
Read MenageaDare Online

Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Book 2 in the Sexcapades series.


Remy and Eve have been skirting
their attraction for nearly a year. During a road trip, they become lovers. But
Remy’s worried. He’s bisexual and doesn’t want to risk hurting Eve.

Upon their arrival in Dare, Nevada,
they meet the enigmatic, incredibly sexy Jaxon Wynter. Immediately Eve and Remy
want him and it isn’t long before Jax seduces the couple into a red-hot ménage
that pushes their boundaries. But Jax has secrets and emotional scars he’s
tried to keep buried. When an emergency arises for Eve, he realizes if he
doesn’t open his heart and soul to his lovers, he could lose them both, forever.


Inside Scoop:
This threesome
features all sorts of sexy adventure, including scorching-hot male/male
intimacy and mild BDSM.


A Romantica®
contemporary erotic romance
Ellora’s Cave


Frances Stockton


Chapter One

Colorado—Late April


Cruising along the highway in the passenger seat of a big
red Toyota truck, Eve had her nose buried in her Kindle, her concentration torn
between the driver, Remy Sinclair, and a hot sex scene written by her favorite
author, Ransom Hunter.

Ransom Hunter was an enigma, a pen name for sure, but little
was known other than the author was a man who lived in California. There’d been
rumors surfacing a while back as to the author’s identity. Rumors that led to
Eve researching into what happened to him after his last new release came out
two years ago.

From what she’d gathered, Ransom moved to Nevada and lived a
reclusive life in or near the town of Dare, the very place she and Remy were
set to investigate for his ghost hunter reality TV show. In an age where many
of the rich and famous were frequently talked about in gossip magazines and
television, it was most unusual that little was known about him after he left

Then again, from what she knew about Dare, Nevada, the town
prided itself on being a destination for the rich and famous to hide away from
the gossipmongers. Maybe that was why little was written or known about him.
And speculating as to whether she might run into him or meet him once she and
Remy got there was a waste of time.

She’d rather read. True, she’d read this particular scene
countless times, tending to imagine herself as the heroine caught between two
hulking male bodies. The first time she’d read the Vampire-for-Hire erotica
series, she’d thought it was crazy to fantasize about being with two men.

Now her self-pleasured dreams were fueled by elements of
fiction, Remy and even the author. Maybe it was because she could escape and
become someone else in a book, someone who wasn’t the daughter of a strict
businessman who’d lost his wife to cancer.

As good a man as her father was, he raised her to live an
exemplary life. But as she grew up, she soon realized that working in real
estate investment wasn’t for her. She tried to please her father, but when she
went to college, she veered away from business to history and genealogy.

Now with a Master’s degree, she’d found her way in the most
unlikely of avenues, ghost hunting and teaching part time at a community
college. Honestly, she loved what she was doing, especially as she had the
opportunity to work with Remington Sinclair. For not only had he earned her
respect as a paranormal investigator, she’d developed a wicked crush on him. In
New England, his reality show was a hit, his social media status was through
the roof, and yet he made time for his fans whenever possible and was
considered a nice guy.

The problem with Remy being nice was that he tended to treat
Eve with kid gloves. She’d tried to let him know she was attracted to him, yet
he politely kept her at arm’s length.

At first, she’d thought he was gay, but then he’d go out
with a woman. Then she witnessed him flirt with male friends of theirs and
concluded he was bisexual. Several times she’d gone to weddings or parties with
him yet he regarded her as a friend.

However during their current road trip to Dare, Nevada to
scope out potential places for him to investigate and expand his target market
beyond New England, their relationship began to change. While they slept in
separate hotel rooms, they frequently lingered over dinner or toured monuments
and state parks hand in hand.

Maybe this road trip was exactly what they needed to push
their relationship beyond companionship and into something significant. After
all, most of their friends back home in Massachusetts were married, engaged or
otherwise taken and working their way toward happily ever after. Why shouldn’t
Eve hope for the same?

Blinking to clear her suddenly blurred vision, Eve pushed her
reading glasses up on her nose. Cutting a glance to her left, she saw Remy’s
profile, big shoulders, long dyed black-and-red hair pulled back in a ponytail,
black leather jacket, black jeans.

Not for the first time, her tummy flip-flopped simply by
looking at him sideways. Head on, he was a devastating male with a kissable
mouth and a hint of darkness about him that she wished she understood. What was
it about him that attracted her so much she was willing to forgo dating anyone
else to have a shot with him?

