Golden Change (14 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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“Oh,” she said in surprise. She had come in from the pool and was glad she had a towel wrapped around her body. She felt Aiden come and stand behind her. He radiated anger.

“Can I come in?” Dylan asked. “I’d like the chance to talk to both of you.”

Kylie couldn’t help but respond to Dylan, who looked contrite and worried. “Of course,” she said.

Jacob had come in from the courtyard. He seemed surprised to see Dylan as well.

“Why don’t we go to the kitchen,” Kylie suggested. “Would you like something to drink?” she asked. Dylan declined. Jacob and Kylie sat down at the kitchen table, while Aiden stood in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.

Dylan sat at the table across from them. He cleared his throat. “I wanted to say how sorry I am, to you, Kylie, Jacob, Aiden. He looked at each of them as he spoke. “I realized I was jealous, and I was trying to make Jacob jealous.”

“Whatever could you be jealous about?” Kylie wondered aloud.

“Mostly how much love the three of you have,” Dylan admitted. He didn’t want to speak disrespectfully of his host couple. After all, Mason had given him enough gold to change and Cheryl had eased his lust.

He also felt like total shit seeing how sick Kylie must have been. She still had dark circles under her huge eyes and with her wet hair, she looked especially small and vulnerable. “I really respect you, Mrs. Duncan,” Dylan stated. “I hope you can forgive me.”

“Of course I can forgive you,” Kylie said. She gave him a small smile.

The doorbell rang again and this time Kylie was sure it was the food. “Would you like to join us for supper?” she asked.

“No, I have to go.” He nodded his head towards Aiden. Aiden let Dylan out of the house as he took the food from the delivery person.

Chapter 11


The next few months were the best of Kylie’s life. Once she had gotten past her illness, and Aiden and Jacob got over worrying about her all of the time, they settled into a familiar pattern.

To her surprise, Dylan became one of her favorites to have around and they became good friends. Aiden had relaxed around Dylan as well and if he hadn’t totally forgiven him, it wasn’t evident by the way he treated him. Aiden also didn’t feel the need to always be right with her at all times either when the boys were around. He had relaxed his guard somewhat, knowing they all liked and respected her.

“The boys,” as Kylie came to call them, came over every weekend to play ball with Jacob and her. Sometimes they stayed throughout the day, eating lunch and dinner with them. Sometimes they would come over and watch games on the big screen.

After they played on the sport court Kylie would shower in the waterfall. She felt slightly wicked washing in front of them knowing how turned on they were when watching her. After Aiden felt they all respected Kylie, he allowed them to jack themselves off as they watched her. They would pull on their cocks as they watched her, bringing themselves to orgasm.

Aiden had also given his permission for Jacob to have sex with Kylie in front of the boys. Kylie didn’t realize Jacob had to have Aiden’s permission. Aiden explained that even though it was culturally permissible for her to have intercourse with Jacob whenever they wanted, him showing her off while having sex was a special privilege.

One day Dylan redeemed himself slightly in Aiden’s eyes. It was after they had played a hard game of basketball. Kylie had gone to the waterfall, stripped down and let the cool water cascade down her body. She took her time washing her hair before rubbing soap down her body. She paid special attention to her breasts, soaping them again and again. She gave the boys a look beneath her lashes.

They all were all hard, naked, pulling on their cocks as they were watching her. Even Jacob seemed content to pull on himself rather than join her.

Kylie moved her hand down to her folds and parted them to let the water cascade down her lips. She heard a groan from them and she smiled. She turned her back to them and soaped her ass, spreading her cheeks as she did so.

Her eyes flew open as she heard a strange groan. Nico was looking at her with a strange gleam in his eyes. Without warning, he lunged at her.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dylan tackle him down to the ground. The usually docile Nico struggled to get up and Dylan called out to the shocked cadets, “Help me!” They all rushed forward to hold him down. He was coming into his heat.

Kylie had stood up and walked slightly toward where they were holding him down spread eagle. His cock stood straight up and he vibrated, shooting golden cum in the air.

