MenageaDare (11 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Eve felt her mouth drop open in shock. Remy’s arm stayed
around her, his fingers trembling. For a second she could’ve sworn she heard
his telltale intake of breath indicating he was either turned-on or as shocked
by the last few minutes as she was.

“Eve’s not ready for what you have in mind,” Remy murmured.

Jaxon studied the way Remy had his arm around Eve, and his
smile that followed was positively lethal.

“Maybe you should let Evelyn decide what she wants,” Jaxon
suggested, but before Eve or Remy could object, a squeal of excitement
interrupted them.

“Gabriel, oh my god, I didn’t know you were coming to Dare,”
Avery Grant shouted.

Turning around to see what was going on, Eve gasped. A man
the same height as Remy, with a mocha complexion, long, slightly coarse
dark-brown hair bound back in ponytail stood in the lobby. Avery rushed over to
give him a hug.

“This conversation isn’t over,” Jaxon warned loud enough for
Eve and Remy to hear before he greeted the other man. “Gabriel, good to see
you, my friend. When did you get into town?”

“A few minutes ago, Taylor picked me up from the airport,”
Gabriel said.

“Hi, I’m Remy Sinclair,” Remy introduced. “This is my
girlfriend, Eve. Did you say that there’s an airport here?”

Gabriel stuck his hand out, the two man shook, let go.
Nothing resembling the lightning storm that happened when Jaxon took possession
of her and Remy’s hands occurred. At least not that Eve could tell.

“Nice to meet you, Remy, my name’s Gabriel. Hi, Eve, it’s a
pleasure,” Gabriel said, extending his hand to her and politely squeezing her
fingers. Wow, he had gorgeous blue eyes.

“Yes, it is,” she said as he let go, awed. This man had
charisma and star power in spades. “You’re Gabriel Krystiyan, the illusionist.
Avery told me all about you. Did I pronounce your last name correctly?”

“Yes, it’s pronounced Christian.”

As Eve stared way up at Gabriel because he was a big, tall
man, the scent of something exotic with hints of chocolate, vanilla, lemon,
jasmine and something she couldn’t identify came closer. It was intoxicating,

At first she thought it was Gabriel’s cologne, but when she
turned toward the scent, she ended up bumping right into Jaxon’s shoulder. He
stood close to her on her left, even as Remy stayed on her right.

Jaxon lowered his gaze and winked at her. Instantly, Eve’s
tummy quivered, her clit pulsing as an immediate rush of relief sexual tension
crashed through her.

She had to shift to make sure she hadn’t just come. No, no,
she’d not had a mini-orgasm, impossible. Not from a wink or Jaxon’s sexy scent.

“Is something wrong, Mr. Wynter?” she asked, surprised that
he’d gotten so close.

“Not yet, my name’s Jax or Jaxon. Feel free to use it.”

“I’m more interested in the name of your cologne, Mr.
Wynter,” she said, refusing to let him know his comment caused her knees to go
weak. It took an effort not to let everyone in the lobby know her legs were

“Interesting, it’s HM,” he answered. “Hanae Mori, do you
like it?”

“Makes me crave chocolate,” she replied.

“Then I’ll continue wearing it for you.”

“You couldn’t have worn it for me.”

“It was a gift from Trevor for my birthday. I happen to know
you like chocolate, especially with toasted marshmallows and graham crackers.”

“How do you know that?” she demanded, her mouth falling

“My dreams are usually dead-on accurate,” Jaxon answered. “I
know your lover fed you s’mores. That and lemons with peppermint sticks.”

“When was your birthday?” Remy asked, leaning in to speak
directly to Jaxon. “No honing in on my girlfriend’s time without my say,

“Evelyn’s enjoying the scent of my cologne,” Jaxon replied,
keeping his voice low enough to include only the three of them. “My birthday
was a month ago.”

“Happy birthday,” Remy said. “Eve turns thirty-one in June.”

“I hope you’ll be here to celebrate the occasion. Or maybe
I’ll come to New England. I hear there’s a club I should join there.” Jaxon
kept his focus on Remy now. “A club you’ve joined recently. Evelyn shouldn’t
join until she’s trained.”

“It’s no business of yours what club he joins, much less if
I want to,” Eve chimed in, her tummy growling right on time. Thank heavens for
small miracles.

“Join us for lunch, Gabriel?” Avery asked. “You can invite
Taylor too.”

Gabriel frowned. “She went to work, insisted she had two oil
changes and a carburetor to deal with. As to Remy’s question, the airport’s
located out by the Double D, Sawyer’s place.”

“You’re a pilot?” Eve asked the magician.

