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Authors: Frances Stockton

MenageaDare (14 page)

BOOK: MenageaDare
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“Avery, by chance, did Sam send you a picture of Abigail?”
Eve asked her friend. “I’d love to see one.”

“She did. She’d have sent one to you too, but she knew you
and Remy were tied up with research and they didn’t want to interfere in case,
you know, things heated up for you two.”

“Things definitely heated up,” Remy boasted proudly,
tightening his arm around Evelyn’s shoulders.

“Yes, they did,” she said, grinning so wide, Jax’s heart
sped up. Her love for Remy was as genuine as she was. “Can I see the picture,

“Hazard, you have my phone,” Avery said. “Can you scroll
through the pictures until you find the one Sam sent us?”

Hazard took his phone off his hip, searched, and handed it
across the table. Eve scooped up the smartphone, looked and did a cute little
jig in her seat.

“Wow, Remy, they look so good together, don’t they? Jaxon
would you like to see?”

“Yes, thank you,” Jax said, leaning in to look at the

Taran and Samantha Maddox had taken a selfie with a pretty
college girl. All three were smiling. The girl had brown hair but the likeness
to Samantha was uncanny.

“That’s great. I’m happy for them,” Remy said. “If it
weren’t for Sam, her partner would’ve booked my ass back in October.”

“She’s a detective. Why would she arrest you?” Jax

“My friend Morgan was being targeted by a psycho bitch with
a likeness for fire-setting. She torched Morgan’s business and my Corvette in
an attempt to make me appear to be the one who’d attacked Morgan in Druid Creek
Castle’s women’s room.”

“That’s complicated,” Sawyer said. “Charges were cleared?”

“Yeah, I had an alibi. Eve and I were on our way here.”

“Why didn’t you make it?” Travis asked, shifting toward
Sawyer who sat on his right.

Sawyer had longish wavy auburn hair. He was tall and lanky.
Travis had short blond hair he was growing out of a buzz cut. He wore old,
tattered blue jeans, a pale-blue Western shirt and his cowboy hat was hung on a
rack along the wall behind him.

“Plane trouble,” Eve answered. “One of the reasons we drove
was to avoid a repeat of being stranded on a runway for two hours. While we
were trying to get home, Ethan Maddox got shot and nearly died.”

“Jesus, what’s up with folks in New England, Red? Not long
ago you had trouble with the bastard who’d followed you here from Reno. Still
pisses me off that he hurt you,” Jax commented. “Thankfully, Sawyer was
suspicious and dug way down into the guy’s past.”

“You got that right,” Avery stated. “Sawyer worked with both
Phalen and my brother on that case. It turned out I was targeted because I
happen to resemble Alex.”

“You’re way prettier than your brother, honey,” Trevor

“You have to think that. You live with me.”

“That I do,” Trevor boasted.

The waitress returned to see if anyone needed anything else.
Eve asked for ice cream, vanilla fudge. Remy ordered coffee and a piece of
chocolate cake. Jax got the same, with a scoop of ice cream on the side.

After lunch, it was time to scatter. Jax told the waitress
to place the bill for the whole table on his tab, leaving a generous tip for
her and the kitchen staff for being patient with the lot of them.

They all stood up, intending to leave when Remy turned to
Jax. “Hey, I’ve a question since you seem to be the man to ask.”

It took everything in Jax not to turn that request into
innuendo. “What do you need?”

“My camper is small, but I feel bad clogging up the hotel’s
parking lot. Any clue as to where I could leave it while Eve and I are here?”

“I can help,” Sawyer offered, moving up to Remy. “Travis and
I have a truck capable of towing horse trailers. No reason we can’t tow your
camper to my ranch.”

Remy smiled. “That’d be great unless it’s an imposition.”

“It’s not,” Sawyer assured. “You okay with that, Jax?”

“Yeah, tow it, but not to your ranch. Take it to my house,”
Jax said.

“I don’t want the camper to be in the way,” Remy argued.

“It won’t be, Remington.”

“All right then, Sawyer, how about we meet at the hotel in a
few and I’ll help hook the camper to your truck?” Remy offered.