His glazed eyes were on her as he continued to struggle. Aiden had come over when he heard the commotion. He whispered to her to go into their bedroom. She looked at him. “If he can smell and see you, it will be harder for us to subdue him,” he explained.

She looked back over and, sure enough, his cock was standing straight up again, humming with vibrations, shooting gold cum again.

She went to her bedroom, waiting until they had all left. She found Aiden, Jacob and Dylan in the kitchen. Dylan had ice packs on his knees from when he had tackled Nico. Kylie started giggling. There was relief in the air, and Jacob and Dylan joined in with her laughing. Aiden still scowled.

Jacob all but howled. “I’ve never seen anything like that! His cock was so huge and out of control it looked like an oil well erupting!” He made spurting motions in the air in all directions.

“We had to jack him three times,” Dylan told her, “before he could even walk. And all he kept shouting was your name, but it sounded like ‘Kiiii-leeeeee! Kiiii-leeeeee!’”

“I could hear him from my room,” she admitted. “It was embarrassing for me though. I froze when I saw him coming at me.” She giggled again as she thought about it.

“Not funny,” Aiden interjected with a growl. “You could have really been hurt.”

Kylie walked over to where he was sitting and settled on his lap. “I’m fine,” she giggled again. He was still scowling.

Jacob and Dylan tried to hide their smiles, but Jacob gave one last snicker before he was through.

“It could have been serious,” Aiden said. “Thank you Dylan, I really appreciate how you looked out for Kylie.”

“No problem,” Dylan answered. She could tell he was trying to look nonchalant but was really pleased.

It was a week before a very apologetic Nico came back. He was so harmless the whole of his life it didn’t take much for Aiden to forgive him and let him continue on with playing ball with them.

Aiden stayed close to her, though, until all of the boys had gone through their heats, even Peter, who came into his heat last. They had a celebration for him when his change was complete.

Chapter 12


It was nine months into Jacob’s change when unexpectedly someone rang their doorbell. Kylie had finished setting out breakfast for Aiden and Jacob when she heard the bell ring.

Aiden and Jacob had come out of the bedroom when they heard the bell. Aiden’s hair was wet, and he had a towel wrapped around his waist. Jacob’s hair had grown longer and was tousled and sticking up in the back. He had grabbed a towel as well when coming to the door. Kylie had on her thick robe and bunny slippers. They all shrugged at each other, at a loss as to who would be at their door at this early hour, when the doorbell rang again accompanied by a persistent knock.

Aiden stepped forward to open the door. He was surprised to find a well-appointed middle-aged woman standing at his door. “Yes?” he asked.

She breezed through the door when he opened it. “I would have called first but Ryan thought it would be too early to phone,” she supplied.

“Grandma Hayden?” Jacob asked. She was a stately woman with silver hair piled on her head in the Zehavian fashion with a silver circlet completing her coiffeur. She had on a plum-colored gown. The gown was made of two different fabrics. The top layer was transparent like her formal gowns, but it also had a solid complementing sheath under the transparent fabric. The effect was beautiful. A silver and diamond broach was holding the fabric at her chest.

“Don’t bother with the door, Aiden. Ryan is bringing in the bags.” Sure enough, when Aiden looked through the door, he saw General Ryan Hayden pushing a cart with five trunks on it. He opened the door wider to let him through. The general looked like he had a case of painful gas.

“Sorry about the short notice, son,” he whispered to Aiden. “When she gets a bug up her butt, there is no stopping her.”

When Aiden turned back around, Jacob was hugging his grandmother somewhat uncomfortably. He still looked shell-shocked. Kylie was standing behind Jacob feeling more than a little uneasy.

Jacob’s grandmother had released him from her hug and turned to the general. “He does look wonderful doesn’t he? Sylvia’s description of his gold doesn’t do him justice.”

Without pausing for a breath, she turned to Kylie. “I am Victoria Hayden,” she said as she introduced herself.

