MenageaDare (13 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Then again, she was cute in a way he couldn’t ignore.
Cuddling had its advantages. It wasn’t that she was all that small. She was
about the same height as Avery. Her brunette hair was braided. It was pretty
that way.

But Jax wanted it loose. He’d run his hands through it when
he made love to her. Nope, when he fucked her, making love was out of the
question. Making love meant permanence. Fucking was here and now.

If she gave him lip, which he suspected she would when she
wanted to test him, he’d shove her pretty head to his lap. Gently, of course,
he had no intention of frightening her or harming one single hair on her head.

Jax eased back in his chair. Lunch arrived with additional
guests. Sawyer Hamilton, Travis Ross and Hazard walked into the room. Red
immediately jumped up and ran to her man.

Sawyer shook hands with Remy and introduced him to Travis.
There was a familiarity there, Jax realized as he watched Remy interact with
Sawyer. It pissed him off.

“You two know each other?” Jax demanded, looking back and
forth between Sawyer and Remy.

“We met at Hazard’s football game, the championship,” Remy

“That was a great evening. When did you and Eve get here,

“About two hours ago, I think,” Remy said.

“Hi, Sawyer,” Eve said, hopping up and escaping Jax’s
wandering hand. He’d been about to find out if she wore panties.

“Hey, Eve, good to see you again,” Sawyer said, welcoming
her in with a big smile.

Dammit, Jax wanted her back next to him, now. When did he
become so possessive? Since he kissed Remy and tasted his man and smelled the
distinct, lovely fragrance of a woman and a hint of citrus, Evelyn’s scent.

Sawyer and Eve continued talking privately, laughing. She
had a nice laugh, especially after she greeted Travis Ross and realized she
recognized him from the rodeo circuit.

“You know rodeo, Evelyn?” Jaxon interrupted, not caring if
he was rude.

Evelyn looked back at him, frowning but then answered his
question. “Sure, I loved horses growing up. I wasn’t fortunate to have one of
my own but my dad took me to a stable where I was able to take lessons. I loved
riding Western the most and watched rodeo on TV when I could find it.”

“It’s nice to be recognized,” Travis admitted. “I realize
it’s not the norm in Dare, as many residents or visitors stay because they
don’t have to worry about the gossip mill, but I don’t mind being remembered
for my time as a bareback bronco champion.”

Sawyer stood nearby, staring at his ranch foreman as if
thunderstruck. Jax understood that look, recognizing it as the one he was
likely sending Remy and Evelyn’s way.

“Come here, Evelyn,” Jax said, signaling for her to
disengage from the other men and sit back down.

After excusing herself, she settled back in her chair.
Snagging her hand before she could relax, Jax dragged it over to his lap,
placing it right over his erection.

“You feel that?” he whispered while Remy and Sawyer caught

“Mr. Wynter, what are you doing?” she murmured.

“Teaching you a lesson, Evelyn,” he answered. “Do you want
it? If you do, stop with the formalities.”


“Answer me, do you want it?”

“I do,” she answered in a rush.

“Then make sure you remember Sawyer and Travis are not yours
to flirt with.”

“That wasn’t flirting, it was a conversation. Sawyer’s a
nice guy,” she countered. “So is Travis. I’d love to talk to him about his time
as a rodeo star. He was huge not long ago, you know that right?”

“Travis and Sawyer are single.”

“I’m not interested in either one, if that’s what you’re

“What about Remington?”

“I love Remy. I want him to be my lover for as long as he’ll
have me,” she stated without missing a beat.

“And me?” Jax pressed.

“I’m intrigued with you.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because you’ve got my hand pressed against your cock. And
God forgive me, I want it too.”

“Fantastic, I’ll pick the two of you up at seven tonight.”

She started, bringing her head around, her hazel eyes
connecting with his. “Why would you do that?”

“For our date,” he explained, smiling.

“The party,” she whispered to be sure Avery didn’t catch on.

“Will go on as scheduled,” he assured her. “Only difference
is I’ll have you and Remington with me.”

“This is crazy,” she maintained, inclining her head.

“Don’t you want to see how good we can all be together?” he

Eve didn’t answer because table became crowded as Sawyer and
Travis took their seats, food arrived and Remy placed his arm around her
shoulders, shielding her with his big, strong body. A body Jax now craved with
a vengeance.