“Sounds good to me,” Sawyer agreed, following Travis on
their way out of the restaurant, with Gabriel, Avery and Hazard close behind

Almost at once, Evelyn and Remy stood up, both about to turn
away. But Jax wasn’t ready to let them go just yet.

“Are we on for our date tonight?” he asked. “I’ve got to go
talk to Taylor to make sure she doesn’t back out of attending the party.”

“Would it help if I talk to her?” Eve offered.

“Not necessary,” Jax answered. “Don’t avoid my question. Are
we on for later or are the two of you going to deny what’s going on between

“It depends,” Remy chimed in.

“On?” Jax didn’t like being questioned, but figured it was
fair of Remy to do so.

“On whether Eve and I are a one-night stand or something
more? I’ve not been immune to ménages in the past and know they can be
addictive or heartbreaking. It’d kill me if I let you hurt Eve. Hear what I’m

How did one answer that one? With the truth as Jax knew it.

“I’m not talking about a one-night stand,” Jax stated. “I’m
asking for a while-you- are-here stand.”

“Meaning what, exactly?” Eve demanded, standing proudly
beside Remy.

“While you’re in Dare, you and Remy are mine. I can’t, in
all honesty, promise anything more right now. Can that change? Maybe, I’d like
it to.”

Eve took him by surprise. She came right up to him, studying
him in a way that left him speechless. There was no judgment or condemnation in
her eyes, only a desire to make him feel better. Once again, a submissive
proved to him why they were frequently the stronger partner in D/s

“Like Remy, I suspect you’ve suffered heartbreak and
immeasurable pain,” she said, reaching up to cup his face. “If you give me a
chance, maybe you’ll realize I’m capable of healing both of you.”

“My pain cuts deeper than a broken heart, baby girl.”

“Soul-deep,” she whispered. “The kind of pain that comes
from losing someone you love, much the way Remy lost his brother and still
misses him. Same as I feel about my mom.”

Trembling more than he’d ever done in the wake of a woman’s
gentle touch, Jax wanted to bark at her and put her through her paces. But that
was the Dom wanting to push her submissive nature, not the man who simply
wanted to hold her and never let go.

“What happened to your mother?” he asked, saddened because
she truly seemed to relate to the pain of losing a loved one. In his case, he’d
lost two.

“She had breast cancer,” she answered, tears swelling in her
eyes. “She died when I was young.”

“I’m very sorry,” he said. “You don’t have to be so nice to
me, Evelyn.”

“Yes, I do,” she countered. “I suspect you’ve needed someone
to be nice to you for a long time.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Jax agreed.

“When you’re ready, talk to us, tell us about your pain,”
she encouraged, tilting her head toward Remy. “Remy is an incredibly listener
and very supportive.”

“I’ll try. That’s about all I can do.”

“That’s all anyone can do, Jaxon.” She went up on her toes
then, surprising him by kissing his chin softly. “If Remy’s okay with it, yes,
we’ll be your dates for tonight.”

A heavy hand came to rest on Jax’s shoulder, tightening
enough to offer support.

“It’s okay with me. Eve’s pretty amazing, isn’t she?” Remy

“She is. That said, if you fuck her over, I’ll break you,”
Jax vowed, wondering even as he said it, if it was his heart he was really
worried about.

“Same thing applies to you,” Remy stated. “We’ll see you at

Jax nodded. “I’ve got to find Taylor.”

“Tell her I’m looking forward to meeting her,” Eve said.

“Will do, and, Eve, thank you. Be careful though, I’ve a
sweet tooth and you’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever known.”

“I’m not worried,” she said, brushing her lips across his
before stepping back. “Nor am I always sweet, in fact, I’ve a feisty side.”

“She’s got a thing for vampires,” Remy added. “She means it.
She bites, scratches, you name it, she leaves her mark.”

Jax felt a snarl well up in his throat, his upper lip
curling. He really didn’t need to know she had a vampire fetish. Now that he
did, he already imagined living his own fetishes out with her.

“Mark me, I’ll mark you. Go now or none of us are making it
to the party.”

Remy took Eve’s hand and led her away. It took everything in
Jax to watch them leave. He’d been a breath away from telling her about his
alter ego.