Kylie was unsure on what the protocol was for such an introduction. She had never met a woman who had introduced herself before. She gave her a hesitant nod, and Victoria pulled her in her arms for a quick hug.

“Of course I’ve heard all about you,” Victoria continued. “Such as stir you have caused. First it was a scandal when Aiden married you, and then when you accepted a cadet for internship. Well, I think you surprised everyone.” She had turned toward the kitchen like she lived here. “Of course Ryan had met you and said you were a gem. But what do men know?”

Victoria sat at the kitchen table like she was holding court. The rest of them followed her to the kitchen. Aiden held out a chair for the general. He settled himself in. Aiden tried to take charge of the situation by offering coffee, but as soon as he left to get some, Victoria continued to talk.

“Then I heard from many of my friends who have seen the three of you around town how well you looked, so I had to come and see for myself,” she said.

Jacob and Kylie looked at each other. She was glad when Aiden had returned with cups and a carafe of coffee. Victoria took the carafe and began pouring five cups of coffee. “Come sit,” she commanded.

Jacob and Kylie came to sit at the table and Aiden leaned against the counter.

“Your hair is a lovely shade of red,” Victoria continued. “It’s too bad about your freckles, of course. It can be an asset to have hair color which is unique, but the freckles…well, hopefully we can find a gown that can cover them better.”

Kylie looked down at her hated freckles. Jacob smiled, though, and said, “I like them. I find new ones every day.” He leaned over and kissed her neck. “I think I found a new one,” he told Aiden with a wink.

Red crept into Kylie’s cheeks. Aiden had told Jacob he had a mission of kissing every one of her freckles. Jacob thought kissing all of her freckles sounded like something he wanted to do. They had spent one afternoon sitting in the sun, with Aiden and Jacob making sure every freckle had been kissed.

Victoria missed nothing, not Jacob’s wink nor Kylie’s blush. She looked like she was going to say something when Jacob’s grandfather said, “I think I like them too. If I were ten years younger…”

Victoria cut him off with, “You’d need to be thirty years younger, you old codger.”

The general chuckled.

“We have a lot to do before the coming out and wedding season,” she announced. “The first thing we need to do is to go shopping for Kylie!” She put down her coffee cup and got up.

Kylie looked at her, speechless. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do.

“I’ll help you choose what to wear when we shop. If you’ll show me to your closet, I’ll pick out a gown.” She turned to Jacob as an afterthought. “You need a shower, young man. You’ll be driving.”

“Aiden, I need you to grab my small trunk,” she directed. “You can deposit it in your room.” Reluctantly Kylie got up, leading Jacob’s grandmother to her bedroom. Jacob followed as well.

As she was leaving, she heard Aiden say to Jacob’s grandfather, “She’s more of a general than you.” The men all laughed, but Victoria only smirked and didn’t let anything deter her course.

When Kylie led her into the bedroom, Victoria assessed the décor and nodded in approval. “You can point me to your closet, Kylie. I think it’s best you both shower. Don’t dally though. I’m giving you fifteen minutes and if you aren’t out of the shower by then, I’m going to come in to turn on the cold water.”

Aiden joined them in the bathroom. They were in the shower, absorbed in scrubbing themselves. Kylie was frantic. She jumped when she heard the glass door open. “Oh, it’s you Aiden! I thought it was Victoria coming in early.”

“Do you have any idea what this is all about?” Jacob asked Aiden.

“No, but I’m sure she won’t be shy about making it known,” Aiden replied. “Do you want to go shopping, Kylie? You don’t have to go.”

“Actually I think it might be nice,” she insisted when she saw him frown.

“Well, you haven’t tested yet this morning, and if you are bright or dark at all you aren’t going anywhere,” Aiden informed her.

Kylie shrugged. “That’s fair.”

They had put a second testing kit in the bathroom in case they ever needed one for emergencies. They also had a second set of oils. With the pills Dr. Normandy had prescribed in addition to continued testing, she hadn’t had a color bright or dark since the bright pink that landed her in the hospital.

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