Golden Change (17 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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Kylie had shown the gowns every night to Aiden and Jacob, with predictable results. One gown had to be taken back for repairs when Aiden had ripped it off before ravishing her. Kylie apologized to Frank the next day, but he smiled in understanding and said it could be repaired.

When the day of the ceremony arrived, Kylie was more nervous than she could remember. Victoria had arranged for some girls to come and help them dress for the occasion.

They were both earthlings, plain looking, and wore serviceable gowns, not sheers like the Zehavians. Victoria had ushered them in to her room since it was the largest space to get ready in. They greeted Kylie with a nod then began opening suitcases, which held their wares.

One of the girls drew a bath for Kylie, pouring in some sweet floral bubbles in the water. As Kylie sat in the water, one of the girls washed her hair, then put on a creamy conditioner. She swirled Kylie’s hair on top of her head as she leaned it back against a bath pillow. The girl massaged her scalp and face, then washed and scrubbed her face as well, using some unique products Kylie had never felt before. She carefully rinsed the conditioner from her hair.

When she got out of the tub, the girl helped her dry off and brought her into the bedroom where she had a massage table set up. Kylie was relieved it was not a sensuous massage since Victoria was getting one as well from the other girl across the room. She used the same kind of golden oil Victoria had.

Kylie found out the girl who was helping her was named Julie. The other girl’s name was Ann. Julie chatted with her as she combed out her hair and set in curlers.

The only uncomfortable moment was when the two girls discussed different color rouges for her to wear. Victoria had come over as well to put her two cents in. They were all staring at her nipples as Julie tried different colors, and then wiped them off with a cloth to try another. By the end, Kylie was blushing so hard her entire body was red. Finally, they agreed on a color and Julie rubbed it on.

The girls were very nice and while they were working with her, they told her they were trying to make enough money to start their own salon. Kylie knew they were hoping she would get good attention and she would mention their names when people asked.

They spent a couple of hours pampering Victoria and Kylie. Kylie really enjoyed talking with them. Victoria seemed a little subdued, but was in no way disrespectful to them.

When they opened the garment bag that held Kylie’s gown, they both exclaimed how beautiful it was. It was one of Frank’s new creations. The bodice was white and consisted of two different fabrics. The fabric covering her nipples was light and sheer. The fabric cupping under her breasts looked like lace, but it was stiff, molding her breasts together and holding them even higher than was natural. The dress had spaghetti straps, but they were too long. Frank liked the idea of having the straps always hanging down her arms, giving the impression her dress was going to fall off.

The fabric on the torso was a snug, sheer fabric with sparse lace flowers sewn on. Thought the fabric touched the floor in the back, it split up the middle almost to the apex of her legs in front. Formal occasions called for these longer gowns. Kylie loved the long gown, since if it was riding up slightly in front, she could discreetly step on the fabric in back to pull it down. The catch was you couldn’t pull too hard in back or you were in danger of pulling it off up top.

By the time the women were ready, Kylie called the men in to change into their dress pants. They wouldn’t wear shirts to this formal occasion. They hadn’t seen this gown on before. Kylie wanted it to be a surprise.

Aiden and Jacob walked into the bedroom after taking a shower. When they saw her, they stopped in their tracks. Aiden actually growled in lust. Victoria had been putting the finishing touches on her makeup when they came in. She stepped in front of her before they could devour her. “We are going to leave in ten minutes, men.” She held up a finger, “You’ll have to wait.”

The earthling girls giggled as they packed up their stuff. Kylie thanked and led them to the front door before Aiden or Jacob could throw her on the bed.

Jacob arrived from the bedroom first. Kylie was standing in the kitchen and he scowled when he saw his grandmother and grandfather were sitting at the kitchen table. Aiden too looked cranky when he saw they were with her as well. They ate a late lunch, and nobody had much to say in the way of conversation.