“Among my many talents, yes, beautiful, I am.”

“Ah, that does it, you’re officially welcome in Dare if
Gabriel calls you beautiful,” Avery bestowed.

“Gabriel, flirt with Evelyn at your own peril,” Jaxon
stated, warning his friend away with a look that promised retribution.

“Hmm, interesting,” Gabriel replied, looking back and forth
at her and Remy. “It looks as if the lady’s spoken for, Jax.”

“Leave it, bro,” Jaxon warned, for the first time losing
some of his cool.

“Yeah, okay, I’ll cut you some slack if you leave mine alone.
Taylor’s not ready. I’m giving her time.”

“Is Taylor the mechanic you told me about?” Eve asked Avery.

“Yes, she’s great and sometimes works as Gabriel’s driver.”

“And she’s mine,” Gabriel pointed out.

“Think she has something to say about that,” Jaxon objected.

Gabriel grumbled something under his breath. Eve would’ve
enjoyed learning more about Taylor but Jaxon insisted they leave the hotel for
the BBQ place next door.


Chapter Seven


Remy hoped to hell no one knew he was hard as a tent pole.
With no chance of relief in sight, he was close to hitting something.

And he knew what he wanted to hit, Jaxon Wynter’s ass. Not
to cause physical harm, although the idea of wreaking havoc on the sexiest man
he’d come across in a decade came to mind.

The question was who’d come out on top first? The ache in
his gonads warned him that he might be taller and broader than Jaxon, but
chances were he’d want to be the one with his ass up first.

Fuck, he didn’t know what to do next. He loved Eve. Even now
her hand was tucked into his, enabling him to walk slightly behind her to use
her body as a shield from anyone who might care to look at the state of his

Damn his bisexuality, he didn’t want to just fuck Jaxon, he
wanted Eve right smack in the middle of them. It was too soon to think that way
but there it was. What kind of man wanted to be fucked by another man while
fucking his woman?

All Remy had to do to find the answer was look into a
mirror. His face would stare back.

“Remington, do you mind eating at a roadhouse or would you
prefer we find something else for you?” Jaxon asked as they walked down the

Gabriel and Jaxon walked slightly ahead of Remy and Eve, but
Avery hung back to chitchat with her friend. Strange as it was to admit, the
magician was gorgeous with a fuckable-looking ass, but he didn’t stir the same
physical reaction within Remy that Jaxon did.

Come to think of it, Jaxon walked with purpose, grace and
dignity while letting everyone within sighting distance know he was in charge.
He’d taken over their first meeting in the lobby, choosing when to let go of
Eve’s hand, even as Remy lost the stare-down they’d engaged in at the time.

The switch in him wanted play, to test a Dom’s mettle, yet
Eve’s inexperience meant he had to be very careful not to frighten her. She was
Remy’s woman and unless he changed his mind, he didn’t have to share her.

And why he thought about sharing her so soon was beyond
Remy’s understanding. Maybe he’d gone a little stir crazy after spending two
weeks driving across the country.

“Remington, would you prefer something else to eat?” Jaxon
asked again, causing Remy to break eye contact and look down, discovering Jaxon
had moved to Eve’s other side to take hold of her elbow.

They looked good together, Jaxon and Eve. Hell they looked
right, same as he felt whenever he held her hand.

“No need to change restaurants,” Remy answered, finding his

“I thought you were a vegetarian,” Jax said.

“More out of health concerns than anything else. I happen to
enjoy fish, barbeque and steaks on occasion.”

“What sort of health concerns?” Jax paused, looking over to
catch Remy’s eye.

“Remington, answer me,” Jax insisted.

“There’s a history of heart disease in my family. Ever since
my grandfather and uncles had heart attacks, I thought it wise to follow a
heart healthy diet.”

“You show no signs of problems now?” Well what do you know?
Jax sounded concerned. That was nice.

“Healthy as a horse, thankfully,” he answered.

“Good, wouldn’t want Evelyn to be left alone.”

“Believe me, Mr. Wynter, Remy’s very healthy,” Eve said,
shifting her body closer to his. It didn’t help the state of his cock when she
deliberately brushed her ass against it. “He eats sensibly, runs, trains in
mixed martial arts and swims to keep in shape.”

“You’ll visit my mountain house while you’re in Dare, I
hope,” Jaxon said. “I’ve a swim spa you can use anytime, Remy.”

“Swim spa?” Eve asked.

“Hmm, it’s larger than a standard Jacuzzi with enough room
for a swimmer to stretch out and do laps. It takes some getting used to, but
it’s effective.”

