MenageaDare (12 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Remy automatically covered Jax’s hand, pressing it up
against his shaft rather than pushing it away as he should have. The strength
in Jax’s grip was immeasurable. The warmth, the heat, more tempting than
anything Remy had faced in a long time.

That was the truth right there. Men were Remy’s weakness.
The one thing that could tear him and Eve apart was this man. It killed him
inside knowing if Jax pushed his buttons, he’d likely cave.

“Don’t touch me, Jax, please. If you do, the mess will be
all over the fucking place. How do I explain that to Eve?”

“Not going to do anything except give you relief,” Jax
promised, unzipping Remy’s fly with ease. His other hand shifted and an ice
pack was pressed right below his navel, sucking the air right out of Remy’s

“Fucking hell, man, that’s cold!”

“Is it working?” Jaxon tugged on Remy’s parted fly, opening
it up.

“Yeah,” Remy conceded, hating the ice with a passion and
strangely loving the sharp, jabbing cold going through his body at the same

At least Jaxon didn’t place the ice on Remy’s groin. That’d
be pure hell. He simply held the pack right below Remy’s navel. His warm hand
wasn’t helping though. If Jax lowered his hand a fraction, he’d grip Remy’s
dick, warming it right back up again.

“This is a bad idea, my man,” Remy complained.

“Tell me about it. When I realized it was you and Eve I
dreamed of Saturday night, I shoved my hand into an ice chest. It was the only
thing that kept Red from noticing my erection.”

“Who the hell’s Red?”

“Avery is Red,” Jaxon said.

“She doesn’t have red hair,” Remy replied, latching onto a
safe subject. He cared about Avery, but he simply wasn’t attracted to her the
way he was with Eve.

“Stay focused on me, Remy. We need to get something

“If you don’t get your hand out of my pants, ice or not,
something’s going to be straight soon enough. Get the picture?”

“What were you going to do in here, jerk off?” Jaxon

“Does it matter?” Remy challenged.

“Yes, it does.”

“I’m not letting Eve go for you. I don’t know you,” Remy
said, trying to ignore the man who’d captivated him from the moment he saw him
in the hotel lobby.

Jax’s left hand came up to snag Remy’s hair, jerking it hard
enough to make him pay attention. “You’ll get to know me. Once you do, you’ll find
out I don’t want you to let Evelyn go, I want her too. Don’t you feel the
connection between the three of us?”

“Eve and I have known you for all of a half an hour now. Not
going to happen, dude.”

“You’re scared. I understand. I am too,” Jaxon murmured,
speaking low and deep, the darkness in his tone seductive.

“I’m not afraid of you, Wynter,” Remy declared, fighting his
need to submit and failing, instinctively turning his eyes downward to focus on
the ugly tiled floor.

“Look me in the eye, Remington,” Jaxon ordered, jerking on
Remy’s hair hard enough to send shards of hot pain through his nerve endings,
exciting him further.

“What do you want?” Remy lifted his gaze, the impact of
those violet eyes electric, molten hot.

“You, Eve, me, in bed, tonight,” Jaxon answered, laying it
all out there.

“Too soon,” he refused, shaking his head. Jaxon shifted
close, his mouth touching Remy’s throat and then moved to kiss his lips.

“Too soon for this, you mean?” Jaxon demanded with nothing
more than a whisper as he brushed his mouth back and forth over Remy’s lips. “I
dare you to deny me one French kiss. If you push me away, I’ll leave you alone
until tomorrow.”

“Is that all?”

“It’s all I can promise. Not used to being turned down. You
have the count of three to decide.”

“Can’t say…no,” Remy confessed, shoving one hand between
them to get rid of the fucking ice pack.

With the ice gone, he grabbed Jaxon’s shirt with his left
hand, struggling to overpower the man. One second they were standing
toe-to-toe, the next Remy plastered Jaxon against the nearest wall.

“You want to kiss me, Jax? Do it, make it count.”

Jaxon laughed darkly and did as Remy wanted. It didn’t
matter that Remy fooled himself into thinking he’d overpowered the other man.

