips and pulling the gown as he did.

Kylie grinned at him. The crowd grew thicker towards the back, as more and more people wanted to visit along the way. They were stopped along the way by people who wanted to greet them. The general and Victoria were leading them as they went, making important introductions.

There was a receiving line after the ceremony set up in a parlor across the hall from the temple. They met a dizzying array of families with young girls. Some girls were shy and some were bold, but they all seemed to be enamored of Jacob. They might have been enamored with Aiden as well except for the scowl he had set in place for the girls to keep their distance.

Since their fathers couldn’t present their hands for every person who greeted them, the girls bowed in introduction instead. Kylie was sure some of the more bold girls had bowed lower when introduced to Jacob. They shrugged their shoulders together during the bow, showing Jacob more of their cleavage. The first time one had done so, he had a shocked and surprised look on his face. Aiden had chuckled, which caused the girls to stand up straight right away, looking somewhat embarrassed at Aiden’s reaction.

They had found seats at a table near the center of the room close to the buffet table. Victoria had scoped it out, making a beeline for the empty table. The others went through the buffet line, choosing delicacies. Kylie wasn’t sure what some of the dishes were, so Aiden chose the ones he thought she might prefer, as well as the fruit and breads he knew she loved. As they sat at the table, Mason came and asked if his family could join them as well. Soon Mason, Cheryl, and Dylan sat down. Kylie sat on Aiden’s lap to make room for them.

The conversation was polite if a bit stilted. For once Kylie was glad for Victoria talking so much, since she carried most of the conversation. Kylie was so nervous she sat straight-backed on Aiden’s lap. He began to rub her back and thighs, trying to calm her nerves. Kylie was chewing each bite of food for so long, though, the food grew dry in her mouth before she could swallow. Aiden gave her a sip of wine to help her wash it down.

Dylan had tried to draw Kylie into conversation, but she could only smile tightly as she answered his questions. His encouraging smile only made her more anxious though, realizing if he was sensing her anxiety they probably all were. Kylie tried as much as possible to blend into a scene, but was feeling like she was more noticeable than ever.

Jacob too was in tune with her nervousness. He finished his food in record time. “Do you want to walk around the courtyard, Kylie?” he asked. He looked between Aiden and her.

“I’ll come and catch up with you later.” Aiden kissed her before helping her stand on her feet while giving her dress the smooth-down. Kylie smiled over her shoulder at him as Jacob held out his arm.

Victoria had nodded her approval of Jacob’s decision. Kylie knew she was happy he was walking around in hopes of gathering attention, not rescuing her from being uncomfortable, but she didn’t care.

They walked into the courtyard, which must have been as big as a football field. Small seating areas sat amongst faux streams, small pools, and waterfalls. Since it was growing dark, the area was filled with lanterns giving off soft, glowing light. Kylie loved it. She wanted to walk along all of the streams, stand beside the waterfalls, and look into the small pools.

Some of the smaller pools were filled with light and they could see fish swimming in their depths. She grew more relaxed with every moment she spent alone with Jacob. They chatted about the ceremony and other topics that were innocuous. Soon more and more people were coming to the courtyard as they finished their dinners. They were stopped by people whom they knew or had been introduced to earlier.

Jacob always kept her arm tight in his, to her relief, and didn’t draw her into their conversation unless necessary. Many of the women and girls were anxious to hear where she had gotten her gown.

Waiters were walking around with glasses of sparkling wine, which she declined. By the time Aiden caught up to them, it seemed like the party was in full swing. They had been chatting with a few of Jacob’s fellow cadets. Some of the newly come-out girls were hovering around them. Most of these boys had been to their house to play ball and so Kylie felt very comfortable with them. She felt open and animated as she joked with them.

“There is someone I’d like you to meet, Kylie,” Aiden said as he joined the group.

Kylie bid the group good-bye as she took Aiden’s arm and he led her away. She wasn’t sure where they were going, but she pointed out different favorite pools and bridges as they walked. “Do you think we can have a fish pond, too?” she asked Aiden when they stopped at one pool.

“Hmm,” he hummed as he pretended to think about it. “A pool would be hard to install, don’t you think?”

“How hard do you think it would be?” she asked, turning to press her body into what was becoming his hard erection.

“Very hard,” he replied gravely. He pressed a leg to come between her thighs, lifting her slightly so she could feel his hard erection between them. She had wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him.

