Read MenageaDare Online

Authors: Frances Stockton

MenageaDare (30 page)

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Eve didn’t have to wait very long before Remy’s cock tapped
for entrance between her lips. Opening her mouth to receive him, she took a
deep breath and relaxed her jaw. Once she found her rhythm, her confidence

Nearby, Jaxon moved, the slight give of the mattress telling
her he was at the foot of the bed crouched behind Remy. His face close to
Eve’s, only farther up near Remy’s asshole, intriguing her until more of Remy’s
cock filled her mouth and retreated, repeating the motion, going deeper each

Eve jumped. Remy’s hair tickled the entrance to her pussy,
his mouth centering on her clit, sucking her while she sucked him. Whoa! He
went at her with an intense, decadent fury, forcing her to draw off him or else
she’d choke or damage his beautiful flesh.

As Remy worked her clit, he began humming and shifting,
tonguing her even as his cock swung near her face. That’s when she heard the
sexy sounds of oral sex close to her ear.

Wiggling about some to see what was going on she felt her
eyes widen in shock. She’d seen analingus in porn flicks and read about it in
Jaxon’s books; witnessing it was surreal and crazily sexy. Better still, Remy
was enjoying everything Jaxon did to him.

Wanting to keep up with Jaxon, she stroked Remy’s erection,
teasing his balls with her thumb and bringing him back to her mouth, taking him

Tension built to a fever pitch. Fearing she might break in
half, she was only half-aware that she was being fucked by Remy’s tongue.
Suddenly, her inner tension broke, wave after wave crashing through her in warm
ebbs and flows.

Incredibly, her craving for something sweet and salty was
satisfied seconds later as Remy’s cock pulsed, cum splashing on her tongue and
slipping down her throat.

Only when he was clean did Eve release Remy from the depths
of her mouth. He surprised her then, giving her a gentle kiss right on the
tender skin of her inner thigh as if to say thank you.

“Hold him tightly, baby girl,” Jaxon implored, getting up on
his knees behind Remy. “Now I’m going to fuck him.”

Eve wrapped Remy up as best she could and held him close
when Jaxon entered him. Briefly, Remy squirmed but didn’t buck Jaxon off. If
anything he bore down, accepting his inevitable fucking.

“Take his cock and own it, Remy. You own it,” she declared.

Remy ramped up, thrusting himself back at his lover. Eve
rocked with him, whispering nonsensical words to assure him she’d never let him
go. Whether he could hear her or not, she couldn’t tell, she only knew she was
his anchor right then.

Jaxon reared back, stilling and grunting. She couldn’t see
his face right then but she’d seen him come several times already, knowing by
rote he’d be beautiful.

Shifting out from beneath Remy, Eve moved until she could
relax against the pillows. She was completely worn out, but as had become the
norm, Remy parked himself at her front, Jaxon at her back.

“Now that’s the way to start a day,” she pronounced.

“You’re next, love. You’re next,” Jax declared, laughing
with gleeful intent.

Remy’s big hand cupped one breast, Jaxon’s shifted to cover
the other, both gently massaging but her left breast ached a little too much
from the pressure and she shifted out of their grasps. At first they didn’t get
the hint and playfully chased her squirming bod.

“Dammit, stop that! There’s such a thing as too much sex,
guys,” she groused, feeling sorry for being so grumpy all of a sudden. As fun
as the last few minutes had been, PMS had made her achy and just too tired to

“Hey, sugar, what’s the matter?” Remy asked, sounding
concerned. His hand settled against her cheek, swiping her hair back behind her

“Nothing, I’m a little sore,” she answered.

“Were we too rough?” Jaxon questioned, his arms secured around
her middle as he shifted close enough to spoon up to her ass and back.

“No, not at all. It’s Remy I’m concerned about. You gave him
a pounding.”

“Jax didn’t hurt me, Eve. Something’s different this
morning. You’re all tense. What can we do to help you relax?”

“It’s only PMS. I’m sorry guys.” She tried shrugging but
ended up knocking Jaxon’s chin with her shoulder.

“Don’t be. We should have asked sooner. Can I get you
something to make you feel better?” Jax offered.

“Midol will help and a warm bath. If you could show me a
guest room to move into until my period’s over, that’d be nice too.”

