Read MenageaDare Online

Authors: Frances Stockton

MenageaDare (15 page)

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Heading to the bathroom to avoid further delays, she brushed
her teeth and began applying makeup. She tended toward subtlety during the day.
Tonight she created a smokier, more dramatic look for her hazel eyes and a
dark-pink shade of lipstick and shiny gloss to emphasize her mouth.

With her face done, she unwound her braided hair and brushed
it. The result was exactly what she’d hoped, giving her normally straight hair
waves and body. Imagine that, Eve looked at herself in the mirror and liked
what she saw.

A sharp rap at the hotel door echoed all the way into the
bathroom. A white-hot surge of energy went through her. Rushing out of the
bathroom to join Remy, she let him take her hand and lead her across the room.

“You sure, Eve?” he whispered. “Once this door’s open, I
don’t want you to have regrets.”

“I’m sure, Remy,” she said, keeping her voice low but it
wouldn’t surprise her if Jaxon heard them.

Remy nodded once and opened the door, allowing Jaxon to
waltz in as if he were king of all he surveyed. Caught up in checking him out
in his black pants, a black silk shirt, a silver tie and an impeccably cut suit
jacket, she blinked twice when she heard a thump.

Looking about, she discovered Jaxon had tossed an overnight
bag on the floor near the door. For a second, she focused on his glossy shoes.
Something in her warned that she should wait for permission to look up. Remy
said Jaxon was a Dominant and she was certain he was right.

“You can look at me, Evelyn,” Jaxon said, staying very

Curiosity took hold of her, compelling her to bring her eyes
up. Jaxon’s hair hung straight to his shoulders, not a strand out of place. His
violet eyes swept her, then Remy, then back.

“Very good, baby girl, now before we do anything else, come
to me,” he said, slamming the door closed with his foot and pointing to her.

“Me, what’d I do?” she stammered nervously.

“Now,” Jaxon commanded.

She shook but obeyed, somehow moving forward until she stood
right in front of him. Arousal was instantaneous in the wake of a Dom. She knew
it then, understood why her body reacted to him so powerfully and
instantaneously. If he did something crazy, she’d bolt, but for now she waited
as he stared down at her, assessing her.

Then two big male hands, softer than Remy’s, came to her
face. She stilled, not sure what to expect. He didn’t hurt her. He simply held
her as his head bowed, his mouth touching hers, softly, persuasively.

“Oh god,” she murmured, swept up in his kiss, which overpowered
her senses with his gentleness, his taste, so male and yet so different than
what she’d known with Remy.

He tasted dark, erotic. He smelled absolutely delicious,
making her hunger for far, far more than a kiss.

“Hold her for me, Remy. Open up, baby girl,” he coaxed,
adding enough pressure with his fingers on her jaw to compel her to part her
mouth for his tongue. Remy moved behind her, his arms spanning her waist,
holding her tightly as Jaxon stole her soul with a kiss.

A heartbeat later, Jaxon’s gentleness evaporated. The thrust
of his tongue became more sexual, his hands on her face a little harder, the
heat of his body scorching. This was the kiss of a man determined to fuck her.

All the while, Remy held her and all was right in her
universe. That was until Remy’s grip loosened and Jaxon lifted his head,
shifting a little to her left.

Something changed. Curious, she turned her head to witness
Jaxon grab hold of Remy’s hair and steer him around until his back was up
against the hotel door, kissing him aggressively.

Captivated, Eve watched as Remy’s arms wound their way
around Jaxon, one of his big hands settling at the base of Jaxon’s spine, his
left hand splaying out over Jaxon’s ass, squeezing.

She couldn’t say she blamed Remy for that. Damn, Jaxon
Wynter had an absolutely kissable, bitable butt. It didn’t matter that his
pants were likely tailored to fit him exactly right. It didn’t matter that
Jaxon and Remy wrestled a little for dominance.

It was fascinating to watch them. It was a win-win no matter
who came out on top. Incredibly it was Remy who turned the tide, proving his
strength by lifting the shorter man right off the ground.

Here they were, her yin and yang, dark and light, locked
together in a kiss that made her knees quake. She knew it was meant to be for
the three of them, even if it was temporary and all they had was a few weeks in

“Evelyn? Remy and I need your help here,” Jaxon said quietly
though she couldn’t ignore the lure of a Dom’s voice even as Remy lowered him
to his feet.

