MenageaDare (28 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Remy flopped backward on the mattress, looking up as told.
Eve eased herself onto his lap, her back to his chest.

“Remy extend your arms up and on the pillows,” Jax said.

Remy obeyed, rewarded when Jax had Eve assume the same
position. When Jax was done shifting them into position, her wrists were banded
by Remy’s fingers. Her head rested on his right shoulder, her hair felt
incredibly soft and smelled great. She felt great. Her body heat was radiant.

Their legs were stretched out alongside each other, Remy’s
on the inside of Eve’s. Beginning to understand what Jax intended, he knew that
the placement of his legs would allow him to spread hers wider and he did so,
coaxing her legs farther apart.

Jax reared up, dug a condom from his bedside drawer and
covered his pretty dick. For the most part, Remy never thought of penises as
pretty. Jax’s was big enough, pretty enough and thick enough to devour for a
long time to come. Yeah, pretty!

Getting hard just thinking about what was next, Remy gave
himself over to Jax’s merciless hand working his cock into full readiness. Remy
loved the fact that his cock was big enough to nestle right up tight against
Eve’s slit, his cock head poking out near her trimmed mons.

Jax maneuvered himself in place between Remy and Eve’s
thighs. One look from Jax’s heavy-lidded eyes told him to spread her open
farther. Remy readily complied, holding onto her wrists even tighter.

“Wow, I’m a lucky woman,” Eve declared. “Two men, multiple
orgasms, what more could one ask for?”

“Ask me to fuck you, Evelyn,” Jax insisted.

“Thought that was a given. I’m all spread out and open for
you. Remy’s my human bondage cross. Isn’t that what you intended?”

“You catch on fast, love,” Jax praised. “I’m proud of you.
Now lay back and enjoy the pleasure I can give both of you.”

After digging around in his drawer of sex toys, Jax came
back to the center of the bed where Remy and Eve remained. Remy didn’t let up
his hold, enjoying his role as both her protector and her captor.

Jax tore open another condom. Expecting to be sheathed with
it, Remy tensed up. They couldn’t double-team Eve without the right

“Now, beautiful, who do you belong to?” Jax questioned,
shifting back into place between Remy and Eve’s thighs.

“You and Remy,” she answered.

“Do you trust me to give you nothing but pleasure, even when
you’ve been a bad girl and disobedient?”

“How have I disobeyed you, Master Jax?”

“You only needed to ask me to fuck you. As you decided to
test me, you’ll have to beg. If you come before I grant you permission, you
will go to dinner tonight with a plug snug in your cute ass.”

“I’m not going to beg,” she refused, shaking her head and
giving Remy a bit of a stinger to the cheek in the process. “If you want to
fuck me, please do. Remy needs you too.”

“Sugar, you’re in trouble,” Remy warned.

“What can he do to me? You’ll keep me safe,” she stated, her
faith in him making his heart swell with pride, but cock was rock hard, still
firmly in place between the vee of her sheath.

“I’ll always protect you, Eve,” Remy promised, ignoring his
dominant gene that wanted him to shift and drive into her without a condom. He
couldn’t do that to her, not yet, not until she was sure that’s what she

Jax took a pillow, using it to prop Eve’s ass up some,
dislodging Remy’s cock from its sweet nest of curls and slick feminine heat.
The burring sound of a vibrator kicked on.

Remy was glad for the extra-thick pillow beneath his head,
because he was able to look down Eve’s body to see what was going on,
discovering Jax was about to rest the head of a basic black vibrator with a
thin condom rolled onto it against her clit.

“Close your eyes, Eve,” Remy murmured, soothing her even as
Jax touched the vibrator to her, getting her rolling and thrusting against the
toy in a gallant effort to chase the vibes.

She cried and mewled, spreading herself as wide as possible.
For minutes, Jax teased her clit, keeping her charged and ready until the
vibrator disappeared below Remy’s line of sight. Eve stilled. Her body was so
tense Remy feared he might break her in half.

“Wait…wait, what are you doing?” she uttered, squirming so
much she nearly dislodged Remy’s cock from where he wanted it to be.

“You like this, baby?” Jax asked.

