Golden Change (19 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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Kylie was thankful when he asked, “Do you want to go see the waterfall over there?” She nodded gratefully. “I think it is where some of the girls were dampening their gowns,” he whispered. “Supposedly it is a good-luck waterfall.”

He helped her to her feet as he stood. They said their good-byes to the people he had been sitting with. He hadn’t pulled down her gown as Aiden did, so it was riding a little high. They crossed over a faux stream as he led her to the big waterfall that was at the edge of the grotto.

When they got to the waterfall, Jacob slipped off his socks and shoes, leaving them at the pool’s edge. He held up the back of her dress so it wouldn’t drag in the water. He stood behind her, holding her tight. He walked forward slowly, prodding her from behind as they slowly walked into the pool in front of the waterfall. He walked her forward until they were ankle deep and splashes of water were slightly spraying her dress. The water was cool, puckering her nipples.

Jacob pulled the bodice of her dress down, exposing her breasts to the cascading water. Kylie arched into the falls, letting the water pound her nipples. She saw there were people around them watching, but she didn’t much care.

The waterfall was lit from behind. She thought she saw a cavern behind the cascading waters. He leaned into her, holding her breasts. He held her there, gently playing with her nipples as the water splashed them. Kylie squirmed against him in lust. He moved one hand to cup her pussy, sliding one finger through her now-slick folds.

“I think there is a place to sit behind the falls,” he told her. “Do you want to go?”

Kylie breathed, “Yes.”

Jacob rushed them through to a private alcove behind the falls. Sure enough, there was a stone bench behind the waterfall. There were lights hidden in the cavern walls. Kylie looked around quickly before she saw Jacob opening his pants, letting his long cock jump forward. He shucked his pants, folded them, and placed them on the bench. Her dress was drenched so he helped her pull it over her head. He folded her gown as well and placed it on top of his pants.

He helped her kneel on the bench so they were at the same height. He brought her breasts to his mouth, sucking and nibbling them as she moaned. He worshiped them with his hands and mouth until she was panting. Kylie had put her hand on his cock and was moving it up and down from tip to base, cupping his hard ball sac and squeezing.

He broke away gently and lay down on the bench. His burgeoning cock was standing straight as she knelt over him. Carefully she settled herself on top of him slipping his cock deep within her body. They moved slowly at first, him cupping her breasts as she rose and fell on his cock. They were in their own little world here, a curtain of water separating them from everybody else.

Chapter 15


After Aiden had talked with Victoria and General Ryan, he had wandered over to the waterfall. He was sure they thought they couldn’t be seen, but being backlit with all of the light, they made a perfect silhouette through the waterfall.

Girls were trying to get closer to see as they dampened their dresses, the boys got closer to try to see through the waterfall. He knew a secret passage through the back side of the falls so you didn’t have to get wet, which he took. Aiden removed his socks and shoes, leaving them by Jacob’s. Even though he didn’t have to walk through the waterfall, he still had to wade through a foot of water to reach them.

Kylie looked over her shoulder at Aiden when she heard him wading towards them. “Aiden,” she sighed. She was rocking slightly on Jacob’s cock rather than riding him up and down.

Aiden shucked his pants, throwing them on the bench. He had grabbed a bottle of lube from a side cabinet on the way in.

“Jacob,” Aiden asked seriously, “how much control do you have tonight?”

“I’m good,” he replied.

“Aren’t you going to ask me?” Kylie asked with a grin.

“Nope, I don’t think you are going to be able to control yourself regardless,” Aiden informed her.

Aiden came to kneel behind her as he moved Jacob’s knees wide by nudging them aside. Kylie moaned as Jacob moved his legs, as her legs splayed wider. Aiden put his hand on her back, pressing her firmly against Jacob.

He didn’t think she knew what was coming, but Jacob did. He was looking somewhat surprised, but excited too. Aiden lubed up a finger and inserted it in Kylie’s tight little pucker. “Oh God,” she moaned. He inserted another and helped her get used to double penetration.