All he knew was that Jaxon’s mouth, at first unforgivingly
male, claimed his, softening beautifully the second Remy relaxed. Groaning in
need, he parted his lips, permitting another man’s tongue to thrust inside.

Feeling guilty as hell knowing Evelyn waited not far from
where they were, Remy jerked back as if Jaxon punched him in the chin. If Jaxon
retaliated, he’d welcome the pain.

Looking around for some sort of saving grace, he remembered
the ice pack. It sat harmlessly on the floor and Remy didn’t care if he
squeezed the ever-loving hell outta his testicles when he swooped down to grab
it, stood up straight and placed it against his ball sac.

The pain of the ice was greater than he’d imagined, forcing
the breath right out of Remy’s chest, his whole body going rigid even as his
erection responded exactly as he needed it to, retreating.

“Don’t!” Jaxon called out, sounding as shaken up by their
kiss too. “I want that in prime working order!”

“Fuck you, Wynter! My dick is not yours. I gave my word to
Eve. I’m not going to hurt her.”

“Maybe you don’t understand your girlfriend as much as you
profess,” Jax replied.

“You don’t know her.”

“I want to know her as much as I want you. Evelyn’s
beautiful. She’s also warm, giving and madly in love with you. If you’d take
your head out of your ass long enough, you’d see how she looks at you, with
love, longing, devotion and yet she’s open to more.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying Evelyn would welcome a male, male, female

“You can’t know that,” Remy argued.

“Tell me you weren’t aware of how aroused she was in the

“As soon as our hands connected, I couldn’t shake imagining
the three of us in bed together,” Remy admitted.

“You have a kink for bisexual threesomes, don’t you?” Jaxon
said. “I do too. Does your girlfriend? I say yes.”

“I say you talk too much,” Remy remarked and brushed his
knuckles across his lips to make sure they weren’t swollen from Jaxon’s kiss.

“You’re mouth’s fine. By the time I’m done with you tonight,
it won’t be. Your jaw’s going to be sore. Be prepared.”

Remy shook his head, trying to deny the truth. The truth
was, Remy wanted him. He still loved Eve. Nothing changed.

“Go to hell,” Remy commanded and, tossing the damn ice pack
at the other man, he walked away.

Zipping up on his way to the bathroom door, he missed
Jaxon’s movement. His hand flattened against the door, barring the exit. Damn,
the guy moved fast as lightning.

Remy grabbed the handle, tugged. Nothing happened. All he
noticed was the differences in their skin tones. Remy was darker, Jaxon
beautifully pale.

“Say it, dammit. Say you’ll be mine.”

“I can’t! It’s Eve’s choice.”

“Then we’ll talk about it with her. We’ll have plenty of
chances, especially tonight at the party.”

“Eve and I may skip it.”

“If the two of you did that, Eve would miss seeing Hazard propose
to her best friend. She’d be sad and I can’t have that.”

“I won’t let you hurt her,” Remy vowed. “Same goes for any
of your friends in Dare, the magician too.”

“You don’t need to worry about Gabriel. He’s taken. Taylor
simply hasn’t realized it yet,” Jaxon replied, brushing his mouth right up
against Remy’s throat.

“I’d imagine she’ll be in for a treat,” he said, wanting to
make Jaxon a little jealous. “Gabriel Krystiyan moves as if he’s real good in

Jaxon burrowed his face into the side of Remy’s neck, biting
down hard. Pain, hot, sweet and erotic, swept through Remy, his knees shaking.

“Fucking hell, you trying to draw blood, Wynter?” Remy
grumbled, trying in vain to dislodge the man but it was near impossible, even
though he was taller than Jaxon.

“Think this bite hurts?” Jaxon demanded upon freeing Remy.
“If you fuck around on Evelyn or me, I will slap a cage on your cock and balls
and make you beg for her forgiveness. You got that?”

“I got it. Let go.”

Jaxon relaxed his hold. “Turn around.”

Remy spun with an ease that couldn’t be halted. Jaxon held
sway over him. That was scary as hell.