“Ohmigod, oh, oh, yes, feels so good, intense,” Eve
whispered insensibly, tossing her head even as she hoisted her hips up and
jolted. Remy was pretty sure Jax was fucking her ass with the narrow vibe.

“Am I hurting you?” Jax asked, concern in his voice, his
hand moving in and out, clearly fucking her.

“No,” she uttered.

It took all of Remy’s strength to keep her wrists secured in
his grip. Jax placed his free hand against her stomach, bracing her as he set
up a surefire fucking motion that had their baby girl rocking and rolling and
begging for more.

“Come on, baby girl, give me what I want,” Jaxon coaxed.

“Shouldn’t be good, too good, please!” she grumbled.

“Please what?”

“Fuck me, please!” she shouted, going crazy. She was getting
off on the toy, he felt her tremors, heard her mews and pleas.
“Please…please…fuck me. Please, Master Jax, won’t you have mercy and let me
feel your cock inside my pussy?”

“Now that’s my sweet Evelyn,” Jax praised her, climbing back
into place between them, taking Eve missionary style, the vibe still in her
ass. Remy could feel it shimmering through her. It zapped him right where he
needed it, causing his balls to draw tight to his body.

Better yet, every time Jaxon withdrew almost all the way out
only to thrust into Eve, his sheathed cock slipped alongside of Remy’s. Getting
off on the combination, Remy wasn’t going to last much longer. Judging by Eve’s
frenzied thrusts, she wasn’t going to last much longer either.

“May I come?” she pled.

Remy was stunned. He’d always known she was submissive, but
this was the first time he witnessed her gradual understanding of the power
play between a Dom and sub. She was still new, though he suspected she would
gravitate to Jax’s dungeon of her own volition, in her own time.

“Come, scream with it,” Jax granted, followed by Eve tossing
back her head and going incredibly still, her body apparently caught up in
sexual tension snapped with the veracity of a slingshot, her orgasmic cries
filling the room, loud, soulful.

Finally, she relaxed and Jaxon took mercy on Remy,
withdrawing from Eve and aligning their erections together, pumping his hips
hard. It was beyond surreal, it was fantastic, especially as Remy remained
bare, letting him feel the shape and slickness of Jax’s condom-covered cock.

As one, Remy and Jaxon came, Remy’s cum splashing all over
the place. Shortly after, Jax sat up and withdrew the vibe from Eve’s ass,
turning it off and placing it out of the way. Afterward, he removed and trashed
his spent condom.

Remy freed Eve’s wrists, shifting her to his side, a quiet
kind of peace settling over her. She still smelled amazing and her skin was
softer than silk.

“What did they put in those baths anyway?” Remy asked,
grinning at Jax when he reclined on the other side of Eve.

“Avery said it’s a combination of mineral salts, mountain
runoff and spring water,” she answered quietly. “A half an hour in the mineral
bath did amazing things to relax and heal sore muscles.”

“We’ll have to remember that for times when Remy and I keep
you up late,” Jax said, placing an arm around her. “You’re going to need it
after we fuck your ass with more than a thin vibrator.”

“I think you’ll kill me if either of you do that,” she

“Did you like what Jax did to you, sugar?”

“Um-hmm,” she answered. Remy took that as a yes.

“It’s an honor to know you enjoyed it,” Jax said. “Now that
we’ve reconnected, what do you say we get ready for a night on the town? Hazard
and Avery are planning to meet us at the Italian restaurant on the corner of
Main and Fifth Streets at seven.”

“That does sound divine,” Eve admitted. “We had lunch at the
spa, finger sandwiches, lemon water and orange sorbet for dessert.”

“Speaking of water, Remy and I stopped at the store and
picked up some things to nibble on and drink later, including wine.”

“Are there vineyards nearby?” she asked.

“Actually, yes,” Jax answered. “Primarily, the wine is
distributed to businesses in Dare, but visitors may buy bottles or crates of
wine to take home with them.”

“Take time before we go to dinner to drink water, sugar.
Neither of us had enough yesterday and I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”

“Good idea,” she agreed. “Umm, actually, I’m calling dibs on
the bathroom right now.”

“Aw, here I thought we’d wash up together,” Remy objected.

“If either of you messed up my hair, I might dunk you in a
cold shower.”