The general stood up and offered his arm to his wife. She was wearing a scarlet gown that fell to the floor. It was similar in style of most of her gowns, sheer over solid fabric, but was also adorned with more beads and jewels than usual. The sheer fabric split up the front like Kylie’s, but the solid fabric under covered her body.

“We will take separate cars to the ceremony,” Victoria informed them.

Aiden and Jacob had similar smiles of anticipation, knowing they were going to have the car to themselves.

After Aiden had locked up and, as he was going to open the car door, Victoria called out of her car window. “I don’t want her hair mussed, and she shouldn’t have any fluids leaking out when she gets there!” She might have said more, but the general rolled up the window and pulled out, so whatever she said was lost to their ears.

Aiden had opened the side door to the bed, letting Kylie crawl in first, followed by Jacob then Aiden. She was extra careful of her gown as she did, but it was extremely hard to be. Aiden set the controls to self-drive to the palace as she got comfortable.

“I’m a little nervous,” Kylie admitted, once they had turned their attention to her.

She had tried to prop herself on some pillows, pulling her hair way back so it would rest on the other side of the pillow. They had laid down on either side of her and were propped up on their sides facing her.

Only Aiden had ever seen her this nervous before. She was gnawing at her lip with her teeth. “Sweetheart,” Aiden said softly, and kissed where she had been biting.

Kylie’s eyes filled with tears. She blinked at Jacob, letting a tear fall. He leaned in and kissed the tear, sucking it in as he did. “Your grandmother has such high expectations of me and I’m not sure I’ll live up to them.”

“You don’t need to meet her expectations,” Jacob told her. “You’ve already surpassed any expectations I had.”

Aiden had grabbed a tissue and she dabbed her eyes and wiped her nose.

“How long of a drive is it to the palace?” Kylie asked.

“No more than an hour,” Aiden replied. “Once we are out of the city the car will turbo through the desert.”

“I’ve never seen anything but your city on the planet, Aiden,” Kylie optimistically suggested.

Aiden shrugged. “Not much to see really, especially since we will be going turbo.”

“Blurred sand,” Jacob added. He was a little surprised at Kylie’s and Aiden’s behavior at this moment. He had expected Aiden and him to have already shed their clothes and had a romp on the way over. Instead Aiden was gently rubbing Kylie’s arm.

“This actually reminds me of the time we went to the convention center and met you, Jacob,” Aiden said with a smile. “Kylie didn’t really know what the internship was going to entail.”

“I didn’t,” Kylie admitted. “It wasn’t until the ride over that Aiden had told me about golden changes. I about jumped out of the car on the way! I had never had sex with anyone else but Aiden and here he was telling me I was going to have to have sex with somebody I had barely met!”

Jacob looked surprised. “You were a virgin before Aiden?”

“I was. My family was pretty strict, even for earthlings,” she explained.

“I know the truth, though,” Aiden said with a smile. “When I told her we would be helping you through your change, she began to cream.” Aiden petted his way down to her pussy. “Like I bet she is now.” He dipped a finger in her pussy. “Yep,” Aiden said. “She’s wet, all right.”

“I’d better check for myself,” Jacob said. “You’re right, Aiden, she is wet,” he said when he dipped his finger inside her pussy alongside Aiden’s.

“The night we came to meet the cadets I teased her all the way to the event,” he told Jacob as he pulled out his hand and pulled the top of her gown down to past her nipples. “As loath as I am to agree with your grandmother, I think we should see how aroused we can make her without giving her satisfaction.”

They petted, kissed, and cuddled each other as the vehicle raced through the desert. Kylie was beyond aroused when they finally pulled in front of the palace. Guards opened the doors of their car as she sat up, fingering her hair back into place. When she stepped out, she was amazed at the opulence of the palace. The sun was setting and the pinks of the sky bounced off the gold on the buildings.

Kylie had seen pictures and even learned some of the history of the royal family when she had come to this planet, but had never been here before. Aiden had been here many times in connection with his job, so he was quite used to the magnificence of the palace. He had also visited here with his friend Tyler before his death. Tyler was actually a prince, Aiden had told her. Tyler’s dad was the younger brother of the king.