“You okay over there, Evelyn?” Remy asked.

“I’m fine, boss, thanks,” she said. “If you’re tired of
driving we can switch places. I drove a bit yesterday.”

Remy grinned but kept his attention on the road, his hands
on the wheel.

“Appreciate that,” he answered. “But there’s a truck up
ahead that’s got a load full of stuff and driving a bit erratically. Since
we’re towing a camper full of supplies, it’s best to give that truck some

Eve set her Kindle aside to look around. Traffic was
moderate but at normal speed. Several cars ahead, she spotted an old Chevy
pickup stuffed full of who knew what. Remy was right, best to give that vehicle
room. Just a head of them was a sedan, to the right an SUV and a minivan to the

A road sign up ahead said they were nearing Sweetwater,
Colorado, a small town with a few businesses, restaurants and home to a quality
campground. Right then, Eve’s tummy growled.

About to ask Remy if they could veer off at the next exit to
grab a bite to eat and stretch, Eve jumped when she heard a dangerous crash
that seemed to come in all directions around Remy’s Tundra. As if in slow
motion, everything in the old Chevy came pouring out onto the road, cars dashed
right or left, some slammed on brakes.

Bracing herself, she anticipated a crash, refusing to scream
upon impact. At first there was a crunch, a slight swerve of their pickup and
the trailer and then three loud pops! Yet through the chaos, Remy remained
steady, handling the steering wheel like a pro until they came to a halt

“Eve, are you all right?” Remy asked seconds later, already
unbuckling his seatbelt to face her.

“Yes. What happened?” she asked, trying to make sense of
what could have been much, much worse.

“I swerved to avoid the minivan and ended up driving over a
case of nails. As long as you’re okay, I’m going to hop out and check to see if
anyone’s injured. Can you call 9-1-1?”

“Yes, of course. Be careful, Remy,” Eve advised, relieved to
know neither was injured but worried others may not have fared as well.

“I will, sugar,” Remy promised, glancing over at her and
pausing. Wow, he was so handsome, his dark-brown eyes molten as he stared at

For a moment he lingered there, staring as if to make sure
that she really was okay. Finally, he reached over, squeezed her hand and
hopped out, looking ready to play the hero.

Getting herself together, she searched out her cell phone
and she called for assistance but even as the operator responded she heard
emergency sirens heading toward the scene of a multicar accident. The woman’s
voice on the other end of the line was calm, reassuring.

Others must have dialed 9-1-1 before she did, but
considering the number of vehicles scattered about on the lone stretch of
highway, it was going to take a while before the situation was cleared.

All the while, she couldn’t believe Remy called her sugar,
he’d used an endearment. It was a first, hopefully not the last, and perhaps a
hint that their friendship had finally turned into something much more

* * * * *

“Open your mouth, close your eyes and I’ll give you a big
surprise,” Remy invited temptingly, holding something behind his back as he
stepped in close to Eve.

His model-handsome face was captivating, his invitation a
lure to a heart he’d won months ago, when she’d first gone to work for him as
his history consultant. Trustingly, she closed her eyes, anticipating a kiss,
hoping for so much more.

“This better be good, Remy,” she murmured before opening her
mouth wide.

“I love how trusting you are with me, Evelyn,” Remy said.

“It’d be nice if you called me Eve,” she suggested, not for
the first time.

“All right,” he agreed, shocking her that he did so easily.

Caught up in the moment, she almost missed the smell of
chocolate, graham crackers and roasted marshmallow until a corner of the
cracker concoction was inside her mouth. Biting down, the burst of flavors was
almost as good as an orgasm.

“Anyone ever tell you that you look beautiful with
marshmallow clinging to your lips?” Remy asked as his voice with its subtle New
Englander accent took a darkly sexy turn.

Reaching up to grab the s’more, Eve managed to catch his
hand instead, holding on while she ate. It was sweet, tasty, his closeness far
more tempting than chocolate and marshmallow.

“Umm, so good,” she uttered after the last of the treat
disappeared. “Where did you get this?”

“The campground’s general store had a mini s’mores-making
station. I thought you might be hungry.”

“That was nice of you, Remy. Thank you.”