“I need to get back out there. Eve will worry.” A
gentleman’s hand touched Remy’s cheek, gently stroking, nonthreatening, slowly
destroying whatever willpower he had left.

“Maybe before the day’s done, you’ll tell me why you’re so
afraid of me. If it’s a former boyfriend who let you down, I’m sorry about
that. Just remember I’m not him.”

“It’s not like that, Wynter. I’m no stranger to threesomes,
but you know that, don’t you?”

“I suspected,” he answered. “Say my name, please.”

“You don’t own me, Jax. You certainly don’t own Eve.”

“Don’t you see? I don’t want to own anyone. I want to be
with the two of you, big difference,” Jaxon stated, his violet eyes locked onto
Remy’s. It was then that Remy realized Jaxon was shaking.

“You’re scared too?”

“Terrified,” Jax admitted. “I never thought I’d feel this
way again, not this fast anyway. Won’t you talk to her, see if she’ll agree to
be with both of us?”

“I’ll talk to her but I can’t promise anything, Jax. If Eve
says no, it is no,” Remy explained.

“Can’t ask for more than that,” Jaxon said then grinned.
“But you do want me. Deny it and I’m shoving my hand down your pants again.”

“Yes, thought we established that. And the next time you go
for my zipper without my okay, expect to be face-planted in the dirt.”

“God, had no idea you’d turn out to be a smartass,” Jaxon
laughed, drawing back. “Damn, what happened to the ice? I’m going to need it

“I threw it at your sorry ass,” Remy said, relieved when
Jaxon stooped down to retrieve the ice pack and he made a break for it.

Purposefully taking his time getting back to the alcove, he
was relieved to see he’d reached it before Jaxon. Good, maybe the guy would
back off.

Feeling a little less tense, he reclaimed his place next to
Eve, taking her hand. Her touch was warm, affectionate.

“I missed you. Everything okay?” she asked.

“Missed you too, no worries, everything’s fine,” Remy said,
kissing her when she turned her face toward him.

“Did something happen between you and Jaxon? I know he went
to talk to you.”

“Everything’s fine, don’t worry,” he answered.

“You don’t like him?” she asked.

“That’s not the problem.” He more than liked Jaxon Wynter,
he wanted to fuck the man. “We’ll talk in private, okay?”

“Sure, don’t exclude me, Remy. I can handle the truth.”

Kissing her again, Remy sighed. No matter how many times
they’d kissed before, each time was a new experience. Just when the kiss
deepened, the hairs on the back of his neck lifted, warning him an instant
before Jax’s hand raked his shoulders en route to the chair next to Eve.

“You two need a room,” Gabriel teased, laughing when Remy
and Eve drew apart.

“We have one,” Remy replied, leaning back in his chair.
“It’s real nice too.”

“The suite is gorgeous and I can’t wait to crawl into that
big bed tonight,” Eve shared. “Remy and I have been on the road for nearly two
weeks and it’ll be nice to have a place where we can settle in for a little bit
and relax.”

“Make sure you take advantage of the spa while you’re here,
Evelyn,” Jaxon insisted, shifting a little closer.

Remy relaxed some. It didn’t appear as if Jaxon was going to
jump him or Eve anytime soon. Conversation continued. Remy refused to
acknowledge that Jaxon’s hand went under the table.

Chapter Eight


Jax hadn’t been more turned-on by another couple in a very
long time. It was more than he expected when he learned Remington and Evelyn
were coming to Dare for a prolonged stay.

At first, he’d been reluctant to admit his curiosity over
Remington Sinclair’s desire to conduct an extensive ghost hunt. It wasn’t that
he didn’t believe in ghosts; in fact he did. But he hadn’t wanted those who
anonymously visited the town to have their privacy breached.

With thanks to Avery and Trevor, he learned more about ghost
hunting and felt reassured that it wouldn’t be a problem for some of Dare’s
famous visitors. But that wasn’t why Jax wanted Remington and Evelyn.