“My parents invested in one for my little sister,” Avery
said, glancing back at them. “She’s a swimmer with hopes of going to the
Olympics someday. It’s a great way for her to practice her strokes when she
can’t get to the pool.”

“Does your sister have a specialty?” Gabriel inquired.

“Freestyle and butterfly are her favorites, but she’s
excellent at the backstroke too,” Avery answered.

Simple as the conversation was, Remy enjoyed it because it
distracted him from sneaking a peak at Jaxon Wynter’s ass. He was not a letch
and he wasn’t going to lust over a man he barely knew. If he repeated that
enough times, he’d believe it.

Not wanting to think about it, Remy saw that they reached
the entrance to the restaurant and a hostess inside opened the door. Entering
after Avery and Gabriel, Remy stayed with Eve and Jaxon, but the smell of the
barbeque got Remy’s mouthwatering.

He was hungry, for a lot of things, although a pulled pork
sandwich drizzled in sauce had its appeal. So did the log cabin-like décor of
the restaurant. The walls looked to be made of white pine and exposed beams
hung from the ceiling.

There was a brief delay as Avery gave their names to the
hostess but Jaxon broke away from Remy and Eve to ask for privacy and the largest
table available on the chance that others showed up for lunch. The hostess gave
them a signal to wait one minute and hustled off.

Apparently Jaxon Wynter liked having elbow room, same as
Remy. Hell, maybe he should back out of lunch, take Eve to their hotel room and
make love to her until midnight. If Jaxon bowed out and came with them, the
more the better.

No one bowed out of lunch. Once the hostess returned, they
all followed her through the restaurant to an alcove with a round table large
enough for ten.

One by one, they filed in and Remy assisted Eve with her
chair then claimed a seat to her right. Being left-handed, he tended to
gravitate to her right in order to hold her hand or put his arm around her. It
was a natural fit.

Not to his surprise, Jaxon took the seat on Eve’s left,
politely taking a menu from the hostess and handing it to Eve. “Here you go,
baby girl.”

“Thank you,” Eve said, taking the menu and opening it.

“See anything you like, sugar?” Remy asked, leaning closer
to her in order to peer at the lunch specials.

“Still looking. You?” she replied, doing her best to share
the menu. It wasn’t necessary for her to do that since there was a menu on his
place setting, but Remy enjoyed interacting with Eve over something this

“Wow, you two are making me blush,” Avery chimed in,
perching on her elbows. “You’ve got to tell me how it happened.”

“How did what happen?” Gabriel asked.

Jax eased back, not bothering to look at his menu. He made a
gesture to the hostess, whispered something and the girl zoomed off. No sooner
did the little blonde disappear, than Jax lowered his hand beneath the table.
If he touched Eve without Remy’s okay, they were going to have problems from
the get-go.

“Eve has been working for Remy for a year. They’re finally a
couple,” Avery told Gabriel. “It’s a long story.”

“I take it Eve was as stubborn as Taylor can be?” Gabriel
asked Remy.

“Since I haven’t met Taylor yet, all I can say is that Eve
has the patience of a saint,” Remy answered.

Jax shifted, his arm coming up and settling around the back
of Eve’s chair. Remy was going to object until the man’s hand settled lightly
on his shoulder. For a second he thought it was a product of his imagination
but the warmth was real. The rightness of it was too good to explain and Remy
didn’t shake Jax off.

“Evelyn is beautiful. How the hell did you wait a year for
her?” Jax questioned.

“He had very good reason,” Eve stated, defending him even

Remy dropped his eyes, appreciating Eve. Jaxon was right.
She was beautiful.

“And to that reason, I’m pleading the fifth,” Remy said.

“When you’re ready, will you tell me?” Jax inquired.

“We’ll see,” Remy answered.

“Tell us what it’s like to be a world-renowned illusionist,
Gabriel,” Eve asked, changing the subject.

“I’m no different than anyone else,” Gabriel claimed,
leaning across the table to wave his hand near her ear, producing an ace of

“So will you tell us how you did that?” she questioned,
grinning even as she took the card from Gabriel and inspected it.

“If I told you my secrets, I’d have to tie you up and make
you disappear.”

Jax leaned toward Eve’s left ear, whispering something. She
shivered, brushing her hand anxiously over her flat abdomen. He wondered if she
was fighting nervousness the same as he was.

Then Remy had to bite his tongue when Jaxon’s fingers
shifted subtly, his thumb working its way under Remy’s shirt collar to stroke
the spot where his shoulder muscle met his neck. Whether he knew it or not, Jax
had discovered one of Remy’s automatic-erection triggers.