Jaxon sat up. “This is as much yours and Remy’s room as it
is mine. If you’re in this house, this is where you sleep.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier and more convenient if I slept
elsewhere? Just think, in a couple of days the two of you will have plenty of
room to fuck and wrestle.”

“Uh-uh,” Remy mumbled. “Stay with us.”


“Evelyn, if you can’t have sex, we’ll abstain,” Jaxon said.

Eve unwound from Remy’s arms, sitting up to prop herself
against the headboard. The thing really was massive. Whoever built this bed
must be a master craftsman.

“Jax, you told me at the Truth or Dare Club that there would
be times when you’d want each other without me there.”

“That’s true, as there will be times when you’ll want
private time with one of us. But if you’re sick or cramping, we’ll want to take
care of you. It’s my hope that you’d do the same for us.”

“I’d be there in a heartbeat,” she agreed. “I can’t believe
we’re even talking about this.”

“Why, sugar?”

“It’s personal.”

“It’s part of life,” Jaxon argued. “Considering what we’ve
done with each other since we met there’s nothing we can’t talk about.”

“Thank you for being so patient with me,” she said. “Do you
think the three of us could snuggle for a little while longer?”

“Absolutely, Eve,” Remy agreed, helping her settle down
between them and they scooted into her, holding her tightly. At once, she
closed her eyes and she fell back asleep but she couldn’t say for how long. All
she knew was that Jaxon was gently kissing her shoulder, not to stir arousal,
but to comfort.

Remy was wide awake, his proximity revealing that he was
hard. Eve looked into his eyes, rewarded by his cute wink.

“It’s okay, sugar. Ignore my erection. Relax just relax.”

“I have a huge bathtub with whirlpool jets. We can take a
bath together if you’re feeling up to it,” Jaxon offered.

“That’d be great.” Truly, a hot bath would work wonders.

“Give me a few minutes to get things ready and I’ll call you
two to join me.”

Eve agreed, shifting around on the bed to watch Jaxon get
out of bed. He did it with finesse, not bothering to use the stepladder and
quickly crossed the floor to the bathroom.

He didn’t close the door behind him so she could hear him
splashing around, likely at the sink. The splashing stopped and a faucet was
turned on, followed by a clink. Several minutes later, he called for her and
Remy to join him. He helped Eve out of bed.

The bathroom was huge. In keeping with the A-frame design of
the house, a large window was the centerpiece of the room, allowing for a
magnificent view of the valley they’d driven through to reach the mountain.

It’d been late and dark when they arrived, but flood
lighting had come on long enough to get inside safely and Jax had a state-of-the-art
alarm system. From what she remembered of her brief look of the outside of the
mountain house, its gigantic A-frame design was bolstered by large wings on
either side of the A.

They’d entered his home through a garage door, coming out
into a hallway that led to a small room, a powder room, pantry and a kitchen
that might have made Master Chef contestants salivate. From there, they’d
headed to a back stairway and up to a loft that turned out to be the master

“This is an amazing house, Jaxon,” she said. “I can’t wait
to relax in that bathtub.”

Perched on a dais made of rich red oak, the tub was gorgeous
and looked as if it had plenty of room for the three of them to soak in. To the
right of the bath was an open shower with a gorgeous rock wall. All they’d have
to do was walk in, turn a knob and water would cascade from above.

Continuing to look around, she spotted what she’d thought
was a storage closet but it turned out to be a powder room with toilet and a
small pedestal sink.

“Wow,” she murmured, stunned at how beautiful and detailed
Jaxon’s home really was.

“Climb on in, baby girl,” Jaxon invited, bringing her
attention back to him. She’d been so fascinated by the décor that she’d not
realized he’d filled the tub.

“If you don’t mind, I’d prefer to brush my teeth first,” she

“Anything you need,” he replied in kind.

After the basic morning necessities were done, the three of
them climbed up the stairs and into the tub. A bath was perfect. The whirlpool
effect worked miracles and relieved her body’s stresses.

She’d still need Midol, but she felt cleaner, fresher and
much more relaxed. Kindly, Jaxon and Remy shampooed and conditioned her hair
then used a bar of soap to wash her all over. There was nothing sexual in their
assistance, but it was sweet of them to take such good care of her.

