Golden Change (13 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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Jacob came to stand by Aiden. Aiden met his eyes briefly. He didn’t look like he was over his anger but he had lost some of his cold stare.

“I am Dr. Normandy,” the elder doctor introduced himself as he came to stand on the other side of the bed so he could see all of them.

“I’ve studied both human and Zehavian anatomies, so I think I can address your concerns here. I’ve looked over your chart, Kylie, and your patient history. Yes, this is the second time you have had this kind of infection in over a year, but I don’t think it is something that should affect your ongoing health.

“I’ve been looking at studies the planet Germain. They have a large population of Zehavian men and earth women who are able to have intercourse without the women having as many infection consequences. One doctor has had a great success with an oral drug for earthly women. You will still need to test regularly and use the oils, but especially with you having intercourse with two men I think it will help dramatically.”

“Germain, that’s the planet where I was to go,” Kylie said. “Do humans marry many of the men there?” she asked.

“I don’t know how to say this to you,” Aiden explained. “They aren’t married to the women. The women are their concubines. You weren’t slated to work in the mines like you thought, you were going to be one of the women chained in the sleeping quarters for the men.”

Kylie’s mouth fell open in shock. She looked from one man to the other, as if Aiden couldn’t be correct.

Dr. Normandy looked embarrassed. “It’s true,” he said with chagrin. “There are very few women on the planet, and the earthly women are brought to slake the men’s lust. The women don’t live long there, but they want to keep them as healthy as possible while they have some value.”

Kylie looked horrified.

“We aren’t on diplomatic terms with them, sweet. We intercepted the ship you were on because they enslave people from our planet’s colonies.”

“The men are captured to work in the mines,” Dr. Normandy explained. “There has recently been a revolt there, though. Hopefully our men will be able to come home.”

“Hopefully the earthly women will as well!” Kylie interjected.

“Of course,” he said. His face clearly showed how concerned he would be about the mental health of any woman who had returned from such an ordeal

Dr. Normandy pulled out his minicomputer, punched in a few strokes, and put it to his eye for a security scan. “Your prescription should be delivered later today. I’m going to release you with some notes. I recommend you follow up with Amanda next week.”

Turning on his heel, he left the three to look at each other. The air was thick with uncertainty and a little tension. Breaking the silence Aiden asked, “Jacob, can you call the car to the front for us?”

“Of course,” he answered. Jacob turned and left the room to go to the entrance.

By the time the car had pulled around, Kylie had been pushed by Aiden in a hover chair to the entrance. A nurse walked behind them saying, “I’m supposed to push the chair.” Aiden growled at him and he backed off slightly.

Aiden picked Kylie up into his arms. He motioned to Jacob to open the doors. Jacob climbed in and when Aiden passed her to him, he helped her settle against some pillows in the back of the vehicle. Jacob programmed the vehicle to go home.

“Kylie,” Jacob choked out, “I can’t tell you how sorry I am.” His voice cracked as tears pooled in his eyes.

She looked up at him and a swell of emotion filled him as she said, “I love you, Jacob, of course I forgive you.”

Relief filled his heart and he spoke the words which had been building in his heart as well. “I love you too.” They leaned together for a soft kiss.

When they pulled apart Kylie and Jacob both looked at Aiden. Jacob wasn’t sure what was going to happen. He knew their arrangement had been heading past mentors and mentee. It had become more than Aiden helping Jacob with the change. But even with love, the future wasn’t certain. “We’ll talk later,” was the only thing Aiden said.

Aiden gave a soft kiss to Kylie, then gave Jacob one as well. They relaxed as peacefully as they could on the way back to the house.

Kylie fell asleep by the time they reached home. Jacob helped Aiden get Kylie out of the car. Aiden carried her in the house and set her on the bed. She stirred enough so Aiden could remove her hospital gown before settling her in for the night. Kylie had goose bumps on her arms so Aiden pulled a blanket over her.

“I’m beat,” Aiden declared.

“Me too,” Jacob agreed.

Not sure if the arrangements were going to be different, Jacob waited for Aiden to say something as Aiden started to get undressed.

Aiden pulled off his shirt and shucked his pants, knowing Jacob was waiting. He could have asked for privacy, could have asked him to sleep in another room, but instead said “Make sure the alarm is off. I don’t want anything to wake us up tomorrow.”

Aiden slid into the bed next to Kylie, pulling her close. Jacob quickly pulled off his clothes as well, sliding in on the other side. He was trying not to get too close to Kylie, but she muttered, “Come here,” snuggling into him as well.


* * * *


It was dark, and the smell of sweat, urine, and feces was overwhelming. The cage she was in was only big enough for her to sit. Men, alien men, prowled the cages. They were looking for a woman to take, take to the place where she heard women scream in pain. To the place where she heard men taking turns raping the unlucky prisoner. She sat in a crouch with her head down. She heard two men talking, discussing her. “This time maybe we want the redhead after all.”

A rattle of the door indicated a cage was going to be opened and a prisoner was going to hell. She pushed herself far back against the cage but was unable to stop the big men’s meaty hands reaching in. One grabbed her hands and the other her feet, and began pulling her out. Fighting and screaming, she lashed out as hard as she could.

“Kylie! Kylie! Wake up!” she heard Aiden shouting.

When she finally woke, she was still thrashing and sweating. When she saw Aiden, she realized it was a dream. She broke into sobs.

“God,” she heard Jacob mutter.

Aiden held onto her, murmuring words of comfort in her ears.

“Can you go get me a water, Jacob?” Aiden asked.

“Sure,” Jacob replied as he headed to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

When he got back, she had calmed down some. Aiden cradled her in his arms, and she no longer was shaking.

She sat up and took the water from Jacob. Her face was still wet with tears, but she drank down the water.