Chapter Nine


Getting ready for her date with Remy and Jaxon Wynter, Eve
felt as nervous as she’d been on prom night. Hopefully this night would turn
out better than her ill-fated date with the loss of her virginity.

She’d been seventeen, a senior in high school. Her
experience with boys had been minimal, kissing, handholding, nothing below the

Her date that night, Matt Bucher, had been the senior class
president and accepted into Harvard. Her father had approved vehemently. He’d
even met Matt’s parents, arranged for a limousine to transport them safely to
and from the prom and all went well.

That was until Matt talked her into attending a party at a
friend of a friend’s house. He’d called her dad, feeding him a lie that they
were going to a chaperoned after-prom party and her father didn’t question it.

At the party, Eve accepted drink after drink. At first she’d
fooled herself into thinking it was simply punch without a heavy dose of vodka.

The truth was she’d wanted to fit in. One thing led to
another, drinking games, dancing and someone’s bedroom where Matt coaxed her
into more than kissing. To this day, she barely remembered much at all about
the sex, except the discomfort of having her hymen torn by a boy who’d been as
inexperienced as she was.

She’d actually bled from the tearing, leaving a small stain
on the sheets. Soon as he saw the blood, Matt accused her of being a slut
because she’d let him fuck her when she had her period.

She’d gotten up and vomited in the closest toilet.
Afterward, she found Matt passed out on the bed, called a cab and left. He
never called her after that, although he sent a thank you note to her dad for
the limo!

Since then she’d genuinely liked the men she’d dated in
college and grad school, though she not really been in love until she met Remy.
He’d made sex fun, exciting and passionate.

Thinking about Remy naturally made her think of Jaxon
Wynter. She still couldn’t believe it. She had a date with two very gorgeous,
hot, extremely different men. It brought her back to the age-old question, what
to wear?

Remy was currently in the bathroom taking a very long shower.
He’d kissed her before disappearing, saying he needed some privacy to prepare
for later. She wasn’t exactly sure what he’d meant although they’d stopped at a
neighborhood pharmacy on their way back to the hotel.

Deciding to wait outside the store, she asked Remy to pick
up a few things for her, namely shaving gel for sensitive skin, as her trial
supply had run out. It hadn’t taken him very long, but she’d enjoyed looking
around the town and getting a feel for Main Street.

Later when they returned to their hotel room, Eve soaked in
the bathtub, shaved her legs and underarms and touched up her bikini-trimmed
pubic area. She’d been so nervous she took a chunk of skin off her knee and had
to dab it with a piece of toilet paper. The tissue was still in place on the
chance she started to bleed again.

What was Remy doing in that bathroom so long? Backtrack,
Remy was bi. Jaxon was bi. She’d be the middle of their male on male sandwich.
Now she knew what Remy was doing in that shower, and what he’d bought when he’d
wandered into that pharmacy.

“Eve, what are you staring at?” Remy asked behind her.

Spinning around, her breath caught in her throat. There he
was, her Remy, beautiful, handsome, tall, strong, everything she’d ever want in
a man. And yet, somehow there was room in her life for another.

She didn’t know how long this experience with Jaxon would
last. She only hoped she didn’t lose Remy as a result. It was something to
think about, to make sure that he didn’t end up with a broken heart when they
left Dare.

“Hi, boss,” she said, loving the way Remy stood there in
nothing but a towel.

“Hi, sugar,” he greeted, grinning. “You still haven’t told
me what you were looking at.”

“Just trying to choose something to wear,” she told him,
shrugging. “I’m a little nervous about our date with Jaxon.”

“Me too,” Remy confessed, though he didn’t appear to be as
rattled as she was. “I hope you’re not feeling rushed.”

“No, I don’t. I want him, Remy. If it makes me weird or it’s
wrong, so be it. I only hope I’ve not disappointed you by how I feel.”

Remy pushed off the doorjamb, striding up to her with the
powerful grace that he’d mastered so well. It was the one that made television
cameras love him and New England fans want to fuck him.

“I’m not disappointed, Eve. If anything your response makes
me want him more than I already do. I’ve had a taste of Jaxon now and I want
him to be our lover.”