Soon she was clean from head to toe, returning the favor by
helping Jaxon wash Remy’s hair and they in turn washed Jaxon’s. When they were
done, Jaxon was the first to exit, getting three towels from a linen closet.

“I’m going to go check my phone for messages,” Jaxon said,
handing off two towels. “Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready.”

“Sounds good,” Remy said.

“Okay,” Eve agreed, standing up to wrap herself in the big

Jaxon left, the sounds of his rustling around in the bedroom
could be heard in the bathroom. Remy assisted her out of the bathtub, though
the floor wasn’t slippery.

“His skin’s always so soft,” Eve shared with Remy. “He must
have a lifetime supply of razors.”

“I’ve razors, trimmers, you name it,” Jaxon called out,
causing her to flush. “I started the habit of shaving when I was dancing
because men and women got a kick out of it. Once I tried hot waxing, big
mistake, never again. Someday I might try electrolysis.”

“Apparently Jaxon has super hearing,” she said, giggling.

Remy winced, visibly. “That’s crazy. But somehow this is
going to turn into a discussion about my groin.”

“Now that you brought it up, are you going to do it?” she

“Guess we’ll have to see,” Remy said.

Jaxon didn’t say much after that and Eve and Remy dried off
together then returned to the master bedroom that took up the entirety of the
loft. It really was huge and yet it was inviting. The house felt similar to a
rustic log cabin with a modernized appeal.

The bed took up a large part of the bedroom. The
complementary furniture was black, featuring two eight-drawer dressers, bedside
tables, a ceiling fan and a window seat. Bolstering the frame of the bed was a
plethora of drawers for storage.

Going to the walk-in closet, Eve opened her suitcase,
discovering that Jaxon pushed aside a place for her to hang her clothes. She
did so quickly, choosing to wear a sundress for the day.

Finding panties and a bra, she slid on the panties first. As
she fumbled with the bra, she noticed her left breast still felt sore, more so
than she’d expect for PMS days.

Even though she routinely did breast self exams, she usually
did them after her period ended. Given that something was different this
morning, she performed an exam, encountering what seemed to be a deep-tissue

A little taken aback, Eve pressed the area again to make
certain there wasn’t a discernable lump. The bruising was localized,
concentrated to an area about the size of a peanut. Given the number of love bites
marking her skin, she thought it possible one of the guys suckled too hard on
that spot.

Truthfully, she hadn’t minded rough sex, but maybe she
should tell the guys to go a little easier on her until the bruising healed. If
the soreness remained after taking some Midol, she’d call her doctor and see
what she should do.

Putting on her bra, she slid the dress over her head,
letting the soft fabric flow to her mid-calves. Dressed and feeling renewed,
she left the closet, going to the bathroom to apply makeup and brush her hair.

Ready to face the day and anxious to see the rest of Jaxon’s
home, she bumped into Remy on the way out of the bathroom as he’d been heading
into it.

“Sorry, sugar, you sure you’re okay?” he asked, his hands
falling to her waist to hold her still.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered. “Everything okay with you,

“I was wondering if you and I could take a walk together
later,” he said. “I’ve got two nights worth of data to comb through this
morning. It might take until after lunch.”

“You know I’ll love hearing all about what you’ve collected.
A walk would be lovely.”

“Great, next weekend we’ll extend the hunts to the cemetery,
the general store and the stables. Jaxon’s game for it.”

“Do you think there’s enough activity in Dare to document
for your season premiere in the fall?”

“Sure hope so,” Remy said. “This town is awesome. I feel at
home here.”

“Me too, Remy,” she admitted. “I really love Dare.”

It was true. Eve had fallen in love with the town.
Yesterday, she and Remy had seen it through Jaxon Wynter’s eyes, discovering
the charm of small town life, even as they bumped into big-name celebrities who
were spending their vacation time in a place where they didn’t have to worry
about the media exploiting them.

During the tour, they stopped in at the Dare Historical
Society and Museum. It was small, but charming and distinct, showcasing the
town’s rich silver mining history, as well as its inhabitants.

She’d love to make the museum a bigger attraction to
visitors. It’d be up to Jaxon and the town council, but she’d certainly enjoy
the chance to explore and showcase Dare’s history while Remy documented its
ghostly inhabitants.

BOOK: MenageaDare
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