“What do you need, Jaxon?” she asked.

“Get on your knees and suck us off,” he ordered.

“Now?” she gasped, stunned at how quickly two kisses became
something so much more.

Turning around, Jaxon pressed his back up against the door.
“Yes, now. If you don’t do something to take the edge off both of us, I swear
to God, I’m going to drag you and Remy to bed and no one’s getting out until

“It’s not too soon for this?” she questioned, wanting to
give them the release they needed but needing a push.

“We’ll take care of you in return, sugar,” Remy promised.
Incredibly, his eyes glossed over and his mouth was swollen from the strength
of Jaxon’s kiss.

Likewise, Jaxon’s mouth looked as if it’d been ravished.
Desperation clung to him. His hand was covering the front of his pants, trying
in vain to relieve the pressure of his erection.

Need took over, the need to satisfy, to please. The next
thing she knew she went to her knees at their feet even as Jaxon reached over
and unbuckled Remy’s belt.

Helping out, she soon had Remy’s fly down and his heavy cock
was right there for taking. Licking her lips, she first went to work on the top
button of Jaxon’s pants, soon sliding the narrow zipper down.

Interesting, unlike Remy who didn’t often bother with
underwear, Jaxon wore skintight black briefs that hugged his generous bulge.
From what she could tell, he wasn’t quite as endowed as Remy but he was
significant enough that she almost drooled.

Empowered, she took hold of the underwear, peeling it down
and exposing Jaxon’s cock and balls. He was circumcised and beautifully erect
with pre-cum dampening his crown already.

But what intrigued her most was the fact that Jaxon was
meticulously groomed underneath the clothes he wore. So well that his testicles
were bare. Fully erect, his cock was at least eight inches, perfectly endowed
sex on a stick. Wow, wow!

“Eve! Come on, sugar,” Remy begged, his voice harsh,

She knew that voice, understood he was in serious need.
Reaching up with both hands, she grasped their erections, using enough tension
in her grip to bring them away from the door and closer to each other.

Leaning forward, she ran her tongue all over Remy’s big,
warm cock head, smoothing the foreskin down so she could tongue his glans. With
her left hand, she stroked Jaxon’s cock, tightening her fingers the way Remy
had taught her.

Playing with his smooth crown, she heard him give off a
soulful groan and reveled in her power over Jaxon. It was fun, a reward in and
of itself to hear him and to know he liked her touch, welcomed it. Curious, she
thumbed the underside, honing in on that tender spot and getting him jacking
his hips.

Wanting to watch their faces, she lifted her eyes as she
suckled Remy’s cock and rhythmically stroked Jaxon’s. Remy’s gaze was locked onto
Jax’s pretty cock and groin. Jaxon’s violet eyes were fastened on Remy’s cock
as she sucked him.

Wanting to put everything she had into pleasing Remy right
then, she parted her lips, letting him surge forward. Swallowing several
inches, she became immersed in the taste that was uniquely his, clean, male and
familiar, only to have a firm hand come to the back of her had.

She knew by the control he’d exerted that it was Jaxon who
guided her into taking Remy deeper, deeper still. Fearing she’d gag, she adjusted
her position, relaxing her jaw, accepting as much as she could possibly take.

Somehow she continued to manipulate Jax’s cock, losing her
grip momentarily when he shifted inward. The sound of lips locking together met
her ears. Her men were kissing even as she worked them out.

It took some adjustment on her part, but soon she drew off
Remy and turned to lick the head of Jaxon’s penis. The smooth head was a treat,
incredibly soft; even the taste of pre-cum was sweeter than she’d expected.

Just as she was about to swallow Jax’s cock, a big hand
rested on her head, joining Jaxon’s, their fingers combing through her hair.
They let her play, take turns, sucking one, stroking the other, taking her
time, loving all of it.

It was true that she was the one on her knees, but it was in
her power to give them pleasure, to reward and relieve. Somehow Remy reached
down with his opposite hand and gripped Jaxon’s cock, squeezing him almost to
the point Eve feared would be painful.

Jaxon grunted and thrust his dick farther into her mouth,
setting up a sawing motion that couldn’t be denied.

“Come for her, Jax,” Remy demanded gruffly. “Give it to her,
she needs some attention too.”

“Suck me to your throat, baby girl,” Jaxon demanded, shoving
his hips forward, his cock slipping deeper into her mouth, so deep she took him
to the back of her throat.