Picking up a slider from his plate, Jax bit into it,
watching as those around him ate and talked. More and more, his attention
gravitated to Remy and Eve, distracting him from food.

Granted, Remington was strong as an ox. He’d given him a run
for his money and Jax let himself get plowed over. The result had been the
sexiest kiss he’d had in a long time.

He wanted to taste Evelyn too. Sooner the better as far as
he was concerned.

“Jax, be really careful with how you treat Eve,” Remy
warned, promising retribution should Jax dare do anything with Eve that Remy
hadn’t approved of.

“I’m fine, Remy,” she argued.

“It’s my right to keep you safe. I don’t give a damn who
Jaxon thinks he is. I won’t let him pressure you into something you aren’t
ready for.”

“I don’t feel pressured and I’m not afraid.”

“Then it’s a date?” Jax asked.

“What’s he talking about?” Remy demanded.

“Keep your voice down. I’m taking you and Evelyn to the

“Like hell you are,” Remy objected emphatically but quietly.

Jax loved it. He didn’t like docile men. He liked muscle and
power. He was so going to enjoy taking Remy’s ass for a ride. Afterward, he’d
kiss all the lingering soreness away.

“Seven, be ready,” Jax insisted.

“Don’t be surprised if we lock the door,” Remy warned.

“Try,” Jax offered. “I’ll find my way in.”

“Trespassing is illegal, even in Dare,” Eve quietly pointed

“Are you going to put up a fuss if I break the door down,
baby girl?” Daring her to tell the truth, he caught her eyes, refusing to let
her look away.

“I won’t. Hotel staff might.”

“Then open the door for me. Remy, we on for tonight or am I
going to have to wrestle you for the right to kiss you again?”

Eve gasped, squirming as she placed her hand over her
midriff. Her eyes went wide as hazel saucers, her tongue slipping out to wet
her lips.

“Sonofabitch, you’ve upset her,” Remy stated. “Date’s off,
my man.”

“Say yes, Remy, say yes,” he urged, this time looking into
Remy’s dark eyes, seeing his own reflection there.

“Eve and I will talk about it, alone,” Remy answered.

“Fair enough,” Jax granted. “I’ll knock at seven. We’ll go
from there.”

Conversation settled into a sense of normalcy. Eve settled
back close to Remy, looking pretty next to the big man who kept watch over her.
Jax did like big, protective men and adorable women.

Eve fit Remy just right. He bet she was a little firecracker
when riled. In bed, she’d be warm, giving and willing but she’d take charge
when she wanted to.

Not wanting to be left out of the pair, Jax used the
subterfuge of the table to hide the fact that he still possessed Evelyn’s hand,
still had it nestled up against his heavy cock. Testing her, he placed his hand
on top of hers, moving her fingers for her.

Well what do you know? Little imp shifted enough to touch
him on her own. She had a nice, firm grip, one she may have practiced on Remy.
That was fine. As long as she confined her touches to him and Remy, he wouldn’t

“Avery, did you tell Remy and Eve about the wedding?” Hazard

Eve unknowingly tightened her grip. Shifting to give her
greater access, Jax stifled a growl. Oh yeah, that was good. She had a clever,
curious touch, though she didn’t breach his fly or attempt anything further.

Remy cast his eyes down. His nostrils flared, his hips
flexed. Jaxon looked closer. Yep, Remy was getting an erection and from the
look of things, he had an enormous cock!

“What wedding?” Remy asked absently.

“Taran and Samantha were here last weekend,” Avery answered.
“They got married in the town chapel. It was so romantic and such a surprise to
Hazard and me, especially as we were their maid of honor and best man.”

“Oh man, I bet Phalen was pissed his little brother eloped,”
Remy commented, sounding distracted. Jax didn’t blame him. He barely cared
about anything but Eve’s hand on his cock.

“Knowing Phalen as well as I do, I’m sure he’ll support them
unconditionally,” Avery pointed out. “Apparently, Sam and Taran had been in
Arizona for a few days but decided to book a quick trip to Nevada before
returning to Phoenix for their honeymoon.”

“Why’d they go to Arizona?” Remy asked, having a better time
with communication right now. Jax was more concerned with the state of his

Where was that ice pack he’d gotten for Remy a little while
ago anyway? Still in the men’s room, he guessed. To protect his pants from
getting damp from pre-cum, he laid his hand over Eve’s.

