MenageaDare (16 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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Enraptured, she soared, closing her eyes and forgetting all
save Remy’s arms and Jaxon’s tongue. Only then did her new lover relent and
ease her back down, his gentleness surprising her when he kissed the sensitive
skin along her inner thigh. It was nice, and for a moment she simply enjoyed
the ride.

Opening her eyes sometime later, she realized the three of
them were no longer standing by the door. They’d moved to the sofa halfway
across the sitting room. Remy held her in his lap. Jaxon’s head was on Remy’s
shoulder, his arm secured around Eve’s waist.

“Wow, if either of you want to tell me how we got here, it’d
be appreciated.”

“I carried you,” Remy explained. “You flew, sugar. I had to
make sure you didn’t crash or become frightened when you came back down.”

“I what?” she asked, having heard the term when she’d gone
on ladies nights out with her girlfriends but she hadn’t been able to relate.

“You flew, Evelyn,” Jaxon explained. “While you were
enjoying the adrenaline rush, Remy told me you’re only beginning to explore

“That’s true, I’ve been researching. Two of my best friends
are submissives.”

“I’m a Master, baby girl. I train D/s partners or I take
care of submissives whose mates aren’t able to satisfy their needs. Admittedly,
it’s been a while since I’ve had a couple in my home.”

“I understand. If you’re worried that I’ll judge you harshly
or ask you to change, think again. I’d never do that. From what I’ve learned,
you can’t turn off being a Dominant any more than Remy can stop being a

“If I push you, say something, okay?” Jaxon requested. “I
don’t want to hurt you, ever. Same goes for Remy.”

“You’re the sexiest man I’ve been with in a very long time,”
Remy confessed. “For the record, I’m not afraid of anything you do to me. But
like you, I don’t want Eve to suffer pain. I’m in the lifestyle but I’m not a
sadist, got it?”

“She won’t have to worry,” Jaxon said. “I’m not either.”

“I’m not afraid,” Eve said, still stunned at what just
happened. “Being with two of the sexiest men alive is something I’d only ever

“You imagined having a ménage before?” Jaxon questioned.

“Not until I met Remy and started reading Ransom Hunter
books,” she admitted without thinking.

“That’s good. We should get moving,” Jax insisted, tensing
up. “If we miss Trevor and Red’s big moment, they’ll never forgive me. At least
now I understand why he claimed her so fast in the beginning.”

“What do you mean?” Remy asked.

“Another time I’ll try to explain. I don’t understand what’s
going on between us, but I knew the moment we touched that you and Evelyn would
be my lovers. I’m still trying to figure it out.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t,” Eve suggested. “Sometimes God has a
plan that no one can see or understand until it all unfolds.”

“Do you think God forgives the unforgivable?” Jaxon asked

“Of course, I do, but if you’re referring to yourself please
know I think you’re an amazing man.”

“I’m a selfish bastard, Evelyn,” Jaxon argued, finally
withdrawing. “So selfish that regardless of the fact that Hazard threatened to
have me castrated if I hurt either of you, I’m willing to risk becoming a
eunuch to be with you and Remy.”

Eve grabbed Jax’s hand when he suddenly jumped up and
attempted to escape.

“Stop it, Jaxon.”

“Stop what?”

“Thinking you’re a selfish bastard. I don’t see you that

“Neither do I,” Remy assured, placing his hand over hers,
securing Jaxon in front of them. “A selfish bastard wouldn’t understand how to share
Eve. He’d keep her all to himself.”

“Yes, I would. If you let me, I’ll fuck, train and dominate
your woman. Then I’ll turn around and fuck you, spank you, whatever you need,
right in front of her. That’s the kind of man I am.”

“I hope you live up to your promises. You should know that
anything you do to me I’ll do to you. But if you break Eve’s heart, you won’t
have to worry about Hazard. I’ll turn you into a eunuch.”

“Jaxon, are you planning to break our hearts?” she asked.

“No, but I’ve been known to fuck and leave as I feel fit.
I’m not known for commitment, not since they died.”

“Who died? Share with us, let us help you,” Eve asked
softly, thinking she already knew the answer.

“My husband and wife,” he answered.

Remy sat up straighter, maintaining contact with Jaxon. “You
were married?”