“You look gorgeous, baby girl. The blonde suits you.”

“Thank you, Jaxon.”

“You’re welcome.” Jax squeezed her.

She pushed herself up, dropped her head down and kissed Jax.
Afterward, she shifted around, kissing Remy from his mouth to his ear.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“Love you,” Remy returned, hugging her tight. He’d needed to
hear those words and return them.

In hurry, Eve scrambled off the bed and went to the
bathroom, closing the door behind her.

“The three of us are good together,” Jax said quietly.

“Anything worthwhile takes work. Being with you will be well
worth the effort. I’m sure Eve would think the same.”

“Do you have an idea of where she’s going to apply for her

“She received her Master’s from Northeastern. She may try

“Would she consider an online program or somewhere closer to

“I think she’d be open to either as long as she could spend
time with her father and friends back home,” Jax replied. “Above all, Evelyn
should know we support her efforts to earn her doctorate. Where’d you go to
college, Remington?”

“I went to Yale for undergrad and studied parapsychology
along with world religion and occult at the University of Amsterdam for
graduate school.”

“Amsterdam? Wow, that must have been exciting,” Jax said.

“It was wild,” Remy agreed.

“If you don’t mind my asking, why do you have an interest in
the occult and religion?”

“Mainly, I thought it was the right path to understanding
paranormal activity.”

“When I went to my office earlier, I watched an episode of
your show,” Jax admitted.

Remy blushed. “What did you think?”

“I think your evidence is compelling and credible. As the
host, you are empathetic and charming, drawing the viewer in and convincing
them that you care about the places and entities you’re investigating.”

“I do care. Whenever I encounter an intelligent or
communicative entity, it seems to me that they have something to say or a
purpose before their souls can depart this plane of existence.”

“What do you mean?”

“Take Blair for example. I think his spirit remained because
he wanted me to warn other kids to stay away from the neighborhood ice cream
man. When his murderer was brought to justice he stopped appearing to me.”

“You think his purpose here was over?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t watching over our
family. Other spirits are residual, such as on a battlefield or in a house
they’d lived, loved and died in.”

“Do you run into bad spirits? There’s evil in this world,
stands to reason there’s evil in the afterlife.”

“Most of the time, what I’ve encountered was harmless. Once
I was confronted by something malevolent and it followed me home. Wasn’t a
pleasant time, I can tell you that. Had to get my apartment cleansed and visit
church for a blessing.”

“What the fuck? A ghost followed you, hurt you?”

Remy sat up, leaning back against the headboard. “It threw
me across the room and left scratches on my back that lasted longer than any
whipping I’d had in the past.”

“Dammit, Remington, be more careful, please. If something
happened to you, it’d kill me. And just so you know, I will never whip you to
the point that it’d leave you scarred.”

“You care about me that much, Jax?” Remy asked.

“Yes. That surprises you?”

“It’s nice to know. Except for Eve, my family still doesn’t
buy into the paranormal activity thing.”

“Eve and I believe in you. Promise me you’ll be careful when
you’re working and I’ll try to be less of a brute.”

“You’re not a brute at all, lover. I’m a lucky man to have
such faith,” Remy said. “Considering how you feel, do you mind if I confide in
you about something regarding my ex-fiancée, Beth?”

“Not at all,” Jax assured.

“The day I broke off our engagement, Beth suggested we have
an open marriage.”

“You turned her down, I take it.”

“I had to. I didn’t love her the way a man should love the
woman he wants to spend his life with and have children with.”

“You did the right thing, Remington.”

“The thing is, Jax, I was so hung up in how things went down
with Beth that I refused to see the right woman when she came along, Eve
Sinclair,” Remy said.

“Her last name’s Stratham,” Jax pointed out.

“She’s meant to have my last name.”

Jax shot upward, looking a little panicked. “Where does that
leave me, Remy?”

Remy’s heart melted. Sometimes he forgot badass Doms needed
kindness and patience. Reaching out, he placed his hand against the handsomest
face he’d ever known, might ever know.

“If we take things slow and do this right with Eve, she may
become our wife,
wife. Jax, think about it.”

“Remy, I think I’m dangerously close to falling in love with
you and Evelyn,” Jax whispered. “And it scares the hell outta me.”

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