“Open your eyes, sugar,” he said, sending her heartbeat into

“Remy, are you okay?” she asked, opening her eyes to find
herself caught up in his gorgeous dark-brown eyes, which reminded her of the
melted chocolate.

He leaned down, challenging her to hold his gaze. Extremely
aware of him, she studied his face, which had been cut from the genes of his
forefathers, the Wampanoag and Scottish Highlanders. No longer bound, his
straight hair hung to the middle of his back.

His mouth was made for sin. His teeth were white and
straight with the exception of one lower incisor that was slightly off-kilter.
It didn’t make him less sexy. It made him touchable.

Unfortunately, she’d never had the chance to touch him, not
like this anyway.

“What did you say?” he asked.

“Are you okay?” she repeated, holding onto his hand for as
long as he’d permit it. His skin was warm. His fingers were long, strong, his
nails trimmed.

“You look pretty today,” he admitted, further stunning her.
She wore faded blue jeans, white sneakers and a green three-quarter-sleeved
top. Considering they’d spent two hours dealing with an accident, she was more
than a bit rumpled.

“I do?”

“Yes. And I wanted to say I’m sorry,” he said, stepping back
and compelling her to let go.

“Sorry for saying I’m pretty? Any woman would be flattered
to have Remington Sinclair say that to them.”

“No, I’m sorry for three flat tires forcing us to bunk down
at a campground until Monday.”

“It’s not your fault some numskull failed to properly bolt
the tailgate on his truck and caused the pileup we were in. Personally, I’m
glad no one was injured.”

“You’re always so calm and levelheaded. I appreciate that,
but know you wanted to get to Dare as soon as possible. Hazard and Avery are
already there. If he chooses the occasion to propose, I don’t want you to miss

The town of Dare was where her best friend Avery Grant had
met her boyfriend Trevor Hazard Osbourne, middle linebacker for the Alexandria
Griffins. Ever since Avery had returned from vacationing there, Eve couldn’t
get enough of hearing about the town.

There was also the matter of believing the reclusive Ransom
Hunter lived there. She understood he had a right to privacy and had no wish to
change it. But if she was right and had the chance to meet him, she hoped to
simply say hello and give him props for his books.

Okay, so she had a weird crush on a man she might not even
meet. It wasn’t as if she’d do something crazy or stalk him. Besides, the man
she truly wanted was right in front of her. He was real, her feelings were
real, not the product of someone else’s imagination and fiction.

“Eve,” Remy said. “You’re spacing out, sugar.”

“I’m sorry, got caught up in my thoughts. Don’t worry. Avery
and Hazard are aware that we’re taking our time on this road trip. It’s
important for your show.”

“Don’t you think it’d be better if we stayed in a hotel or
something?” Uncharacteristically, Remy shoved his hand through his hair,
sending black and red strands everywhere. Was he nervous?

“No. I’ve gone camping before. I don’t mind this at all. You
brought the camper on the chance you’d need to stay somewhere unexpected
overnight. Here we are.”

“But are you sure you’re comfortable staying with me for a
weekend…alone? That trailer is small. The proximity we’ll be in at night is
going to make things difficult to ignore.”


“Yeah, such as the hard-on currently knocking on the teeth
of my zipper,” he said point-blank. Oh man, she really wanted to see the
evidence of his arousal. “Keep your eyes on my face, Eve.”

“I’m not offended. I’m flattered. Can’t I take a little peak,

“Not yet. You mean a lot to me, haven’t you figured that
out? If I hurt you, I’ll never forgive myself.”

As nice as it’d been to get a s’more from him, a glimpse of
hope, Eve suddenly wished he hadn’t given her either. Remy was a good man, she
believed that strongly. Yet for some reason, he refused to treat her as a
woman, only a friend to keep at arm’s length.

“You’re quiet,” Remy said. “Should I see about finding
another place to stay? The auto shop loaned us two spares along with the one
I’d had. They’ll be fine to get us to the next town or something.”

“No, Remy, I get it. You don’t want me. Stop worrying. I
won’t jump you or force you to look at me as anything more than a friend and

Pushing away from the truck, she noticed he still had one
arm behind his back. He brought it around, revealing a paper bag filled with
what she assumed were food supplies for the weekend.

Placing the bag down on the ground, Remy caught her arm when
she’d have walked away to do something. She wasn’t sure what she’d do, but
doing something was better than hoping he’d fuck her for hours without end.

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