“Baby girl, I love what you’re doing,” he whispered to her.
“But you need to stop or we’re going to have a mess on our hands. Hear me?”

“Not sure what’s come over me,” she murmured back, sending
him a shy smile.

“I do. We’ll explore it later.” Squeezing her soft hand, he
moved it away from his cock, deliberately placing their joined hands on Remy’s
knee. Thank fuck for a big round table that hid everything that was going on.

“Sam met her biological daughter, Abigail,” Avery was
saying. “She and Taran went to the University of Arizona and spent time with

“Oh my god, that’s wonderful news,” Eve exclaimed. “Sam’s so
lucky to have Taran. He’s great and a lot of fun to be around. Sometimes Phalen
makes me nervous, but not Taran.”

“The Maddox brothers are all great,” Avery added. “I’ve
never been intimidated by Phalen. Maybe because he went to college with my
brother Alex and I’ve known him for years. Fact is if anyone in Dare ever
needed a place to stay in New England, my brother’s castle or one of the Maddox
houses would be open to you if you visit.”

“Phalen’s the one who vets those who seek to join your
brother’s club, right Red?” Jax asked her.

“That’s correct. No one gets into Druid Creek Castle’s club
without his say.”

“I take it we’re talking about a BDSM club?” Sawyer
questioned. Next to him, Travis was looking a little uncomfortable. His blue
eyes continuously lingered on the man to his right, but if Sawyer noticed, he
wasn’t letting on.

“Yes,” Eve answered. “Normally the castle doubles as a
B&B and a restaurant.”

Jax knew a lot about men. He knew a lot about women. Most of
the time, he knew if they were straight, bi, gay or lesbian. Travis Ross was
gay. He’d seen him at the gay bar, Silver Studs, over on Fifth Street, shared a
couple of drinks too but nothing beyond that.

As for Sawyer, Jax had only ever seen him date women. But
for some reason, Sawyer never settled dated anyone in particularly longer than
a couple of weeks. Since Travis came to Dare, Sawyer spent more and more time
with his foreman and less time dating.

“How does Phalen vet people for membership?” Jax asked

“He’s a private investigator,” she answered, sounding
awestruck by Phalen Maddox. “If someone wants to join the club, he does an
extensive background check. Along with Ryan and Alex, Phalen also leads munches
held at the castle.”

“And how do you know all this about Phalen?” Jax questioned.

“His wife is a good friend of mine. Cassie’s confided
things, nothing that would violate their privacy, of course, but girl talk, if
that makes sense. I’ve never gone to the castle for any other reason than to
hang out with friends or help out my dad during business conferences, but I

“I see,” Jax said. “Just make sure you don’t go to any
munches without Remington or me. Understand?”

“Why the third degree, Jax?” Remington asked. “Eve and I
live in Massachusetts. The people we’re talking about are important to us. Are
you jealous, by chance?”

“Maybe I am.”

“I have a say in this, you know?” Eve uttered.

“You do, baby girl. I’m sure Phalen’s a Grade A kind of guy.
But until I meet him, I won’t trust your education in the lifestyle to anyone
but myself or Remington.”

“You forget Remy and I haven’t said yes to a single date
yet. You’re taking a lot for granted.”

“The cock you were just playing with begs to differ,” he
challenged. “Let’s not get lost in semantics. You, baby girl, need to eat.”

“I tend to lose weight on long road trips,” she admitted,
withdrawing as if he’d hit her. “I read and research instead of snacking.

Sitting up to push her partly eaten cheeseburger toward her,
he watched her bow her head and pick up the burger.

“You don’t need to apologize,” Jax assured gently. “You’re a
beautiful woman, Evelyn. You need your strength for later, okay?”

“Okay,” she said, digging in with more gusto.

Jax checked in with Remy. At some point he couldn’t recall
Remy had scarfed down a pulled pork sandwich and most of his iced tea.

Jax had ordered barbeque chicken sliders. He’d eaten. He
couldn’t remember when or what it tasted like. His almost empty plate proved he
had. A look around the table showed that everyone had eaten most of their

It’d been a good idea to put in extra orders with the
waitress on the chance others would join them for lunch. He’d gotten a text
from Trevor when Avery had left the hotel to make reservations and knew his
friend was almost finished with band rehearsal.

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