Jaxon nodded sadly. “Legally, Gemma and Niko were married
before I came into the picture. When we became a triad we shared private vows
on the beach in Malibu.”

“You fell in love with them,” Eve said, not to judge but to

“Yes, they were my life partners.”

“How did they die?” Remy asked, remaining supportive.

“Carbon monoxide poisoning,” Jaxon divulged, his head
downturned, his posture resigned. “I was away, schmoozing with Hollywood

“That’s horrible,” Eve said, wishing there was something she
could do to change the outcome and honestly surprised that he gave that much of
himself away.

“Had you any idea about the poisoning?” Remy asked.

“None,” he answered. “Niko had taken Gemma to our cabin in
Big Bear while I was away. The furnace and chimney were supposed to be checked
frequently, but something was forgotten. When I’d last spoken to them they
complained of flu symptoms. I told them to get to the doctor for Tamiflu or

Much as he tried to back away, Eve and Remy didn’t let him.
But all the while, she felt Jaxon tremble, understanding that the pain of his
loss was still echoing through him. She wished she could take away his pain,
change the past, but since she couldn’t, she could be supportive and

“Jaxon I wish I could change that outcome for you, same as I
wish I could bring Blair back to Remy and bring my mother back,” she said. “But
you couldn’t have known something like that would happen.”

“We’ve all lost loved ones. Maybe that’s why we’re together,
to help each other heal,” Jaxon murmured, collapsing before her, his arms
coming around her, at last holding on as tightly as she held him.

Remy went to his knees, moving behind Jaxon to wrap his arms
around him. “If we’re too much for you too soon, Jax, say the word. We’ll do a
couple ghost hunts and take our findings back to my producers.”

Jaxon eased back first. “I don’t know what I can promise
yet. What I do know is that that we’ve just met and I want to see how our story

“You sound as if it’s going to have an end,” Eve said sadly,
unable to deny the pain that shot through her at the thought of losing Jaxon so

“No, baby girl, I haven’t stopped thinking about either of
you since I witnessed Remington fucking you in a tiny camper.”

“How is that possible?”

“I recall my dreams in vivid detail and many times they’re a
glimpse into what my future has in store.”

“We’re your future. Is that what you think?”

“Maybe, if that’s what you want, Evelyn.”

“Jaxon, before we go further, you should know something,”
she said.

“One of the reasons you came here was to meet Ransom
Hunter,” Jaxon stated before she could get the words out herself. “Hate to tell
you this, baby girl, but he’s on hiatus indefinitely. It’s me or nothing, take
your pick.”

“How did you know I was a fan?” she asked, hoping she didn’t
frighten him away.

“Back when Red first came here, Hazard and I had a heart to
heart. He let me know his girlfriend’s best friend back in Danvers had a
fan-crush on Ransom…me.”

“He did? He didn’t meet me until he came to Danvers.”

“He knew of you, Evelyn. When were you going to ask for my

Lifting her chin, she looked him square in the eyes. “I
don’t want your autograph. It’s not Ransom I want to be my lover. It’s you, Jaxon.”

“I keep telling you, you’re too sweet for your own good,” he
said, still holding onto her, still there and not angry.

“I never intended to expose your secret identity. I hope you
know that.” He laughed at that.

“Seems as if we both have an affinity for vampires, I’d say
we have a connection because of it. If I thought for a moment you were out to
expose me or hurt me, I’d have kicked your cute ass outta here hours ago. Will
you do me a favor?”

“Of course,” she replied.

“Don’t tell Avery,” he requested. “Hazard’s known about
Ransom from the beginning. I want him to tell her.”

“I have to admit, I’m surprised you told us so soon,” Remy

“My only explanation is that I don’t feel threatened by your
knowledge. If anything, it’s a relief. As time goes by, I’m no longer inclined
to hide the fact that I’m the author of a book series that hit all the
bestseller lists and continues to do so in reissues.”

“Do you think you’ll write again?” Remy asked.

“At this point, I can only say I’m trying but it hasn’t
happened the way I’d wanted. A lot is on hold, as I said before. With that,
it’s time we get going or we’ll be late.”

“Thank you for trusting us, Jaxon,” she said, hugging him
tightly before getting up. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I need to fix my hair
and check my makeup.”