“He really did kiss you today,” she said, curious to hear
the details.

“Actually it was kind of a wrestling match for who’d kiss
who first. I think he let me win and then he took over.”

“Jaxon’s quite fascinating. Aside from you, I can’t think of
any man who’s dominated my thoughts this much.”

“Sawyer, Gabriel and Travis don’t come to mind?”

She shook her head. “They’re all great guys, but I’ve no
interest in them.”

“You sure you’re not upset that I kissed another man?” Remy
touched his hand to her face, turning his palm inward to cup her cheek.

“Were you upset when I touched his cock? Or let him stroke
my thigh?”

“No, I liked it. Ever since college, I’ve had an affinity
for threesomes. Thing is, Eve, this is exactly what I was trying to protect you
from. Taking on someone else in a new relationship could be a big mistake.”

“Remy, I gave myself to you knowing full well that another
man might come into the picture. I want to be part of that picture.”

“Eve, you’re too good to me.”

“I’m realistic. I think we were stranded in Colorado so that
we could come together and be prepared for this moment in time.”

“For Jaxon,” he clarified.

“Yes, for Jaxon.”

“You do understand that he’s a Dominant? If he scares you or
threatens you, let me know and I’ll protect you.”

“He’s hurting inside and it kills me thinking about it. I
don’t know who he lost or what happened, but it must have been terrible enough
to make him hide here in Dare. He’s lonely.”

Remy dropped his hand to her shoulder, his other arm coming
around her waist to hug her up against his body. His cock, large and
significant, poked her center, tempting her to untie the bathrobe she was
wearing and jump her man.

“You still think he’s Ransom Hunter?”

Eve nodded. “Finding Ransom is incidental to me now that
we’ve met Jaxon. If he is the author, it’s his right to maintain that secret to
the grave.”

“Jaxon’s not promising anything beyond the here and now. I don’t
want him to break your heart.”

“Nor do I want that for you. You’re genuinely attracted to
him, yes?”

“I spent the last thirty minutes getting ready for a night
of sex with him. What do you think?”

“I think you should introduce me to anal sex soon. If you’re
willing to share me that way, I’d be willing to try.”

“It’s too soon for you tonight,” he told her, shaking his

“Anal sex won’t cause damage or anything?”

“Not if done right and you’re prepared for it. Toys,
fingers, tongues, will get you loosened up and ready for bigger and better

“Such as your cock, I presume.”

“You already know the answer to that one.”

Lowering his head, Remy kissed her, giving her a moment to
adjust to his height advantage before ravishing her mouth in a French kiss so
deep and powerful, she had to hold him close to keep upright.

“Love you, Remy,” she murmured when he let her breathe

Resting his forehead against hers, he whispered, “I love you

“Are you scared?” she asked, trembling as the enormity of the
evening became all too real.

“I’m terrified. If this night goes to hell in a handbag
don’t leave me.”

“No matter what happens with Jaxon, I gave my heart to you
this past weekend not just my body. I’m not taking it back.”

“I’m not giving it back,” he promised, holding her close,
giving her the support she’d needed to relax.

“What time is it?”

Remy eased up, looking around the room to the bedside table.
“Six thirty.”

“I need to get dressed. Too bad I can’t call Avery. She has
a better fashion sense than I do.”

“Want some help? Think of me as her stand-in.”

“If you’d like, feel free.” Stepping back, she swept her
hand toward the closet.

“Robe needs to come off, sugar.” Remy moved away, shoving
his way through her side of the big hotel room closet with singleminded

“You just want to see me naked,” she challenged, removing
the robe anyway.

He looked back, his eyes growing hot as they swept her naked
body. He whistled and then winced a little, having to adjust his stiff erection
that threatened the security of his bath towel.

“Jesus, if my dick gets any harder, I’m going to need a
shoehorn to get the damnable thing in my leathers.”

“Ouch, don’t mess with perfection. If you need relief, take
the towel off and I’ll suck you dry.”

“No, can’t,” he said.

“Why not?” she complained, pouting in a way she hoped he’d
find irresistible.