Greedily, she swallowed, refusing to gag, accepting his show
of dominance. Finally he paused, shaking, his cock throbbing as salty-sweet cum
splashed her tongue. Drawing off him, she licked him clean, careful to swallow
every drop he’d given her.

Suddenly, Jaxon was on his knees next to her. Kissing her
hotly, he rested his forehead against hers as if to say thank you then shifted
attention to Remy. Together, she and Jaxon licked up and down Remy’s big dick,
occasionally French kissing.

Remy trembled, calling out, practically begging them to
continue as she and Jaxon teamed up to conquer their man’s cock. Jaxon drew
back, letting her have the reins briefly while he gripped Remy’s balls almost
roughly but seeming to know how much the man could take.

Remy went off on it, thrusting his hips frantically. She’d
known her big man enjoyed having his testicles tickled and caressed, but
Jaxon’s manipulation was different. Wanting to watch, she drew off Remy,
witnessing the way Jaxon leaned in and took Remy’s penis deep into his mouth.

He sucked so hard, his jaw clenched. Remy howled, pounding
something, thrusting hard between Jaxon’s lips. It was incredibly to watch
them, man-on-man, two very strong personalities engaged in a duel she guessed
was a push for dominance.

“Oh fuck, yes, that’s it, Jax! Don’t be gentle,” Remy
demanded, still pounding what turned out to be the wall behind him. “I dare you
to take my dick right down your fucking throat.”

Jaxon pulled back, gripping Remy’s balls again, gently
manipulating them. Eve would’ve objected but Remy didn’t appear distressed. If
anything, it seemed to push him past resistance into acceptance of who would
eventually win this manly struggle.

No doubt about it, Jax would, but Eve understood that the
end result would be Remy’s ultimate satisfaction. There wasn’t cruelty in Jax’s
grip, there was knowledge, strength. She was always afraid of hurting Remy but
Jaxon knew exactly how much a man could take.

“Who’s your man, Remington?” Jaxon demanded.

“You, dammit,” Remy answered, his eyes rolling back in his
head, his mouth parting in a soundless roar as Jaxon took him back into his
mouth, accepting Remy’s frantic thrusts, each time taking more cock until more
than half disappeared.

Eve watched, spellbound as she witnessed Remy buck then go
slack, his face awestruck while he absently petted Jaxon’s smooth hair. He’d
come. She knew that face, knew his mannerisms when he climaxed.

Wanting to play too, she let her hand wander under her dress
to seek her clit but was jerked up off her knees, right into Remy’s strong
arms, her back supported against his chest.

“Remy!” she gasped, surprised by the change. He shifted her
some, his arms going beneath her knees to brace her further, but leaving her
thighs spread wide open. It was as if he’d become a human sex swing.

Jaxon stood before her, his hands brushing the hem of her
dress up to her waist. He stared right at her pussy, no shyness, no hesitation.

“My god, Remington, she’s got the prettiest pussy, doesn’t

“Gorgeous and snug as a glove, hot, sweet,” Remy answered.

“How the hell did you stay away from her for so long?”

“I was trying to protect her.”

“From what?” Jax demanded.

“It’s complicated. Do something, Jax. She needs to come.”

Jaxon’s hand landed on Remy’s jaw, not hard or in any way
threatening, but perhaps to remind Remy who was in charge. “We do not rush
anything with Evelyn, got it?”

“Got it,” Remy replied. “Taste her. Make her your lover

“You and Evelyn are mine, yes?”

“Until we leave,” Remy murmured.

“Dare to stay long enough, I might not let either of you

As Remy held her there, poised, open and exposed to whatever
Jaxon did to her, she felt as if she dangled over a precipice. Jaxon’s head lowered
to her pussy, inhaling her scent, his tongue flicking out, centering where she
needed him the most.

Coming right when he licked her clit, she shook with the
exquisite sensation. Still Jax’s tongue gave her no quarter, flicking wildly,
giving her no time to adjust or come down from the rush. It was wild, hot,
intense, driving her to another orgasm.

All the while, Remy rocked her slowly, remaining her
constant in a fierce, passionate storm. Crying out, she gave in to the power of
Jaxon’s seduction, not once regretting it as he wound her up again and pushed
her higher when his tongue entered her.

BOOK: MenageaDare
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