She dashed out of the room then, hoping she didn’t have to
waste much time getting back to them. Fortunately it only took a few minutes to
finger comb her hair and brush her teeth again.

Finished, she went back into the enormous bedroom, stopping
short. Remy was helping Jaxon unpack his overnight bag. They were talking
together, their closeness making her long to be between them.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

Jaxon turned toward her. “We’re setting up some things for

“What types of things?”

“If we told you that now we’d spoil the surprise. Trust me
when I say Jaxon has excellent taste in toys,” Remy said.

Flushing from the roots of her head to her toes, she strode
forward, noticing that the men had zipped up. Jaxon looked gorgeous in his suit
and tie. Remy looked sexy in his leathers.

“It’s always good to be prepared,” she said, laughing.

Jaxon came up to her, his stride as powerful as Remy’s. So
much so, she ended up backing into the doorjamb.

“That’s right,” he said. “Know there are many things I’m
going to do to you both tonight.”

“Promise?” she asked.

“Yes, promise,” he stated. “But there’s something I need to

“What’s that?” she whispered, becoming nervous.

Jaxon’s hands suddenly grasped her waist, tight, unbreakable.
One second she was spinning away from the door, the next Remy wrenched her away
from Jaxon, her hair in his hands, her head tilted to the left.

“I need to stake my claim,” Jaxon told her.

“For you, Jaxon,” Remy said, baring her throat for Jaxon.

Jaxon swooped in without preamble, biting her throat. Eve
experienced then how it’d feel to become a sex slave to a vampire. Jaxon’s bite
marked her, turning her on.

“Mine,” Jaxon claimed the second he freed her throat,
leaving behind a love bite. She could feel the heat of it.

“Bite her, lover mine,” he ordered Remy.

The two men moved in such an accord that she’d been
manipulated from Remy’s arms to Jaxon’s easily. It was inevitable for Remy to
latch onto the same tender spot that Jaxon had bitten.

“Mine,” Remy declared when he raised his head then grabbed
Jaxon and French kissed him.

“We have to go,” Eve argued, trying to be the voice of
reason. The three let each other go, all rattled.

“As soon as Trevor’s ring is on Avery’s hand and everyone’s
happy, we are back here, naked, in that bed.”

“My turn in the bathroom,” Remy said, breaking off to
disappear. Jaxon joined him.

A minute later the two came back out, both extremely
handsome and smelling of mouthwash. It was habit to wait for the two to grab
her hands, Remy to her right, Jaxon to her left.

“Wait, my purse,” she said, remembering it before they
reached the door.

“You won’t need it. I gave Jax a room key. Figured he’d want
to come and go.”

“Would rather come and stay a while, Remy. When you two are
ready, you’ll come to the mountain house and stay with me.”

“I admit I’m curious about this house of yours,” she said.
“Avery’s told me some. She said it’s beautiful, massive and has dozens of

“I think you’ll like it there, Evelyn. There’s a library and
six dungeons in addition to my master bedroom and my own dungeon.”

“That makes seven dungeons. What do you need so many for?”
she asked.

“Told you about the training sessions I’ve done in the past.
I’ve also been known to host parties that are far more hardcore than any
munches you’ve heard of previously.”

“I should warn you. I don’t like pain and I hate needles or
sharp objects. I may have a vampire fetish, but I don’t want to bleed for

“I won’t make you bleed, but I noticed you cut your knee.
Are you okay?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she murmured, embarrassed. Thankfully,
the scrap of toilet tissue had fallen off when she’d put on the nude stockings.

“It’s okay, baby girl,” he crooned softly, seeming to
understand that she’d struggled with a moment of insecurity. “Maybe you should
try depilatories?”

“Can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I break out in yucky
bumps. I’ve a bikini trim.”

“So I saw. You’re gorgeous. Maybe sometime you’ll let me
shave you or you can try hot waxing?”

“Do I have a say in this?”

“Of course, I said maybe. I can’t recommend hot waxing Remy.
Did that once, bad idea, shaving’s the way to go for him.”

“Feel free to be pretty and smooth if that’s your thing, but
under no circumstances is anything resembling a razor coming near my balls,”
Remy stated.

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