The truth was that he hadn’t felt such an overwhelming urge
to lay claim on a couple since Gemma and Niko died. It didn’t matter that
they’d only met a short time ago. Time was irrelevant in the light of what he

Remington, fuck yeah, he wanted to bind him, fuck him and be
fucked by him. And Evelyn was everything he loved about women, soft, gentle and
curious. Whether Remington knew it or not, she continuously looked at her man
with affection, openness and love.

Frankly, if Jax could ever get Evelyn to look at him that
way, he’d be the luckiest man on earth. If he could get Remy to let go of
whatever was holding him back, he’d be a happy man.

Suddenly wanting to touch her, Jax tucked his hand under the
table, placing it over her bare knee, under the hem of her dress. Satin smooth
skin met his palm. She trembled a little bit, jolting upright, her body
incredibly warm.

Rubbing her knee, he soothed as much as she’d permit. She’d
been going on about her and Remington’s road trip, her voice stalling out,
proving she was aware of him.

“I…um, I’m sorry, I’ve talked too much,” she apologized to
everyone at the table.

“Don’t be sorry,” Jax said. “Tell us more. Where did you
stop on your way to Dare?”

Eve turned her head to look at Remy, sharing a smile that
Jax envied. He couldn’t begrudge them the time they spent alone. But that
didn’t stop the harsh reality that they shared a relationship he wasn’t privy
to yet.

“We went to Bryce Canyon a couple of days ago. It’s
beautiful,” she shared, her hand settling lightly over Jax’s. “If possible, I’d
love to see the Grand Canyon but given the need to get footage for Remy’s
program, time may not permit it.”

“Grand Canyon is majestic,” Jax told her. “You’d probably
love it, but I have to say that Bryce is my favorite of the two. What else did
you two do?”

Beneath the table, Evelyn clutched Jax’s hand, bringing it
across her lap to her right leg. No mistaking the heavy hand that came to rest
over Jax’s knuckles. She’d done it. She’d given them permission to touch each
other. Damn, he didn’t expect it but he was grateful.

“We had to make an unexpected stop in Colorado due to a
freak accident,” Evelyn continued. “Before that, we’d visited a number of
battlegrounds, houses and hotels rumored to have paranormal activity.”

“Ghost hunting must be fascinating, Remy. Sorry, I’m
assuming it’s all right to go with Remy over Remington,” Gabriel commented.

“Whatever works for you, no worries,” Remington answered.
“You’re right, it’s fascinating, my life’s work really.”

“Why?” Jax asked, turning his hand over in Evelyn’s palm so
that he could hold Remington’s hand.

“I’ve always been attracted to the unexplainable,” Remy
said. “The universe is infinite, created by the ultimate Master, God. Why are
humans so determined to deny the existence of life beyond death?”

“There’s more to it than that, isn’t there?” Jax ventured a

“The only way to explain it is to say that I’ve wanted to
prove to those I love most that my belief in ghosts isn’t a fluke or a trend
for reality TV,” Remy admitted.

“What is it about?” Gabriel inquired, sitting forward a
little. “It’s okay if you’d rather not say. We all have our secrets in Dare.
That’s part of the town’s appeal. Here you can be whoever you want and no one
will judge you.”

“I don’t think it’s a fluke. My house is haunted,” Jax
claimed. “Just ask Avery, she and Hazard experienced one of my supernatural

“That’s true. We had an encounter with a sailor who’d
attached himself to an object in the room we were in.”

“What was the object?” Eve asked curiously, shifting subtly.
Her curiosity was contagious.

“Let’s just say it was red and something one might find at
my brother’s castle,” Avery declared.

“Ah, I gotcha,” Eve remarked, flushing prettily.

“You’ve got to see Jax’s house when you’re here, Eve,” Avery
said. “It once belonged to Darius Hamilton himself.”

“Yes, it did.” Jax relaxed, enjoying the chance to hold
hands with Evelyn and Remington. It was uncomplicated, yet promised a whole lot
more would unfold if Remy didn’t hold Eve back.

Thinking on it, if Remy had offered up Evelyn on a silver
platter, he’d be disappointed. He was interested in having a ménage with them,
but not at the expense of their relationship.