“Flashbacks,” Aiden explained, without really explaining.

She saw Jacob looked puzzled, but he firmly held his lips together in an apparent effort to keep from asking questions. She was relieved not to have to explain, or hear Aiden explain when everything was so fresh in her mind.

When Jacob was settling back into bed, Aiden’s phone rang.

“Fuck,” he muttered. He answered with a curt, “Aiden Duncan.” He moved to the side of the bed, saying, “Yes, sir. No. I’ll be right in.” He turned off the call with a click and said, “Damn it.”

He looked over at them. Kylie was shocked. This had been the first time he had gotten an urgent call like this in the middle of the night.

“It’s this revolt on Germain. I’ll be back this afternoon.” He pulled his uniform on from the clothes he had dropped next to the bed the night before. “I’m sorry, honey, I have to go in.”

“It’s okay,” she replied with a tremulous smile.

“I’ll be here,” Jacob assured him. Aiden came forward to give them both a kiss then walked out the door.

Jacob dimmed the lights and pulled her towards him, put her water on his bedside table, and settled her in bed, trying to imitate the way Aiden surrounded her when they slept.

She was awake for a long time remembering the nightmare she had lived through, trying not to remember, but she couldn’t let it go either. Maybe it was how sick she had been, but she couldn’t sleep. Her past kept flashing through her mind whenever she closed her eyes.

Kylie fell asleep, falling right back into her nightmare. This time it was Jacob calling her name as she woke up sweating and screaming. Jacob held her tight as she continued to cry and shake for a few more minutes. It was only three in the morning but she was wide awake, scared of sleeping again.

“I don’t want to sleep again,” Kylie admitted to Jacob.

“Me either, “Jacob agreed.

“Do you think we should get up?”

“Yes. I think you should test and then we can, I don’t know, watch something,” Jacob offered.

“Okay,” Kylie agreed. She felt shy around Jacob again. Kylie pulled on her robe, slipping her bunny slippers on before heading to the patio. It was almost like starting over.

Kylie sat on the chaise chair as Jacob got a parchment from the cabinet. When he brought it to her, he held it out for her to take.

He looked worried and Kylie didn’t want to punish him for the day before. She wanted them to go back to the way they were. Kylie lay down on the chaise in front of him, opening her robe and her legs as she did so.

He looked relieved as he pressed the parchment against her pussy. It turned a light pink. He quickly went to get the pink bottle, putting a drop on his finger. He leaned her over, suckling a nipple to his mouth as he rubbed his finger on her clit. He used his other hand to pinch and twist her other nipple. Kylie came almost immediately. She could see he was hard, but nervous. Kylie reached down grabbed his cock and brought it to her channel.

He entered her with a slow, gentle push. Slowly and reverently, he made love, petting her. He turned them over so he was lying on his back. She rode him, letting him finger her clit. He pinched her clit as they both shuddered into climax.

When Kylie got off of him a gush of golden cum flowed out and coated his cock. They used washcloths to clean up. Dr. Normandy had explained that no matter how hot it was to see their golden cum on her, she should at least wash her folds right away. Occasionally if they were showing their mark on her, it was probably okay, but they should try to keep their golden cum only spread on the outer lips of her sex.

“What did you want to watch?” Jacob asked.

“Do you want to watch one of my movies?” Kylie asked.

“Sure,” Jacob agreed.

Kylie went to the kitchen and made them hot chocolate. When she got back to the media room, Jacob was sitting on the recliner couch, bringing up the list of choices of movies under the heading “Kylie’s Favorites”.

Kylie called out the name of the movie she wanted. As it began to load onto the screen, Kylie settled next to Jacob and offered him the hot chocolate.

It wasn’t a few minutes into the movie before she had trouble keeping her eyes open. Without a word, Kylie let the robe she was wearing slip off her body as she climbed up and settled on Jacob’s lap. Jacob pulled a blanket over them. He kicked back the couch into the reclining position and settled her head against his chest.

Kylie slept deeply and at one point must have turned over, because when she heard Aiden get home she found she was lying facedown on Jacob. She thought she might have said something like, “amdlblum.” Aiden kissed her temple and rolled onto the couch with them. She put her hand on his chest and fell back asleep.

Another ringing of the phone woke her up the next morning. This time, though, it was the house phone. They all looked to each other to see who was going to get up and get the phone.

“I’m not getting the phone. I was up all night,” grumbled Aiden.

“I’m not getting the phone because Kylie has me pinned down.” Jacob tried to imitate Aiden’s grumble but ruined it by smiling as he said so.

“I’m not getting the phone because it’s never for me,” Kylie said. “Plus, I’m pinning down Jacob.” Her fake grumble was even worse than Jacob’s.

Even Aiden cracked a smile.

Nobody looked inclined to move. The phone continued to ring until whoever it was gave up. They lay in comfortable silence. Kylie had her head on Jacob’s chest but her eyes were on Aiden. “Kylie,” Jacob started tentatively. She lifted her head to look at him. His blue eyes were swimming with tears. “I really am sorry.”

“I know,” she replied.

“I love and respect you more than you can know,” Jacob continued. “It doesn’t matter to me at all about the other girls, you know. I’m not really interested in looking for any other girls.”

He stroked her hair.

“Oh,” was all she could say. Even though their relationship was reconciling, it still sounded like he might someday leave them.

She looked over at Aiden. He must have understood her hurt and confusion. He didn’t think she had really come to terms in her heart with the fact that Jacob might leave them one day. He gave her a smile back, understanding, but not wanting to give her false hope.

They relaxed throughout the day. They ordered dinner in so she didn’t have to cook. They were all waiting for the food to arrive when the doorbell rang. Kylie was closest, so she got up to answer the door.

Instead of it being the food delivery person, though, it was Dylan.

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