“I’ve the feeling that
won’t like it if we fuck or
suck without him tonight. I’d rather not deal with a pissed-off Dom on our
first night with him.”

“If he dares hurt you, I will kick his nuts into his skull.”

“Cripes, woman, don’t threaten the man’s jewels. He’s going
to need them.”


“Coming, a lot, with us.”

“There is that, hurry.”

“Okay, okay,” Remy uttered, still combing through her
wardrobe of dresses and pants.

He paused, taking out a classic little black dress modified
with silver accents intricately woven throughout a bodice that resembled an old
fashioned whalebone corset. Twin narrow rhinestone shoulder straps would secure
the dress in place. The bottom half of the dress flowed in a pretty swirl of
satiny fabric.

“This is it. Where’d you get this?”

“I bought it on a whim when Morgan and I went shopping a
couple weeks ago. What’s weird is I didn’t put that dress in my second

When they’d left Salem, she’d packed two cases, one for the
road trip, one for Dare. Remy had graciously unpacked their things while she’d
taken a quick dust-off shower before lunch so she’d not seen it then either.

“How do you think the dress got into your bag?”

“Morgan, she came by before you picked me up at my apartment
to wish us well on our trip.”

“Sly little thing, isn’t she? I adore her but sometimes her
intuition freaks me out. She told me months ago that I had two soul mates. One
whom I’d already met, you, and the other would resemble a Norse god.”

“Wow, she gave me this whole yin and yang scenario and you
have the symbol tattooed on your chest. What are the chances Jaxon has one?”

“Not sure,” Remy said. “Haven’t seen him naked, but chances
are we will soon. So what do you think? Will this dress do for our date with

“Dress accepted,” she decided, reaching for it.

“Too bad this isn’t a nudist party,” he said. “You look good
in nothing but skin.”

Eve laughed, took the dress with her to the bed and laid it
across the duvet. “It’s doubtful Hazard will appreciate if we tried to steal
his thunder.”

“Yeah, we can’t do that to him. Skip wearing panties, Eve,
if you dare.”

“I dare,” she said playfully.

Remy grinned devilishly and walked away, leaving Eve to slip
into the dress. The only problem that came up was the silver ties that
crisscrossed in the back. They actually had to be tied so she followed him into
the closet and got a little help binding the laces so that the dress fit snugly
without cutting off circulation.

Once he finished, she dashed out of the closet and went to a
mirror. The dress was perfect! The material was velvet-soft, hugging her waist
and emphasized the fact that she did have cleavage. The hem touched mid-thigh,
exposing enough skin to appear flirty without being too much.

Sitting on the bed, she dug through the bedside table where
Remy stored her underwear and stockings. Selecting a pair of sheer stockings
and a garter belt, she rolled up the skirt of her dress to put the belt and
stockings. It took some doing but once she was done, she thought her legs
looked great.

She had black pumps in the closet. They’d be perfect with
the outfit. She also had some pretty dangly silver earrings in a small jewelry
bag she’d placed in a room safe hidden behind a rack of clothes. It took a
couple seconds to punch in the code—Remy’s birthday—and retrieve the bag.

Putting in the earrings then stepping into her shoes, she
went in search for Remy, finding him in the sitting room clicking through
channels on the TV. Wow, she was taken aback.

During her hustle to get ready, Remy had finished. Just
seeing him sitting on a chaise did a number on her equilibrium. He looked great
in black leather pants, a black belt with pewter studs and a black shirt. Heavy
combat boots were already on his feet.

“You look great, Remy,” she said. He’d bound his hair back
in a band, his Wampanoag features much more visible.

“Thanks, sugar,” he replied, staring right back. “You look

“Thank you, but hold that thought. I need to finish up
before I do something crazy and launch myself at you.”

Remy stood up, his height much more noticeable. Something
about him was different. He was still handsome, still her Remy, yet if she
reached out and touched him she thought it possible to feel a current of
excitement buzzing inside of him.

The same current that had passed between them and Jaxon in
the lobby, the same that danced upon her skin with excitement, inducing goose
bumps the way only a rare EVP caught on one of Remy’s devices had done before.
Kismet, maybe, or chemistry, whatever it was, it was alive and well and new.

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