Once they left town, his life would go back to normal.
Theirs would continue without him. Why that felt like a stab to the solar
plexus, he didn’t know and it was best not to examine it too closely.

“Mr. Wynter, do you by chance have a library or a historical
society in town? Much of what I gathered online about Dare was basic. I know it
was originally a boomtown that nearly went extinct until it was rescued from
auction, but there’s so much more to learn while I’m here.”

“I have an extensive library in my mountain house about the
town, Nevada and the silver mining rush that took place here,” he said, letting
his eyes wander over her pretty face. Nice skin, a dusting of freckles on her
nose that he’d like to kiss, soft kissable lips, the upper slightly fuller.

“Oh, wonderful,” she exclaimed. “You won’t mind if I invade
your library for research? Anything I can do to back up Remy’s findings while
we’re here will help make his show stronger.”

“Of course, you’re welcome in my home anytime. The
historical society and museum is small, open only a few days a week, but you’ll
find items and dating back to the original boomtown. I’ll make sure to get you
a key with total access.”

Her face lit up with curiosity. Wow, she was wholesome,
pretty in a way that was natural. She wore a little makeup, enough to accent
her hazel eyes and sweep of her cheekbones. Her shoulders were narrow, her
waist trim, maybe a little too thin.

Wetting his lips at the thought of watching Remy make love
to her, he tightened his fingers, slowly sliding their hands up under her
hemline. Eve shivered, her hazel eyes widening.

She shook her head just enough to say no, her lips parted,
uttering a near-silent, “Yes.” Arousal darkened her cheeks. Eve shifted again,
squirming some.

“What is it you do for Remington?” he asked, thinking that
wasn’t meant to be sexual, but if she told him in detail what she did to Remy
in bed he wouldn’t stop her.

“Mainly, I verify any historical records about a town, home
or battleground to be investigated in order to decipher between fact and urban
legend. That way Remy can decide if a particular place is worth investigating,
especially if it’s expensive to take a team there.”

“What do you mean?” Jax asked, glancing at Remy.

Remy’s eyes were on Eve, his hand remained locked with hers
and Jax’s. It was the lady who shifted in her chair, parting her legs a little.

Soft thighs beckoned further exploration and Jax tested her
boundaries, discovering she was willing to let him guide Remy’s hand up farther
up her smooth thigh. Hell yeah, she felt good. He bet she’d smell amazing, and
her pussy would taste delicious.

“Unfortunately, the reality-TV craze has caused some owners
or managements to charge an astronomical amount for a team to set up equipment
at say a prison or crumbling hospital,” Remy said. “Some want the publicity and
the tourism and some say they charge a lot to pay for the upkeep.”

“Curiously, have you gone to that farm house in Villisca,
Iowa?” Gabriel asked.

Remy shook his head. “I avoid places where children were
murdered and can only assume that the sadness at the Axe Murder House must be
overwhelming. I’d feel claustrophobic before leaving the kitchen.”

“Can’t say I blame you, but why?” Jax questioned. There was
something significant in what Remy said. He didn’t want to miss it.

“My kid brother was killed by the neighborhood ice cream
man.” The pain of Remy’s confession softened Jax’s hardened heart, making him
want to pull Remy onto his lap and hold him. “It took five years for our family
to find Blair’s body, but I knew he’d died the day he went missing.”

“What the hell, Remy? I’m sorry,” Jax offered, thinking
condolences weren’t enough to erase that kind of pain. He knew it all too well.
“We shouldn’t have pushed.”

“It’s all right,” Remy assured. “My brother’s at peace now.
He’s the first ghost I’d ever seen and the reason I do what I do.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Jax said. “Still doesn’t make it
easier. I know how it feels to lose someone you love. Your brother must have
been special to you.”

“He was, still is.” Remy let go long enough to pat Jax’s
hand, comforting him even though it was Remy who should’ve been comforted. “Do
you think you can provide Eve some guidance with her research? It’ll help when
I start setting up cameras, if you and the town council agree to let me.”

“Will the filming interfere with our visitors or jeopardize
their anonymity?” Jax inquired.