He was already hard, but with every delicious stroke of
Jaxon’s finger over that spot, Remy’s cock became thicker, pulsing with blood,
and his balls ached. He couldn’t give in to the seductive Jaxon Wynter. Not
yet…no, not at all…unless Eve was onboard and he had no business asking her to
do that, not for him.

“Best to find someone else to impress with your magic,
Gabriel, Eve’s mine,” Remy said quietly, slanting a look over at Jax.

“Careful there, Remy means it,” Avery stated. “He’s got that
look in his eyes. The same one Hazard had when he looked at me, he now gives to

“No worries, I’m not going to steal his girlfriend. I’m
simply trying to make Eve feel welcome in our little town here.”

“Thank you, Gabriel. How did you decide to be a magician?”
Eve asked.

“My grandmother used magic to tell stories in Jamaica and
she handed her love of both down to me. My father’s ancestors immigrated to
America after too much turmoil for the Gypsies in Romania.”

“You’re part Gypsy?” Eve asked excitedly.

“My great grandfather was. His wife was Romanian.”

“Was it difficult to learn illusions?” Avery asked

Remy was grateful for the questions. They distracted Avery
and Gabriel from what was going on between him, Eve and Jaxon.

Eyes that oddly matched Eve’s dress sliced right into
Remy’s, warning him not to look away. Jaxon’s hand on Remy’s shoulder tightened
and right then he was tempted to drag the other man under the table and kiss

“Can you excuse me for a second, Eve?” Remy asked, needing
to retreat. His cock was about to bust his zipper.

Eve’s gentle hand landed on his knee. “Everything okay,
Remy, do you need some help?”

“Nah, sugar, I’m fine. Be right back. Order me a sweet iced
tea and a pulled pork sandwich with fries on the side.”

“You want anything else?” Eve questioned.

“Cornbread if they have it.”

Remy stood up, praying no one looked at his groin when he
backed up and left the alcove. A few twists and turns later, he found the men’s
room door, and went through it in a hurry. Thankfully no one impeded him or met
up with the backside of the door.

Urinals lined the wall. It smelled of bleach and Purell hand
sanitizer. A couple of sinks were to his left. Two stalls were in the back.
Remy went to the biggest stall.

He felt bad. It was designed for a handicapped person. He
should really leave it empty but made a last minute decision to duck inside and
lock the door when he heard someone enter the men’s room.

Don’t let it be him
, Remy silently pled to the ugly
gray door, even though he was sure it was. He
on a level of
communication he’d not experienced since Stefan, the first man he’d fallen in
love with.

Behind the safety of the stall door, Remy took a moment to
think. He wasn’t used to running from anything or anyone, much less a man he
was attracted to.

But Eve was counting on him to be there for her. The first
sign of attraction to a guy didn’t mean he had to follow up on anything,
despite the fact that Jax was the sexist man Remy had met in a long time.

“You can stay in there and jerk off or come out and we’ll
take care of what’s going on in your pants together,” Jax offered, his voice
cutting through the thin metal door.

“Can’t a guy take a piss in private?” Remy demanded, trying
to rearrange his erection so it’d be invisible. Yeah right, nice try. Given
that his cock was huge, nothing short of coming or a bath in a ton of ice was
going to help.

“Fuck,” he whispered angrily.

“Come out, Remy, nothing will happen that you don’t want.
I’m here to help not fuck you.”

Turning the lock, Remy pushed through the door and headed
straight to the sink. It hurt to walk. He did it anyway. Jaxon leaned back
against the bathroom door, his presence known even if Remy chose not to look at

“What’s up?” Remy asked, pretending his erection was no big

“Think we both know what’s up. The more you resist me, the
more I’m going to want to you.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Wynter?”

“That gigantic erection you’ve got? I want it. I want you.
You want me. I know it. You know it. Evelyn knows it.”

“I’m not going to hurt her by fucking you.”

“I’m not asking you to hurt her. Let me help you. As much as
I want to get you off neither of us have time for that.”

“Help me exactly how?” Remy demanded, finally facing the
man. It hit him then, the desire to rush Jaxon Wynter into that fucking ugly
bathroom stall and fuck him until they were both sated.

And then what would he do, go back to Eve and say he was
sorry. There was no way to hide that kind of fucking, the kind that left
bruises and the scent of sweat and sex.

Jaxon pushed off the doorjamb, coming up to Remy as boldly
as only a man with a mission could do. Something was in the other man’s hand
but Remy had little time to figure out what it was.

“Let me help you, Remy,” he offered, extending his free hand
to Remy’s fly.

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