He still had his other hand pressed on her back. She turned her head so she could see him. Her eyes got huge as he took his fingers out of her ass. He squeezed some lube on her asshole before lubing up his cock.

“Are you ready?” he asked her.

“I don’t know,” she replied.

“She is totally creaming me,” Jacob said as he met Aiden’s eyes.

Aiden pressed her cheeks far apart. She had closed her eyes, breathing deeply. Slowly he pressed his cock in. She gave a moan of part pleasure, part pain. She hadn’t had anal sex in a while, not since Jacob had come to live with them, Aiden realized. She was tight. He sensed she was scared.

Jacob was whispering his encouragement to her. He had turned her head back to looking at him.

“Push out a little, sweet,” Aiden instructed.

As she pushed out, she felt him slide in deeper. She moaned as Aiden slid forward till he was balls-deep. She had slipped out of Jacob a little as she had tried to escape some of the pain of Aiden’s intrusion. Aiden pulled out a little, letting her sink back deep on Jacob before pushing back in so she was fully impaled on his cock. She had never felt this full before. She burned where Aiden had penetrated. She breathed heavily through her pain. For all the pain, though, it was also the most erotic sensation she had ever felt.

Aiden let her adjust to the pain before thrusting again. “That’s right baby, let me in.” This time he was fully imbedded and his balls touched Jacob’s.

She was panting and moaning. Jacob was sweating but holding still. “God that feels good,” he groaned.

Aiden pulled out again slightly and pushed back in. Kylie squirmed slightly. Her eyes were closed again, her lips parted as she panted. “Good girl,” he praised.

“Are you okay?” he asked her, as she grew accustomed to the feeling of double penetration.

“Yes, I love this,” she panted. “I love the feeling of being connected to both of you.”

“I can keep her still from pushing up,” Aiden told Jacob, “but you are going to have to keep her from squirming. She could tear if we’re not careful.”

Jacob nodded. Aiden felt him move slightly below her, only flexing his hips slightly to cause friction.

Aiden started to move, and they gently pistoned her from top and bottom, causing friction deep inside. Their balls met at every thrust, which was almost as stimulating to Aiden as her tight ass was. Aiden pressed her harder on her lower back. She keened and he knew with her pussy splayed as it was, her clit could rub against Jacob if he pressed hard enough.

As he thrust, he pressed her down and she began keening with every thrust. She was trying to writhe but Jacob was doing a great job at keeping her steady.

“Come now, Kylie,” Aiden commanded. Kylie’s body began to shake as she responded to his command. As soon as he felt her body clench, he gave Jacob a nod and Jacob started vibrating his climax. Aiden could feel Jacob’s vibrations through her and on his balls as his balls vibrated against him.

Aiden waited for Jacob to finish before he let himself thrust a few more times and let the vibrations start in his balls and travel up his cock. He shot his hot cum in her ass. She had another keening orgasm as he came.

It took him a minute to catch his breath before he could pull out. Aiden let her relax for a moment, before he picked her up off Jacob. Her groan turned to a gasp as he sat her in the water. He would have liked to stay, taking a nap, but it was getting cool in the cave and he wanted to get home.

Her body felt boneless. She had opened her eyes but she seemed somewhat dazed. Her lips were still parted slightly. “Are you okay?” Aiden asked, slightly concerned. Jacob had joined her, sitting in the water. She smiled up at him and then over at Jacob.

“Can you hold her steady?” he asked Jacob. Jacob nodded. Aiden knelt down and rinsed golden cum from her pussy and ass with the water she was sitting in. When he was sure she was reasonably clean, Jacob lifted her in his arms. Aiden grabbed their clothes as Jacob walked through the falls.

He followed them a second later, unsurprised there had been a crowd trying to peak through the waterfall to see them on the other side. Some of the cadets even clapped as Jacob walked through. He heard a surprised Jacob ask Dylan, who was standing nearby, “How much could you see?”