“Not at all,” Remy answered. “Lockdowns usually occur at
night because I need as little interference from the public as possible.”

“Can I be part of the investigation?” Jax asked.

“Sure, if Eve doesn’t mind. On this trip, she’s been helping
me with EVP sessions. There’s something about her voice spirits are attracted

“I guess that means I have to stay home,” Gabriel remarked.

“How good are you at being an equipment tech?” Remy asked.

Gabriel shrugged. “I’m tech savvy, if that’s what you need
to know.”

“Then I wouldn’t object to having more help. Except for Eve,
my team’s back home in Massachusetts,” Remington said. “We came out this way to
see if I can expand our TV market beyond New England.”

“Since when are you interested in ghosts, Gabriel?” Jax

Gabriel looked across the table at him. “Since now, what’s
the problem?”

“Are you going to invite Taylor on the ghost hunt?”

“Maybe, if Remy and Eve think it’s okay.”

“First things first. Eve and I need to do some preliminary
research with Jaxon. If Gabriel and Taylor want to help with the hunt, we’ll
break up into teams of two or three and go from there.”

Remy’s tone of voice changed, reflecting dedication to his
profession and his confidence. Gone from him now was the switch Jax had engaged
in the bathroom. He was top dog when it came to ghost hunting.

Jax respected him for it. He didn’t like Gabriel poking in
on his territory. Jax had to remind himself that despite what went down in the
men’s room, Remy and Eve weren’t his.

Not yet anyway. He aimed to change that tonight. It might be
too soon, but to hell with that. Only if they objected would Jax back off until
tomorrow. He’d promised Remy as much in the bathroom.

“Evelyn, as I’d said before, you’re welcome to spend
whatever time you need in my library as well as the museum. In addition to the
key, I’ll be glad to provide any information I have to help you.”

“That’s great. Would there be a record of the Hamilton
family, by chance? In addition to US History at Salem Community College, I also
teach genealogy.”

“You’re a professor?” Gabriel inquired.

“Not quite, but I’m working on it. I’m looking into earning
my doctorate so I can teach at the university level.”

“Are you planning on specializing in genealogy or history
for your PhD?” Jax asked.

“History, although understanding one’s family tree is a
means of learning their personal history,” Eve answered.

“I’ve an interest in genealogy,” he admitted.

“May I ask why?”

“My mother, Saraphina, is confined in a special care
facility in Carson City for Alzheimer’s patients and can’t tell me much about
my family history, namely on my father’s side.”

Eve, sweetheart that she was, let go of his and Remy’s hands
only to reach out and touch Jax’s arm and hold on tightly. “Oh, Jaxon, your mom
is ill? Is there anything I can do to help?”

“She’s doing very well, considering. She has her good days,
especially since her husband lives with her. They moved to Carson City a couple
of months ago to a facility that’s perfect for patients with her condition.”

“But your father?” she asked, compassion causing tears to
fill her pretty eyes.

“Is only a name to me,” he told her quietly. “For reasons I
fail to understand, he left my mother when she became pregnant and she ended up
part of a brothel to care for me, eventually becoming the madam.”

Eve’s eyes went wide as saucers. “Wow.”

“Mama’s an angel who doesn’t remember much about that time
in her life. During one of her lucid moments she told me the name of the only
man she’d ever loved until she met Gerald. I can only assume he’s my father.”

“Do you want me to help you trace your father’s lineage?”

“Yes, but if we can keep it quiet, I’d appreciate it.
Gabriel and Avery know about my mother.”

“Of course,” she said. “I won’t say a word.”

“What Eve said goes with me. Anything I can do to help,
you’ve got it,” Remy offered.

“We’ll resume this conversation when we’re alone.”

“Okay,” Evelyn agreed, smiling just for Jax.

In an instant, his semi-hard cock went to stone hardness.
She was a pretty little thing, it was all he could do not to pick her up and
set her on his lap. What the hell? He wanted to cuddle. Maybe he should
practice cracking his bullwhip just to remind himself he was more prickly than

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