“You make me forget myself,” he said as he set her down and smoothed down her dress.

He escorted her over to where the royal family was sitting. To the side sat a very pregnant princess. When she saw Aiden and Kylie approaching, she stood slowly. The man standing behind her chair helped her up when he saw her struggling.

Aiden bowed low as he approached, and Kylie followed suit. The princess inclined her head slightly, as did the gentleman. “Aiden,” the princess exclaimed, and pulled him into a tight hug. “It is so wonderful to see you!”

Aiden kissed her cheek. “I’m so glad to see you as well.” He shook the gentleman’s hand and greeted him cordially.

“I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Kylie,” Aiden said as he turned slightly. He lifted her hand for the gentleman to kiss.

“This is Julian and his wife, Princess Tyanna.” Kylie bowed to them again. “Tyanna is Tyler’s twin sister.” Kylie saw him swallow hard, knowing he still missed Tyler deeply.

Tyanna, too, seemed to know how hard it was for Aiden. They shared a sad smile. She rubbed her hands over her pregnant belly.

“You should sit,” Julian indicated to his wife’s chair as well as two chairs across from them. Princess Tyanna sat down none too gracefully, as did Aiden as he sat Kylie on his lap.

Kylie liked the princess. She included her in the conversation easily, drawing her out of her shyness. She told her they should go rescue Jacob soon, since by now most of the girls would have dampened their gowns and might try to drag him behind a waterfall and have their wicked way with him.

“Why do they dampen their gowns?” Kylie asked her.

“The girls, who want to show a little more of their assets, stand next to waterfalls so the water dampens their gowns. It makes the gowns more transparent, and the fabric clings better to their breasts. The cold water also hardens their nipples.” Tyanna chuckled. “Not that I would know of course.” She winked Kylie. “We of course don’t have to dampen our gowns.” She looked at Kylie’s full breasts, her nipples swollen.

“I think I need to visit your tailor,” she told Kylie. “I like the style of your gown, and how it holds your girls up.”

“Yup,” Aiden agreed. “I got tired of doing this,” he joked as he cupped Kylie’s breasts from below as if he was holding them in place.

Julian smiled. “Perhaps I should hold yours instead?” he teased his wife.

She smiled back. “Either way,” she said, as if she could take it or leave it.

“We probably should go and keep an eye on Jacob’s virtue,” Aiden joked as he lifted Kylie off his lap, standing up too. Thankfully, he remembered to smooth her skirt down when she got up again. They gave their farewells to the royal couple, heading back to where they left Jacob.

Sure enough, he and three other cadets were sitting on couches in a grotto visiting. A few girls were watching them, trying to act inconspicuous on the other side of the stream, but not doing a good job of it. The young men also seemed to be aware of the girls, though not trying to show it.

One of the cadets who Kylie didn’t know had a woman on his knee. She appeared to be a little older. Kylie thought she must be his host wife. He pet her exposed pussy while visiting with the other young men, a smile on his face. The woman’s eyes were closed, giving over to the pleasure he was giving her.

Victoria intercepted them before they could go over. She nodded her head at the boys. “Kylie, make sure you put on a good show for the girls,” she admonished.

Aiden stepped in. He didn’t like it when he realized Victoria might only see Kylie as an ornament to help advance Jacob. “Kylie, why don’t you go and join them, I’d like to have a few words with Victoria.”

“Okay,” Kylie said uncertainly. She looked over her shoulder at the tense conversation Aiden and Victoria seemed to be having.

Jacob looked up, smiling broadly as Kylie approached. He looked behind her to see Aiden and his grandmother in some kind of showdown. He then saw his grandfather step into the conversation and knew he would have a mediating influence on his grandmother. He opened his arms for Kylie. She sat carefully on his lap, trying to remember the instructions from Victoria.

She had pulled the gown to the side as she sat, making sure her bottom was bare on his leg. Her legs were not covering his cock. She curled into his arms when she was sure she had remembered everything.

He kissed her temple and whispered in her ear, “It is okay, sweetheart. I think my grandmother doesn’t understand. I love you and love touching you, not as a spectacle but because I want to.” He began petting her breasts over the fabric of her bodice. “I don’t want to show them how much I can do for you, but how much you do for me.”

Kylie looked up at him, uncertain. She was feeling very uncomfortable again. Sure she had been with Aiden and Jacob in public before, even up close in front of other cadets, but this seemed so calculated. She was sitting stiffly on his knee.

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