“It was hard to see everything, but what I could see was beautiful,” he commented with a smile. He had his arm around one of the girls who had come to dampen her dress and then tried to watch when she saw what was going on behind the water.

The girl nodded. “It was beautiful.” She turned slightly so one of her dampened nipples grazed Dylan’s chest.

Aiden watched out of the corner of his eye as he saw Jacob lay Kylie down on the chaise. He smiled at the acceptance Dylan was showing. Kylie looked half out of it, and he couldn’t tell if she was paying attention.

He knew she would be chilly soon, so he carefully covered her with a towel.

When the girl who was with Dylan offered to take care of Kylie, he nodded his assent.

Jacob shrugged and Aiden nodded. The girl used the towel Aiden had put on her to pat Kylie dry. “You are really beautiful,” he heard her say to Kylie as she patted Kylie dry. “I loved your dress this evening,” she continued. She sat Kylie up slightly, wrapping a new warm, dry towel around her body. Kylie lay back down after the towel came around her. The girl finger-combed her hair.

A few people came over. They seemed like they wanted to talk to Aiden and Jacob, but Aiden knew they were really coming over to see Kylie. The more they were hearing about her and seeing her, the more they were accepting of her. Tonight the way she had given herself to Aiden and Jacob spoke more than words could ever convey.

Before anybody could really start a conversation, though, Aiden picked her up and started for the door. Jacob was right behind him after waving good-bye to his friends.

The car was brought around quickly and Aiden settled Kylie inside. Jacob helped him remove the towel she was still wearing before they removed their socks, shoes, and wet pants. They slept under a blanket as the car drove back to their house.


* * * *


The next morning, Aiden was concerned Kylie might be sore, but she felt great. She had gotten up early and done her test before joining the general at the grotto for breakfast. He was amused by her observations on the night before.

Victoria breezed in not long after. She had received glowing comments about Jacob and Kylie from those who had seen and interacted with them the night before. She poured herself a cup of coffee from the carafe.

The sun shone high into the courtyard before Jacob and Aiden rolled out of bed. Kylie was busy in her small garden when Jacob came out to ask if it was all right if a few of the boys came over for a few games. She jumped up in anticipation. She hadn’t played with the boys since before Jacob’s grandparents had arrived.

Kylie ran to her room to put on what she now considered her sport clothes, a sheer bra and panties with socks and tennis shoes. She pulled her long hair back into a high ponytail. She went back to the grotto where Jacob and Aiden were eating. Jacob’s grandparents were still at the table and when Kylie came up to the table, his grandmother looked shocked.

“Whatever are you wearing?” Victoria asked.

Kylie looked down at her bra and panties. “What I wear here when I play ball,” Kylie said shrugging.

It looked like Victoria was going to say something, probably to admonish Kylie, when Aiden raised an eyebrow to her. Whatever he had said last night to her must have made an impression since she pursed her lips together without saying anything. Jacob stood up. He smiled broadly at Kylie. “Do you want to warm up before the boys get here?”

“Sure. Will you let them in, Aiden?” Kylie asked.

Jacob picked Kylie up, throwing her over his shoulder as she gave an undignified squeal. He didn’t set her down until they got to the courtyard. It wasn’t long before the group of guys had come over. Kylie hugged them all as they came in.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aiden and the general wander over, pulling up seats to watch. Kylie waved to them. Aiden winked at her while the general waved back.

Kylie had finally learned the hand shoot which determined who would be captains, so she wandered over to where they had put their hands together. After two rounds, it was only Kylie and Jacob left. Both would be team captains.

It was the first time Jacob and Kylie weren’t on the same team. Jacob shrugged so they shot again to see who went first. Kylie won and she chose Dylan, then Albert. He chose Lucas, then Peter. She went to her team to huddle up.

“What is Jacob’s handicap going to be?” was the first thing out of Dylan’s mouth when their team huddled together.

Since Jacob was the only one who wouldn’t be afraid to crowd her, Albert suggested that Jacob could only use one hand to block Kylie.

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