Jacob’s grandparents had arrived right before them and were waiting at the door before they entered. The men were ushered in through the palace front doors while Victoria and Kylie were shown a small door to the side. Kylie followed Victoria mutely up a side staircase that led to a second story. There they entered a small sitting room, which had a restroom attached.

There were a few women in the sitting room when they entered. Victoria and Kylie nodded to them. Even the bathroom was appointed royally. They didn’t have stalls but private rooms with commodes, richly decorated in the colors of the royal family, gold and purple. When Kylie emerged from the commode, she saw a few women standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror, primping. They were plucking their nipples and checking their hair.

When they saw her, they stood a little aside so she could see herself. Kylie finger combed her hair again and pulled the two tendrils down towards her breasts, letting the rest of her copper tresses hang down her back. The two women were staring at her. “Your dress is lovely,” one of them exclaimed.

“Wherever did you find it?” the other woman asked. They looked to be a few years older than her, but not more than ten years, Kylie thought. One was obviously pregnant and the gown she was wearing accentuated her lush figure.

“From Frank,” Kylie said. She was so nervous she had forgotten the name of the store.

“Frank Price?” the pregnant one exclaimed.

Victoria had come up behind them. “Yes, Frank Price designed our gowns.”

The two women gave short nods to Victoria. “So nice to see you, Mrs. Hayden,” they said in unison.

“This is Kylie Duncan,” Victoria said. Kylie nodded to them.

“I thought you might be,” said the woman said who wasn’t pregnant. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Kylie replied.

“I’m Claire Duffy,” the pregnant woman said, “and this is my sister Eileen Hill.” Claire nodded towards the other woman.

Eileen and Kylie exchanged pleasantries. “You must know my grandmother Ada Moore, Mrs. Hayden,” Claire continued.

“I do,” Victoria said. “How is she?”

“She’s doing well. She’s downstairs with our aunt, Viola. Her youngest is coming out today.” Claire turned to Kylie and said, “I hope we’ll see you later and you have a chance to meet them?”

“That would be lovely,” Kylie replied, though she wasn’t sure why she was talking so formally. She felt like she had slipped down the rabbit hole into some Victorian fantasy. Well, an extremely erotic fantasy. Kylie smiled to herself after her first introduction of the evening had gone so well. And so it went with the women she met in the sitting room as well.

By the time they were done in the women’s room she had met six other women, all who had connections with girls coming out and who were hoping to introduce them to Kylie later. One of the women Victoria introduced her to was named Sylvia. Sylvia explained that her youngest daughter, Amelia, was having her coming-out party the following day. Kylie realized she was Walter’s mother, since they had been invited to a coming-out party for a girl named Amelia the next day.

As they exited the sitting room, Victoria beamed. Kylie knew the introductions the girls would really want were to Jacob. They walked along an open hallway, which opened up to the entryway below. There was a crowd in the entryway of men waiting for the women to return from the women’s parlor and the women who had already come down the stairs.

The crowd seemed to still as they watched Victoria and Kylie walk down the stairs. She blushed with all of the attention, but Victoria smiled smugly. Jacob had turned from a conversation he was having with someone to watch her come down. Aiden was waiting at the bottom for her. Ever considerate of her feelings, he had eschewed conversation until she was with him.

He held out his arm and Kylie took it gratefully. Jacob had come over too, taking her other arm in his. Victoria nodded in approval. The three of them walked amongst the other guests visiting until the temple doors opened up. They went through the doors and walked forward. Families with girls who were coming out sat near the front, so they chose a row that was somewhere in the middle.

Jacob went into the row first, leaving enough room for Kylie, Aiden, and his grandparents. Victoria rearranged them, though, so Jacob would be at the end of the pew with Kylie next to him, then Aiden, then Victoria and the general.

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